
Alas, Adam’s time on Glee is over (for this year) but he did find other things to keep himself (and his band) busy in April: a few well-paying private gigs. May (the month not the guitarist) won’t be a month for that though since it is getting to be crunch time and rehearsals begin for the Queen and Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2014. Only a few weeks away now!

Photo above is from the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet on May 1.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet- vegas1024pf

Adam introducing Bastille at the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf


1,862 Responses to May 2014 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    3/28/12 – sort of relevant re the Caleb discussion –

    And, yes, will always be grateful to Idol – where would Adam be without it – on a stage somewhere, most probably – but unlikely we’d ever know it. What a loss for me and, no doubt, everyone here at ALL.

  2. turquoisewaters says:

    Thanks AL. Now in my dropbox in the infamous “misc” folder (which is 99% Adam inside). Does anybody else have a folder like this?

  3. ultimathule says:

    The Montana clips together – apologize if already up

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. ultimathule says:

    Another oldie interview popped up –

  6. Reese says:

    turquoise I can’t tell you how much Adam related stuff I have…. You’re definitely not alone.

  7. TLKC says:

    ‘Morning. Adam was 6 months old when they played MSG – such a lovely little piece of trivia.

    Idol is such a pale imitation of it’s former self. You know how the older a celebrity is when they die, the less attractive they look in their flashback photos? Well I would prefer that Idol go out on as high a note as possible; not be remembered as a show with 7 million viewers and a cast that wouldn’t have made Top 5 in most years.

    There is a 360 photo of Jena and Caleb out to dinner with Casey and Haley. Their faces are so sad, you can tell they know they blew it this week. Casey and Hayley were probably planning to give advice and the only things they might have offered involve saying: don’t do what you just did. Only Hayley looks okay and that’s probably because she identifies more with Jessica than any of the others.

    Looks like a funeral. (Really neat pic though. How do they do that? Put the camera in the middle of the table?)

  8. TLKC says:

    LOL, turquoisewaters, I gave Ron my laptop with all of the photo’s still on it. He told me there were over 5,000 pics of Adam in there.

  9. ultimathule says:
  10. ultimathule says:
  11. ultimathule says:
  12. ultimathule says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    Nile Rodgers @nilerodgers
    When Cancer Was Killing Me -#blog @nightoftheproms @Seal @Avicii @adamlambert #CHIC @Pharrell #Wearefamily

  14. ultimathule says:

    High School choir singing Trespassing – not bad

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:
  17. ultimathule says:
  18. ultimathule says:
  19. ultimathule says:
  20. ultimathule says:

    “American singer Adam Lambert (Adam Lambert) incredibly lucky. In the summer he would be going on tour together with musicians of all time.

    In total, the creative tandem will give 19 performances. And they are confident that will be able to recreate the golden days of Queen “. They will try to bring it closer to the original.

    32-year-old Lambert acknowledges that it is slightly embarrassing because he will arrange old hits instead of writing new ones. But “Disco 1980 ‘s fashion not only in Russia. And he has to follow the trends of the market.

    -These are the realities of our time, this is life, “says Adam. -In the modern music world you go to a concert and you listen there’s a lot of recordings for their old hits. It tracks all the lovers in the play-list … I can’t say that I hate it. It’s just reality. But it is honest.

    Tour of Queen and Adam Lambert will cover several American cities and will be held from June 19 to July 21, 2014 years.”

    (Wonder where they got this weird info from – Pravda?)

  21. ultimathule says:
  22. ultimathule says:

    Suzy @inloveml
    @adamlambert are you going to MET gala tomorrow??

  23. ultimathule says:
  24. ultimathule says:
  25. ultimathule says:

    For once, Adam’s not the one making the faces –

  26. ultimathule says:
  27. ultimathule says:

    Lay Me Down was on NRJ France @NRJhitmusiconly ‘s Euro Top 30 and it was #12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Avicii @adamlambert

  28. ultimathule says:
  29. ultimathule says:

    Love when he dons a top hat –

  30. luval says:

    Love when he dons a top hat –

    Me too. It’s little things like this that separate him from the rest.

  31. ultimathule says:
  32. ultimathule says:

    Anne @itsmeansku
    @adamlambert Can’t wait to hear your new music! In the meantime, love hearing your voice on LMD – #1 in Finland

  33. ultimathule says:
  34. ultimathule says:
  35. ultimathule says:
  36. ultimathule says:
  37. luval says:

    I love Rockstar. Gonna listen to it again now. At times I almost forget he was ever on Glee. Speaking about Glee, ratings are horrible, comments are saying New York storyline is bad…too much emphasis on Rachael. But I love this show! Watched it the other night and I thought it was better than ever.

  38. luval says:

    This site doesn’t like copy cat Levine. I think he looks like the Neon Trees guy.

  39. ultimathule says:
  40. ultimathule says:

    Not a Levine fan – neither of his new music nor his looks, but really dislike those crude, nasty comments about him – taking quotes out of context. The only gripe I have about him was his not recognizing WWFM’s being sung by Adam. (Remember – “Get that man a radio.” – lol)

    Think he looks somewhat like Justin Tranter here.

  41. HK fan says:

    Don’t really like Levine, he does seem to come across as a bit smarmy…

    On that Grammy site, whilst I’m glad Adam is photo 1…….there were hundreds of stunning photos taken that night (look at that daisyroots site, all gorgeous), the Grammy site picked the one horrible one!!..ok, Its not horrible, but its not the best.

  42. ultimathule says:

    HK fan – the Grammy pic posted at 6:14 p.m. is the same, but it’s larger and shows much more of his figure – looks better. Agree, though, not the one I would have picked by a long shot.

    (The comments are all great.)

  43. luval says:

    Wonder what the jacket would have looked like if the bottom button was buttoned instead of the top…or both buttons buttoned!? Smile

  44. ultimathule says:
  45. milwlovesadam says:

    I have a theory about Adam making funny faces.

    It’s not just for fun. It shows that, in a way, he’s not in a relationship with the people he’s goofing around with.

    Not that you can’t have fun in your relationship, of course, but, maybe it’s to keep rumor mills at bay.

  46. ultimathule says:

    Run4Roses @run4roses132
    @devenlane @mmadamimadamm @14gelly basically after her deleted tweet re QAL, seems likely there will be more intl dates; bet they end in UK

    Run4Roses @run4roses132
    @devenlane right. I’m guessing maybe up to 5 international shows & end with a big show in UK @mmadamimadamm @14gelly

  47. ultimathule says:
  48. luval says:
  49. ultimathule says:

    Glam Nouveau @ALAlwayz
    @amazonmp3 Definitely @adamlambert #Trespassing’s the best album released in the 2000’s!!!

    Can tweet to @amazonmp3 if you like –

  50. ultimathule says:

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