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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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A New Zealand MP arguing a few weeks ago in favour of same sex marriage prior to its being passed.
If only U.S. senators, the Supreme Court, and the general populace could adopt the same attitude and approach it with this kind of humour.
Elvis HOT!
Can’t wait for the finished book!
Hi ron, I posted this speech a few weeks ago. It was so good! Everyone could learn from him how to get such an important point across with humor. Certainly worth watching again.
Oh. My! That Elvis book picture is WOW!

This is Christina Sturmer, the Austrian singer the two announcers on the Life Ball show were comparing Adam to (they said in their voice-over that he was an “American Christina Sturmer.” LOL. I’ll leave the comparison to you.
(I hope the Life Ball appearance inspired a lot of Austrians to seek more info about Adam!!! Clearly, they are needing it.)
Love those pics from last night leaving Chateau Marmont!
He does just get more and more gorgeous!
BTW, Adam and I have matching iphone cases! I was planning on getting a new one but I may have to keep this one for a while now. I’ve had mine since January, he’s such a copycat.
To me…this is Elvis/Adam!
I find it odd that Adam kept the mustache for the photo shoot, but maybe he would have looked TOO much like Elvis without it. I think the photographer wanted to focus on the sunglasses, not who might look like Elvis
This is kind of cool:
There was a bearded Elvis. In the movie “Charro” he played the title role bearded, and only sang the song over the credits. It was a serious role.
Funny exchange…looks like there might be some glamberts at MSN now..
Elvis pic no watermark
I wish he’d get rid of the facial hair….just doesn’t look like Adam with it, and it ages him
So funny. We’re all ooh-ing and aah-ing over the Elvis pic. it’s actually a pic of the photographer taking the pic of Adam in the Elvis glasses!! It’s not even the actual picture yet!
Which, when revealed, will be stunning.
cwm, I loved your post about how much more gorgeous he is now than even when on GN, when he was fabulous. Your words were perfect.
My husband Jim saw Elvis in person wearing the beard. It was at a boxing match in L.A. They announced that Elvis was in the house. Jim got up and walked down the isle toward where Elvis was sitting. About that time 3 big burly bodyguards got up to escort Elvis out and sort of pushed Jim back but Elvis pass by right in front of him. DH was Elvis fan and was kind of stars struck. lol
Didn’t really like Elvis with a beard in those photos….Adam looks better than most people with a beard, and he at least keeps his neat, but I just don’t like beards on anyone, can’t think of anyone that looks good with one…apart from Adam of course.
Thanks for the pic aely!
I was wondering when he was going to pull that jacket out again.
I love it.
Found this on Yahoo Page
Same old routine with Adam mention as a new judge.
5 Changes American Idol Needs to Make in Season 13
By Liz Raftery | TV Guide – 1 hour 41 minutes ago
This is cute:
I’m not one of the oo’ers & aah’ers over that Elvis pic of Adam. To me it looks just like Adam with his gold glasses on! Nice as usual. Will wait to see the real pic.
Looks like somebody was hitting the spray tan booth again!
If he shaved he’d have a white mark where he isn’t tan!
Hence, the no facial shaving.
Aud’s idle @Audsidol 29s
his faace MT @14gelly: NEW PIC inside the car @adamlambert Spotted Outside the Chateau Marmont http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/fp/Celebrities+Enjoy+Night+Out+Chateau+Marmont+6eK2l4Tn6qel.jpg …
http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/EdGbBTVxDmE/Celebs+Spotted+Outside+Chateau+Marmont/6eK2l4Tn6qe …
Adams posting lots of old photos on instagram
Oh. My. We have never forgotten those Details pics Adam.
Got my new People mag today. The only Life Ball picture is of Barbara Eden.
Anyone know anything about tonight yet?
Don’t hate on me, but when I saw this pic I immediately thought “Drake”. Ugh.

Time for the facial hair to go.
For some reason I just hate knowing how hard he would have to work to make it dark. I can picture him with a mascara wand touching up each little hair, snd somehow I find that image really unappealing.
Just me, of course.
Interesting that Adam is posting the Details pics. Always fun to speculate why on earth he decides to send something out into the internetverse.

I think he’s playing on sexuality because he’s getting an award tonight in LA. He’s showing many sides of himself. Young and made-up. Older with two faces and wiping off make-up. With women, playing on hetero-homosexuality.
And playing with his fans. He knows how much we loooorve those Details pics.
Oh. And he may be recalling all the controversy those pics created with OUT Magazine and its editor, leading up to some of what fired him up at the AMA’s.
That pic of Adam in the car may be my favorite of the night. He has a “you want some of this?” look in his eyes.
I don’t mind the facial hair.
My favorite quote lately. Thanks nkd.
I still wanna know how he looks so good when he spends half his life in a plane.
I usually resemble Charles Manson when I deplane.
Wonder where the model from Details magazine is now? I searched around but couldn’t find her name.
Mariah Carey Confirms her Departure from American Idol
Nicki Minaj Confirms Departure From American Idol
One by one …
She’s in a trance. Never recovered from being nude with Adam.
Back from dinner with one to many glasses of wine but, I love the facial hair or not, love the different feelings. From awwww to grrrrrrrrrr…to damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn…..depending on my mood. Who is Drake?
Kradamour, Are we sure that he has to color his beard? Cuz there was that time when he got the sides and back shaved really close and had dark up top but the short hair on sides and back was a more auburny brown? Plus, my 28 yr old son is a strawberry blonde, and so are his eyebrows and chest/arm/leg hair, but his mustache/goatee is a darker reddish brown. Also, when we see any chest hair on Adam, it is darker and I doubt he colors that? If he does color his beard, I hope it is with some kind of (mild for skin) color rinse like is used on head hair, rather than a mascara type wand! Does Ron have any insights on this from the theater world?
Mils, regarding plane travel – IKR? Eye bags and belly bloat, hair in disarray, make-up smeared. That is me deplaning. I wonder if he locks up the First Class toilet area for an hour when on a plane?
aely, Drake was a brief affair around Idol time. From Louisiana. Wore wife-beaters.
So I just re-read the Details article, haven’t read it since the mag came out. Very interesting in retrospect.
Thanks Krad I don’t really remember that, but now that you said that I am guessing it was the same guy with his family on AI. Not very cute, to me, if it is the guy I am thinking about. Don’t care to look it up either. Lazy.
Adam and Drake
Thanks nkd really moved up with Sauli, huh?
A couple of pics of Adam with natural color facial hair. Barely noticeable.
This facial hair, I hated. Gah, that was awful!
All of a sudden Z100 in NYC has interest in Adam…..
Program for tonight
Thanks, aely,for posting the article above regarding the similarities between AI and The Voice. I love that the writer agrees with what I think everyone here believes – that by choosing Kris over Adam, the show went rapidly downhill and never recovered!
@GaleChester: LIVE NOW! ADAM LAMBERT Via @CoralMermaid I’m live on Ustream! May 30: City of Los Angeles LGBT Heritage… http://t.co/5ia4OI5OgW
ETA: They turned it off when they started talking about Adam
Hi Soccermom,
Yes, Ron does.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Adam uses, as I use occasionally, a “stipple sponge”.
As you can probably tell by the way it looks, it’s a bit coarse but at the same time very flexible … “spongy”.
Rub it into some eyebrow powder and dab it here and there on facial hair to darken it and make it look denser and fuller.
One can even give the appearance of having a heavy 5 o’clock shadow applying it on the jawline and lower cheeks to the sideburns that looks very natural!
It works. I’ve fooled a number of people into thinking that I’d grown full scruff since the last time I saw them when, in fact, it was a eyebrow powder put on by a stipple sponge.
I shouldn’t be doing this! I shouldn’t be giving away my beauty secrets!
And with that, I’m going to try and get some beauty sleep.
Good night.
Livestream is back on.
Thanks Asid just about to post that