- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
I’m all for some funked up “Shady,” with Nile Rodgers, for the Idol Finale. Makes for some serious exposure & interest in the “Trespassing” album.
Nothing is better than TV, and a huge audience.
It’s a far cry from radio promo’s, that go nowhere!
I know this article was from a couple months ago, but I thought it was an interesting read since Adam is working on the new album.
Tommy has teeth!
Who knew?
Methinks the finale will have those “Where are they now?” segments filmed earlier. Topped off by, maybe a duet with one of the top 10 singing one of the former Idol’s songs.
I would love to see Adam with Angie, and would keel over if Idol acknowledged Queenbert, or presented him with some award or gold record of some kind. Wouldn’t it be grand if they had an award parade and trotted out all his international gold records? And showed his magazine covers?
He deserves it. Big time. It would put him back on people’s radar.
great article ellesay, thanks for posting.And so true. My boys lived in Zeppelin and Pink Floyd t shirts. And learned Stairway as their first guitar songs. Their garage band played nothing but blues/Clapton ,Zep, and Chuck Berry. They didn’t NEED anything else.
Thanks Ellessay, for posting this article. No matter how old it is, the thoughts & opinions peaked my interest.
I’d rather see this:
and this:
Mils, Yep!
Listening to Pink Floyd in my back yard, while doing yard work.
Their sounds transcend space & time. It’s a natural high for me, and music therapy.
Let’s face it, doing yard work really isn’t that fun.
Yes. Adam and Zep. Perfection.
I give you Cologne:
Gonna need some coolin’
OMG Mils, you are somethin else!
Love your humor & wit!
Thanks, Calgary. I put it on my calendar.

….crawls to keyboard…
He’s like a porn star.
Teeth X 2. Cologne.
I’m in the
afterglow, erm, Aftermath now.Nah. No I’m not.
Round two:
and for extra delight:
What is it that we are to be looking in Urban Dictionary for? Did I miss something?
It was the fruit fly conversation.
Kinda funny/ironic. Considering….
No offense. Puhleeze.
Ta Ta ya’all. Going to see a whole different kind of music tonight. Klezmer music. ( My parents bought us tix. Don’t throw tomatoes.)
hehe mils, I thought the same thing when I initially saw the serious request about fruit flies, before I read it through…

Article discussing the new immigration bill and gay couples.
Damn, mils, that was quite the gauntlet you put us through – I had to struggle, weak in the knees, to the living room to the ritual watching of Game of Thrones with hubby. He thinks I had brain-freeze from eating crushed ice.
Ron, by chance do I spy ash blond hair in your avatar???? Looks nice anyway.
Adam Lambert @adamlambert 1m
Happy Cinco De Mayo!!
HaHa Adam, I spent Cinco De Mayo at the Manton Ca., Winerys. Lots of good wine, people and Mex food, some free, some purchase. just got home, and stuffed, so catching up on Adam and wow, he wished me a Happy Cinco De Mayo (whatever the hell that is I am not from around here

Along those lines I bet Adam doesnt know what the Gasparilla days, pirate invasion,
and Parade is in Tampa Fla, where I am from
Holey Moley me too!
I love longer hair Adam, and and and and….
Both performnces had me. Loved both outfits, for different reasons.
Oh Lordy!!!!!!!
Like this
125 reasons
Loved that 125 reasons, ulti!
Also love that most fan vids these days include something from Ste Agathe. That was one amazing performance…he just lit up the stage and was visibly so happy to be there after a long spell away…
Yes, he obviously was from all the vids I’ve seen, Krad. Pure joy and fun. Ah, the rain – made it even more special. My screen cover is still the one of his arms raised, his jacket blowing in the wind, the light like a halo behind his beautiful head.
I still haven’t washed the Ste Agathe mud from my shoes, it’s silly…but I just don’t want to lose the connection to that amazing evening.
Not silly at all – one keeps things that have a connection to something special. (I keep little stones my grandson collected and gave to me when he was about four – remember the day.)
You’re not alone, Kradamour.
Since the concert in Ste.-Agathe, I have washed my feet …
… but I haven’t cleaned the sandals that I wore that night.
I’m a little bit embarrassed to admit that but as ulti posted it’s not silly if you have a deep connection to something.
I think that luval has something also that she has kept in its Ste Agathe condition.

I am glad to be in such good company!
(And those are awesome gladiator sandals, Ron.)
Hmmmm… so this is interesting. Adam participating in a web series?
Check out “cast and crew” and the prizes. Allan Louis is Adam’s good friend who helped him conceptualize the WAG tour. (I think he also may have been the friend who provided the shoulder cages at the Idol finale for the Kiss performance, but I’m less sure about that.)
The comments on this Beiber thing are hilarious.
“The bouncer did more damage than the crazed fan.”
(The piano must have been made out of papier mache.)
Think the shoulder cages came from an LA shop run by someone he knew (woman?). Memory foggy about this – nothing new – lol.
The sandals are kinda-sorta “okay” but, from the knees up, it’s one of those “WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?” photos!!
I look ridiculous.
Why didn’t someone warn me?
There’s me and one other guy waiting for the show to start. It was a shame that no one else showed up for the concert
Oh well, that was then and this is now.
I still look ridiculous but I’m learning to live with it.
Wouldn’t wanna hafta take those off in a hurry, Ron.
I know from experience that I can take those shorts off in five seconds flat.
I was thinking it was probably Allan Louis that got those cages for Adam also. Allan was wearing them in one of the Zodiac Show videos.
And Adam said it was a queen he knew. He may have called him Mama.
Izzat a world record, Ron? Or a personal best – lol.
I’m giddy laughing from that Bieber “attack” video. Drinking probably has something to do with it, too.
Yep, exactly what I was thinking, nkd. Thanks for confirming my memory!
I swear, I think that Bieber thing was staged. The lead singer of Motley Crue was attacked on stage last night in Canada, and now Bieber in almost the same way??? And, lol, he walks off stage, the bodyguard knocks over the “piano” and yet he KEEPS ON SINGING….lololol.
He really is a fame ho.
I just counted – have thirty St. Agathe vids. Anyone have a favorite or favorites?
What was the temperature?
Beiber is amazing….he has a bouncer, a fan and a piano virtually fall on top of him and he still manages to keep singing without missing a note!!!!
I watched that web series promo thing, but I still didn’t quite get what it was about..
p.s tried the paper funnel in white wine last night, and now have a banana skin in a box with holes in the lid…haven’t caught one pesky fly yet
*fans self*
Slightly bigger:
Bigger still:
Full size, uncropped:
I *ahem* LOVE that picture. That expression on his face is smokin’ hot.
Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, I’m listed in Wikipedia under who is the fastest taker-offer in the world of a man’s pair of shorts.
I’m very talented.
I know you are, Ron
Wow – that TALC/HD Sleepwalker – sizzling.
Ulti, you don’t have the Ste.-Agathe DVD?!
The one that I sent to jlurksacto and he y copied and sent to
thousandsa few people?I’d be happy to send you a copy, ulti.
The temperature for the Ste.-Agathe concert?
Once the sun went down and the concert began, it was very comfortable. Prior to that, the sun was intense!
I remember holding an umbrella over adamized and I because it was just too much for both of us. Sweat pouring down the side of your face kind of heat as we stood there.
But did it matter?
Not in the least. Those of us from ALL who were able to be there were together and we were there to see Adam and it couldn’t have been any better. Including the downpour of rain.
The rain became an integral part of the whole experience and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Yes, that’d be great, Ron – I’d like a copy. Should I put my address on the concert planning thread? Live in Maryland, just outside of D.C.
Really, the possibility of someone on this blog not having
a Ste Agathe DVD? Nah, couldn’t happen!
I just spent the last hour watching that 125 memories vid instead of getting on with my day. Of course I remembered all 125 as I am sure we all did. I have to say that I loved seeing him again with the silver/grey hair. He looked so classy, not that he doesn’t always look gorgeous. Just sayin’
Someone slipped through the cracks
Ulti, I can send it to you or jlurksacto will send the DVD to you.
Just pick between the two of us.
Pick the one you love and adore the most and is waiting for your response.
jlurksacto, you win. Send her the damn DVD.