- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
luval & nkd– You two are such bad influences on me! I just read your posts and had to succumb and empty my wallet once again for Adam. I already preordered one copy of TOH from AO and two from Amazon, but really, I do need more copies for gifts. I also would love to have the lithographs and the hat, so I got the Deluxe Bundle. Not that I’ve ever been a bad influence on the two of you. Nope, not me! I’m innocent here! I’m spending the day tomorrow with adamized. I’ll have to spread some of your bad influence to her too if she hasn’t succumbed already on her own.
Aw, LadyNorth, sorry to hear that you aren’t feeling well. Are you doing your exercises? They helped in Prague. Hope you feel better soon.
Good news from China (sorry don’t know how to bring the tweets here on tablet). Adam is #1 on one of the most popular music player in China. And Ellen vid is spreading there nicely too…
Hi mmm222, have a nice time with Adamized tomorrow
LadyNorth– When you order TOH from AO, you’ll get the link to download the MP3 for GT on your order status page after you complete the purchase. I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well today. I hope tomorrow is a better day.
luval– I agree that Adam’s GT on Ellen would have been better with his back up vocals on the backing track. The lack of oomph in “my heart is a ghost town” is the main reason I preferred the recorded to the live version. His vocals live were beautiful as always.
Hi rs and thank you!
Yes I am doing them, no help yet. Haven’t felt this bad since that time… Too much garden work head down maybe. Before Prague this lasted about 5 days, I hope it won’t last longer.
How are you, haven’t seen you much here lately?
mmm222 thank you, have to try that when I feel better. But none of the fans I know from Europe who have ordered, have got the dl. It was not working or something.
Conversation is slow when it takes minutes to get your post published (rolls eyes).
LadyNorth I haven’t been able to download the mp3 either. They said they would get back to me when it was fixed, but that was over a week ago already.
GT video is featured near the top of American top 40 with Ryan Seacrest. I listen to every weekend in my car.
Thanks skaschep! So that could be the reason why there is no info about MP3. The site recognized where I’m from. I hope they just haven’t forgotten the problem…
Hi LadyNorth. I haven’t had much to say here. I posted my impressions of Ghost Town (love it) and the Ellen performance. We don’t have Spotify here and I haven’t seen or heard a peep of GH here. I bought the song and MV on iTunes and preordered the album. As much as I want to give Adam my money, I haven’t ordered the CDs because the shipping costs are almost as much as the CD itself. I will see if they are for sale here, like the previous albums were. I looked at the deluxe packages. In the past there were extra DVDs that I loved, but here, the music that we get is the same for all the packages, and I will never wear a t-shirt, a crop top or the hat, and have no one here who would be interested even if I wanted to give them away. As much as I love looking at the photos of Adam, I know that I would never frame them or keep them out. Am I a bad fan? I really wish that there was something I wanted to spend my money on.
Thanks luval, but I was also asking for the fansite, not AO.
Adamlambertfans grndctrl something…
TLKC, I put my real name, and so did luval. We were talking on the phone when she made her purchase.
I was able to dl the mp3 with no problem, but I’m in the US.
mmm222 and adamized, have a wonderful day together tomorrow! Sure wish I was there! I’ve been craving brunch in Annapolis with scones and tea. YUM!
LadyNorth, I’m sorry that you’re not feeling well. Hope you get over this soon!
And cait, I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend.
http://adamlambertfans.com/ or is it something else?
I’m ready to throw in my tech towel, bay at the moon or kick an innocent. ARRGGGHHHH Gnashing teeth………..
I went to the AT&T store because there is quite the issue with my data usage when my PC was down. The guy there was actually quite helpful, in a Sheldon Cooper sort of way, however they can’t help with bills at the stores, I still need to call AT&T and spend 2 or more hours on the phone with them.
So, I get home, and my passwords for my computer have been re-set. I can’t even open my fricking email, and I got 25 just this hour. Not on my phone or tablet either………………
ready to throw something………..growling …..
Turns out that that fun guy who sold me my phone and tablet set me up with a super small data plan and I was too dumb and stupid to understand it. He also never told me that I would need to log in at home to connect my phone and tablet to my in-house wi-fi.
So, when I listened to GT lyric video 2X in my car that night in the parking lot, that cost me 20 bucks.
When I accessed the blog and lurked, and watched GT a few times, that ended up costing me 80 bucks.
Now, everything is all FUBAR again, and I still need to waste at least 2 more hours of my life on the phone.
Makes me wanna go live on a commune and smoke weed and wear peasant tops and hemp sandals and write letters and talk to people in real life, or on a phone with a cord.
luval, that’s it. Thanks.
Yeah, I’m like rs, not ever gonna wear the hat or crop top, the shirt is cool though. It’s right up you alley luval, it’s gray/black, lololol.
I do give the promo people kudos for thinking Adam’s fans are young, crop top wearers.
I would like the ring though.
I never listen to the radio never. I put it on today thinking maybe………..and in a moment GT was playing, good omen. Sounded so good.
Wish I could send my computer guy “Sam” to your house, mils. He brags how he is better than Best Buy geeks, better than anyone out there and he’s right!! Very nice, a talker, but he did say he was wacked in the face by a cob web when he walked through my front door. haha (that time of year….)
eta: I have Roger, Adam & Brian as my wallpaper and he joked that it was Brian May’s hair that messed up my computer. He knew who Adam was but had no idea he was touring with Queen.
Kentucky Derby hats are outrageous! There was a guy in a leopard suit (wink) and Johnny Weir & Tara Lipinski said it was just “too much”…not in a good way. Are they kidding?
Josh Grobin just sang the national anthem. meh.
I used Kradamour, not my real name.
Bought the ultimate fan pkg for the ring, primarily – it is sterling and my size and very unlike anything I have…most of my rings are from dead relatives. That looks creepy in print but I love to wear jewelry that was so intimately attached to people I loved and some who died before I was born.
There is a deadline for ordering and getting your name in, I am thinking maybe May 14? Can’t remember.
Very delighted that the T is feminine and doesn’t have a big honking pic of Adam on it. I will wear this one. I wear a 6 but bought a medium because it looks pretty bodycon in the photo.
Re the crop top…it isn’t very cropped, and I might wear it over a T or a tank, or a swimsuit.
The trucker hat, OTOH, is a head scratcher. Would have loved a scarf.
Adam in white, then & now.
A scarf would have been perfect, kradamour. And yes…so glad no gaudy pictures of Adam on any of the stuff.
Oh, luval, thanks for the offer, but unless your tech guy can process a major refund, and reset my log-ins, which the guy at AT&T said can only be done by phone, I’m still SOL.
My nephew is quite the guru, he’ll be home from school in 2 weeks, and I still need to call AT&T, because while trying to link my tablet to my wi-fi at home, no passwords are recognized, still growling and howling.
I’ll have my nephew make me a home screen to my liking, and maybe, a new avatar…if he doesn’t roll his eyes too much.
I wear brimmed baseball hats while hiking for sun protection. I like the idea of wearing a cap that says “The Original High” while high from oxygen deprivation when I’m hiking at high altitude. Fashion is the least of my concerns then. Not falling on rocks, down slopes, and into streams is of far greater importance.
Now for tea in Annapolis, I have a lovely white straw hat with a black ribbon that my daughter encouraged me to buy in Thailand. It’s quite fashionable. And nkd, just remember, Baltimore and Annapolis are just a short plane ride away. Come visit any time!
Okay, so I just watched the 30% slowed down of GT. It’s amazing how much is edited into this video. Adam is flashed in subliminally a lot.
Also at 11:32. Ummm. Yeah. Not even sure what to say. Somebody was going commando….not our guy. Kinda hard to miss.
Or am I nuts?
I don’t think you are nuts, mils LMFAO
OMG, that’s soooooooo…….wow.
I can’t be the only one to notice this. I mean, erm, it’s pretty out there….
I think you may be the only one, mils. When that 30% slower youtube came out i didn’t bother watching. I’m sure loads of other people didn’t either.
milwlovesadam I think someone here on ALL already gave some comments on the “fishnets” and I don’t think he/she liked it…
LadyNorth get well soon !! Gardening on a chair or sitting on the grass may help… The hardest part will be the “getting up on your feet again”…
I am imagining Kradamour wearing the ring and flashing it in front of her friends…
Ladynorth No wonder Idol choose Adam to promote their debut in China…. and even the Voice asked Adam .. but maybe that is because one of its contestants was so into Adam….
Wasn’t Adam the first Idol alumn who had a soloconcert in China ?
Haha, Axxxel, I can imagine the same thing…peeps often look at my rings and I am relishing the oppy to finally have something relatively subtle that can be a catalyst to mention Adam.

Oh guys, what’s in that video has nothing to do with fishnets. Trust me. It’s quite , erm, male. And very noticable at 30%. No mistaking it. I’ve seen my share.
…At the hospital…if you believe me…
OMG. Now I know what they meant about “freestyling.”
Kradamour LOL…clever !!
I do it with facebookpostings and the wallpaper on my laptop.
mils you have mail.
luval, text me, my email is down.
Dunno, Mils.
I went and watched it a few times and am thinking it is a loose clothing element of some sort – the fringe? – something.
Not convinced that it is an “erm”.
milwlovesadam Tried to watch again but got distracted by that gorgeous looking half naked blond guy… hehehe. Maybe too early hours for such research.. (7.37 am here)
Kradamour So sexy is in the eyes and mind of the beholder ? LOL…
nkd and I are having a text conversation that is making me laugh so hard it hurts…
So is that what we call them now?
No way. IMHO. It’s perfectly placed and acts just like a real “erm.”
Not that I would know. TeeHee
I just don’t think it makes sense that they would have had someone…um…free styling in a taping of a video that will eventually get millions of views. And it was obviously edited to a fairtheewell.
Interesting speculation, at least.
LOL mils I have been trying to find time to watch that video, now I am making it a priority LOL
Here is a half speed version of the video:
glambot, just skip to 11:29 or so, and see what pops up. Then watch the whole thing.
Methinks it’s real, and meant to be subliminal. You can’t see many of the flickers of Adam at full speed either.
Oh, how I wish I were in one of our Chicago or Toronto hotel rooms, giggling and guffawing like school girls!!!
Glambot…tap…tap…tap..I’m waiting….
sorry to read about all your techmisfortunes…. is “no pain, no gain” a good sentence to comfort you ?
Feel sorry at first for Sam Smith.. but after I checked his tour plans .. doing the festival tours.. I became worried ( I am not even his fan) … he still has around 47 appearances to go (a few in Asia and US but mostly in Europe) from May till August and he is also scheduled in Rock in Rio in Brazil..
Note: he has two sold out concerts in Olympia in Paris (around 1500 capacity)… Adam is not so popular in France.. Oh well, it is a taste thing… I am not so into Sam Smith… too lamenting… I love laments too but different style… like “chokehold” “runnin'” and “sleepwalker”… LOL.
milwlovesadam hhhmmm it is more clear at 11.29… that it looks not really like a fringe…
I would still call it “fringe” though hahahaha