- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
This picture.
Perfect face is perfect
JustJared.comVerified account @JustJared 31m31 minutes ago
#AmericanIdol has reportedly signed a deal with ABC and Kelly Clarkson may be a judge! http://www.justjared.com/2017/05/05/american-idol-reportedly-signs-deal-with-abc-for-reboot/ …
If true, IMO it knocks out Adam in the running. Don’t think they’d have 2 former Idol contestants on panel.
I never saw this snippet
Lilybop @lilybop2010 20m20 minutes ago
? Aww. Adam’s Grandma. ?Rapid Fire Concert Themed Questions for Adam Lambert #nationalconcertday https://youtu.be/LYgRCz0Vt5A
Agree about Love Kills luval…would also love to see IWBTLY make a regular appearance.
I wouldn’t mind Kelly Clarkson as a judge..think she would be fun and straight talking.
Yes HK, to both. Love Kills and IWBTLY, and throw in Save Me.
Could I even dream for Dragon Attack?
Sylvia Grant @SylviaGrant211
–Adam in white….Angel #1000AdamFaces
Glambert_Angels @Glambert_Angels
You have now provided 3 FULL camp scholarships to @TYEFofficial’s Youth! On to #4! Thank U @adamlambert fans!
Holly Hyman’s IG about TOH tour.
(Adam “liked” her ig)
BLOWING KISS FACE: Says I’ll come back later.
Be back later after dinner.
And I have good news. I got 5 QAL tickets for July 9 at Sprint Center, KC. The $20 ones from the NATION LIVE promo. Kinda nosebleed- section. But no seats are bad for QAL concert … RIGHT?
If anybody wants to experience from the top tier to see the stage , lights and the whole thing in full glory …
I’m happy to give them away. Some of my daughter’s friends might enjoy the show too.
Details later.

Weird how they’re all getting nostalgic about TOH tour. Adam Ross this morning, Holly now. Here’s Terrance from the last couple of days
Can’t wait to hear the details on your $20.00 tickets, asifclueless.
This article says “former finalists as judges. Adam mention.
INFO|@AdamLambert will reach 1 million followers on Instagram soon!!!
Hey, luval – that van Gogh illusion you posted is so interesting – the painting moved!
“Queen’s Roger Taylor Releases New Song & Short Film ‘Journey’s End’”
Hi everyone –
Looking forward to seeing many of you soon for the QAL shows! They’re coming up fast!
I wanted to let you know that I have added all of the European and UK tour shows to the “who’s-going-to-what-shows” spreadsheet. So if any of you will be going to the European/UK shows, please let us know by filling in the spreadsheet!
The link to the spreadsheet is at the top of the tour planning thread here: https://www.adamlambertlive.org/queen-adam-concerts/
adamized – I’m so sorry that you are not going to be able to make it to the Hollywood Bowl show. But you are right – your seat comes with two fabulously fun seat-mates (mmm222 and me!)!
If any of you ALLers are interested in taking adamized‘s ticket and joining mmm222 and me at the show, we would be thrilled to share it with you! They are great seats, and even better seat mates!
Here is the information again: The show is June 26 at the Hollywood Bowl; $251.58. We are in the “super seats” which are just behind the boxes, in the center of the venue. Section G1, Row 4, Seats 15,17,19. (Seat map of the venue: https://blog.tickpick.com/the-best-hollywood-bowl-seating-chart-with-seat-numbers/)
Think about it!!

Chai @Chai_Chai5 3h3 hours ago
Chai Retweeted Chai
@adamlambert This is NOT Queen + Adam Lambert live. Japanese Queen tribute band ”Gueen”. They would like to say BIG THANKS to Adam Lambert.
Same outfit as Adam.
They had play for Sir Paul McCartney and his wife at their secret party in Japan.
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
In case you want to buy same socks like Adam’s ?
Noëlle ?♐?? @OZzeeGal 5h5 hours ago
Aww…. he added “my Nephew” https://www.instagram.com/p/BTszl2VghKD/
Dr Judy A @DrJudyA 2m2 minutes ago
Most Stylish Men April 2017 winners https://news.bgfashion.net/article/14376/2/Most-Stylish-Men-April-2017-winners … via @fashionbg
Adam #2
Signed & sealed
TVLine.comVerified account @TVLine 4m4 minutes ago
Report: ABC Closes #AmericanIdol Deal, Ryan Seacrest Eyed to Return https://tvline.com/2017/05/05/american-idol-reboot-abc-revival-fox/ …
AVRadio @AVRadio 28m28 minutes ago
Rockin’ the weekend with 2 hours of your #ClassicRock favorites today 12noon – 2pm ET
Beautiful profile pic –
good morning glamiy i hope you have an amazing day!!
Really cute –
✨?✨ Adam Lambert stumbled on Prince’s private show in a NYC club. Gatekeeper: “Hey, are you that guy?” “Yeah, that’s me.”
Mariana @_swoosh14
This is exciting! Adam will reach 1M followers on ig tonight. He has got 8k new followers just in a couple of days. IDK what is happening ?
Mariana @_swoosh14
999 962…999 967…999 971 now. He is getting new followers as we speak lol I haven’t seen this happening before. Like this fast
“Adam Lambert: Queen’s songs are about ‘the heart and the spirit'”
“Rock Stars and their fans converge on Irving Plaza for Live Nation National Concert Day!”
?TOH ?#AdamLambert 1 year & 1 day ago in Zürich? incl m&g?
??✨ Happy Day. ? ! million Instagram followers @adamlambert
Now it’s over 1M lol ….something is cooking ?
TravelBert @JazzRocks3
Replying to @PattiHum @coptoit and 2 others
Hmmm we’ll know eventually. I hope he gets the best.
He’s painting now
Gelly @14gelly 28m28 minutes ago
Adam the artist
She’s serious
remember once there was an interview i. Which Adam was asked to paint a fruitbaowl with some fruit in it…together with someone else of the tv program ? He was making quite a serious effort.
asifclueless i love –CLASSY OLD HOLLYWOOD GLAM #1000AdamFaces
daddy loves ari @MoonlightPandas 3h3 hours ago
I liked a @YouTube video http://www.youtube.com.ln.is/XjuxS AFTER HOURS – Adam Lambert ft. Stephen James
Here is his “art”, Axxxel
Adam retweeted two of Allison’s tweets –
That’s a very good song and video. IMHO. Allison has really matured. The lyrics by Paul Williams? Wow.
He’s a legend. Just happened to watch A Star is Born last week on TCM when they had the Babs marathon for her birthday. He did most of the songs for that iconic movie, many memories….that finale of I Want One More Look at You and Are You Watching Me Now still knocks me out.
But back to Allison Iraheta, very nice to see our guy still supporting her. Especially after he mentioned how they had drifted in a recent interview.
Out last night
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
WOW via sebastian__xo These boys can’t slow me down
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18252989_1877061782542132_8482502659469737984_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/FPWclwFqXiM?a Adam Lambert’s snapchat story 7/5/17
kai357? @kai357 5h5 hours ago
? Retweeted harumi
Message from Gueen last night “Special thanks to Mr. Adam Lambert, for bringing Brian and Roger – Queen, to Japan”
Close up of the Queen cover band from Japan
omg snippet of Killer Queen from “Gueen”
Lilybop @lilybop2010 9m9 minutes ago
☀️ Adam’s May 7 Snapchat Edit with Terrance, further enhanced. Adam says “Festival we went to.”
Reading that Forbes article at 8:51, luval – thank the universe Adam has Queen –