- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
This is exactly what I have thought since almost the beginning, Calgary. Beautifully said.
Too funny, nekkid, that you found that phrase in Finnish!
I have about 20 tabs open now…family needs to go away for a little while…
Here is the official video of Adam’s performance and meet and greet from KRZ in Wilkes Barre (not sure it has been posted?), it is a 5 minute “readers digest” version and quite good:
Think that, in general, Adam seems more relaxed in Canada.
He said in the Musiqueplus interview that he feels the openness and acceptance the minute he crosses the border.
Too bad he can’t feel that in his own country!
Thanks, turquoisewaters for the pronunciation – lol – not in my lifetime don’t think.
kradamour…that WB video was great. The vocals really shined!
And that Hollywood PQ interview ….wow!
Great post, Calgary. I’ve often wondered if Adam is content with the status quo or if he aspires to Gaga status. I don’t know him (and when I met him in March I froze and only barely squeaked out my name and a “nice to meet you), but he seems really happy. We have to figure, the fame he’s now experiencing is light years ahead of where he was at back before Idol. I’m sure having “Rolling Stone” and MTV in his court must be a pinch-me kind of thing since less than 5 years ago he was singing at little clubs. WE want him to be the biggest thing ever, and I’m sure he wants at least some presence on radio, but being the absolute biggest thing since sliced bread might actually be more than he desires, particularly since he’s found what appears to be the love of his life and since he’s stated several times that the downfall to celebrity is lack of anonymity. Maybe making a steady income so he can live the way he wants with his man, family an friends is all he really dreams of. He may never be hugely famous, but I think he’ll have a steady income for years to come, and I plan to contribute to that income any time a record or performance ticket in my area becomes available (and if I win the lottery, I’ll frickin fly wherever he is in the universe to see him perform)!
WB RD version was great, makes me wish I was back a week ago driving to get there and the concert ahead of me.
I can’t get the other one to play.
Cute video
The McEwan brothers following in the footsteps of… ADAM LAMBERT
They’re such big fanboys!
Lots of goodies today.
Yes, he does seem so mellow in Canada. Pretty too! Love his jacket today with the black melting and dripping on the blue.
I just can’t get over how comfortable and generous he is when answering similar questions over and over again. And, just like when he sings, it is never the same twice.
I am just trying not to be a Debbie Downer because we expected the numbers to drop this week. And, with him off to London next week, he certainly won’t be here in the states to promote his new CD. Good for London, bad for US.
He needs to get on Ellen, The View, etc before he leaves.
I did hear NCOE yesterday on Ripa as they went to commercial.
Me either. Especially not in combination with these pics. http://blogs.montrealgazette.com/2012/05/31/adam-lambert-says-things-wouldve-been-much-tougher-without-american-idol/
Talking about mega star status. Did anyone see the Bieber riot on the news today?
I saw the Bieber riot today. On every fricking “news” show. I saw him with his copycat CD album art. I saw him with his double guages. I saw him with his copycat pompadour. I saw him with his long silver feather copycat necklace running away from paps.
I almost felt sorry for him.
Sorry if this was mean sounding. I just think that whoever is managing him needs to be more creative in that avenue.
I guess copying is “flattery.”
Meh. I’m in the doldrums of post-Idol, Glee, Smash, and others, let-down. Adam’s busy, but not in the states, and not singing.
Need some entertainment.
Anybody wanna play Parcheesi?
Ashley just tweeted out her user name for Words with Friends and asked if anyone wanted to play. Tommy tweeted back that she was nutts for doing that.
She must be feeling the post show let down too.
I tried to play with her but she already had too many games going.
She told Tommy she was so addicted that she could keep up with the demand.
ultimathule, if you put the Finnish phrase in google translate, http://translate.google.com/ , then click the sound, it will pronounce it for you.
vit too et tah pahs kah or something like that!
Let’s play a few hands of Strip Poker.
I saw that Duets was on but I think I am going to avoid that one.
My thoughts too, mils. Bieber’s album will be out in 2 weeks and that’s all we will see…the copycat album & everything else you mentioned. At this point I don’t feel the “imitation is a form of flattery” anymore. I”m feeling sickening-ish!
Interesting that in that HollywoodPQ interview Adams says “it’s cool that I have the Queen thing. It will get my mind away from it (Trespassing) for a second. A nice break.”
I guess let Bieber have all the attention because that’s what’s going to happen.
No interest in Duets. Wonder how the ratings are?
Hey mils play with this
The peeps at home may start wondering why you keep taking off various articles of clothing while on the computer!
I loved that WB video. Thank you for posting it Kradamour.
I’m still trying to catch up on things. It’s not going to happen.
Can always just say “It’s hotter than balls in here”
Is anybody thinking about Des Moines?
If you are!
ETA Or maybe not. That’s a big radio show with a lot of performers. He’ll probably only get 20-25 minutes.
Either I’m going to call the paramedics because you’re having a stroke or your tongue got in front of your eye tooth and you couldn’t see what you’re saying.
nkd I keep meaning to tell you, this is just mesmerizing, had it open on my computer since you posted it.
I’m laughing so hard right now! Love you Ron!
glambotgram, I know what you mean!
I keep thinking about Fantasy Springs,, flight to Vegas, rent a car stay overnight.
Chanting to myself, No, you can’t do it, you can’t do it, you can’t do it.
And if you need more…um…detail…you can zoom it…

For Adam pics and gifs, “ctrl +” is our friend!
I know my husband just asked what the hell was so funny.
I’m thinking about Fantasy Springs too.
Costa Mesa is the 2 days before. Hmmm.
HMMM kradamour doesn’t work on mine for some reason.
Banging away at the Ctrl+ keys to no avail.
Geez…you guys putting things in my head…1000 miles, 14hr drive from me to DesMoines…General admission, Adam 20-25min. not headlining. Probably not.
Cosa Mesa…hmmm…again GN. Am working weekend of Fantasy Springs.
nkd I saw that one earlier, yum, all he needs to do is lie back and, ummmm, hang on.
Ok I figured out the Adam friendly Zoom, I have to do ctrl ++
Nice article about Queen and Adam
Adam gets a mention in Top 5 in May
What a great picture of you I have in my head, glambotgram!
Des Moines does also have reserved seating…Adam isn’t headlining, but I love Train and Neon Trees so for me it would be a three-fer. I’m seriously considering it.
From Home Planet. I love this picture. His jacket!!
Do you think that might be the jacket to the suit he wore at Ema with gunk dripped over it?
Our boy is so cute!
Now I know I drank the kool-aid…I can even love Adam when he butchers French…

I thought the same thing, but that was a McQueen suit. Do you think he would have that done to it? It does look like the same fabric and color.
Kradamour, I would definitely like to go to the Des Moines show. This is the first I’ve heard of it, guess I missed other posts. Des Moines is just over 600 miles for me. Do we know if anyone has tickets yet—or how to get them?
Des Moines