- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
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- AL’s Games
NCOE still shots popping up because of anniversary –
Yeah, TLKC I know it doesn’t really do anything to take the link off except I can control what I put out there. I find it bizarre that people would tweet Adam pictures of his own house. It is kind of creepy. It is creepy enough that we all know what his house looks like LOL.
I like the notes on the CD. Honestly, who reads that other than uber fans? I didn’t even read it until you guys were talking about it. He did a great job presenting Adam in a very positive light and to me the minute details about his past don’t really matter at all because it changes nothing about who he is now or his music. I know I am in the huge minority on that one though but just my thoughts.
Sounds like a ton of you guys are going to the Chicago show – Can’t wait for videos and recaps of the first concert! It is so close it’s hard to believe.
YAY….. O/ …..
Aw asif so many peeps will finally get to meet you in Chicago. Wish I was one of them. Maybe next time.
Hmmmm- need some help?
Got this tweet today from Brian Chin –
Brian Chin
Lee, the fan in me has always wanted to hear #Adam perform #JanisIan classic #SocietysChild.
(The Ian song I’m familiar with is “At Seventeen.” – Checking “Society’s Child”.)
Checked – can see why – interracial relationships – performed on Leonard Bernstein’s The Rock Revolution – pushed song to top of charts.
Kind of ridiculous how happy this makes me….

Man, it really sounds like they are going into the deep cuts…That is even better!! There are so many songs, wonder if they could pull off a 3 hour show?! I think I might need to revisit the Hot Space album…I loathed it when it came out but I can totally see Adam LOVING that album..LOL (I like it now though)
Two beauties –
Thanks, aely – and, YES!!!!!
And love the “YAY!”
This bird isn’t singing but jamming too…………..
eta: Sorry about the duplicate post but I ALWAYS refresh before I post to make sure someone hasn’t already posted the same thing. Didn’t work this time.
Whooo! – posted at same time, luval – I’m so excited I keep pressing the wrong keys – lol – “tour a little different” – “Adam full of great ideas” – I’ll bet he is! This is just so much fun!
That bird, firstimerob – looks like the one on Adam’s shoulder in that all-white pic – People Magazine shoot?
Loving all the tweets with song recommendations –
Here’s the People pic!
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
nightmareandcat’s avatar
NIGHTMARE & THE CAT @nightmareandcat
Excited to present our Live in Studio version of #UNDERCOVER, out today on @Vevo ! #EricVal
I just love how excited he is about the tour. I bet Adam goes with them to the final WWRY show this weekend.
If I’m being honest, I never liked that People photo.
“crackin’ form” – oh, gawd, if I could only be a fly on the wall-
Thanks, luval – I sorta like it – so outlandish – so him – so let’s-go-for-it –
So whose form is he crackin’?
Sooooooooooo excited here!
asif, can’t wait to meet you!!
MaryMaryQUITE ; ) @glitzylady
@DrBrianMay We heard it’s going to be a little different, or as you said recently “a little naughty” & “a little dangerous” #BringItOn
New Facebook Post From Adam Lambert Vevo ‘Lay Me Down’ facebook.com/AdamLambert/po… pic.twitter.com/fB7sJbaPq5
IntenseForwardMotion @ALAlwayz
Love that @Vevo info shows @adamlambert’s one of the composers of @Avicii #LayMeDown pic.twitter.com/aRp2z5f51Z
Brian said the new WWRY show sequel would be a little naughtier than the first, not the concert LOL. He did say the concert would be live, loud and dangerous as rock should be.
More about the rehearsals from Brian’s Soapbox
Interesting – lengthy Oz TV interview and Adam doing British business (hmm shopping?!)
In this quiet time, here’s a book that might interest any one among you who is intrigued by music and how it works. A friend gave it to me years ago, but I wasn’t really interested at the time. I just found it and in light of my newfound interest in music, I am really enjoying it. The title tells it all: “Music, The Brain, and Ectasy” How music captures our imagination by Robert Jourdain.
That birdy rawking out to AOBTD cracks me up!!!
LOL it’s got way more stamina than I do!!
May have been up before –
Sweet Crackin’ Form Dreams, ALL!
Calgary, Thanks so much for the book suggestion! I found a hardcover in very good condition on Ebay for under $4, free shipping. Looking forward to it.
A couple of People shoot GIFS:
I forgot the cute cartoon by Dun!
That Dun cartoon is adorable.
Love these, Lilybop –
mils … I can’t wait to meet you … the Queen of Lists … and love your sense of humour.
Soooooo very nervous to meet you guys.

Real Life…I’m shy and timid.
I’m ridiculous on line here because I can hide behind my keyboard.
So if I don’t talk much … please forgive me.
A glass of red wine may loosen me up.
Good night .. ALL.
Sweet Crackin’ Form Dreams!!!
Really like the idea of exploring earlier catalogs of music – this White Queen is mesmerizing –
We’ll have to buy you a glass or two asif. Very excited to meet you and mils on July 13th.
Biggest regret is missing a chance to see retjenny, firstimerob and other Westies this time around. Happy to know that firstimerob is going into this concert tour with some real live friends this time. She was a bit nervous before San Diego.
Will be missing ulti, too.
ot…..I have no water!!!! our water supply went off at 4pm today, the whole town is without fresh or flushing water, due to a breakdown in the supply system…..you don’t realise how much you take water for granted till you have none.I have a kitchen full of washing up, using baby wipes to wipe my hands…my son has just had a football match, so he had to use a hose at the pitch to rinse off as there’s no shower at home.I really hope they get it back on during the night!
cool pic
TLKCMaybe someone could “live stream” the dinner party for us Westies!
We would all love to be there with you!
HK fan There are a couple of things you just can’t do without. One of them, of course, is our BB Adam and the other WATER. Good Luck on that!
Has anybody found the interview Queen did with an Oz station yesterday?
@brianmaycom: MAJOR @QueenWillRock + @AdamLambert feature for OZ SUNDAY NIGHT ON 7 filmed 29/5. http://t.co/wUcjOFxAJ9 @DrBrianMay http://t.co/BOzQMw2WCa
Well first of all I want to HUG you and Mr.Retjenny and firstimrob, which no amount of live-streaming will accommodate. Also, as far as live streams go, do you not remember Lamberlust’s and P’s videos of San Diego? I caught two people flat out laughing at my dancing! Only cwm and “what’s her name” are capable of dancing with sufficient cool to survive their kids’ scrutiny. Not kidding you, I noticed!
ETA: Substitute “turquoisewaters”” for “what’s her name”. She and cwm were cutting a classy rug which I could see even as I boogied along in my semi-bombed “doesn’t drink unless she’s partying” state. Screw the laughers. I had a GREAT time. And thank-you retjenny for looking after my purse. (I may have been drunk but I haven’t forgotten a thing!)
Memo to self: start drinking alone so you can build up an immunity to the darn stuff.
“Biggest regret is missing a chance to see retjenny, firstimerob and other Westies this time around. Happy to know that firstimerob is going into this concert tour with some real live friends this time. She was a bit nervous before San Diego.”
TLCK Gee so sweet of you to be happy for me plus a hug too.I too regret not seeing all you guys. Hugs back to you. Still somewhat nervous posted on the planning thread
Haha,TLKC, “cutting a classy rug”. Yeah, right. More like we were making complete fools out of ourselves and were graciously ignored by the resident dancers. But we had a BLAST!
asif: Do not worry. I am shy too, and super awkward. And then I try to compensate by acting real confident, which is even more awkward. You will be alright.
Terrible photo, but great reference!
Lÿndsey Parker @lyndseyparker 23h
Hey @adamlambert, did you lend your famous #elmojacket to @MickJagger? pic.twitter.com/F2XTc1PHFm