- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
?? @ScorpioBert
‘American Idol’ Wish List: What We Want to See When It Returns In 2018 http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7792094/american-idol-abc-return-wish-list … via @billboard
Lilybop @lilybop2010
New Video: Adam Lambert – Dirty Pop w/ Lance Bass, IMPROVED AUDIO + Queenbert, Birthday, Sweden, Glee pics & GIFS
(from 2014)
Twitter is abuzz that hopefully Adam would be considered as Judas. It’s what he’s always wanted!
33 seconds from that interview…Pharaoh
cocoo @cocooyau 13m13 minutes ago
YES, luval – JUDAS!
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 39s40 seconds ago
Today’s #stupidfact – There are only two words in the English language that end in “gry” . . . angry and hungry.
Snapchat pics –
September 2016 –
JHud not on AI, it seems –
This is probably my favorite hairdo for Adam
“NBC Sets ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ Live Musical for Spring 2018”
“NBC Plots Live ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ for Easter 2018”
Finally an XFactor Adam mention
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
Who Should Judge ABC’s ‘American Idol’ Reboot?
http://www.buddytv.com/articles/american-idol/who-should-judge-abcs-american-64599.aspx …
Regarding Adam ever playing Judas…what about the tattoos? I don’t think there’s makeup out there that could cover up his arms. Although in Biblical days they might have had long sleeves. Definitely had long pants…made out of burlap or something.
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Heaven on their minds
Judas costume is safe for Adam and it’s in red.
And the whole movie …. here …
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973)
It’s one of my all time favs. There is a remake one later …. more rock and contemporary. I like the original one better.
Seems like there is makeup out there that can be used.
Check out this video for dermablend – https://youtu.be/9mIBKifOOQQ
Thanks, asif – mesmerizing performance –
That was SHOCKING, AL!
Our Adam’s version …
Adam Lambert American Idol 2009 Pre Idol Days Heaven on Their Minds LIVE PERFORMANCE
Leah Michelle has around 40 tats. Never saw them on Glee.
Professional makeup. No worries.
Maybe a modern version will have tats.
Who cares. IMHO
WOW!! AL. Good to know dermablend can cover Adam’s hands and arms.
luval– The Q104.3 interview with Adam that you posted earlier today was great! It was full of interesting tidbits about his earliest musical endeavors, Brian, Roger, and Pharaoh. It’s so funny that his plan to not let Pharaoh sleep in his bed lasted only 2 nights. What a pushover! Haha! I would never let my cats sleep on my bed.
I’ve missed seeing new interviews and musical performances from Adam the past few months. I’m glad to see that things are picking up again. June and the QAL tour will be here before we know it!
Nope…not one cat on your bed, mmm222
I remember the modern version that was done once of JCSS. I hated it! Think there might be clips on YouTube.
I love that movie and the play. I must have seen them dozens of times. My brother played Judas in a local production here in town. I even sewed the outfit for the finale for his Judas character. It was silver shimmering material with long fringe on the arms. Kinda like Adam’s first QAL outfit.
luval … This long fringe on arms costume?
Imagine Adam with this entrance …
Jesus Christ Superstar – Superstar
As much as I would love to see Adam in this, I think Leslie Odom is hot right now, and he’ll end up doing Judas.
Maybe Terrance could land a role dancing
Alison Porter as Mary?
Adam would be phenomenal as Judas, but I don’t want to get my hopes up too high and be disappointed if
the role goes to someone else. He certainly killed it as Eddie. Hopefully, the powers that be will take that into account when they cast the role of Judas.
TALCvids @TALCvids 58m58 minutes ago
.@AdamLambert: The punk rocker who now tours with @QueenWillRock http://dailym.ai/2pB0AFi via @MailOnline
Al Kahn ?????? @idolxfactor1 13h13 hours ago
What @RyanSeacrest Thinks About @kelly_clarkson As An #Idol Judge..Maybe @adamlambert A Judge? Plus Disneyland & Disney World Auditions #ET
I can’t pin it down why I don’t want Kelly Clarkson to be a judge. Seeing her in many interviews over the years she doesn’t seem to have the music “smarts”, the wit, the spark to judge. Seems like a nice lady but that’s about it. IMO…Guess I did pin it down!
Runs in the family
AttitudeVerified account @AttitudeMag
Paris Hilton’s younger brother Conrad shouts homophobic slur in court as judge orders him to psychiatric hospital:
http://attitude.co.uk/conrad-hilton-shouts-homophobic-slur-in-court-as-judge-orders-him-to-psychiatric-hospital/ …
IMO I think the only way Adam could get this role is if there’s a huge fan of his at NBC and the people who cast. And they push really really hard for him. Doubt if fan support would help at all.
Think I might go out and buy some Dermablend, AL.
The guy in the video looks like he has regrets about the face tats.
Sadly, I don’t like the Idol option. I think the whole Disney thing puts me off – they’ll really narrow the talent pool, prob throw in some Disney ringers, and also bland Kelly who has little real music knowledge will fit right in. I was not impressed with her judging in the last season, she literally told one person she won already, on camara. Gushingly.
As for JCSS, I would love it for Adam, assuming he still wants it. But, there is no love for him at NBC (Fox lite). He made it onto Fallon and Today for Ghost Town, but NO interview.
Alisan PorterVerified account @alisanporter 46m46 minutes ago
@adamlambert we done good. ??? @scarlettcherry @leecherry #riff #aftermath @ElyRise @ferras
Inside Access: Adam Lambert, OneRepublic, Jason Aldean
Celebrity Page TV Network
Hmmmm. Guess I don’t have to be concerned about her being on idol
TALCvids @TALCvids
During a Twitter party today, singer/song-writer Sarah Hudson kindly answered some questions about working w Adam Lambert
Also on Billboard
Kelly Clarkson joins #TheVoice, squashing #AmericanIdol rumors
milkywayfairy @milkywayfairy 3m3 minutes ago
?This Soundtrack Details! #Think by @AdamLambert – ‘Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie’ http://filmmusicreporter.com/2017/05/11/captain-underpants-the-first-epic-movie-soundtrack-details/ … @filmmusicrep
PattiHum @PattiHum 11m11 minutes ago
FYI, Captain underpants is a HUGE book series with kids and tweens! HUGE!
Simone @skaschep 19m19 minutes ago
Simone Retweeted Film Music Reporter
Soundtrack with #Think from @AdamLambert released digitally on June 2, 2017
The Trailer
My sons used to love Captain underpants when they were about 9…..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY … sweet and special mils!!!
Have a wonderful day filled with love, joy, and happiness!!!
May all your wishes and dreams come true!!!
Wishing you many fabulous fun times celebrating!