
Alas, Adam’s time on Glee is over (for this year) but he did find other things to keep himself (and his band) busy in April: a few well-paying private gigs. May (the month not the guitarist) won’t be a month for that though since it is getting to be crunch time and rehearsals begin for the Queen and Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2014. Only a few weeks away now!

Photo above is from the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet on May 1.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet- vegas1024pf

Adam introducing Bastille at the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf


1,862 Responses to May 2014 Chat

  1. glambotgram says:

    WOW riskylady your avi and mine almost look like 2 different people.

  2. firstimerob says:

    I have had a flood problem in my apartment downstairs which has been gutted, therefore extra people staying in my house sadly in my computer room. Couldn’t until now get to share my Adam opinion………….
    I love his new look and outfit. Especially the lighter scruff look under his lip and under his nose shows off his sexy mouth. With it dark there to me gave a sleazy appearance, it really bothered me. Not now, damn he is handsome. The suit could fit better but it isn’t too bad, the tailor needs to take in consideration that gorgeous chest. Exciting night of Adam.

  3. firstimerob says:

    Wrote about my tickets on the planning thread if interested.

  4. luval says:
  5. luval says:

    The interview up top where he’s dressed in blue is not playing now. Buffering, buffering, then it says “error try again later”. Maybe they’ve taken it down. Anyone else trying it?

  6. luval says:

    firstimerob…I answered you on the planning thread.

  7. luval says:

    Adam is following 999 people. Wonder who 1000 will be?

  8. AL says:

    The interview up top where he’s dressed in blue is not playing now. Buffering, buffering, then it says “error try again later”. Maybe they’ve taken it down. Anyone else trying it?

    Works for me both embedded and in Youtube. Maybe just Youtube being Youtubey! Heh

  9. luval says:

    Now it works for me too, AL.

  10. HK fan says:

    must admit…I don’t like the short trousers on anyone, children or adults……still think Adam looked stunning though

  11. TLKC says:

    I love that pic you posted at 12:51, too, glambotgram. Adam looks so intense and interested. Half the time, people at these awards shows are barely paying attention.

    The scruff is perfect. Love the colour of his hair and his suit and how well they go together. He’s adorable. And the dorky short pants and shoes combo make him even cuter.

  12. TLKC says:

    Sorry about your basement problem firsttimerob. Hope ulti’s is okay as well. Y’all sound so relatively cheerful about it. It is a heck of a think to go through.

    Agree about the lighter scruff. It is so much more attractive than a hard black moustache. Hope he stays this way for a while. I love it.

  13. Calgary says:

    Does anybody see a little hint of George Clooney in some of those iheart shots?

  14. Kiwi says:

    Yes, Calgary, I thought exactly the same thing…a young George Clooney

  15. luval says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    lol – three vehement NO’s from the three gals here to the Clooney pic!

    Never found him attractive anyway –

  17. luval says:

    lol…I’m not a Clooney gal but I can see somewhat where the resemblance is coming from. Would love to see them in real life standing right next to each other.

    Speaking of Clooney I love his fiance from what I’ve read about her. Not your Hollywood bimbo. Smart, attractive, seems like a nice person. Good for him.

  18. luval says:

    Adam was on E. We’ll probably get a youtube. Doubt if Fashion Police will discuss the awards show tonight. I believe it’s filmed earlier in the week.

  19. ultimathule says:
  20. ultimathule says:

    That head again – funny edit

  21. ultimathule says:
  22. ultimathule says:

    Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay
    We’re getting close to finishing those mixes of Queen tracks featuring Freddie now. I’m getting excited. You guys might cry ! Bri

  23. ultimathule says:
  24. ultimathule says:
  25. ultimathule says:
  26. ultimathule says:
  27. milwlovesadam says:


    Toga please.

    We’re looking at a Greek God.


  28. sparkle says:

    Sweet Glamorous Gleek Greek God Dreams, ALL!

  29. angelowal says:

    mils Yep, you’re so ‘au point’ – he IS Greek God-like with that flawless profile Smile

    That green suit is not to my liking though – from the designer’s photos, I think that it is deliberately ill-fitting; the sleeves/shoulders aren’t cut properly and the jacket’s too narrow at the chest. Geesh, I must be getting old and so untrendy, LOL.

    I do hope those fashion designers pay Adam or give him a big discount for all the exposure he gives their creations, and I want a pair of those shoes to wear to the concerts – I’d maybe be able to see over the heads of the peeps in front of me Wink

  30. angelowal says:
  31. nkd says:

    Instagram account of the photographer that took these pics backstage. @josephllanes

  32. HK fan says:

    No to the George Clooney resemblence too…have never seen all the fuss over him either. I can’t see the George Michael comparisons either.

  33. HK fan says:

    brief Adam bit on E news

    Adam Lambert mention on E! News 5/2/14

  34. HK fan says:

    TLKC…the guy in that photo I posted who you thought was cute, who was he, football player? etc….is Adams manager according to 24/7.

  35. HK fan says:

    ♡OOFTA♡ ‏@lisa_glambert1 6m
    Reece Mastin On How Adam Lambert’s Voice Blew Up a Computer

  36. ultimathule says:
  37. ultimathule says:
  38. ultimathule says:
  39. ultimathule says:
  40. ultimathule says:
  41. ultimathule says:
  42. luval says:

    The discussion of who Adam might look like is interesting. So it could be young Elvis, young Clooney, young George Michael. My brother insists he does not in any way look like any of them but thinks he looks like a young Kurt Russell!

    So we can all have an opinion but who I think he DOESN’T look like are his parents! Smile I suppose bits & pieces of each but right now I don’t see it.

    No one has his eyes, his nose, his mouth, his ears, the hair!! He really is an alien from Planet Fierce. Big Smile

  43. luval says:

    I have that live journal link bookmarked. I think it’s the very best bunch of photos from the other night. It’s my go-to place to pick and choose a pic to send to someone.

    Love it how Adam’s voice blew out that compressor!

  44. ultimathule says:

    Such an beautiful (and interesting) face, luval – don’t think he resembles anyone else really. As I’ve posted before, his nose alone is so different from the norm – the reverse of most people – wide at the bridge and narrow at the tip. Elegant.

  45. ultimathule says:

    What did that gal at the end of the video say Adam’s note was like? Thanks!

  46. luval says:

    Here’s the 24/7 piece with Adam and his manager. Should be saying “one” of his managers me thinks. There are 3 that I can think of right now. This guy, the woman sitting at the table with him and his road manager Rob with the grey hair. Wonder if there are more?

  47. luval says:

    What did that gal at the end of the video say Adam’s note was like? Thanks!

    I’m trying to figure that out too. Listened twice. Going back to listen again. The sound is very “tinny”.

  48. TLKC says:

    Thanks for the info about Adam’s manager HK fan and luval. He’s gorgeous. Perhaps they are getting into tour mode. Adam will be away for two months. Maybe his regular manager isn’t going to make the trip. I bet Adam won’t mind travelling with this guy for a couple of months. Very easy on the eyes.

    ETA: no. He is Selena Gomez’s new manager. Lucky girl she is. Here’s a pic of him with Marcus Molinari and Katy Perry.

  49. luval says:

    Sounds like she says “a brown note”. Maybe she did! Here’s Urban dictionary

  50. luval says:

    Love the back of the head pictures. It’s like it’s backwards photo bombing other peep’s pictures. So distinctive.

    And I still can’t get over that he’s wearing black nail polish again. I predicted he would. Wink . He’s glam from day one and the nail polish kinda keeps the “back in the day, Velvet Goldmine” look alive.

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