
Alas, Adam’s time on Glee is over (for this year) but he did find other things to keep himself (and his band) busy in April: a few well-paying private gigs. May (the month not the guitarist) won’t be a month for that though since it is getting to be crunch time and rehearsals begin for the Queen and Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2014. Only a few weeks away now!

Photo above is from the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet on May 1.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet- vegas1024pf

Adam introducing Bastille at the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf


1,862 Responses to May 2014 Chat

  1. TLKC says:

    I like the new LMD video. EDM is Avicii’s bread and butter and this video is bringing it back to his core audience. It will be interesting to see what direction he takes with the next cd. With any luck there will be at least one Adam and Nile collaboration on there. Not a bad thing to be known as a regular collaborator of one of the planets top grossing artists. Plus writing credits pay more than recordings.

    Luval will be relieved to know that I see nothing deep in the visuals ROTFL

  2. sparkle says:

    ulti – Think Adam looks like Elvis in the mirror image!

  3. luval says:

    Luval will be relieved to know that I see nothing deep in the visuals

    Thank you Lord!! Smile

  4. luval says:

    This mention of Adam’s “bio” was that on twitter or where? How did it read before versus now?

  5. aely says:

    It means nothing. He took off LA & WORLDWIDE and put *INDIGO CHILD*GLAM NOUVEAU*. Whatever crazy ass thing that means to him. Wink

  6. luval says:

    I suppose Adam could have been there:

    I think the girl was crying at the end because someone was stepping on her toes. Smile

    Comment on Adam singing LMD in Sweden

    Malory A
    1 day ago

    Would have been so cool if this clip had been in the middle of the official Avicii Lay Me Down video.

  7. mmm222 says:

    luval– Thanks for posting the trailer for the Queen and Adam concerts again. It really is well done and has me even more psyched than ever for the Chicago show, as if that were possible!

  8. ultimathule says:
  9. ultimathule says:
  10. ultimathule says:

    Gelly @14gelly
    Awww they’re playing LMD! His voice! RT @devenlane: THIS IS THE DOWNLOAD FOR THIS

    (about 1:14)

  11. aely says:

    That fan made trailer is very well done but did make me roll my eyes a few times at the OTT of it all.

    I think the LMD video was shot like that because it was cheap and as the 5th single they are wrapping up the True era. Plus it is a house music dance song so it fits. I like it. I do wonder if Lipton hadn’t picked that song for their commercial if it still would have been released as a single. Doesn’t really matter though, either way I am glad it is out there.

  12. milwlovesadam says:

    I’m thinking something completely different about the video:

    It needed to be made. Period.

    And Aviici was sick and recuperating from his major surgery and ordeal.

    This video is the easy way out.

    And. All I can see in it is Andy Samberg’s spoof on EDM. Yes, luval, I also was watching it live on SNL and laughing and cringing because I knew that this was simultaneous with LMD’s release, by coincidence.

    I know the singers don’t appear in his videos for True, however, this concert footage vid is so boring, such a cop-out. It is getting a lot of hits, but, I wonder if it’ll show up on MTV or VH1 like his other vids have.

    On another note, there was that release of teh prediction of the top 5 hits for summer, that came true last year with Blurred Lines and Daft Punk being the 1 and 2 songs.

    LMD was not on it. Sadz.

  13. milwlovesadam says:


  14. ultimathule says:

    Nile Rodgers @nilerodgers
    Here’s Avicii’s new single, a collaboration with @adamlambert and yours truly. FYI – The bass is also my guitar…

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. luval says:

    The single is not released in the U.S yet. Wonder if it ever will be. Then MAYBE it could be on VH1 countdown. Maybe. TPTB program directors with their god-like powers will have the say if it’s played on radio. I’m not expecting it to be. Debbie Downer has reared her head again!! Laugh

  17. luval says:

    David Bowie Exhibition is set for Chicago later this year. If you haven’t gone…go!!! It is amazing. Thank you, TLKC.

  18. ultimathule says:

    Don’t understand at all how this stuff works, luval – why WOULDN’T they release it in the U.S.?

  19. luval says:

    I guess they release it in other countries first. I asked this on twitter and that’s the only answer I got. Maybe aelycan give us an answer.

    edit: Or anyone who might have an idea about this record stuff.

  20. rs says:

    I had another thought about the LMD video. I haven’t seen all of the True music videos, so correct me if I am wrong, but Avicci hasn’t appeared I any of the vids that I have seen. Maybe he wanted to appear and be seen performing at a show in one video, and he chose LMD since it is his favorite track and it most represents his signature type of music, EDM. If so, it is a great compliment to the song, to Adam and to Nile.

  21. milwlovesadam says:

    rs you have email.

  22. luval says:

    I’ve been listening to the video here & there all morning. Don’t think I’ve watched it more than 2 or 3 times.

    I do think too that Avicii was ill for quite a while. Sometimes you just don’t feel well and keep putting off seeing a doctor. Maybe that’s why he looked so dour most of the time.

  23. ultimathule says:
  24. TLKC says:

    ITA rs. LMD is Avicii’s favourite. Not surprising that he might want to sign off this cd with an EDM release as a wink to his core fans that he isn’t leaving them behind.

    I read somewhere that LMD’s US release is not happening at the moment because “Addicted to You” is being released to Top40 Radio in the US on June 3rd. Whether this is true and how people find out these things, I don’t know.

  25. TLKC says:

    LMD is an Adam Lambert DUET? How does that work, ulti? I only hear one lead singer in there.

  26. milwlovesadam says:

    LMD had multi-track vocals. Adam often duets with himself!!

  27. ultimathule says:

    Hahaha, mils – he has the best duet partner around –

  28. ultimathule says:

    National Geographic had an interesting article on redheads – quoting here:

    “Most redheads experience pain differently than the rest of us. Their hair color is caused by a mutation in the skin and melancortin-1 receptor gene, which may ‘inadvertently activate’ similiar receptors in the brain that process anxiety and pain, says Anthony G. Daufas of the Outcomes Research Consortium of clinical anesthesiologists.

    “Anecdotal evidence long held that redheads were harder to anesthetize. The consortium tested that theory and found that redheads required 19 percent more gas for general anesthesia. They’re also more sensitive to thermal pain and more resistant to local anesthesia. No wonder the Journal of the American Dental Association reports redheads are ‘more than twice as likely’ to avoid the dentists’ chair.”

    (#6 is a redhead and can say, from experience, seems to be true for her.)

  29. CNB says:

    Thanks for the “welcome” and “welcome back” messages. Sparkle, I think I saw you posting over at the QOL site along with TLKC. They are a rough bunch. I thought they’d be more accepting of Adam after his great reviews at the Hammersmith shows in 2012, but they don’t want anyone fronting Queen except Freddie! I hope I can meet up with TLKC and friends from Canada. We are staying only a couple of streets away in downtown Chicago! Only 26 days until opening night –getting excited! Big Smile

  30. CNB says:

    I read somewhere that LMD’s US release is not happening at the moment because “Addicted to You” is being released to Top40 Radio in the US on June 3rd. Whether this is true and how people find out these things, I don’t know.

    Here’s the video for “Addicted to You” — kind of a Bonnie and Clyde thing (or Thelma and Louise):

  31. ultimathule says:
  32. ultimathule says:

    Can’t say I’m impressed with the “Addicted to You” video – LMD is starting to look even better – lol. It’s focused on the vocals a lot more – excellent.

  33. milwlovesadam says:

    Going through my pics – this one still knocks me over

    It’s the lips.

  34. ultimathule says:


  35. milwlovesadam says:

    Just heard from krads. LOL. On a train passing through the underbelly of my city. Nice to hear from her though.

  36. CNB says:

    TLKC, I just called my Chicago hotel to find out if I have to reserve a parking spot [I don’t] — they said our hotels are within walking distance so we can probably meet up with you. If not, I will see you at the venue!

  37. ultimathule says:

    Byron Cooke @Byroncooke
    24 hrs till my @adamlambert @QueenWillRock interview! Coming soon to @musicgeek YT channel!

  38. ultimathule says:

    Article about another of Brian’s interests.

  39. ultimathule says:
  40. riskylady says:

    I just can’t get over the way some “Queen Fans” talk about Roger and Brian on their own site. Shameful. IMHO. Would the site still exist if not for them? Would Freddie’s old unheard recordings be remastered and put out?
    And the attitude of some leads me to think they wouldn’t mind if only a Brit would front Queen i.e. Robbie Williams, George Michael, even Rodgers again – anyone but that American.
    Well, they must be positively curdled in rage at the amazing ticket sales, so there is that to enjoy LOL.

  41. HK fan says:

    Its strange thst the US is only just getting its 3rd Avicii single, while the rest of the world is on its 5th…..maybe its because the first 2 tracks had that distinct country feel for the US market, so stayed on the charts a lot longer?? Presuming he follows the same release order in the States, it will get LMD eventually.
    I never expected Adam to be in the video, the singers never have been in Avicii’s videos. And the ideas of him wanting to show of his DJ’ing skills, or being sick make sense….I don’t like reading all the comments on articles whining about why isn’t Adam in the video, its not fair etc etc…makes Adams fans look bad.

  42. milwlovesadam says:

    Aloe Blacc became a break out star with Wake Me Up. He appeared on many shows, and is opening for Bruno Mars on his tour this summer.

    My radio always said Aviici featuring Aloe Blacc. Time will tell how LMD does in the US.

    I just have a feeling that the time will finally be right for our guy. The press from this tour should be amazeballs.

  43. ultimathule says:

    Sweet vid from Lilybop –

  44. ultimathule says:

    Noëlle ♐ @adamgasm1982
    WUT?? RT @TheXFactorInfo RUMOR HAS IT: Queen + Adam Lambert on The X Factor Australia Judges Houses this year.

  45. ultimathule says:

    mmyy9 @mmyy9
    Summer Sonic Osaka promo “Samasoni no mikoto SP” ABC 5/25 Scaps TY! RT @maami64: 録画してたサマソニ命。少しだけだったけど、アダムとクイーン♪♪嬉しいー!

  46. ultimathule says:
  47. ultimathule says:

    This golden/oldie popped up – “Soaked” – London – 11/29/10

    The song was never a fav of mine, but the voice here is, of course, gorgeous.

    Lotsa “enthusiasm” –

  48. ultimathule says:

    Katie Purvis @katiemelb
    #nowplaying ‘Outlaws of Love’ by @adamlambert on Australia’s LGBTIQ radio station, @JOY949. Tune in:

  49. cocoglam says:

    I was out shopping today and Never Close Our Eyes was playing in the store! So fun for Adam to be singing to me as I shop! Smile In Love US Flag

  50. TLKC says:

    Hi CNB! According to our Planning Thread a minimum of 21 people from this site plus 2 extra buddies from Toronto are going to Chicago and there is no way that ALL-ERS go to an Adam concert and DON’T get together.

    Chicago promises to be a lovely mix of east and west coasters who don’t often meet because of the distances.

    We will be having a dinner/party of some sort. I am going onto the Planning thread and find out what is happening. If we haven’t got a native Chicago-an (did I get that right?) in the group then we out-of-towners will pick a place and get it going. BUT IT’S HAPPENING. Pizza Watermelon Beer Drink Announce Party Party Party

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