- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
My thoughts exactly! Why cover up something so beautiful? Just don’t go near the face!
Just an airhead! @feraltwirler
So easy!! Pls hit him up – u have 40 votes. Can click fast! MT @SlipOutOfSight: few hrs left Click the thumb up
Pat H @PattiHum
“AI” of 10 mil is significant when a song reaches it in 1 format, not combined. Getting closer in Top 40. At 6.76. Around #30 gets 10 mil.
1 day ago
3. More. Days. #KTUphoria is sooo close & our excitement is almost uncontrollable at this point! #Glamberts – you ready for some @adamlambert?! TIX: ktu.com/ktuphoria
I just watched GMA, Ed Sheeran performed. He was alright, music you can just sit an listen too. Anyhow I predict that Adam will sing 2 new songs, probably Ghost Town, and Evil, or Lonely Night, and one that is known, so guesses? WWFM, or maybe something from Queen. They televised 3 songs.
I watched it too, Miss Chaos, partly for Ed Sheeran, partly to see the format. WWTLF would be nice, especially if he goes with those new songs. If Underground is one of the picks, then he might go with 3 new songs!
GT MV is now at 2.8! Should hit 3 Million Views this weekend!!
Ug, they are interviewing Pitbull on the Today show, Mr Worldwide, lol. He is going all over the world, London, and I didnt pay attention to where else. So, I sure hope they interview Adam, so he can tell them about his worldwide performances, and please no stupid questions about AMAs, AI, just about his new album, touring with Queen, then and in the future, Adam has done so much, and the world should hear about it that doesnt know, and if Pitbull is Mr Worldwide, what can we call Adam, I dont have a guess.
Mr. Universe!!!
sparkle your comment will give me beautiful dreams… 1 am here..
kiwi and HK fan… Thank you for your insight !!
Sweet Dreams, Axxxel!
I’m hoping for more than 3 songs at the GMA concert, more than what they show on TV. I’m guessing for on the air performance, GT, TOH, and WWFM, or another new song, Evil perhaps. The album will be out by then so no more secrets about songs!
Want to meet Adam Lambert, to be among the first to hear his new album “The Original High” and see him interviewed live by the yard’s Kristoffer Triumf?
@ Maggy_97
YAY! Warner Music Germany put the 2 new songs (audio) on their yt channel today!
ALN: youtu.be/X2OwrNXVDOo
EINT: youtu.be/YVWxjKHE_q4
Look at what came in my email @adamlambert
Said came from here –
On FB page –
FALLON – the 15th
Kelly & Michael – the 16th
#Music #Musicnews #Musicnews #Songs – Adam Lambert: I wouldn’t run from love
Pat H @PattiHum
OMFG!! The album will go on sale during Fallon’s show!! Holy crap, WBR!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pat H @PattiHum
.@RabbitholeGirl Yes!!! The album will drop in the US while Fallon is on, on the East Coast!!
OMG, Fallon! Kelly & Michael too! I love these shows.
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
So anyone have WBR’s promo team’s address? You know for the fruit basket/flowers I want to send them!!!!
THANK YOU, WBR!! FALLON and KELLY & MICHAEL – phenomenal! What a perfect kickoff for Adam’s best album to date!!!
Darn it!!!! I’ve been checking our tv listings and we don’t get any of the shows Adam will be on. At least I saw him on Ellen. I’m sure some clever person will manage to youtube them. Exciting times ahead. So glad I’ve retired so I can keep up.
As for the tattoo. It’s his body, but I just wish it hadn’t come right down over his hand. It also looks very dark ,but do tattoos fade with time? Here’s hoping!
What happens if a movie/tv role doesn’t require tattoos? Does anyone care anymore? They don’t have the stigma attached, like they did in the past.
theoriginalhare @rabbittopia
remixtop30countdown.com/best-3-new-bea… idk if GT snippet this wk will count but they said next wk it will def make the ctdown of station spins across N Amer
remixtop30countdown.com It says on their site that Adam will be there on June 21 12AM
Sounds great!
Sean “Hollywood” Hamilton is an American radio personality. He is the host of the Weekend Top30 Countdown and the Remix Top40 Countdown heard in over 280 cities in the United States and throughout the world on Premiere Radio Networks. He can also be heard live weekday afternoons on WKTU in New York City. He is one of the most listened to music radio personalities in the country according to PPM Arbitron, published in “Inside Radio” in 2009.
theoriginalhare @rabbittopia
Remix Top 30, Fri and Sat night electronic dance music shw that features club deejays remixing the top hits of the wk feat celebrity guests
37 minutes ago
EEEE ALAN CALLING @ADAMLAMBERT BRILLIANT!! TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO SEE ADAM ON CHATTY MAN! Tried my best to record it as best as I can haha ☺️ Sound isn’t great so best to use headphones when listening to this haha
Kelly Ripa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m so full of squeeeeeez I may need to go to the squee store to buy some more!!
I might just need to make sure my DVR has room in it.
Gotta go delete some stuff.
Yayayayayayayayayyayay hip hip hooray!!

Fallon, OMG. If he dresses up like Adam from Idol era and they do a lip sync battle, I may just keel over.
Better yet, I hope they play a game of What’s in my Box?
If any of you haven’t seen this game, it is so flirty and naughty, and quite hilarious, I just hope they play it.
Now. About the tat.
I don’t know. It certainly completes the geographic style that he started. I don’t like how far down his hand it goes. I’m hoping it looks better in person.
It will look just black in music videos. His other upper arm looks like a black smear when he’s recorded live.
It also reminds me of the character from American Horror Story this past season whose father brought vengeance on his daughter ( played by Mamie Gummer, Meryl Streep’s daughter ) by having her face tattoed like a snake/lizard.
His travel schedule sounds ghastly.
Does anyone have a day by day itinerary for the next couple of weeks, including radio stuff?
Try this Mils http://adamlambert.myfanforum.org/viewtopic.php?p=17470#p17470
I just realized my last post sounded negative.
I know he loves tats. I’ve gotten used to tats more and more through Adam, and because it seems like almost everyone I know at work and around town has them now.
I know his travel schedule looks ghastly, but, yay, he is getting to interact with fans all over and we will have lots and lots of stuff to drool over for weeks to come.
My sister is travelling to NY tomorrow. My luck, she’ll see him out and about or at the airport!!
Thanks Glambot!! Yer the best!
I think what bothers me the most about the tattoo is, there is no cohesiveness. He just keeps adding things he likes and running them together, but they don’t really go together. This last one on his arm is horrible IMO. I am not a fan of tattoo’s but can appreciate a well planned artistic one.
sparkle Thank you !!
milwlovesadam your tattoo comment may sound negative but I totally agree with you…
kiwi I don’t think it will fade… but I was wondering if Adam loses weight and get wrinkles… Like you said, pity it goes over the hand.. guess Adam is looking for an vilain role…like criminal or vampire LOL…
Just wondering… Adam seems to want to have a bada$$ image for his stage performances… and I guess most of the people just see him on stage… They will not really see him during interviews…
The thing is , as a fan, I watch his TV and radio interviews… and during those interviews he has this sweetness, boyish, humble thing about him…
It reminds me of Melinda Doolittle who sings like a bada$$ during the 1,5 minute on stage, but when she is judged on stage, she acts (or was) this shy, humble person….
Ron I saw your most recent posting… There is a very heated discussion about that on MJ blog right now…about Mariah’s contribution to the problems of that season… Some blame it more on the blatant manipulation of the producers… I think it was a bit of everything… Some people perform better under pressure or even when there is manipulation going on… Some don’t. Sometimes the audience decides otherwise despite the manipulation.
Once I got the heat on MJ blog when I said that it may initially not be the intention of the producers for Adam to get so far into the finals, because according to Kara, Adam was too dramatic. Simon from the beginning was also skeptical. Only Paula and Randy were on board.
I always thought that Adam was a bit of the Quentin Alexander of Season 8…or even a bit of Joey… Just to make the show attractive and interesting and to have a rocker in the show…
And then “Black and White” happened…and other pitch perfect performances followed and the producers changed their mind… to a Danny-Adam final… Until Kris’ Heartless and Apologize entered the Top 3… and the audience decided…
Totally agree.

My worry is that this is a biga$$ tattoo and covers a lot of real estate. Adam seems to really love tattoos, and they are all meaningful to him, and it is probably safe to say that he will continue to get them. Fortunately, he can pay for the best. Unfortunately, he is running through the obvious real estate and we are probably not that far away from chest and back tattoos. I doubt that the little quote on his collar bone is the end of chest decor.
Oh, well.
I was doing a Dock Diving class last year with Shady, my pup. Anyhow, there was a guy there in his 50’s maybe walking around every week in his shorts, and he was covered with tattoos strutting around shirtles and looked all wrinkled and looked so stupid. I couldnt even look at him. And I mean covered with them all over his body and legs.
Anyhow this is what Adam has to look forward too, Im sorry.
Doesn’t it look like the new tattoo is covering up the one with the phrase something to do with “music is the ….blah blah? Can’t remember.
The ring he’s wearing in this picture:
Looks like the ring in the deluxe bundle:
Yeah luval this is the caption, under that pic on his Facebook
I think the “Music soothes the Savage beast” quote is still there, you can slightly see it on that pic, and where the new one goes around it.
Thanks, glambotgram !!
Thumbs up!
Can’t wait for my ring!!!

It is the reason I bought the bundle.
And oh, yeah, the music.
Sarah @goldandleather
I find it strange that iheart hasn’t answered the many many tweet asking if he’s performing
@goldandleather I’m scared it’s because the answer is no, lol