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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Yes, true, HK, but the lawsuit that brought about this vote by the Scout Council was brought by two lesbians, who are partners, and were basically thrown out by their local council as the leaders for their sons.
If that had happened here, and I knew about it, I would have quit on the spot.
To my knowledge, there were no gay leaders or gay kids involved in our Troop/Pack. But, if there were, they were deeply closeted.
Oh, HK, I didn’t know you were that close to the Hammersmith. You must have been going nuts knowing that was happening.
Didn’t you see other shows though?
mils The scout thing upsets me too. It’s really BS and just window dressing. Total hypocrisy.
My hear something soon
Mils, to me the worst irony of the Scouts vote is that all these years of not allowing gay scouts or leaders, they’ve had all those pedophiles and all those secret files on them – moving them around, covering up for them, very much like the Catholic Church. So, the “straight” rules didn’t work out so well…..
I don’t have a lot of faith in TPTB choosing Idol judges. Their track record after Simon is dismal. Why think they are going to make good choices now???? And, mixed feelings about Adam. I know he will be a great judge. But, will this at this early stage be good for his career? Biiiiiiggg question.
I’m can’t get on that link for Lyndsey Parker..
I am out but don’t think Lindsey has been on yet. Try this
Looks like a screencap of what we couldn’t get on to.
I watched the Amanda Bines crapfest waiting for Lyndsey, then everything kept going black.
Lyndsay didn’t say anything new, just got Adam’s name in there a couple of times.
chunkeymonkey – this is all of us right now on the vid
I can’t resist, the Riverside Theater just posted several videos of Il Divo from the night I saw them 2 weeks ago. Here’s My Way, it’s just cheesy and cornball and very Vegas, but, I guess they were uncharacteristically goofing around. For any fans out there, here’s their finale:
HK, this is what I was referring to in my post a day or so ago. I said that I like Nicki ten times better than Jennifer; and while I don’t agree with lots of things Nicki says or does, I do get the feeling that she has a good heart, means well, and that she is joking around a lot (especially with her tone of voice and the way she speaks to the contestants). Jennifer comes across as so self-important. I really don’t think I can watch or listen to her. Her speaking voice bothers me far worse than Nicki’s, and lots of folks don’t like her (Nicki) voice.
mils, my husband the eagle scout won’t even talk about the Boy Scout vote. Scouting was a huge part of his life when his father was away at sea as a naval officer. He is so disgusted by the half full/half empty/all crappy decision that basically says “yes you can be a scout, but don’t think that anyone like you could ever be a role model as a scout leader…”
I have personally known three scout leaders who were prosecuted for sexually abusing the scouts in their troops, one of them my brother’s scout leader (thank goodness my brother was not aware of what was going on), and another happened to be also my English teacher in elementary school.
But at least they weren’t gay. Apparently that would have been so much worse.

Oh Kradamour, how awful. And yes, at least they weren’t gay.
Like I said, they should take a stand against pedophilia.
THAT is the problem with the abuse. Not homosexuality. IMHO.
I really wish he would stop the goofy wide-eyed funny faces.
Too many Red Bulls and energy drinks?
IKR, re the goofy faces. But I do take some comfort in the fact that I think we can assume that this means that he finally feels comfortable enough about his appearance that he can make faces, and that is a good thing.

Adam article in Pittsburgh WHIRL Magazine page 70
Great article – thanks, glambotgram
I still think he’s making the faces so that people won’t think every guy he’s posing with is a new “boyfriend.”
My favorite hat – (excuse if already posted)
I’ve been sitting here in my tuxedo staring at the floor since 12:30pm waiting for luval to arrive.
Something must have detained her.
It was a beautiful clear blue sky kind of day here in Toronto so I was happy to know that she was driving in good weather.
I was wrong. luval left Syracuse in a monsoon with high winds that rattled and shook her car for nearly half of the 5 hours that it took her to get here.
Thankfully, she arrived safe and sound around the expected time of 1:00pm.
We were finally together after much too long a time since we’d seen one another and we began by talking and talking and talking. Then we ate and we ate and we ate and then we talked and we talked and … we talked some more.
Then, for a change of pace, we went on Skype with nkd where the three of us talked and talked and talked and talked … for 2 hours.
After that, luval and I were in the mood to really switch gears so we sat – and talked and talked and talked …
She went back to her hotel and is going to call me in the morning so that we can talk some more again.
It was wonderful!! Lots of laughing mixed in with the talking!
Being able to see and hug and be with luval is, I’ll say it again, wonderful!
During our Skype time with nkd, we were able to see Callie again (nkd’s beautiful daughter) AND we met nkd’s husband.
nkd was able to say hello to Gil.
I’ve been telling nkd for years (gee, do we really have that much history now to be able to say “years?”) to divorce her husband and marry me but, for some reason, she refuses!
Now that I’ve met Mr. nkd, I understand why.
Tomorrow we have the birthday party and I get to be with luval again and TLKC, Northern Spirit, milkywayfairy and every one else and will be able to see Adam as Ali Baba!
For the moment, life is good in this neck of the woods!
Ron, I was just this minute thinking about your visit with luval and hoping you would check in with us!

Sigh. I am both green-ly jealous and so delighted that you are having this wonderful time together!
But I especially loved you say that now there is a connection of years plural…yes, there is! And time definitely flies when we are enjoying each other so much!
And what a treat to share electronic face time with nekkid – plus see Callie again and meet Mr. Nekkid!
Wishing you an even better time tomorrow as you gather and share company tomorrow!
And maybe have more opportunities to…talk!
Recognize the jacket Adam was wearing at the pre-party?
From March 2, 2010, his appearance on Leno.
Funny that Ron, luval and I were just talking about this performance this afternoon, then I click on picture links and there is the jacket that he wore that night!
I had such a great time on Skype with luval and Ron today. I really couldn’t believe that we were talking for over two hours, once we looked at the time.
Thank you Ron for such a lovely idea!
Adam looks so much better now than in that Leno appearance, alto I did love it.
Adam singing “let me out of this dream”, and Tommy saying to himself, “let me out of this damn circle of light”!
My head feels better, but eye still drooped, and mouth still screwed up and hard to eat. Trying to get an appointment with nerve Dr.
So happy Ron and friends are having such a good time, funny how much loving Adam brings people together that would never have meet each other.
Does anyone know what time the live stream will be on in PST
Went down and grabbed a bottle of wine from the basement without really looking at the label – and, coincidence, it’s a Gruner Veltliner from Austria – nice dry white.
“Open Sesame”! And with that command, the LIFE BALL thread has been revealed so you can start posting anything to do with the event there. I’ll go through the May thread and move posts and links relating to the show into the LIFE BALL one so we have all the treasures in one place.
Thanks AL for all that you do for us
Oh. Leno Sleepwalker. Still in my DVR. NEVER gonna delete that one. Never.
Still love me some fierce Sleepwalker action.

Adam mention
Today Adam was at the “Life Ball”. Last week he was on Idol and sang a gorgeous duet with Angie. After hearing what a great job that he did on the song, perhaps he should sing more “Heavy Metal Music“.
Check out this week’s crossword to see if you have the metal (mettle)!
luval not only graced us with her presence this weekend (when she reads this she’s going to shudder that I put it that way) …
… but she always brings gifts with her and, in this case, it was for everyone at the birthday party today.
Can you guess what this is?
It’s not fair to make you guess.
It’s a cookie!
I don’t think I can bring myself to bite into Adam’s face.
That’s just not going to happen.
That cookie is going to grow old with this cookie until we both get moldy and fade away.
Put it in the freezer, Ron. You don’t want to wind up like Miss Havisham.
Adam must have a few dollars in his bank.
Who came up with the price tag of $2,639.25?!
And 25 cents, no less?
I AM Miss Havisham, ulti!
You don’t know how hard it is to type through cob webs.
That twenty-five cents cracks me up, Ron – did they think if they priced it $2,639.50 no one would buy it?
But if it was priced at $2,640.00 no one would.
That ending “9” is always magic in retail.
(Note that free return shipping is available, though, such a deal!)
I love the jacket for a red carpet…it has a neo-tuxedo thing going on. Almost classic. Adam is very good about buying things with fashion staying power.

luv luv luv the luval cookie!
Thank you for sharing, Ron!
ultimathule says:
05/25/2013 at 10:10 pm
That twenty-five cents cracks me up, Ron
What a cute pic – nice lookin’ people there.
Sorry, mixed up the block-quote and note to self:
throw that belt out! Ugh!
Love the cookie pic Ron!
And love love the picture of the 3 of you!
BTW, I get $2295 as the price of the jacket.
If you shop around, yes, you can get it at that price at Home Depot.
But for us ordinary folks, it’s $2,639.00.
AND – 25 cents.
This is what I see when I look at the page with the jacket.
If 10,557 of us chipped in 25 cents, we could get one for Ron.