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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
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Another poll from the Wendy Williams show
Adam and Mayor at this mornings ceremonies
Adam has better shirt and suit on this morning than last night.
Last night
This morning
asif– As to the question of who is the prettiest, yes, you are biased, as we all are here at ALL but even someone looking at those pictures that didn’t know any of them would say the same thing – Adam is the prettiest of the four, not even close!
Adam taking over at City Council?
A couple of pages ago, someone posted Megan Joy’s version of No Boundaries. I listened to it, Adam’s version, Kris’s version and Kara’s version. Out of all four, have to say I liked Kara’s the best. It does seem to have been written for a woman’s voice. Would like to hear Adam sing it again, only in a lower key. I’m sure that would end up being my favorite!
Hi sparkle … Good to see you again. Always love your posts. Please post more often.
Adam is very photogenic. I have tons of his photos in my hard drive. He is classic handsome. Hope the facial hair and mustache is gone.
I’m so proud that he is recognized by his community and the important peeps in politics.
Hope we won’t lose him to politics. #PoliticoBert
This is a funny tweet from a fan.
Karen Unicorn Wanker @ladistardust
“@gakbird: To hell with AI judgeship! We’re goin for political office! #PoliticoBert” HELL YEA
Sparkle … Could you give us links to all 4 versions of No Boundaries? I’d like to hear them again.
I like NB and have listened to all 4 versions.
Even though the song has too many words, too many high notes, Adam would have made it his own and great and rockish if he had won AI.
AL … I nominate this photo for June Thread.
My lovely, gorgeous, adorable, sweet and pretty blue-eyed Adam.
I love that one too asif!
nkd … YAY!! … \O/ …
I also gave a lot of votes to wendy poll you gave the link. I’m a sucker for polls. Started from Adam’s 43% up to 49%. Now it’s getting down to 47%.
Better go give some love to Adam.
AWWWW … Dadbert!!
Gale Whittington @GaleChester 3m
CBS LA Livestream Via @wehoscott: Adam Lambert honored in LA this morning. Watch KCAL9 News at 2 (5p ET), around… http://fb.me/2f53OQbBo
Livestream from this am I think. Missed a lot today! Stupid work….
Awww, Adam has the greatest parents. They never skimp on expressing their unconditional love and pride. And you know that they would be just as proud if he never got out of community theater or was a lounge singer. No wonder he is so grounded. I love the way he always acknowledges those who helped him get where he is now, his parents, Idol….He takes nothing for granted. The opposite of a self important diva. Just another thing to love about him.
Whenever anyone tweets Eber about being proud of one of Adam’s accomplishments, he makes a point of saying that he is ALWAYS proud of him.
rs … You said it best!!!

They are now saying 5:40pm ET for the broadcast.
I vote for the Adam and Barbara Eden picture as I am a “sap” for chest hairs and award picture with “blue eyes” has to come in as a close second….all his pictures just drive me up a wall, can hardly believe I’ll be seeing HIM in 32 days..

HD video of intro & Adam
I take back what I said earlier about not reading the comments on the People Magazine pole.
It’s popcorn time … because …
WHO is FiyerosBlueDiamond?! What a staunch Adam supporter! Must be sitting there waiting to pounce on any … not negative comments – this person recognizes that not everyone likes or wants Adam to be a judge … – but the ridiculous comments about Adam to set the record straight.
Current favorite comment: Adam’s ego is out of the ballpark.
Last check:
Adam 38%
Clay 26%
Kelly 25%
Jennifer 11%
You have to watch this. Herb Wesson aka Huge Glambert. Too funny
I think he is the President of the City Council…..
I LOVE that photo!
Look at the girl to the right with the bemused smile (I’m sure she’s about to break into a great big smile) but look at the guy in the back of her … mopping his brow.
“Oh my aching head”.
I just love how he is all puckered up

mom &son
That’s my question, too, rs.

But I am basically on board with anything Adam wants!
I vote for the photo sistasif requested for the June thread:
Because as cool as the lifeball was, this month was really all about Adam’s new stature as not only an award winner in the LGBT circuit, but also recognized by officialdom.
Was watching the videos of Adam walking into various places. There is just a new stature to him; he knows exactly who he is now, and he owns the space he occupies in a way that he has not before.
Yes, I can see Adam running for public office one day. He might want that, and if he does I wish it for him.
Re the unconditional love of Dadbert…not sure I always saw that, even though it may be there. Father and son interactions are so complicated. Even in this post, Eber says that he is “rarely” not proud, not “never” not proud.
And remember Adam’s statement when asked quite a while ago about what was best about doing so well on Idol? He said that he was glad to show his father that he could do something good. (I know they weren’t the exact words, but very similar.) It struck me at the time.
Eber is not the warm fuzzy type; I suspect that there were many times that Adam sought and didn’t find his father’s approval, even though it seems that love and acceptance of who Adam is (but maybe not what Adam was doing) were always there. I am not sure that Adam always felt that his father’s love was unconditional.
I kinda feel that I should dot that last part of the post; I certainly don’t have any insight into the workings of Adam’s heart, or Eber’s. But with two sons, I often realize that my husband’s love for his sons is much more complicated than mine.
OMG Insider May 31, 2013
Nice. Changing one person at a time into Glamberts. Music review.
Awww, asif, so sweet of you to say that you love my posts! It means a lot coming from you! As to bringing over the 4 versions, would someone be so kind as to bring them from youtube – I’m afraid that I am technically challenged (as you can see – no avi!). I listened to the Megan Joy one that was posted then went to YT and typed in Amercan Idol No Boundaries and easily found the studio version by Adam and Kris and “kara dioguardi sings no boundaries”. To correct myself on Adam’s version, I love, love, love the way he starts the song – the middle is just a bit too high for my taste.
more pics from last night, very cute, wonder what is so funny
Oh aely. Thank you so very much for that. That performance of Underneath is so emotional. I don’t know how he got through that. It seemed like he was going to just lose it, but he didn’t. What a performance!
Who remembers if it was in South Africa? Was this the first time he sang it live?
Yes Mils that was Cape Town.
Thanks, aely , for posting that review with the Underneath performance – I hadn’t seen that before – and the NB versions!
Thanks … sparkle and aely for the goodies.
Off I go to fix dinner while Adam is ooot and abooot to make the world a better place to live.
Here is Adam with all the politicians burting about him.
kradamour: “Re the unconditional love of Dadbert” I have a very similar impression. But I have to acknowledge that Dadbert had Adam’s back 99.9% of the time, even if it was more of a tough love approach. I remember Adam on the Jay Leno show quoting Dad as saying “I don’t support the unmotivated unemployed.” Adam said something to the effect of dad was really relieved to see his financial situation working out. I would venture out and say that financial stability piece was huge between them.
Mom on the other hand seems the epitome of unconditional love.
Thanks glambot.
I must have early Bertheimer’s. I’m forgetting some thingzes Lambert lately.
Well. Not important thingz. Maybe.
On a whole nother subject:
What’s with him still wearing untucked shirts and long shirts and tunics and long jackets and harem pants ( “Harem”. I said it. Ali Baba does not wear cossack pants!
) ????????
Still not wanting to be objectified???
I say it’s time for him to come forward.
It’s time to be counted.
It’s time to show us what he’s made of.
It’s time to tuck in his shirt.
It’s time to wear a belt.
It’s time to be objectified once again.
And show us what he’s made of.
** Thank You **
Kradamour – you are so right about the complicated relationships between dads and sons and I think you are right about Eber. I remember the AI video where Mom wanted him to be happy and Dad wanted him to be happy but also make some money. In many ways, Adam was a late bloomer. Only lasted a semester in college, didn’t seem to be able to get ahead in the entertainment business. That’s why he’s so grateful to AI. I hope they keep Keith and add Adam and a woman music executive as the judges panel next year. I know he’s great as a mentor so I think the perfect scenario would be Adam helping the contestants behind the scenes every week and let Harry Connick Jr. judge!
Ummmm. I guess I’m going to “interpret” Eber’s comment as ” I have another son, of whom I am also very proud, and I have a life of my own to live, and I work and have a girlfriend, and have other hobbies, so while I am very proud of my son 99.9999 percent of the time, sometimes for a split second I am thinking of something else.”
Okay, I’m the post ho this evening. Blame asif for encouraging more posts! For some reason, I just watched Adam’s Crawl Through Fire performance (posted above under Pre-Idol).
nkd, as the wardrobe mistress extraordinaire, is Adam wearing those gold lame-ish leggings again as Ali Baba at the Lifeball? I trust you don’t mind the research that this may entail!
Turquoise, thanks and I agree with everything in your post, that is definitely the feeling that I had. Remember Adam said that his mother sent him gift cards for Whole
PaycheckFoods? Nothing about his dad in that context. But I agree that he totally had his back, but wanted him to stand up on his own.Sparkle, I remember that comment, too, and even tho it was said in humor I def heard an edge to it. And Adam didn’t even last a semester in college, I think it was only a matter of weeks. So that tuition was thrown away and I can totally see Eber going ballistic over his kid dropping out of school…formal education seems very important to him. Add to that, a younger brother taking the conventional Dad-approved route…
I have always had the impression that Neil is his father’s son and Adam is his mother’s son, and I think we have said that in a number of contexts over the years. Not that both parents don’t love both sons, but that is often the dynamic in a two-child family.
I think that there is a separation between the relationship of a father and daughter and the relationship between that of a father and son.
The little boy, who one day becomes a man, never ceases to want his father’s approval. You do every thing you can do to make your father want to be proud of you.
I’m not taking anything away from the way that daughters feel about their fathers.
I just think that it’s a distinctly male thing whereby a son needs – has to have – his father say at one time, “I’m proud of you, son”.
It means – everything.
Back me up eywflyer, jlurksacto, AL – not necessarily in that order.
It makes me very happy to know that Adam has his father’s love and support. It’s another part of the tapestry that makes Adam who he is today.
My father is 88 years old and I’m still waiting to hear those words …
Big shrug – ahh, well.
Good for Adam!
Go to minute 42. Shows today’s entire ceremony. Official video, of the meeting. Yay! Really special.
ETA. Adam’s part with all the ” fan girling ” included is 42 min to 1:20 minutes. There is more and it is all very touching and amazing. Very, very proud fan of Adam, the Mayor and other elected officials as well as LA itself. Just bravo!
ron, the other part of that is that for some fathers – and mine was one of them – those words are terribly hard – or impossible – to say.

I would not be surprised if your father has said them in his heart, even though you have not heard the words.
sparkle, those were the gold/bronze colored jeans that he wore at his birthday party, on stage a time or two, and in the AT&T Live Proud video. I should search for them, or has someone found them already?
Dear Kradamour
You’re so kind and so understanding.
“Terribly hard – or impossible”.
I know what you’re saying and I thank you so much for saying it.