- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
New Queen artwork from Lucas Vitek…..This guy is sooo good, I can’t believe these are paintings.
lucky you, little Duchess, hope it works out with your travel plans.
That pininterest board is great, so many beautiful pictures.
I wish someone would tell Adam and his peeps that he doesn’t need to have new music to promote on American Idol or any other show. Adam just needs to promote himself. People need to see him on television, to know that he isn’t the AMA Adam, but a more mature, witty, intelligent, and multi-talented entertainer.
I would love to see some kind of music special–Adam and Friends. They could feature performances by Sam Sparro, Queen, Alison Porter, and even Alison Iriheta. Old favorites and new artists to watch for. Duets. His dancers could perform. Maybe some sketch comedy interspersed. ANYTHING that gets him on my tv would be good!
I’d love to see Adam on Jay Leno’s show again. Jay really seemed to enjoy the last time they talked. It would be great for Adam to have a chance to toot his own horn and talk about some of the different countries where he’s performed, awards he’s won, etc. And of course, find at least ONE song to sing!
Bottom line: He’s got to do an end run around the radio people and get on television. People need to see him as well as hear him!
I’m really hoping to see Adam on the Idol finale. I wonder if he’d duet with Angie or Candice? He’s indicated that he liked both of them. I’m not crazy about Angie, but I could see where she might appeal to the theatrical side of him. I think I’d like to hear him sing something bluesy/jazzy with Candice. It’s pretty tricky though–I know he wouldn’t want to steal the show but he’s likely to anyway.
I hadn’t seen this before, Hold On, behind the scenes
God, I love Hold On.
Agree with Calgary and Ellessay. Just why does someone have to be promoting something to sing on TV. But I guess that is just the way it is these days.
Love that HK. I would have loved to be able to hear the whole song.
Shoulda coulda woulda…
Ellesay, glad you get to see a show.

Al thankyou
means he could be awarded 2 awards May 11th, I hope so.
I love “Hold On”.
That video was a treat, HKFan. Thanks for posting.
Poster said this entire “Hold On” demo.
Thanks, jlurk – nice to get that on a quiet Saturday evening. Incredible song and performance.
Sorry for the long post – just getting some speculations out there. I know we are not avoiding commenting about Sauli now, but after looking at Sauli’s last blog, had some thoughts. The last time Sauli referred to Adam as slippa was when they were in Bali/Vietnam in early January. Then they were together for awhile in LA in January and Adams’ birthday, but then Sauli left for Finland around 2/20. Adam first released the Keek of him singing Stay around 2/11, before Valentine’s Day and before Sauli left for Finland. I think Adam chose to cover Stay right after he heard Rihanna sing it at the Grammy’s on 2/10, as a reaction to a song he loved, but also because he was in the midst of those emotions. Because I think the decision for each to be single again was between Bali and Adam’s Birthday, or right after Adam’s birthday, so both would be single prior to Valentine’s Day and prior to Sauli leaving for Finland. Plus Sauli says now that he has been single for “several” months and unless something was lost in translation, 2 months does not indicate “several”, but 3 months might. Three months ago was early February. You will recall that they tweeted a picture of them on Valentine’s Day to their fans as a Happy Valentines Day, but I believe there were no public messages to each other. So just speculating, but I think perhaps they had decided to separate as a couple in January but amicably and still good friends at Adam’s birthday and also still celebrating Valentine’s Day, but not in the same way and may published that picture that day just to quash the separation rumors at that time since they had planned to not make it public until after Adam’s tour was over.
Why mention this since it is none of our business? Because I think it is interesting to go back and review January and February internet activity about those two during this time, considering this speculation, and seeing things from that viewpoint. Such as how Adam poured so much emotion into his cover of Stay, not because he was really asking Sauli to stay (since for all we know it was Adam’s idea – although I think it was Sauli), but rather Adam could closely relate to the emotions of those words at that time.
Of course, one of the things we all love about Adam is that he can pour emotion into just about any song at any time!
That should not say “not avoiding” – not should not be there. I started to say not talking and tried to change it to avoiding and failed to take out the not!
cropped pic from WAFF SOOO gorgeous
Soccermom, appreciate such diligent detective work. You really poured your heart into this one.!
It was a class act, as far as the break-up goes. No drama, and Adam seems to be smiling, and fitting back into the single scene.
It may take awhile for him, to navigate his single life, and balance it with his professional one.
It is so difficult, when you are in the public eye.
Fans are watching his ever move. Must be very hard, to keep his personal confidence up. Everyone human being has doubts about themselves.
I’m am sure he reads some of these posts, and all the speculation of the clubbing scene. I’m quite sure, many want their photo taken with him, and there is no control what ends up on the internet. Doesn’t mean he takes then home with him, or whatever?
We all want him to be happy, successful, and to be respected.
I hope Adam does do the Idol Finale!
I also hope he’s on the finale. I would wish for him to sing with Candace as I think she has the most potential to keep up with him vocally. He wouldn’t have to dumb down his vocals so the contestant is propped up. Too bad Haley/Casey had such a moment with Moan’in because that would have been a jazzy little number. Does anyone know a song in that vein? I have to admit my jazz knowledge is very limited.
Soccermom, I really enjoyed your post. Thank you for taking the time to work through this; I was hoping that someone would make an articulate “big picture” post about the breakup, and you totally satisfied that desire for me.
Agree with twilight that this was one of the classiest breakups in the business (or out of it, for that matter).
Yes, it is none of our business as far as the personal details go, but Adam does live in the public and I care enough about him to want to know the public outlines of the big events in his life, especially as they impact his career and his music.
Sometimes I want 2009 back and all the boyish Adam on Idol – remember he said how he sometimes misses “those careless years when I was so young and skinny.” His very early 20’s must have been so much fun – those years when one is still young enough to do silly things and get away with them. Miss them myself.
And don’t like the thought of Sauli’s initiating it – beyond my comprehension – but, then, I really don’t know Adam. He says he’s open – and I think HE thinks he is – but I’m not sure to what extent he really is.
But, all that aside, what I want more than anything is for him to achieve the success he deserves. It must gall him to see lesser lights getting Grammys – being invited to the Billboard bash – know it does me.
Sauli is younger than Adam, and clearly less cerebral (though not necessarily less intelligent) and – for lack of a better word – more casually funloving. In many ways, Adam is what we call an “old soul” down here in the south. Not to say that he doesn’t know how to have a good time, but there is nothing frivolous about him. I think that he and Sauli complemented each other wonderfully for a time, and both grew as a result, but it wasn’t a ‘forever’ relationship; the venn diagram didn’t have enough overlap.
IMHO and what do I know, of course.

ulti, I was just talking with a friend about that – the days when we were too stupid to know that we were being stupid, and just had a good time!

Never got the feeling, Krad, from the way Adam addressed the subject of marriage, that he looked upon the relationship as permanent. Was not surprised at all that they decided to part.
Trespassing in VERY popular Brazilian TV show:
Soccermom, so very well put. I had exactly the same thoughts about the timeline. Another clue: Sauli was not in Riff’s birthday party pics, and did not go to NY with Adam on that short trip before tour – we all know Sauli loves NY.
Because I knew in my soul it was happening, it made me very happy that Sauli went to meet Adam in St. Petersburg, with all that was going on there. Those happy days in Finland were the sweet end before the bittersweet news in Florida.
Ah, well, as the song said, “It was worth it.”
Still curious about the session with Nile/Avicii recently. See JLo is doing something with Tiesto.
Almost exactly two years ago – signing in Moscow.
Remember this vid – popped up on my facebook again.
I wonder if Adam and Leila went to the Stones show last night in LA. They are her favorite band of all time. I guess not. He didn’t tweet about it and Lyndsey Parker didn’t mention spotting him there.
If Adam is on the finale, I don’t want it to be a duet with just one of the Top 10. But if that happens, then either Angie or Candace, probably not Kree. I love Kree’s voice, but I am not sure her style and Adam’s would blend very well. Her personality is too bland and timid. Angie has more performance personality, although not always the best vocal – but the personality part could blend with her. Candace is probably the best choice of the three, just because of the strength of her vocals and she has enough personality power in her performance sometimes that she might be able to pull it off with Adam. Plus Adam is tall and so is she, and Adam might like looking thinner next to her (not to be critical of Candace but more to lol about Adam).
I don’t think they have that many artists on the finale that sing on their own, except like JLo or one or two others that are really big stars. There are usually just duets or a group singing thing where a group of top 10 singers start songs of that artist and then the doors open and that artist comes out and sings with the top 10 as back-up. IT would be great if Adam got the group sing treatment (just the 5 girls), since that is a sign of more respect of him as an artist and it would be fun to see the girls fangirl around him. But this treatment of Adam at this time is probably unikely. But in my opinion, after the first choice of Adam singing on his own, the group sing approach would be my second choice, and then third would be him singing duet with just Angie or Candace.
Of course, another dream possibility would be Adam singing with Mariah – on a Mariah song?
in a Russian mag, from mjs
on Russian Mag “Vse Zvezdi”: http://twitpic.com/cnlqz3
anyone know how to get rid of fruit flies??? they’re driving me nuts
One way Adam might be able to sing on his own sorta is if it is with Niles on Shady, because I believe Niles is very respected and more of a big artist? They could really play up “the legendary” Niles Rogers and Randy could fanboy over Niles, etc. Then at the end of the song Ryan could come out and mention that the song can be found on Adam’s last album, Trespassing or downloaded on Itunes. Then we can watch Shady rocket up the Itunes chart and some temporary movement of Trespassing? And then if we are really dreaming, a few radio stations decide to play it (even though it was never released as an official single, radio still can choose to play non-single songs if they want – they just didn’t get any payola to do so).
HK, My 28 year old son, who is not good about taking out the garbage in his condo, had an infestation of fruit flies for awhile. But you can be good about garbage and still get fruit flies from too ripe fruit, etc. Somehow once they are there, they multiply like crazy and are hard to get rid of.
My son used apple cider vinegar in small shallow bowls set out. It attracts the fruit flies and then they drown. It is most effective when it is warmed in the microwave for 10 minutes because it accentuates the odor and attracts them faster. If you have cats that might get on counters and drink the vinegar or knock it over, people also use a glass with a funnel in the top, because the fruit flies still travel down the funnel, but a cat would not be able to drink it.
Supposedly wine and tequila also work.
Another one is burning incense – the smoke kills them. But you have to like the smell of incense…
cute old interview I hadn’t seen before
I have only been watching Idol since Season 6 but I don’t ever remember guest singers doing solos on the finales. Those shows are all about the contestants and letting them duet or occasionally do group songs with the stars. They have often done the group songs with stars who are big names, but no longer have their big voices, so it is more about the show than about the music. While it would be a lovely fantasy, I don’t for one minute believe that they would have Adam and Cher sing together. I would like to see Adam sing with Candice. Their voices combined would rock the rafters!
soccermom…I like that scenario.
Thanks for the tips on fruit flies. We’ve had them before and managed to get rid of them by keeping all the fuit in the fridge for a couple of weeks.
But I’ve been doing that for 2 weeks already and they’re still as bad as ever. we only have a small bin that gets emptied at least once a day, often more. And I live in Asia…I love the smell of incense, in fact we burn a stick everyday!!
perhaps I’ll try the vinegar next.
Its the bananas that are the biggest problem, I eat 2 a day, but I don’t like keeping them in the fridge or in a plastic container as it makes them taste funny.
ultimathule, IMO….I don’t think anything at all is going to come out of this. Didn’t Avicii say he had over 80 songs recorded for his album? This is just another one. Hope I’m wrong. If he knew the power of the Glamberts he would be wise to include it.
Hi Soccermom, I too have spent more time than I care to admit on analyzing the breakup of Adam and Sauli. My scenario pretty much follows along with yours with the following exception:…in my totally uninformed opinion, both Adam and Sauli understood that their lives over the next several months would be full of very individual experiences and opportunities. Though they still very much enjoyed eachother they thought it was best to be open to those experiences and not limited by their status as a couple. I think they still enjoy being friends (maybe with benefits).
In regard to the FF problem, here is a solution that worked very quickly for me when I visited my condo in Florida to discover it full of FFs from the tenant whom had just left.
Take a tall narrow glass and put some sweet wine or apple juice at the bottom. Take a piece of paper and form a cone with the narrow part almost touching the liquid at the bottom and the top sealed with tape to the opening of the glass at the top. Make sure that there is no opening for the FFs to come up on the sides. The FFs go down for the liquid and then do not come back out. Make sure the opening of the cone is pretty small.
Good luck!
BTW, I absolutely love the selection of photos for May though I still miss Adam’s smushy face from April.
Hope Adam’s relative silence on Twitter means work being done. Keeping my fingers crossed regarding AI finale. If he is on will be the first time I watch it this season.
Good morning, Adamized! If you haven’t seen Idol this season this would be the week to watch. Three songs each. Judges choice, Producers choice and individual choice. It Would give you an idea of each girl’s voice to see if they blend with Adam. Personally I haven’t decided and probably won’t. I want to be surprised (no mj spoilers for me this time). IF, of course Adam is on the finale! And if he is, he may not sing with the final three anyway.
Well supposedly JLO is singing on the finale this year without singing with an idol, so still possible. Mariah is singing this week her new single Beautiful with Miguel. So that would be her special time so I doubt she will sing again on the finale unless she really wanted to sing with Adam. Although they might pair her with Amber for a song – Amber did sing that Whitney/Mariah duet pretty well. Nicki has said that she does not want to perform on idol. Keith has already performed, but I could see him being paired with Kree for a song maybe.
To continue the Adam/Niles Shady scenario, maybe it would fit the finale mold if some of the top 10 come out and sing along as back-up?
Or another possible performance without any current idols that would be a big enough deal to maybe cause a break in normal format is for Pink to duet with Adam on What do You Want From Me (maybe as a lead-in for Pink finally agreeing to be a judge next year along with Adam…hey if one is going to dream).
I just thought of one solo type performance on an idol finale. Clay Aiken when he came out singing behind that cray fan of his that started out singing the song – the guy that was skinny and red haired like Clay, but otherwise didn’t really look like him much and sure didn’t sound like him.
From the Heat Magazine interview HK fan posted above:
If Adam doesn’t want his “fridge” objectified then he shouldn’t have encouraged it!
Thanks for posting that cute little interview HK fan. I don’t think I had ever seen it either.
Adam Lambert Wicked Part 1/2
Part 2/2
When is the finale? Is it pretty soon?

Top 3 is this week, so next week is the final two.
Is final 2 the finale, or do they go on for another show after that?
(I feel so “duh” here…)
LOL I think this is the ONLY time I ever saw Tommy laugh….
Krad Wednesday May 15 is the final two sing-off. Votes that night, and then the next night is the finale as far as I know.
The banana’s are the trick!
I’m sure you could use any fruit.
Here’s my solution, and it is quick & you can tuck it out of the way.
I use a container from Trader Joes, like the licorice, candies, chocolates. Anyway, it has a lid, that is air tight.
I always save one, for the fruit fly season.
Anyway, take part of a banana peel, and place it at the bottom of the clear container, and then put the lid back on.
Then carefully make very very small holes throughout the top.
You can carefully use the tip of a small knife, or what ever.
The whole point is to, attract the fruit flies to enter the holes, but they can’t get out.
Such an easy solution, and you can tuck it back on the kitchen counter, or even on top of your fridge, which will hide this entrapment from view.
You won’t believe how amazing this works.
The decomposing banana peel attracts them, but you don’t smell a thing.
When you think, it is getting to full, you just go outside, and dump the container out in the trash, along with the trapped fruit flies.
I take a paper towel, out with me, and wipe out the container, and put a fresh banana peel in the bottom, and start the process all over again.
This is so easy, and the fruit flies are trapped, and you have rid yourself from the fruit flies, invading your domain.
It’s very comforting to see them all flying around trapped in this container, but not in your face.
What is going on here?
Doesn’t anybody else use Urban Dictionary anymore?