- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Teri63, Hear, Hear!.
ITA with your rant, errr, post.
Teri63 – What you said! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
@Teri63 Loved your rant…Keep ranting…You have said everything I would have loved to have said…You said it perfectly by the way….thank you…
Hi turquoisewaters!
I just noticed an option on YouTube for your video to “improve this video”. I’m very new to uploading vids there and didn’t know what that meant. When I clicked on that option, it indicated that the video was “shaky” and that I could correct it. So … I did.
It now runs very smoothly.
I trimmed my video to have it end with my talking about luval. I edited out the shirt part and trying on the hat.
There’s an almost tangible pall hanging over our little sandbox that I hope will lift very soon. I’m looking towards a very bright future with word-of-mouth being the primary thing that will push sales of “Trespassing” onward and upward. I believe, or is it that I’m hopeful, that the CD will go the slow but steady route towards numbers that will eventually make it a ‘hit’ however long that may take.
The little train that could has left the station and is chugging along now. I think it’s just a matter of time before it picks up momentum and then it will be full steam ahead!
Teri63 very well said. ITA Sometimes we are like a bunch of mother hens, if everything is not going perfect for our boy we angst about it. Then when things are great and we have a great performance to watch all motherly feelings go by the wayside and he is our Hot Sexy Beast again. LOL
Oh, good, I’m glad y’all don’t think I’m being a total cray cray, LOL! I’m so glad we have this site for sharing!
ETA: I just read your post, Ron, and I’m with you 100%. I, too, think word of mouth will help the album to gradually catch on. I know I was raving about it at work, and one of my co-workers went out that very first weekend and bought the album. She’s a fan of dance music and had really liked IIHY when it played on local radio here. Now she’s raving about it, which prompted her son-in-law to buy it, and another of my co-workers commented that she’d have to check it out. Both co-workers watched Season 8 Idol (we had those daily water cooler conversations), but neither voted for Adam, so my big mouth alone definitely sold two albums to new converts with a potential third sale pending. I’m just one person, so this same action could be occurring all over the world.
Hi Teri63!
Far from it! I think you eloquently expressed and put things in their proper context that was logical and well thought out. I thoroughly enjoyed your post and want to thank you for taking the time to share it with us.
Teri63, your post was wonderful and I agree wholeheartedly, and I also agree with what glambotgram just posted above. For the past few days I couldn’t get the image of him standing on the Grammy stage singing Underneath before accepting his Best Album Award, as one of the reviewers wrote. It brought tears to my eyes. Then yesterday I was saddened when one of you (sorry, I forgot who and can’t go back to look through all the pages) wrote of her son’s comment about why he hasn’t gotten radio play: “He’s gay!”, like it is so obvious and just a fact of life. And this from a young man who really enjoyed his songs and video. So I am truly happy for him and revel in the great music and great reviews and the way his career is taking off, but the slaps in the face by reality just sting a bit and I hurt for him. It just isn’t fair.
By the way my CD from Amazon arrived yesterday,a month earlier than they said it would, but still no AO fan package. I am beginning to get worried since I am leaving in a few weeks.
Thanks for the rant, Teri63! I needed that.
I just made myself a list of links to all the local radio stations and requested NCOE on all of them. Now I feel better.
In case you want to do the same, this link has everything you need: http://adamquotedaily.blogspot.ca/p/voting-links-and-resource-pages.html
And now I will keep playing star101.3 until I hear NCOE. It is on their star playlist at #20.
Teri63 Thanks so much for your post and little pep talk! We just love Adam so much as if he were a member of our family and we feel every slight and sting and want to make it better.
I’ll NEVER throw in he towel or give up. But I do question all the time why others don’t/can’t see or hear what I do. I’m not crazy or prejudiced. I just know I’m right!!
one more from Montreal: Adam Lambert is getting ready to performs with Queen this summer
These are so fun. Gotta love Canada.
I’ve been angsting all morning about this! I won’t be back from the vacation stemming from going to London to see Adam and Queen. It’s never enough, is it? I want it all!!
I feel much much better now. Thank you Teri63, Ron, kradamour, nkd, littledutchess, riskylady and anyone who has posted pep talks. I am very needy and require them constantly!!
Thanks turquoisewaters for that wonderful video from Montreal. It put such a huge grin on my face
. They loved him so much and he was feeling the love and having so much fun. They must have worked hard to prepare for it. And I love that they were mostly young fans. YAY!
OMG, how cute was that Montreal video? Adam looks so relaxed and happy and GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing that link, turquoisewaters.
Just saw a fantastic BBC documentary called Queen
ays of Our Lives. It got me even more psyched up for the concerts on London, if that is even possible. If anybody can find it, it is worth watching.
This comment was posted over at MJs, but don’t understand who benefits or loses from this type of scanning. Anybody know what’s happening here? Thanks.
“I don’t exactly trust Soundscan numbers either and that is born out of experience.
I used to buy CDs or books as gifts for family and friends for Christmas – I have a lot of both and my budget was around $1,000. A few years ago I was buying a large number of different albums in a record store and they pulled 2 CDs from behind the counter to scan instead of what I was buying.
I was concerned and questioned it. The guy processing my purchase told me that they were paid more to scan those and I shouldn’t worry about it since it wouldn’t affect me if I needed to make a return.
That was the first time I had ever heard about Soundscan and I researched it when I got home. It made me feel dirty and more than a little upset that the artists I bought were being ripped off. As a creative myself, I wondered how many ‘little’ ways I was being ripped off as well.”
It does seems the artist loses, doesn’t it.
Teri63 and Ron, YES!!! And Ron, I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say “F*ck ‘tangible palls’, be gone with you!!!”
And ultima, nothing would surprise me in the music biz. What about that recent news report (I believe it was CBS) about Chris Brown buying his Grammy? They said his people were chummy with one of the Grammy execs, that he needed it really bad to get the stink off his career for the Rihanna thing.
In fact, hubby has been theorizing that Idol is buying up the PP2 music to make it look like WGWG isn’t a bad thing. After all, the guy is MORE mediocre than some of the other WGWGs (IMHO). His idol, Dave Matthews, doesn’t exactly burn up the charts, I think he mostly thrives with live performances.
Which Adam can do too – he has such a great reputation as an amazing live performer, to add to all his other qualities and his critically acclaimed album(s) (I think FYE was well received also, no?)
OK, today’s #s….
iTunes Overall #53, iTunes Pop #15
iTunes Pop singles, MOVED UP WWFM #95, NCOE #129
Amazon Best Sellers #25
However, here’s some nice news –
B&N Best Sellers moved up from #8 to #5 (walkin sales!)
Target Best Sellers holding a #13 and #15 (also walkins probably)
#38 on HAC, now over 2 million audience impression.
Some CHR action should be coming in next few days.
video now at 1,027,284 views, 22,854 likes.
ETA: 1 1/2 hrs later, video at 1,046,623…..amazing.
Was it here, riskylady, that I read Pitbull said it’s 90 percent business and 10 percent talent?
Toronto Sun:
Lambert proud of new album
Never got my FAULT mag – left a message yesterday for publisher. Anyone else not received theirs?
Hello all you positive people!!!! Question

Has anyone received their FAULT magazine or know anything about when they will arrive???? Just curious—-LOVED the Canada Queen song videos—so HANDSOME and HAPPY!!!!!
No FAULT magazine for me either.
So funny, josephine – did we actually post that FAULT question at the same time?
Also remember Adam said something to the effect that so much politics and backroom machinations go on in the music biz. He had never realized that before getting involved.
Sent another deluxe out. Gonna check distant relatives and friends of friends.
Virgin Radio Montreal interview
Looks like we did ultimathule –guess I’ll check my saved e-mails and send the publisher a message!!!! Have a great day ALL!!!
So that’s how the DARK KEY works–ooops—–

So why aren’t that many radio stations playing NCOE after all the radio promos he did and the other publicity? I don’t understand the music industry, right now it sucks not to hear him on the radio. The link from Adamquotedaily that turquoisewaters posted is very helpful in requesting local stations to play NCOE. Looks like I need to get busy with that until they are sick of hearing from me!
And hello little dutchess, hope you had a great time at the concerts, how could you not? I am still interested in lunch, I would love to meet another Adam fan. I hope someday to be able to get up enough courage to go by myself to a concert and meet up with you all. I can leave my email on the summer concert thread, let me know if thats OK with you.
BTW no FAULT here either.
vittu että paska
Iceberg just the tip
Fault mag
Waiting patiently.
No Fault here either – I think I read in twitter that they’re being sent out of Poland????? WTF.
Audio for Sirius XM OUTQ
This may have been posted earlier, if so, I apologize for repeating it but I hadn’t heard it. It’s so good!
ETA No FAULT here either!
I would like to add my 2 cents Canadian while that is still possible (no more pennies here soon). The music/media biz is such a phony/plastic/complicated/starving business these days that no one is secure. Nothing is sacred either. The headline in one of our national papers the other day implied that Madonna is finished and desperate because she’s launching a perfume. OFGS! Amidst all this, Adam has chosen to take up the torch for gay rights that was tentatively handed to him after Idol, and wave it proudly for all to see. I bow down to him, because he and his label had to know that choice could cost him fans and sales. He could have instead stipulated that there be no discussion about sexuality in his interviews, and who knows where that would have led. Instead, he is continually breaking new ground and winning friends and fans everywhere in a new way. No one can predict what his future will be, because there are no role models to look back on. He’s creating a new role model. He said he wanted to be a rock star. Well, he is a rock star. He didn’t say how big a rock star, and maybe he won’t be the Sirius or Alpha Centauri of pop music, but I’m guessing he’ll glow steadily for many years to come, and with much more love, received and given, than most of his colleagues in the firmament.
How do you pronounce it, nkd – can you do it phonetically? Need a good new curse word(s).
Has anyone spoken to the necklace Adam wore in the video. Gives me an art moderne or Frank Lloyd Wright vibe.
Good Afternoon.
No FAULT magazine in my mailbox either. Why would they be sent from Poland???? If it’s true, then I have bad news for you people, it takes 6 weeks for any printed matter to arrive in US, unless you opted for a special delivery. I know, cause I order tons of books from one of the biggest Polish on-line bookstores.
Ultima, did you get any response from the publisher?
NCOE vid exceeded 1 mill views,which is almost as many as Kris or Cookie videos of their latest singles. And if you click on stats you will see that it’s being watched all over the world. Atta boy!
Just wanted to say that I too loved your posts. Keep up the rants!!!!
No response yet from publisher, Oksana
I just love that Virgin Radio interview – everyone was just so relaxed and funny. Saved it.
Love that Montreal video…Adam getting ready to perform with Queen. All I can think of is that he wanted to belt it out but just couldn’t. Maybe a Queen contract thing or maybe he’s his usual self…wants to surprise us all with the real thing!
This is the closest I found on Youtube.
I think we should practice and surprise Adam at the next opportunity. I bet he would get a kick out of it.
Hollywood PQ question and answer video
This should be funny!
He’s __________!
Montreal Gazette
I’m not sure I can handle that!