- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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A pic of Elton John from the Shades of Elvis shoot
So…Emporio Armani undies?!!
Miss Chaos, totally agree with nekkid – sense of humor is everything!

It seems as though in the past six months there has been an extraordinary amount of ailment/illness/injury.
Thank goodness for Adam and each other to keep our spirits up!
Exactly ditto to what nkd just said to both Miss Chaos and Kradamour!
Miss Chaos – sending you best wishes for recovery sooner rather than later, and
Kradamour – wonderful news that you are healing to quickly and so well!
Oh and HK Fan, don’t worry, it was nothing important!
And Michael Buble from the Elvis photoshoot:
Photographer tweet from August announcing the project:
Here are some of the featured artists he identifies on his blog if you scroll through it: Billy Ray Cyrus, Willie Nelson, Billy Gibbos of ZZ Top, Tim Burton, Tony Hawk, Peter Fonda, Jillian Michaels, Ron Perlman, Johnny Depp (
Add that to your database, nkd!
Ha! I’m sure it will be scrolling in the sidebar!
If shown on the models, I’m fine with that!
So have you found a link that you can share with us? And did you learn how much his undies cost?
This cracks me up.
Emporio Armani current collection.
Not sure if they are “underpants” or boxers
Of course that was last year so I didn’t find anything in the exact color, but it was fun researching!
Prices range from $20’s to $110.

Y’know, when I took my older son to Paris, I set him loose in a store to pick up some undies to take home.

He came back to me after about 10 minutes and claimed to be traumatized for life. Totally refused to buy anything.
And we were in a totally mainstream department store!
Too funny!
The Emporio Armani styles made me think of this. Here in the US, most of our men’s underwear is very white-bread. Sad, really. It is always pretty easy to figure out what is under a man’s clothing.
In France, there are often surprises.
Oh. Ok then. Well, that was quite an… um… eyeful.
Based on the waistband that is clearly visible in photos #353 and #354 in the Queenbert slideshow, I’d say that Adam is wearing either the $95 pair of briefs or the $110 pair of boxers. Of course, they are both the most expensive selections in the collection. Of course! Oh Adam.
Since he says he favors briefs, I put my money on the $95 briefs.
Thank you, nkd, from the bottom of my heart. I really should be working on something that’s due tonight, but instead I’m looking at photos of men’s underwear and comparing waistbands. What is my life??
Cmw I’m glad it is your life because you sure make mine more interesting. Keep up the good work!
Those were my picks too, cwm, based on the waistbands of course!
Haha! *ahem* Yes, based on waistbands, of course.
Gotta say, though, that those $95 briefs are definitely the best looking of the bunch. Boy’s got good taste.
JOJOSIE – you are just too damn cute!!
Kradamour, yes it is!
Adam out last night at the Viper Room
Adam mention in Billboard
“Pharrell Williams’ Top 40 Return: 10 Songs That Prefaced His Pop Comeback”
This possibly could be in response to Adam Levine caught on the mic on The Voice last night saying “I hate this country”. He was frustrated with the voting I think.
mj has a thread about it.
That sounds about right. (shakes head)

Funny Homeplanet post on Lambert/Levine
Someone remind me where the term “melvin” came from?

My brain suddenly has a hole in it…
I don’t remember how it started but it is in the Urban Dictionary lol.
and this is what Adam said when he found out it is named.
** cough**
**clears throat**
Erm. I do believe Adam has stated that he prefers
You know, briefs that have a short “leg”.
(( I’m in the corner. Anybody want to join me there? ))
Just heard WWFM in my car radio…nice!
Someone on twitter wishes we would all stop using the term Melvin for Adam’s scruff. I don’t like that nickname either.
Isn’t “melvin” the name of some old porn star that peeps believed Adam looked like when he first grew the mustache and goatee?
eta: I would think it would have to be shaved today for the Elvis photo shoot.
asif, that’s gorgeous. Thanks.
Yes, I am not a fan of the term “Melvin”, but I do like the scruff. Ginger or colored, I think it looks great on him.
Oh heck, who am I kidding anymore? He always looks good!!
Can’t wait for the Elvis pics to be revealed.
Have we had this weeks hump day posted yet?
I will be glad to see the beard go….I like the slightly scruffy look on him, but not really the beard…
Talking of Elvis photos, the link posted earlier of Michael Buble in the Elvis shoot wasn’t him…didn’t recognise the person.
Megan Joy (from s8)
covering No Boundaries
Thanks, HK fan, for the Megan Joy post. I love her “Boy Next Door” song:
Wow, asif, that fan art is gorgeous! The background kinda reminds me of my avi! Which is no accident actually, because I chose this avi because it combines peacock feather, rainbow, and water motifs, all of which I associate with Adam.
HK Fan – actually, that is the Michael Buble post – you just need to scroll down a bit. The large photo at the top of the blog page is the photographer, but if you scroll down a little ways, you’ll see the photograph with Michael Buble.
Here’s the link again: http://www.photoblogchat.blogspot.com/2013/05/photo-shoot-with-michael-buble-for.html
Well if that’s what you remember, mils, who am I to argue with you? That means that Adam would be wearing those $110 boxer briefs. From the looks of them, yeah I could live with that. That’s a good looking pair of boxers. *cough* Yowza. Scootch over, I’m joining you in the corner.
Of all the songs to cover why in the world would she choose this one? I always liked her though. I met her the night of the Idols concert and she is really sweet and beautiful. Met Adam that night too! Good memories! Just had ACL surgery I was on crutches and a full leg brace but by God, I was going to that concert and wait for Adam.
Oh, and whoever invented boxer briefs should get a medal.
Photo Albums by the same person yesterday.
Pictures Glam Nation Tour Amsterdam, 20/11/2010
Pictures Queen + Adam, Apollo Victoria Theatre, London, 14/7/2012
I can see how the boxer briefs would be more comfortable under the leather.
Ok, so Adam is insanely handsome in these three photos:
Kara said that she wrote the song for a female singer, and listening to Megan sing it, I can see why. Sounds much more natural this way.
cwm, Adam looks insanely handsome in practically every photo I see of him, except for the ones where he is making faces. Don’t like those.
So keep sending pics.
Well that brings us to decide on a main photo for the June chat thread. Yes it will be June already in another day or so. Like last month, post your favorites and one will be chosen as the main photo and the runners-up will be thumbnails below it. Lots to choose from (as always). Smizzing photos are welcome too!
Thanks, asif, for posting those photo albums from the Queenbert and GNT Amsterdam shows. AMAZING quality.
You know, comparing the way Adam looked at those two shows just makes it so obvious how much better he looks right now than he did by the end of the GNT tour. I wasn’t crazy about his hair style on the European leg of the GNT, with it so long on top and worn to the side, and I LOVE his hairstyle now.
But it isn’t just his hair that makes the difference, as those pictures show – it’s his whole countenance now. Hair, skin, weight, make up, rested and healthy, a certain confidence in his facial expressions… everything is pretty much perfect right now. Here I thought he was pretty good looking during the GNT tour, but he is just off-the-charts gorgeous now in comparison.
Here is the poster regarding the LGBT Heritage Month Celebration tomorrow at which Adam will be honored.
Darn it – I was just in LA for the Memorial Day weekend visiting my mom. I coulda gone to this event if I had just stayed a couple of days longer! Doh!
By the way, I am now in San Francisco for a conference, staying at the Grand Hyatt – the hotel where the recent GLAAD awards were held, where Adam received his award. Nice hotel! I like knowing that he recently stayed here, although I know the chances are slim that I’m staying in the same room he did.

I posted this on the Life Ball thread, but it’s so funny, it merits posting here as well, since not many people may be visiting that thread anymore. (There has been some good stuff posted over there in the last day or two, though, so it’s worth another visit.
Anyway, from this description, it sounds like that was quite a wild and crazy plane ride from NY to Vienna! Wowza. And what a crack up that “the other half [of the plane] was occupied by a group of soon-to-be very confused/traumatized Birthright-ers.” Haha!!
Adam’s pics are #36 and #42.
Adam out and about looking gorgeous..
cwm…thanks for the hint re Buble pic…..duh, never thought to scroll down!!!
Here’s the entire set of photos from last night all 45 and all gorgeous!
Comment from Glamour Magazine UK: