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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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So, HK Fan – Katy owns two adjacent homes – wonder if she had anything to do with pointing that house out to him.
Katy Perry is at the O2 Arena in London tonight – Shosh says she’s going – wonder if Adam will be there?
The Playlist CD came today and saw that a Brian Chin wrote the notes (including the paragraph that intrigued me) – tracked him down and thanked him for a job well done – he tweeted back:
“It’s my privilege and honor to tell an artist’s story the right way. thanks for the encouragement.”
Guys, I took the link to the photos down. People are using them and tweeting pics to Adam. It just feels wrong. So, if anyone would like go to the planning thread I made a power point you can download.
Looks like the street scene from the end of BTIKM video.??
Think you’re right about the picture, mils. What a beauty.
Okay, two things.
I’ll start with my non-Adam related thing: I just watched The Normal Heart on HBO. I’m still drying my eyes. Guys, this is a must-see program. Run to HBO or whatever streaming method you use. Simply incredible. About the start of AIDS, and advocacy, and love. I predict many Emmy’s for this. Hand me some more Kleenex…
And in Adam related things: Listened to the new CD today, loved most of it. Cannot profess my love for CLYG. Almost had me. It does sound better in my car. But, I still maintain that is is over-produced, and I just can’t stand how in the chorus the music swells in loudness and literally drowns out what must be a magnificent vocal. I try to visualize him on his knees belting it out ( as we heard he did while recording it ).
I do like how the CD starts with Idol performances. Miss Change, which, IMHO should have been included.
Funny how Runnin is track 13, same on Deluxe CD.
And can I please point out that the liner notes are full of ERRORS??????????????????
How did that piece of shit “journalism” pass the editing stage??????????????
Upright Cabaret was “comedy?”
Crying was the Roy Orbison tune?
He did Wicked before Hair?
And many more……….
That guy should have just gone to any source, like our blog, Adamtopia,MJ’s, heck, even Wikipedia is more accurate.
All true, mils – but still love that paragraph.
Played CLYG in my car today, too – pure heaven –
These tracks have been remastered – whatever that means – but they sound really great –
Love the Heaven is for Real ad on the Hump Day today lol
lol, glambotgram.
bigger pic
NICE! @rosie6172: Scan 2/2 of article about @adamlambert & @QueenWillRock in The Herald Sun, Thursday 29th May 2014 pic.twitter.com/Z29xh9A6yK”
Still a fab pic –
Sweet “Heaven is for Real” Dreams, ALL!
(Thanks, glambot!)
Need to catch up but not tonight (still wiped out from the weekend!) Hi everyone, I missed you!
Do they count the basement in the square footage in LA?
Isn’t the 28th the last performance of the Rock Musical?
Lilybop @lilybop2010
.@adamlambert now has new twitter so you can’t expand the pic of him and his Mom on his page anymore. Must click Time to see lg full pic.
Not sure what all this means –
Calgary basements and garages are not counted.
Hi firstimerob! Neither are Toronto basements and garages, so must be at least the case in Canada.
ETA: LOLS – you were talking to “Calgary” weren’t you! Ha ha! NVM.
Thanks for the PP package on Adam’s house, aely. The link is still on MJ’s and all over the net so it is like putting your finger in the proverbial dike but we can keep the PP forever, which is great.
Love the interior so much. Also noticed that the patio area has an overhead trellis that is designed for a vine or climber. A friend of mine has an incredible 30 year-old vine that flowers in June. She has to stand on the patio table in the spring and coax the vine to weave properly for maximum effect. I am upgrading the gardener’s monthly fee to two jackets in May and June.
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
samsmithworld’s avatar
SAM SMITH @samsmithworld
My debut album ‘In The Lonely Hour’ is OUT NOW! You can download the Play Deluxe version on @GooglePlay right here: po.st/HlYYIv
Lilybop @lilybop2010
Buying that home is the best FU to RCA! lilybop2010.tumblr.com/post/872040769…
(the old vid posted above about his house)
Gelly @14gelly
In Lead Up To Tour w Adam Lambert, Queen Announces Plans For New Album Featuring Freddie : youtu.be/Hbm5SMRIao0 via WochitEntertainment /
Kathleen Wimpelberg @Jaksox
@purpleELMA You know it’s the hands & arms for me! Maybe Purple nail polish @adamlambert? #WearPurpleToHonorQueen! pic.twitter.com/BMpHdQkavP
RT @EustonTower1: Was Lovely To Have @adamlambert In The Office Yesterday #GoodLooking #MustGetTickets #LondonTour #AdamLambert
Peeps wondering if she meant Levine – ?
TLKC lol yep I was talking to Calgary. I have limited use of my computer since my flood (insurance company is dragging their feet) was using my ipad which has a mind of it’s own.
Riker Sexiest pirate @DanaR5UJMNR
@adamlambert you have a poster in Israeli magazine pic.twitter.com/ZIN1gGtIre
TALCvids @TALCvids
Mentions of and short interview with @adamlambert on @Smallzy ‘s Surgery (Podcast from 29 May 2014) from ~ 2:23
Paula @Canadian_Paula
AHHH! @adamlambert and @QueenWillRock are in @TheWindsorStar – today’s print edition!!!!!! Article about Queen’s new album, and tour!
(Bet we all know what he was reacting to – lol)
Sorry for the absence …. Just got back from the camping out.
Can you spot my tent?
I have some questions posting on the Planning Thread.
Hahaha, asif – that’s so funny. Well, I’ll do many things for Adam, but camping out is not one of them.
Looked at the pic again and cracked up again –
ultimathule, I was told they meant Australian tour, not London, so I deleted my tweet and Tumblr.
What I meant about New Twitter on the web, you can no longer expand a pic on your page. It remains looking like this:
If you just click on the pic, you see a small one:
But if you click on the time of his post, you see status, a large pic:
Lots of people don’t know how to see the status page, they they’re stuck looking a small pics.
Twitter also no longer displays a media grid for new twitter. Mine looks just like my regular page now instead of grid of pics. Way around that is to search your name and the view just photos and you can see a grid again.
Screenshots from NCOE
Thanks, Lilybop – really appreciate your post – and all the info about twitter. Since they changed it, sorta lost about the setup.
ulti …
… Not just me … even a cockatiel is crazy about Adam as well. LOL ..
*IMPROVED?* My cockatiel sings intro of Adam Lambert’s Naked Love
My cockatiel tries to sing intro of Adam Lambert’s Naked Love
Sings it a lot better than I do –
Some poster said Shosh uploaded this pic –
Here’s that voice technology analysis vid from 2013 – fascinating