- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
His nose looks different?
lol, riskylady. Maybe he darkened it because he knew the party was coming and he did really want to look like a 70’s porn star.
I’m kinda done with the grey hair.
shirleyhalperinVerified account @shirleyhalperin
Katy Perry and @adamlambert share the same management, will they soon share the ‘American Idol’ judges’ table?? http://variety.com/2017/music/news/american-idol-katy-perry-american-idol-judge-1202426480/ …
Katy is a star, but therein lies all her attraction as a judge. She can barely eke out a decent live performance, yet will be probably critiquing better singers than herself. May make for some good entertainment, but ….. Whereas if they put Adam with her, well, IMHO awkward, even though they are friends. I like her, but j/s.
Maybe they’ll just be looking for good entertainers who can sing fairly well?
Luval, I’m sort of over the white/grey hair too.
I’m thinking Adam might be out of the running now for Idol judge. Too many established singers(??) vying for the job. I don’t think Katy’s record did that well & Chris Martin…well, doubt if he’s even thinking of putting out more music. If Adam really wanted to do it, and they even ask him, he’ll surely be more affordable than those two. And if I hear Kellie Pickler might be a candidate I’ll scream. So far these people plus Kelly Clarkson don’t seem to have the intellect or knowledge of music that I know of.
I would love that panel, Chris Martin, Katy Perry and Adam….sounds perfect to me…doubt it will happen though.haven’t really seen anything concrete to suggest that Adam is in the running this time round…but who knows..he does like to spring big surprises on us.
I’ll have to politely disagree about katy though riskylady…I saw her in concert and was really impressed with her vocals..I’d read on comment boards that she wasn’t good, but she can really sing…I’m not saying for certain all the fast numbers were live, but the slow ones were, and she sounded fantastic, and put on a really good show overall…one of my favourite concerts I’ve been too.
HK fan, I’ve seen Katy in concert too, twice. She’s adorable and very entertaining, and a serviceable singer, but not a SINGER IMHO, if you get my drift. Whereas the contestants on Idol have to be quite good singers – no dancing, backup dancers, big stage productions, click tracks, auto tune, etc.
But I already said I don’t think this Idol will be a good fit for Adam. I loved him on XFactor, where he got to judge AND mentor and he shone! But knowing Katy, I would expect him to be asked to mentor for sure, and probably do a guest performance as would other alumni.
Oh right, Guess, as I always say on MJ’s, risky…music is subjective, what sounds good to one doesn’t to another
At least we agree on Adam
Do Katy Perry or Chris Martin have any experience judging on any competition show?
Prom Pics At @Glaad #queerprom with @evanrachelwood
PHOTOS : #AdamLambert @adamlambert AT Buzzfeed’s Queer Prom
@terrancespencer and I in a #studio54 mood.
Everybody knows that the best group photos are the ones where literally no one is looking at the camera. That’s just a fact. Also, I’m so grateful to have attended the #buzzfeedqueerprom with these two gents. My heart grew three sizes last night. #thekidsarealright
Adam Lambert Fan club added 47 new photos to the album: Adam Lambert at Buzzfeed’s 1st Queer Prom for LGBTQ Youth in LA.
Adam Lambert 2017 Queer Prom For LGBT Youth Los Angeles
World Monitor TV
My #mondaymotivation ?
“Adam Lambert y su Leopard Print Blazer de Dolce & Gabbana”
“Evan Rachel Wood, Adam Lambert”
Pic getting a lot of play –
My main concern about Katy Perry is that she was combative in her only Idol judging appearance and would inevitably make it all about the panel (i.e. her). IF they are talking to Katy, it’s unlikely that Idol only went to her when Kelly said no. Apart for the fact that they are both women, they are in different categories: one is pure pop and the other is former contestant and pop/country. (It never made sense that they were looking at both Reba and Kelly.)
The main effect of all this news is to make Idol look like it’s scrambling, which isn’t good for the show.
I wouldn’t worry about Adam yet, luval. IF he is or was up for a judging spot, the biggest box he ticks is former contestant, not centrepiece/star judge. With J-Hud and Kelly out of the running, he is moving up. (So is Clay though, lol.)
He still has a chance. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
tlkc, I’m not worried about Adam. Honestly could care less if he gets the judging job.And thank you for mentioning Katy judging on Idol. Don’t remember that at all!
QueenVerified account @QueenWillRock 4h4 hours ago
Press Release: @QueenWillRock + @adamlambert Partner With Twickets to offer face value resale for upcoming tour http://www.queenonline.com/en/news-archive/queen-adam-lambert-partner-with-twickets/ …
so those of you who can’t attend can easily sell them and the others can find them in a reasonable price! …http://queenandadamlambert.twickets.co.uk.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
Guess it’s only for UK & Ireland
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 4h4 hours ago
.@QueenWillRock +@AdamLambert Partner @Twickets – Offer fans face value resale UK/Ireland without being ripped off. http://bit.ly/2qlspTQ
Adam on the red carpet. LOL they zoom in on his shoes
Maybe we’ll get an interview later.
From the little bit I’ve read about Underpants, Think seems to fit right in.
marisa @marisa_965 19m19 minutes ago
So happy Adam gets to sing this. He will kill it. Just imagine him wailing “Freedom”! Life is good.
Adam was an easy pick for Think. Not too many people have the range and the firepower of Aretha Franklin. I can imagine the “casting” discussion. Here’s hoping we can buy the single separate from the CD.
Adam will manage whatever happens with Idol, I guess. It would be nice to see him regularly on TV though.
I think this was while fans were waiting for Green Day to take the stage.
Green Day Fans @gdayfans
The crowd singing Bohemian Rhapsody. I love the Idiot Nation
Us WeeklyVerified account @usweekly 59m59 minutes ago
Chris Daughtry joins #AmericanIdol reboot as judge: http://usm.ag/2pNYZwD
eta: I think this takes Adam’s seat. Probably 2 females yet to be announced. Unless they get Katy and decide to go with another male.
TALCvids @TALCvids 6m6 minutes ago
?MT @Alikat1323 Brief Adam Lambert mention on Access Live at :30 about being a good judge on new Idol w Katy Perry
So as of now American Idol has not announced any new judges. Only Us Mag. about Daughtry & Access Live about Katy.
MashableVerified account @mashable
What Katy Perry’s recent failures can tell us about being a pop star in 2017
VarietyVerified account @Variety
#AmericanIdol judges, showrunner, host: Who’s in? http://bit.ly/2riMoSn
This is old because it still shows the grotto
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm 7m7 minutes ago
mmadamimadamm Retweeted Shownieuws
Video with clips of Adam and his house…
Tom + Lorenzo® @tomandlorenzo 6m6 minutes ago
#AdamLambert is on point for the @Buzzfeed #QueerProm http://tomandlorenzo.com/2017/05/adam-lambert-at-the-1st-inaugural-queer-prom-for-lgbt-youth-los-angeles/ …
New video interview
I know it would never happen…but I’d like to see Adam as the host and not the judge…..
I like that idea, HK fan.
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 59s59 seconds ago
It’s been a while. Good to see an old pal and a legend – the great Paul Rodgers. Bri https://www.instagram.com/p/BUIfQbslSXA/
Brian looks very refreshed here.
I think he’s ready to ‘rock’ next month?
BuzzFeed’s Queer Prom Trailer
All of yesterday’s rumours were just that, according to MJ:
Looks as though Adam and Chris may be part of today’s Idol intro entertainment (which is where the Daughtrey rumour probably came from.)
Patience Glamhoppers
Gelly @14gelly 2h2 hours ago
Adam’s comment ?https://www.instagram.com/p/BUIZwE-FoUF/
and great photo!
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
PEOPLE Editors Dream Cast the Al Reboot’s Judging Panel- @adamlambert “hilarious wit and a sharp tongue
http://people.com/music/american-idol-reboot-dream-cast-judging-panel/adam-lambert … via @people
Hilarious wit & a sharp tongue…perfect for a judge.
Gelly @14gelly 5h5 hours ago
Awwww ❤️
amalia.music ???? feels like yesterday! Missing you @adamlambert xx https://www.instagram.com/p/BUJQ6LwB0HT/
https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/18444282_416747892057562_1368967739804221440_n.jpg …
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
mariselac.santiago 7th pic carousel #buzzfeedqueerprom @adamlambert squeezed my arm
https://instagram.fskg1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/18444455_1248289095270443_5931266792583331840_n.jpg …
Who is People’s Number 2 choice, luval? I can see Carrie on the title page but can’t get the arrow to move the list forward. Not interested in anyone who ranks behind Adam (‘cos that’s obvious
) but who beats him out? In their minds anyway….
TLKC..Carrie Underwood 1st, Sia 2nd…
eta 4 – Pink, 5- chris martin, 6- Jordin sparks, 7- mark Ronson, 8- Emma Bunton, 9- Sean diddy combs and 10- Zane Lowe…