- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
My PC isn’t working right – always sumthin’ – windows won’t load – does on my laptop though – will check with with my IT gal – any suggestions?
Adam mention
Not a clue, ultimathule. Good luck with that.
Couple of cool gifs from Coachella of Adam & Sauli
I love them together
PlaybillVerified account @playbill
With live broadcasts of Rent, The Little Mermaid, A Christmas Story, and Jesus Christ Superstar on the way, tweet us your dream casts!
Can read some of the replies here
sjg66 @sjg66
Poor Sauli still having problems with the Hoover! ?
Well, luval – thought it was that WannaCry virus, but apparently not – all seems to be working now after 24 hours – excellent!
“There’s no word yet about ABC’s scheduling plan for its revival of “American Idol” but the unscripted block on Sunday seems to support speculation that “Idol” will land on the night.”
“Evan Rachel Wood Hosts a Queer Prom for LGBT Youth
After Ellen”
Adam intermittently pops up to answer questions don’t remember hearing –
Glad to hear it’s up & running, ultimathule! Wannacry was evil!!
So it’s official for one of them
American IdolVerified account @AmericanIdol 3m3 minutes ago
We are ecstatic to welcome @katyperry as a judge on ABC’s #AmericanIdol! #KatyOnIdol #Idol
Wonder if KP’s not-so-great sales of her album was a factor in her accepting –
“Katy Perry CONFIRMS she will become a judge on American Idol reboot adding she’s ‘honored’ to be a part of the iconic show”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4512618/Katy-Perry-CONFIRMed-judge-American-Idol.html#ixzz4hHJ53IGj
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
SO thrilled @ABCNetwork is bringing back @AmericanIdol, and I’m bringing it back to the ?MUSIC? ? you at auditions❗
What I thought too. I think her single debuted at #78 and then dropped.
Gelly @14gelly 31m31 minutes ago
American Idol: ABC has also held talks w @adamlambert Perry & Lambert r both represented by Direct Management Group http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/katy-perry-joins-american-idol-1202429452/ …
This sounds like fun
TVLine.comVerified account @TVLine 1m1 minute ago
Classic Sitcoms to Be Re-enacted by Today’s Stars in Live ABC Special http://tvline.com/2017/05/16/classic-sitcoms-performed-live-abc-special/ … #WhatchaTalkinBoutKimmel?
Well, I’m quite looking forward to Katy P being a judge…i think she’ll be quite good. i remember her guest judging, thought she did OK…saw a clip too, where she argued with Kara about not putting someone through just because they had a good, or sad backstory…
the guys broadcasting it have been arrested…so just left with a very limited netflix…
feeling sad at the moment…we’ve just lost our English channels
“Adam Lambert on Lady Gaga + First Time on the Radio | Exclusive Interview”
Probably seen most of this – cute interview –
What sitcom, luval, would you like to see re-enacted?
I think Seinfeld, ultimathule. I still watch the repeats every night. Honestly, I’ve only watched bits and pieces of sitcoms. Never have seen a whole episode of Friends, Golden Girls, even Will & Grace. But I know all about them and most sitcoms so it might be interesting to see how they handle the re-enactions.
Oh my Seinfeld, I have been watching the show and repeats for 10 years, every night at 10:30, I still laugh at the silly show, even after seeing it so many times. On of my very favorites is when Kramer cant sit down in the tight jeans, and has to babysit and walks like Frankenstein.
I would not be surprised to see 60’s and 70’s sitcoms re-enacted.
Scenes from DICK Van Dyke, Genie, Bewitched, Gilligan, All in the Family, Brady Bunch, and of course , Lucy.
Seinfeld, Friends are “too recent”, IMHO.
I looooove Seinfeld, I can’t even imagine it being redone. Too iconic.
MASH, still cracks me up.
Saw Katy on Ellen today, she was adorable and funny. She’s a club kid who goes back to early days with Adam. As a judge, I think she’d be open to kids who are different and unusual, and give them a chance. I like her as a judge. So far.
Well I googled “Katy Perry club kid” and ended up in her wiki account, which makes me glad she’s a judge, for all the wrong reasons.
First of all she has said in the past that she has a “multiple personality disorder”, so ABC may very well be getting several judges for the price of one (which may partially explain why the low budget project is reportedly paying her $15 million).
Also there are several moments that stand out for me apart from the amazing performance she gave at the Super Bowl last year (which I watched in awe.)
She is the proud owner of a former convent which was pretty much ripped away from some very unhappy nuns (with the help of some priests) shortly after she treated them to a solo rendition of “Oh Happy Day” while accompanying herself on the guitar. (Which I would have watched in awe if I could have but unfortunately that moment has been left to our imagination.)
She is the permanent enemy of Taylor Swift which begs the question: will Taylor Swift ever be on Idol Reboot – ever, ever ever? Will Fox launch a rival show featuring Taylor in 2020? (I am watching in awe as the network that master-minded it’s way through a 20-year cover-up of sexual harassment explains why it could never do anything so fraudulent as to introduce a reality singing show before 2021.)
Seriously, though, Katy has everything Idol wants and needs as a centre-piece judge. She is a colourful, banging entertainer who is articulate, funny and capable of bringing in a massive young audience. (Plus she’s not the best singer in the world, which leads me to thoughts of a judge who can cover that shortcoming perfectly…)
It will be fun. Looking forward to it now
The Nun’s story:
It’s even more fun to read if you are a lapsed Catholic.
Oopsy! Just found out Katy is blonde now, which puts the whole Betty and Veronica dynamic with Taylor Swift in jeopardy. NVM, she can hide the brunette but she can’t run away from it.
Please don’t shoot me BUT Katy’s selection may mean Adam is not going to be a judge now. My theory: Chris Daughtrey is to Katy what Adam is to Carrie. Since Katy is in, Chris may follow. Having said that, Idol really needs to think about the potential friction problem. Personality-wise Katy and Chris may not be the best match. He is very traditional and she is anything but. OTOH he is a grown-up so he will probably deal.
Of course we don’t know what DMG and Idol may have discussed.
Getting ready for a long day at work. See ya tomorrow!
So Adam has weekly art therapy, Pharaoh, QAL tour, maybe his own music
.And we know he reads, hikes, runs…has his tv shows. Nice that he has hobbies. Like he said in that prom interview: “when I’m not working I don’t know what to do with myself.” He’s found many things.
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
@adamlambert ig Tuesday Night Art Therapy https://www.instagram.com/p/BUL3VL_AQF3/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18579688_115185785725789_3598651388197863424_n.jpg …
Doris @starr_d 19m19 minutes ago
This is the cutest! – Watch This Little Girl Wait For Beat-drop In ‘Uptown Funk’ Before Busting Out Her Dance Moves.
oops to my post at 8:03
Oh Boy, that is for sure what he does!

His rebel nature nature comes out, and he reinvents himself.
Thank God he has strong hair.
Lambert_Numbers @ALambertNumbers 2h2 hours ago
May 17
#WOOHOO 3,000,000 views!
Huge 10 foot poster of #Queen & #AdamLambert on display at Nottingham Arena ? They’ll be back here again December. #QAL
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 3m3 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – The average $1 bill has 3,000 different types of bacteria on it.
Must be old article. What happened to Katy Perry?
ABC Entertainment president on American Idol: No talent announcements yet, but it’s the “perfect” time to bring it back
I really hope Adam does not see these,
glambotgram….I thought the exact same thing when I saw those rompers!
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 4m4 minutes ago
Popstar fans hand out 1,000th care pack to Addenbrooke’s patient
“fans of American singer Adam Lambert”
He just tweeted…..nothing there but an emoji of a ” male singer medium light-skinned tone”
Idol is supposed to be totally revamped. Maybe he’s hinting he’ll be a mentor.
Lilybop @lilybop2010 2m2 minutes ago
Lilybop Retweeted ADAM LAMBERT
?? Adam’s emoji looks different depending on device / browser / OS
My iphone shows 3 emoji’s. Male face with mustache, alien face surrounded by a square and a microphone. Laptop only shows one emoji. I think he’s just playing.
So auditions won’t just be at Disney World
American IdolVerified account @AmericanIdol
We’re hitting the road this summer! Stay tuned for audition cities and dates… coming soon!
Adam is a very good sketcher if his Berlin drawing is anything to go by. It would be interesting to see his art therapy work. Maybe sometime down the road he will feel ready to share.
Don’t shoot me but Adam could definitely wear worse than those rompers, unless he goes for the polka dot one.
IMO Adam’s tease on his iphone last night probably doesn’t mean a thing. Unless he’s going to show up on the Billboard Music awards this Sunday. Maybe as a presenter? Or how about a surprise QAL performance!!!!
ADAM LAMBERTVerified account @adamlambert 1h1 hour ago
He was out last night
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
knightoftheblackcross Just ran into Adam Lambert after the show at El Cid! https://www.instagram.com/p/BUOgOfYj_Yg/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18444495_793146280848722_2529101473753595904_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
BIG HQ PHOTO Chris Reisbeck
w @adamlambert “super star struck” https://scontent.fath4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18491522_10154340021491114_7707583129269935811_o.jpg?oh=cdca1d555c79b180da8d03a3421a7d22&oe=597B343A&dl …
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154340021491114&set=a.88197791113.96117.509451113&type=3&theater …