
Alas, Adam’s time on Glee is over (for this year) but he did find other things to keep himself (and his band) busy in April: a few well-paying private gigs. May (the month not the guitarist) won’t be a month for that though since it is getting to be crunch time and rehearsals begin for the Queen and Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2014. Only a few weeks away now!

Photo above is from the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet on May 1.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet- vegas1024pf

Adam introducing Bastille at the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf


1,862 Responses to May 2014 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:
  2. ultimathule says:

    Was the black shirt the Queen/iHeart one?

  3. ultimathule says:

    SmileRT @MilanyaMaria: Sitting with Adam Lambert at the iHeart Music Awards! VIP style! #iheartmusicawards #iheartradio

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. milwlovesadam says:

    Was the black shirt the Queen/iHeart one?

    That’s what I asked around 9:00!!! Kiss

  6. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly
    Ahhh he’s with Leah from his mgmt team RT @islandgirljams: Adam again!

  7. luval says:

    Supposedly Adam Levine is sitting one row behind our boy.

    I can’t seem to like that Arianna Grande.

    Was the black shirt the Queen/iHeart one?

    nkd believes it is.

    Love it when they show Blake Shelton. Adam’s always behind him.

  8. ultimathule says:

    What was the answer, mils?

  9. luval says:

    Here’s a close up of the red carpet. Looks like the iheart shirt.

    And this picture…blonde blonde in the front sweep, but silver behind it.

  10. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly
    GrinD RT @islandgirljams: Adams in the pimp spot where all the presenters and winners stand

  11. luval says:

    Weeeeeeeeee the little Adam interview!!!!!

    I think it’s amazing that with all the huge stars that Adam gets picked to do his “story”.

  12. ultimathule says:
  13. milwlovesadam says:

    Green Hair don’t care, but green suit does. Wink

  14. milwlovesadam says:

    I’m not watching, I’ll catch up on all the goodies tomorrow.

    Night ALL!

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:
  17. nkd says:

    He has a great seat and got a coming to LA spot.
    I’m feeling the love from iHeart. Yes Heart

  18. luval says:

    Adam again “what’s under Pharrell’s hat”! Yes, Iheart loves him!

  19. luval says:

    The audience is screaming in the background in the “coming to LA spot”.

  20. luval says:
  21. ultimathule says:

    Was thinking that, luval – he was really highlighted tonight – bodes very, very well.

  22. ultimathule says:
  23. ultimathule says:
  24. ultimathule says:

    BorneoBert @BorneoBert
    @adamlambert Green suit, green eyes. Blue jacket, blue eyes. #chameleon #iHeartRadioAwards Smile

  25. ultimathule says:
  26. nkd says:

    One plus about the green suit is that it was easy to spot him at his table.

  27. sparkle says:

    I was thinking the same thing, nkd. Hope he keeps this look for a while…just the right amount of “scruff” in my opinion.

  28. sparkle says:

    Sweet iHeart awards Dreams, ALL!

  29. sparkle says:

    Can’t believe that Adam wore a green suit just so that he could match Rihanna’s lipstick! LOL!

  30. HK fan says:
  31. asifclueless says:

    Just check in … I missed all the fun.
    Had dinner with friends … nice restaurant, good food and good company … But my mind was somewhere else. Will go through the thread and watch all the goodies tomorrow.

    Good Night …ALL!!!

    Sweet iHeart awards Dreams!!!


  32. luval says:

    Have to say I thought the show last night was pretty good. Very classy and put together very well. Not one ridiculous Miley Cyrus moment. And I really thought Pharrell’s winning best innovators speech was excellent. Never really heard him talk before or mention his wife and his kid Rocky. Lol

    Adam was perfect in every way. There’s a short interview from the runway where this girl makes a stupid remark about what he may wear on tour but Adam totally was gracious about it. Check HK fan’s post at 12:57am

  33. HK fan says:

    Luval..thats the one I posted above at 12.57am..she was really bad at interviewing and wasted a precious question time…

  34. HK fan says:
  35. luval says:

    Was just going to edit my post, HK fan. What an idiot and like you said waste of a question.

  36. HK fan says:
  37. little dutchess says:

    Just a great big THANK YOU for all of you posting pics, interviews and whatever. What a way to start the day!
    Out last nite with friends leaving FL for the season and missed most of the I Heart Awards Show. It did seem pretty good and from all I saw this morning on the blog they were giving lots of time and love to our boy. ABOUT TIME!!!!! Love you all for all you do!

  38. ultimathule says:

    Well, wonder what was on that gal’s mind –

  39. TLKC says:

    Whoo HK Fan. Adam’s guest is gorgeous. Who is he?

  40. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

    Woah stunning.

  41. ultimathule says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

    IHeart Radio Awards

    (This is still my favorite picture so far.)

  42. luval says:

    He doesn’t look like Adam’s type. It isn’t the soccer player is it?

  43. luval says:

    Was this posted ? Haven’t read it yet.

  44. glambotgram says:

    I have to say for once I agree with Tom and Lorenzo. While Adam looks absolutely gorgeous here

    This looks very ill fitting, and while it may be fashion forward, the pants just look nerdy.

  45. TLKC says:

    What soccer player?

  46. TLKC says:

    Me, too glambotgram. There is a top button problem. This has happened on other suits he has worn. Adam is skinny but he has a broad chest. The fitter didn’t address it.

  47. riskylady says:

    Other fashion sites loved it, and one even noted that that’s the way it’s supposed to fit (current trend). Whatever. Can’t say I like the trend either, but then women’s fashion has some pretty awful ones too lol. Truth is, he looked GORGEOUS, miles above any of the other men on the red carpet, classy and elegant, and he’s definitely building a style and reputation. In your face, GQ.
    nkd, definitely feeling the iHeart love too! Loved that his pic was chosen with those two honchos for the Hits Daily Double article – they could have chosen any number of others, and he looks fabulous in it. The two guys posed solo only with Diddy, Elton and Adam and he looks fab in it.
    Everything, the way he was introduced, the LA story….!
    It has been such a long, hard, difficult slog for Adam – I’m sure we have never seen any of the pain he may have gone through privately – so I am soooo happy to see things looking up now.
    Btw, did “Soonish” trend last night? lolol. You know, whatever. So looking forward to the Queen tour, I can wait for new music. After all, we do have ten wonderful songs from Glee (made a CD for the car and it sounds really great) and a “best of” CD, which for all its baggage is still giving him lots of free press. I am just amazed that Marry the Night is on there!!! Never expected that. That’s almost like a little peck on the cheek to Adam from Sony.

  48. ultimathule says:

    Great post, riskylady – yes, the light at the end of the tunnel for the boy – the love shown by iHeart – just “heartwarming” – so happy for him.

  49. glambotgram says:
  50. riskylady says:

    Awwww, Adam! So glad he was included here!!!!

    Vivienn ♔ ‏@GlambertHU · 17m
    14 Stars Tell Us What Honor They Deserve at the IHeartRadio Awards Pictures – Adam Lambert | Rolling Stone GrinDD

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