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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Totally agree with you guys.
JMO but Katy and Adam are both pop and the panel has to cover a lot of demographic ground. There has to be some kind of nod to country. Also, there is no way they are going to have an all-white panel.
I hope that I am wrong but I just don’t see it.
TLKC – I didn’t even think about the fact that it would be an all white panel. I guess it would be groundbreaking to have a gay judge – didn’t think about that either. As a nod to country, Carrie Underwood could guest judge.
Love your thinking sparkle, lol. I was kind-of hoping for Carrie because she and Adam would cover a lot of demographic ground (two former judges on the panel is not an issue if one of the judges has her star power).
Forgot about country. Don’t care for Carrie Underwood & definitely don’t want Kellie Pickler!
Unless they choose someone like John Legend or Jason Derullo (who expressed interest), it would not be a very diverse panel. I didn’t even think of that either, tlkc. And they would get tons of flack if it’s not.
Sheesh lots of people to choose from. But only one that would be perfect.
More men in rompers
Pret-a-ReporterVerified account @pretareporter 35m35 minutes ago
The latest head-scratching trend burning up the internet? Rompers for men: http://thr.cm/Tgh3lN
They haven’t always had a country star. That only started with Keith Urban. I would prefer Legend to Derullo but Derullo did a pretty good job on So You Think You Can Dance.
Funny thing: I got my picture taken with Jason Derullo on the same day as I met Adam at MTV in Toronto in 2010. He arrived about an hour before Adam. There were only 3 of us outside the building and the 2 teens were quite excited to see him. I had no idea who he was but it seemed churlish not to pose with him so I did. He smelled awfully good – which I told him. He was sweet.
Ashley Davidson @AshleyDavidson 21h21 hours ago
I really hope that one day @adamlambert will notice my fan art edits ❤️have a good weekend Glamberts
That’s gorgeous fan art. Thanks for posting luval.
It was very different I thought, mils.
Going out on a limb and guessing what the emoji phone message was about. Apparently most people saw this emoji:
He was telling us what he was going to do with his hair.
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 19s20 seconds ago
Wow ! Very chuffed ! The day before release – it’s Top of the Pops ! Thanks folks ! Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BUVLAeSjjPD/
Gelly @14gelly 35s35 seconds ago
OMG EEEEP charlbrown ig story
when one of your besties plays new tracks off of the upcoming album @adamlambert
https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.9792-15/e35/18675735_1603968606301459_5590487328356302848_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTUxOTE2NjQzOTA1NDgwMjUyOQ%3D%3D.2 …
Lilybop @lilybop2010 27m27 minutes ago
? Adam Lambert in Flaunt Magazine colored by @creativesharka
Photographer: Justin Campbell
Gelly @14gelly 8m8 minutes ago
His hair is silver again I love him haha and yayyy
IslandGirl @islandgirljams 21h21 hours ago
To me this is good proof MaxM is still in the mix! Ferras/ Sarah have many writing credits for Katy. Produced by Max, Ali Payami& shellback.
I think Chris Daughtry would probably be an OK judge, but I don’t find him very likeable or charismatic, and he came across as very arrogant on Idol (although to be fair not nearly as much as JHud does, can’t stand anything about her so glad she’s gone to the voice which I don’t watch
) His face when he got eliminated is one of my favourite Idol moments ever….but I think he would do OK……I can think of someone that would do better though
For the first 9 or 10 years Idol never had a country judge, so I don’t think its necessary that they have one now, but agree that they will probably have 1 black judge…
BRO DOWN with this awesome one-piece!
Oooh look at that tattoo!!! Wow !!
Make new friends but keep the old! LISA’a 40th Kick Off Weekend!!
What HKfan said.
Looking forward to the release of new music. Do you think it will be released in Sept/Oct when the QAL tour tales a rest or in the new year?
Who is Lisa?
Gelly @14gelly 40m40 minutes ago
Adam changed his header
D/L https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/46576295/1495359200/1500×500 …
tlkc Lisa is a theater friend actress of Charl Brown.
tina.p.glambert ♎️ @tinapglambert 5h5 hours ago
Historic Moment on this day 2009! ???? @QueenWillRock & @adamlambert met during the finals of @AmericanIdol …and the rest is history!!!
Avari @AvariOnline
Eeeeeekkkkk new original Adam lambert music exists!!! (Will be months & months before we hear it but it exists!!)
Heather ♎ ?63? @heathermarie_87 7h7 hours ago
Adam Lambert’s snapchat story 20/5/17
Lilybop @lilybop2010 12m12 minutes ago
? “Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie” red carpet premiere is today in LA. In theaters June 2 + Adam’s song “Think” same day.
Gabi @GabiGKoehler 19h19 hours ago
One Queen and Adam Lambert Vegas ticket for sale!!! Sat 6/24, Floor D, Row G, $200 at cost or BO. Electronically transferrable. RT!! Thx.
This Sunday’s cover story: Brian May talks exclusively to Krissi Murison @DrBrianMay @londonstereo @km_km_km_
Gelly @14gelly 3m3 minutes ago
YOU GUYS I hear @adamlambert ‘s voice for 8 sec singing Aretha Franklin’s THINK @ movie premiere Captain Underpants! https://www.instagram.com/p/BUXP2KSgFor/
He’s on the Underpants red carpet
Gelly @14gelly 51s52 seconds ago
VIDEO Charlbrown instagram story @adamlambert at the rec carpet interview premiere of Captain Underpants!! https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/16648824_260117064392622_9083467952543498240_n.mp4 …
white pants
Screen cap
Even from a distance he is gorgeous!
Adam.Lambert is ♔ @FoxVegas
From @thebrowncharl’s IG Current situation #captainunderpants..
Charl Brown is handsome & has a nice smile…and Adam looks 20 yrs old.
Lilybop @lilybop2010 29m29 minutes ago
???Dynamic Duo Adam Lambert & Charl Brown #CaptainUnderpants #Think enhanced pics
How fun that he’s at the Captain Underpants premiere! And cute as ever!
Excited to hear the full song, the clip sounded great!
Re: Charlbrown’s earlier IG
I wanna be a friend riding in his car hearing his new music….
But so glad to know that it exist!!!!!
A little hard to hear but it’s there!
Gelly @14gelly 50m50 minutes ago
OMG GUYS 29 seconds of @adamlambert singing Aretha Franklin’s THINK at the Captain Underpants premiere! https://www.instagram.com/p/BUXVS2RFI5r/
He looks great –
Gelly @14gelly
His camo jacket
GBP 669.00
Talking about his new (??) publicist.
Jennifer ♕ @iMenageTrois 20m20 minutes ago
Can this new person stay forever because they’ve only been around for awhile and they’ve already done more than S lmao
With Kelly Clarkson & Jennifer Hudson off to 'The Voice,' who might be a good Idol judge in 2018?
“adam lambert captain underpants”
#captainunderpants movie premiere! Be sure to check out my version of Aretha’s ‘Think’ featured in the film!
Gelly @14gelly 21m21 minutes ago
His camo jacket https://www.stylebop.com/en-gb/men/embellished-camo-print-cotton-jacket-268356.html?ranMID=35563&tmad=c&tmcampid=17&tmclickref=0RpXOIXA500&campaign=affiliate/linkshare/uk/&utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=adsuk&utm_campaign=linkshare&ia-pmtrack=50440005&siteID=0RpXOIXA500-l84tDiLOLM5MvDijxSAHcw#&gid=1&pid=1 …
I want a picture of him & Kevin Hart together.
I’m declaring Adam is Captain Underpants
Wonder if he’s going to the Billboard Music Awards tonight? If he does have a new publicist maybe they could have made this happen.
PattiHum @PattiHum 1m1 minute ago
Adam’s last 8 IGs are all from promo of some type! Woo Hoo! https://www.instagram.com/adamlambert/
AnnieT @AnnieWT 17m17 minutes ago
#CaptainUnderpants soundtrack list #AdamLambert
Uh yeah!!

Magenta carpet for BBM awards starting in about 15 minutes. Hmmmmm…Daughtry is one of he hosts. Livestream
Seeing Daughtry co-hosting the BBMA’s…don’t think I could bear to see/hear him for an Idol season.
Adam Lambert #CaptainUnderpants #Think