
Alas, Adam’s time on Glee is over (for this year) but he did find other things to keep himself (and his band) busy in April: a few well-paying private gigs. May (the month not the guitarist) won’t be a month for that though since it is getting to be crunch time and rehearsals begin for the Queen and Adam Lambert Summer Tour 2014. Only a few weeks away now!

Photo above is from the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet on May 1.

Enjoy the chat!

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards Red Carpet- vegas1024pf

Adam introducing Bastille at the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf

Adam interview on the iHeartRadio Music Awards – vegas1024pf


1,862 Responses to May 2014 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    Put that up too, luval – looks great – excited!

    Like the reflection in the glasses.

    His nose is pure elegance.

  2. luval says:

    Looks like he’ll be on time for once. Is he driving? Put up the instagram again…the reflection in the glasses.

    It’s gonna be a long show. 8am (edt) start…until 11pm?

    BtW…listening to the Tyler Glenn interview on the previous page I decided I really don’t care for him.

    edit: of course he’s driving. that’s his hand holding the cell phone for a selfie.

  3. luval says:

    And the hair has grown a smidgen! twilightmagic8 Wink

  4. ultimathule says:

    Yes – agree about TG –

  5. luval says:

    Those sun glasses are really different.

    SuperNintendoChalmer ‏@chunkeymonkey81 17m

    It’s like John Lennon and George Michael has a beautiful baby lol

  6. luval says:

    Live on E tv channel…red carpet for those who get E …Right now!

  7. luval says:

    This was posted I think…downloads of Adam’s Idol songs!pV9DhCjQ!OVEzxB4x-mQlv56iLWwBDQ

  8. HK fan says:

    Love mirrored sunglassesSmile

    What did TG say about Adam…couldn’t get the interview to play?

    wow to that video ulti…was that anywhere near you?

  9. luval says:

    Nothing really, HK fan. Just said his name among others that he was excited to be around that night.

  10. HK fan says:

    Would rather Adam was performing than presenting, but I’ll take what I can get….and all this stuff for IHeart (show/presenting) hopefully means better reception by radio for album 3, right?

  11. luval says:

    Adam on now!!!!! Green suit. Chris Van Ash suit.

  12. nkd says:

    I don’t think he’s driving luval, but being driven. Looks like it could be in an SUV since it looks higher than the car next to it.

  13. luval says:

    Wow wow wow wow wow wow…..skinny, gorgeous…not on long enough.

  14. ultimathule says:

    Ran to the TV just in time – there he was!

  15. riskylady says:

    @Arge1983: iheartradio comment on Adam’s IG pic: “@adamlambert See you here!”

  16. nkd says:

    Not a big fan of the green suit, but he always looks stylish,

  17. nkd says:


  18. luval says:

    Guiliana mentioned Adam again…his sunglasses ….that you can see yourself in them.

  19. luval says:

    Wish he would have been able to sneak in “touring with Queen this summer” when she asked what he’s been up to. Can’t stand that phony Guiliana Rancid as some call her.

  20. ultimathule says:

    Will he be back again on the actual red carpet, doyathink?

  21. luval says:


    He might be presenting early, that’s why he’s on the carpet early. Probably no more.

  22. luval says:

    If I hear the words Austin Mahone one more time I am gonna scream.

  23. luval says:

    Billy Ray Cyrus… wow the long hair. Always thought he was a hunk-ish man.

  24. luval says:

    I was wrong….he’s still on the red carpet posing!!! OMG. Took off his sunglasses.

  25. HK fan says:
  26. luval says:

    lol, the ankles & shoes!!

  27. HK fan says:
  28. ultimathule says:

    He looked smashing – love the green? suit with the light hair – whatta profile – classy, indeed –

  29. HK fan says:
  30. ultimathule says:
  31. luval says:
  32. ultimathule says:

    Melvin very light – wonder how his eyes look with that color suit –

  33. HK fan says:
  34. luval says:

    Just noticed he has dark nail polish on. Can see it in this picture

  35. ultimathule says:

    Looks younger with the lighter facial hair –

    And thanks, HK fan, think he color-coordinated suit/eyes – lol

  36. luval says:

    And he said his hair will probably change in 5 minutes lol or yikes.

  37. luval says:

    Here’s the telly interview,

  38. ultimathule says:

    He is just one damn elegant, classy man –

  39. luval says:

    I’d love this pic up top minus the getty image thing

  40. HK fan says:

    youtube of interview

    yes, definitely need one of these picks up top…

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. ultimathule says:

    Here it is, luval – I’ll go for that – great pic

  43. luval says:

    Talking about Adam again “Well done Adam” in regards to his red carpet outfit. Fashion Police Friday.

    Here’ that picture without the getty image

  44. ultimathule says:

    ♥Bonni Moschetti♥ ♫ @bmoschetti

    “I REALLY LIKED IT!!! Julianna just commented on @adamlambert’s outfit on the RC!! She was very complimentary!

  45. ultimathule says:
  46. ultimathule says:

    Lawrah @Porcelain_Ghost
    @adamlambert is wearing green, black and some golden stuff. It’s like Loki!Adam omfg

  47. ultimathule says:

    iHeartAdamLambert @ALAlwayz
    @eonline Fave is @adamlambert, he always rocks the red carpet!!! #iHeartAdamLambert

  48. luval says:

    shitbull opens the show.

  49. HK fan says:
  50. HK fan says:

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