
Alas, Adam’s time on Glee is over (for this year) but he did find other things to keep himself (and his band) busy in April: a few well-paying private gigs. May (the month not the guitarist) won’t be a month for that though since it is getting to be crunch time and rehearsals begin for the Queen and Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2014. Only a few weeks away now!

Photo above is from the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet on May 1.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet- vegas1024pf

Adam introducing Bastille at the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf


1,862 Responses to May 2014 Chat

  1. luval says:

    sparkle…are ya happy now? I’m 1801!

    Don’t want to belabor this but there’s the leather pants and boots….think you’re right about the collar, riskylady.

  2. glambotgram says:

    I agree the collar looks familiar, people were tweeting that he should take his coat off inside. lol

    Is it the same one from Snowcase?

  3. luval says:

    Kinda looks like Snowcase collar. Here’s a picture with the jacket. Maybe the collar is removable/changeable. Wouldn’t surprise me Adam doing this.

    Bringing over the new pic

  4. ultimathule says:

    Was this up – this is the fur I remember –

  5. HK fan says:

    He looks great, I’m sure thats the same fur collar he’s worn quite a lot of times before, often with that gorgeous green jacket. Don’t think its that cold in the UK at the moment….

    my first thought about the Katy Perry tweet, was also that he never mentioned the singing…very diplomaticSmile Although props to Katy, at least she always sings live….

  6. luval says:

    lol…how many “fur” collars does he have. They all look a little different.

  7. HK fan says:
  8. glambotgram says:

    It was in the 60’s in London today, our boy was probably cold.

  9. HK fan says:

    new to me pic

    blurry…member of the cast??

    from the same guy

    Sam Geden ‏@KaisaJesta 1m
    But regardless, @adamlambert is awesome- kind and stylish with an awesome voice – *The* voice of this generation in my opinion!

  10. glambotgram says:
  11. HK fan says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly 59m
    RT @olivermcc: pretty sure that was @adamlambert who just strolled past me wearing the most dazzling shoes I’ve ever seen!

  12. retjenny says:

    thank-you retjenny for looking after my purse. (I may have been drunk but I haven’t forgotten a thing!)


    I DO remember sitting on a bench with a couple of other dignified ladies (the Little Dutchess & Ladybugs) conscientiously watching your purse while you and the gals went wild made us proud on the dance floor!

    S.D. was really a fun time. I know we will all be have many fun things to share from this tour!

  13. milwlovesadam says:

    Boy does love his accessories!!

    So do I. Ahem. Couldn’t resist a little pre-QAL shopping today.

  14. luval says:

    Last “Show Must Go On” with Brian on stage

  15. riskylady says:

    Yep, ulti, in fact I think it’s the same jacket and collar, the green color is the same. I’m sure it’s faux fur, like his DIVAS coat too.

  16. milwlovesadam says:

    Last “Show Must Go On” with Brian on stage

    That was really nice, thanks.

    Man, and wow, that just informs me how majestic and powerful Adam’s voice truly is, he “carries” that song solo, and it took a choir to do it live last night. Wowz.

  17. aely says:

    Oh jeez, I was joking around. Didn’t mean to start a thing. I could care less if it is real or not but it just struck me as funny he would wear “fur” anything around Brian.

  18. riskylady says:

    People, HAIR!!!! GORGEOUS DARKISH HAIR! And all the rest – the pants, those boots, that light scruff. Just stunning.

  19. milwlovesadam says:

    Oh aely, no worries, no “thing” here!!

    I do seem to remember Adam had an animal of sorts at IHeart, but, it certainly was not wrapped around his neck!! Devil Devil Devil

    It was rather badger-like however….

  20. glambotgram says:

    Yeah no thing! just comments, and yes I did mention the hair and tight pants too! Grin

  21. riskylady says:

    Haha, maybe we shouldn’t wear our Ste. Agathe fox tails to the Toronto show then? LOLOL. (In honor of the “reunion”?)
    Seriously, I hate real furs and any animal blood sport too, and signed any petition I could about the poor badgers and fox hunting in the UK. My mom left three beautiful mink coats and sis and I have no idea what to do with them – no one in our families will take them either.

  22. luval says:

    lol, riskylady…I have one of those fox neck things with the two fox jaws holding it together. Have moved it from apartment to apartment… house to house. Don’t know what to do with it either. It kind of creeps me out. It’s in the back of my closet.

  23. luval says:

    Oh the hair, the hair, the hair. It’s perfect! Let it grow!!!!!

  24. milwlovesadam says:

    When my sis and I cleaned out our grandmother’s senior apartment after moving her to a nursing home ( she passed at 98, long life ), we found several old fur pieces, stoles, muffs, etc. We donated them to the Build a Bear store at a local mall. They used them to be cut into pieces and re-made into bears. I am not a fur-fan either, however, these were purchased eons ago. We figured somebody could use them for a “better” purpose.

  25. milwlovesadam says:

    Oh luval, YES!! I forgot, she had a couple of those fox “collars” with the teeth biting the “tail.” So gross by today’s standards, we tossed those away. YUCK

  26. luval says:

    It’s stupid but I think if I throw it out bad luck will fall upon me lol!

    June thread starts tomorrow. AL must be busy. No puzzles either. I forgive you!

  27. riskylady says:

    I know, luval – it’s like the proverbial skeleton in the closet. Dilemma.

    I was thinking today about Adam saying that some stuff he’s been recording might surprise us, and then remembered the write up about the house, where they said he’d been doing some VoiceOver stuff. Remember after his first Glee episode there were articles saying he’d been bombarded with offers, including voice overs? Maybe he’s been doing more than just album tracks in the studio! I would love that opportunity for him, in addition to new music!

  28. glambotgram says:

    I can remember as a little girl staring at a lady at our church that wore one of those foxes every week. I was fascinated and grossed out at the same time.

  29. jlurksacto says:

    riskylady, just saw my Ste Agathe fox tail in my nephew’s
    bedroom in Huntsville, Al. last weekend. I was surprised
    it was still in great shape. Memories!!!!!!

  30. ultimathule says:

    Don’t remember this pic and, actually, don’t remember the shirt.

  31. milwlovesadam says:

    That’s probably from an old Elvis Duran interview, maybe 2009, and we never do get to see and hear him, because Elvis usually says something over the top sexual, and it gets deleted.

    Elvis does love him, he just gets naughty and fangirls and talks about his weiner. Or so I’ve heard. “Cuz they get deleted. And then everyone at the show talks about how much they love Adam, but we don’t get to hear it. GAH

  32. milwlovesadam says:

    I do like the shirt though. Very unisex. I’d wear it.

  33. sparkle says:

    Well done tonight, ALL‘ers!! Just got home from a party and I come here and see 1,832 posts! Great job, everyone and special shoutout to glambotgram (1800) and luval (1801)!!

  34. riskylady says:

    Hehe, jlurks, remember there was some monkey business between your foxtail and Floridagirl‘s on the way back to Toronto? She thought they were mating on the backseat floor while we were distracted talking.
    Hope it’s not too lonely in Alabama….

  35. asifclueless says:

    ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

    Sickening! Wink @KaronLynnTV | Usher | “Good Kisser”

  36. milwlovesadam says:

    TeeHee, there’s gotta be a punchline in there somewhere, “whaddaya get when two foxtails hump in the backseat?”


  37. milwlovesadam says:

    See ya’ALL in June!

  38. asifclueless says:

    Cute! RT @muddydun: @adamlambert @glamisback @TheBlondsNY But it was the best thing ever! ;D

  39. ultimathule says:

    The Washington Post Weekend had a section on summer concerts. There’s a segment on Queen/Adam – slow burn here – first off, it says, Lambert does “an uncanny Freddie Mercury impression.” (Wonder if they’ve got him mixed up with MM.)

    And – “A band that has long lacked a vocalist allies with a performer who, like a lot of ‘American Idol’ contestants, didn’t have much in the way of original material.”

    “when the tour ends, the singer plans to work on a new solo album.”

  40. asifclueless says:

    TeeHee, there’s gotta be a punchline in there somewhere, “whaddaya get when two foxtails hump in the backseat?”



  41. ultimathule says:
  42. sparkle says:

    ulti – I guess the only thing positive to say is any press is good press and Q&A don’t need any press per luval‘s updated spreadsheet!

  43. sparkle says:

    sistasif!! Finally here at the same time! How are things going with you?

  44. sparkle says:

    Soooo – once we figured out that the collar is probably detachable, no one was picturing Adam with no jacket, just fur collar, leather pants and Louboutins? Can’t believe I was the only one!

  45. sparkle says:

    As to Brian’s reaction to the “fur”, he is as protective of Adam as he is of badgers!

  46. asifclueless says:

    Hi … sistaSparkle!!! Heart

    Thanks … I’m doing great but very busy.
    Gotta come out to help make 2,000 posts before June.

    Or … It’s the badgers that brought me here from lurking. Wink

  47. sparkle says:

    Sweet Fur Collar WWRY Dreams, ALL!!

  48. asifclueless says:

    Queenbert worldwide! RT @Virg1877:

    Fans Traveling From Around The World For Queen + Adam Lambert North America Shows

  49. sparkle says:

    Wow, asif, what a pic!!

  50. asifclueless says:

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