- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Sweet Vocally Versatile Adam Dreams, ALL!!
Yay! A new princess. Please name her Diana!!!
Toddler dancing to GT
OMG NO.1!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR MUSIC PLAYER IN CHINA! >>>> Adam Lambert《Ghost Town》
Adam Lambert Finland
Here is somekinda translation by us from blog ‘songs of the week’
(Finnish spotify list editor)
Posting still sluggish for you-all?
Gaydio @gaydio
He nailed it! Here’s that @adamlambert performance of #GhostTown on @thellenshow #DropsChips idolator.com/7591078/adam-l… pic.twitter.com/aEtaMcDYmG
(South Africa)
@upinthenorth @upinthenorth
##GhostTown up to #44 on HAC chart, will pass other GT soon!
@upinthenorth @upinthenorth
#GhostTown is #2 on the CHR Taking Off chart with 8 new stations spinning! Best position on this chart in awhile!
coma berenices _coma_berenices
Adam Lambert will release a new album cosmo.ru/stars/news/01-…
Took me one hour to try & post from iphone. Gave up, came to my desk top and posted the one post at 7:59am (after three tries on this one)>
@adamlambert @1027KIISFM Hell yeah!! #GhostTown
Ok I just want us to take this all in 4 a moment & realize that he literally gave us almost every lyric to the song
Great Official Pic on Ellen –
Love this new one from Adam Lambert! It’s called Ghost Town, check out the video below! I’m going to play it today at 6:10pm on Power 96-1 with the Test Drive
Read more: http://www.power961.com/onair/maddox-49392/test-drive-adamlambert-ghosttown-13554984/#ixzz3YzAqozot
Just checked itunes. GT is #119 on singles chart and #1 for video. Really wish the single could get into the top 25. (it did go up from #148 last night). Things take time I guess. Gotta get that radio play unfortunately.
Lambert Music 411 @LambertMusic411
@Flyteness1 Adam will be interviewed by Ryan on AT 40; don’t know if GT will be played. More details
CindyM421 @ CindyM421
. Now #44 with a spin increase of 47 spins from the day before
Ghost town up 2 more spots on hac charts
Love this gif –
9 hours ago
Adam in white looks very beautiful
Babylon FM
American Top 40 to day with Adam Lambert! Today 4-7:30PM only on BABYLON FM
Interesting – posting really fast again – excellent!
Nice pic from Ellen –
ITA glambotgram.
@ Jadis11
Nice long snippet on AT 40! chorus- BRIDGE- chorus
Mari gawdlessheathen
@jadis11 did they introduce it as a rising song?
jadis11 @ jadis11
@gawdlessheathen No, Ryan just said that A had dropped this single last week and let’s listen to a bit of it
Sarah @goldandleather
So the Top 40 thing was just him talking to Adam for a second? They didn’t play GT?
Susie Fierce @SusieFierce
@goldandleather They played long snippet before No. 7 and interview clips after No. 6.
TALCvids TALCvids
AT40: great Ghost Town mentions, Ryan played part of song/ Adam i/v during top 10 portion of show. Stations/times > at40.com/stations
I think the song’s sales are a bit low, too, luval. We do have to wait for radio to click in. I’m considering buying the PG version of the single but wonder if it would be better to wait until next week.
Do the singles weekly sales reports run from Sunday to Sunday? All the talk about CD sales reporting is confusing.
Abbbra abbbra
Best one.
#GhostTown @adamlambert beautiful pic of you Adam
Pat H @PattiHum
The count on the Ellen performance video is lovely, but the Music Video views count. Hoping for a million before Tuesday! #GhostTown
Italy Adam Lambert @ItalyLovesAdam
Adam Lambert canta Ghost Town da Ellen rnbjunk.com/adam-lambert-c… … via @rnbjunk
IslandGirl islandgirljams
“Congratulations it’s going to be a big hit” announces Ryan Seacrest on todays AT40 @adamlambert #GhostTown
Adam Lambert Media @devenlane
NIICE RT @Dionysius1: YES @devenlane RT @tattoojo: whalereport.com pic.twitter.com/lDlT0QTEDH
Andrea L. @NJLovinLambert
Keep listening to it guys!!!
Wow!!! RT @glambertgirl99 #GhostTown has 1,069,367 plays on Spotify!!
Lambert Music 411 @LambertMusic411
Adam on AT40 chart show this weekend. If #GhostTown/ snippet played, it will be as an “extra” at40.com/stations
quick click & star turns blue for GT
Adam Lambert Media
devenl home
Good morning peeps, still catching up, now that my comptooter is back up and running. I have a couple of things I may need help with, can anybody help out a fan?
I ordered everything on Amazon, every version, I know, LOL, overkill, but it’s sales for him…. I saw something about a deluxe fan package somewhere with shirts, hats and stuff, where was that? I don’t do AO. I also lost my link to the fansite, groundcontrol something….
So, does anybody have a link for me for the fan package set?
Does anybody have the link for the fansite?
Just also caught up with Badass’ posts, love her. She took me to Brigadoon, where I haven’t gone in a couple of years. No lie.
Here’s my thoughts on Sam Smith: I feel bad for him. He talked about having voice training in his Rolling Stone interview, however, it wasn’t much, and he clearly didn’t learn the lessons.
He and Adam share the overweight and young thing, however, by Sam’s age Adam had thinned down and become fabulous. I know that Sam has struggled with his voice, and I have posted before about how he is a throat singer, doesn’t breathe right, just like Adele, who also had vocal cord hemorrhages.
I think Sam rose to fame so fast, and wasn’t ready vocally or health-wise to start touring like he has. He punished his voice ( his money maker) by being out of shape and misusing his voice. He also smokes. And he went on some crash diet before the Grammy’s which may have hurt him too.
I like him in small doses, but his morose songs are depressing and one-note in theme. He needs to focus on health, healing his voice, voice lessons, and keeping his eye on the prize. IMHO
mils, here’s the link for the fan package. nkd twisted my arm so I bought one.
And the main link for adamofficial
Ha! luval! All I did was told you I bought one! LOL
Haha. What will be my excuse???
nkd will take you out in an alleyway and slap you around.
We have ways to make you succumb! Empty your wallets and give it all to Adam! HAHhahahahahahaaaa
ETA sorry, I haven’t slept and I’m getting kind of loopy!
LOL! (Miss those emoticons). LMFAO!
Did anyone spring for the top-priced fan package? I haven’t purchased from AO yet because I am waffling between that one and the limited package (hat, CD w/fan names and lithographs).
Also, you have to give them a name for the fan CD – did you guys supply your online names or your real ones?
TLKCI ordered the ultimate womens’ package and honestly I don’t remember them asking for names! I must have been delirious. (thanks, nkd. Maybe try to purchase and go as far as you can before paying and see what happen.
I just tried it again and they ask you how you would like your name to appear on the fan CD, right after you pick your T-shirt size. It does give you a “No thanks” option. Maybe you hit that, luval.
I bought the limited package. Found the ultimate quite expensive and got no idea what size of t-shirt I should have chosen. I’m not that standard size and a crop top probably won’t be the best choice to wear as well.
I chose to give my real name for the booklet. We’ll see.
600,970 for the MV!
1,481,090 for the LV!
2:47pm 607,614 for MV. Haven’t checked LV.
I have a friend at work who’s followed Adam since Idol. She is a hard rock lover. Always has, always will be. I have kept her informed when Adam does something new, both albums. Queen especially. She loves One Vision, Stone Cold Crazy & AOBTD. Now we have Ghost Town and I was very worried. She’s always expressed her distaste for disco or house music.
Sent her Ellen first & she said “I like it. OMG he’s so skinny”. Today I sent her the music video & I just heard from her that she really really likes it!
I think the fact that she likes Adam helps. Thinks he’s gorgeous. Told me she always watches the Adam strut video on the red carpet that I sent her a couple of years ago.
On the Ellen show I think the backing track should have included him singing with himself on “my heart is a Ghost Town”. Would have made it oophier if you know what I mean. I watch it on my tv since I dvr’d it.
Has any of you got that MP3 when buying the package on AO? I will buy the cheaper package, but been waiting for that to sort out… Atm there’s no mention of MP3 on the package description, or track list. They were there back then.
Having a bad day, my chronic vertigo problem is very bad today, I’m feeling terrible. I can’t even listen to music or read
Too much time to think. My twitter feed feels like Ghost town. I hope it’s only temporary, not a split of fandom.