- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Texas and Ellessay, glad your respective hubbies are on the road to recovery. Scary, scary ordeals!
And Krad, what a lovely post. Yes, may it be always so – and may we always have your eloquent voice to chronicle it.
Today’s positions:
Trespassing Deluxe, #41 Overall iTunes, #13 iTunes Pop
Pop singles on iTunes, WWFM #116, NCOE #139
Trespassing Del. Amazon Best Sellers, #19, B&N Best Sellers #8 (!), Target Best Sellers Deluxe #12, Reg #15
The NCOE video is close to 500,000 views, per someone on Twitter (the YouTube number of 424k isn’t up to the minute).
So I’m listening to the interview and the phone rings – geez! It’s my hubby J. …gritting my teeth, trying to pay attention to the radio, wondering WHAT J. wants… “your buddy Adam Lambert is on CBC”. Big brownie points to my hub!
glambotgram’s D.C. Concert Photos
Hello Everyone–
I don’t know where this blog and postings are at this very moment in time ,since I was away in WB and DC and, not having a smart phone, I am quite far behind.But I can’t wait and go back to read all I’ve missed first without posting these thoughts.
It amazes me how one young man,albeit so very talented, charming and gorgeous could have such an impact on so many people from so many diverse places and from all walks of life. I just spent time in WB and DC (and last year in Ste Agathe)for the Adam concerts with some of the most interesting and dynamic people I’ve ever met.We are like a veritable United Nations of backgrounds,varied interests, jobs, and real lives…yet we are brought together by our great “hobby”– Adam Lambert! It never ceases to amaze me. I am still in awe about the 2 concerts I just attended (I have not come down yet)-but not just for beautiful & talented Adam but also for the wonderful and exciting people who love him as I do. The Duke and I had a fabulous time and just loved meeting and getting to know everyone and hope to meet more of you elsewhere and everywhere!!
OOOHHH Thanks again Ron you are the best!!
Calgary that was one great interview.
Thanks glambotgram and Ron,
those are great pix!!!
My pleasure! I left comments. Thank you for sharing the photos with us!
glambotgram…love the photos!
Thank you Ron for posting them.
glambotgram, happy belated birthday!

You had a great birthday weekend! I’m sorry I missed you in DC.
Hi nkd!! Welcome back home … both in Texas and here!!
I’m thrilled … thrilled … for you! Your trip sounds as though you had a perfect time from beginning to end and good for you! Y-A-Y!
Did anybody notice in this vid of the signing session that when the little girl came to his table, Adam lit up, waved to her, complimented her on her shirt, and then asked her name. When he signed her CD insert, you could see that he wrote more than just his name. So sweet! I love his interactions with children. The only other time he signed: To… was when someone specifidally asked him to do so.
nkdThank you I am sorry too, but sooo glad I got to meet you and spend some time with you in WB. That was fun. I hope we can all do it again someday.
Here is a nice comment about Adam, another interviewer falls victim to the charm. LOL
Glambotgram, LOVE your fotos! I think the “leg” shot is the closest we’ll ever get to an Adam pinup!
Here’s some good news from the UK:
That news from the UK must have been what Shoshana Stone was referring to when she tweeted this:
missdfyed says:
05/24/2012 at 2:35 pm
Just now saw your post as I am just catching up after WB and DC (I am going to get a smartfone SOON so I can more readily keep up)
YES, I did go to Hard Rock GNT and I bet so many of us from FL were there and we didn’t even know about each other.Maybe you heard someone mention Naples (and it was me!) I would still love to do lunch sometime or a drink after work…maybe early JUne before I leave for London.Let me know; I’d love to meet you; haven’t found too many Glamberts hereso it’d be fun.
Sorry, still trailing behind, I feel like I live in 3 parallel universes at once, but I need to say a couple of things…
to the WB gang: thanks for being such a friendly and welcoming group. This was insane fun. Special thanks to glambotgram who hooked me up with a ticket and shared a room. May I say the perfect room with the perfect ELEVATOR which gave me a totally unexpected up-close Adam encounter (surprise of my life when that elevator door opened and I had Adam about 2 feet from me looking straight at me). That same elevator gave me a chance to say “Thank you” to Adam after the show. He had run over from the Kirby to escape the fans, and I was fast enough to catch him before the door closed. kradamour expressed perfectly how connected I feel to my co-fans from this blog, how underneath we have a lot more in common than our Adam love.
Ron: I’m so excited I got to meet you. What a wonderful, thoughtful, warm-hearted guy you are. I am so glad you got to meet Adam at last. I also met Northern Spirit and TLKC and it was just unreal how RL and virtual life suddenly crossed paths.
and finally Ellessay: I know all too well what you are going through. I have a husband with 6 bypasses. Hugs and my very best wishes for you and him. Stay strong.
at the risk that it is old news:
Adam Lambert UK Glamberts RS Interview 29/5/2012
Haha, sensational!!
Ron if only it were that easy!
Cute snarky article. http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/us-gossip/adam-lambert-is-first-openly-gay-853844#.T8ZIQGdX2T8.twitter
I JUST posted a recap in the Wilkes Barre concert thread.
Better late than never??
Of course this is all after the fact for me but you did the right thing. I liked both but preferred the “white” due to heat. The black looked way too hot (hawt! too). Can’t wait to get to read the rest of your saga. Only 7 or 8 pages to go with everything in between. (Getting me a smartfone soon!)
live stream is on now Adam is supposed to be on at 5:30ET
Adam on here now http://player.evanovradio.com/CIRRFM/
this stream is showing the interview. They gave him a Golden Mouse because he got so many Clicks in a contest. Now they are playing WWFM video ??
3 Wardrobe essentials, boots, a good black suit, and a pair of too expensive sunglasses. LOL
I requested NCOE on my local top 40 station and here is the answer I got:
“Room is tight at the moment – some songs are doing better than his that aren’t even on yet. We will continue to discuss it in our music meetings”
It is a cumulus station.
Have been busy since getting back to Key West trying to get caught up with RL. Wilkes-Barre was awesome, but I gotta say that this week has been pretty much a disaster for Adam. Big drop on the album chart, very disappointing results from the long awaited radio impact day on Tuesday, and now there is very little to prevent the album sales from continuing to free fall. I hate to be such a downer but the numbers don’t lie and they arent good at all. At this point I see NCOE doing no better than BTIKM and possibly even worse. A third single would then become unlikely.
Anyone who has any possible way to get to the Costa Mesa or Des Moines shows would be well advised to do so, IMO.
Hi Ron:
Popping in quickly, as I have not had a chance since the hmv signing. It was wonderful meeting you and TLKC at hmv. Hopefully we will chat/meet again in the near future, maybe at a show! I am hoping to upload any of the few photos I have soon.
Hopefully we will start seeing an increase in spins for NCOE, so the album can stablize and keep selling. It is such great
music and needs to be heard by all.
OMG I know this place was a favorite of many here.
you beat me nkd lol
Recorded ustream of MusiquePlus
Fantasy Springs??????
Oh-oh My!!!
Circuits overloading…..
Oh them Glamberts. lol
eywflyer That is a bummer. As far as I’m concerned his best singles are still to come.Keeping fingers crossed and wondering where all his fans are – at least another 50,000 or so of his 1.5 million twitter followers.
eywflyer if NCOE is not added on Tuesday, does that mean it won’t be added at all – or is unlikely to be added?
Thats the shirt that was under the suit in the Musiqueplus interview, and I was trying to get a closer look at the bracelet he said was given to him by a fan(Naomi Mink) and he thought it was diamonds. Is that someone we know or a fan who shall not be named.
What’s the Des Moines show?
ITA. Wish they had not wasted the first single on NCOE. Another in the key of lugubrious…damn. I wish they would just trust our boy…

So this is it? It’s over?
Personally I don’t think it is over. He is selling worldwide. Sony or RCA said they are staying with this album into 2013. I think they are behind him and know it may take a while. I just think they are ready to market Adam differently than the norm. JMO

#1 Billboard has to count for something, right? even though small numbers?
I did wish that more peeps had been at Freshtival.
But what of video views? (Still trying to buy the vid on itunes, btw) Surely that should translate into some sales/downloads of music.
My 19 yr old son’s take on it? “Mom, the dude’s gay. That’s the problem.”

Praying that he is wrong.
Wow…this is getting depressing by the minute. Could all you wonderful posters please give an uplifting pep talk around here?
So our, so called, progressive younger generation is that prejudiced? Really?
Not your son Kradamour, just young people in general.
ksha518, I loved your recap! Hit all the high points and brought it all back! thank you for posting! (and it is NEVER too late for a recap!)
Knowing Southern Maryland where I live, Kradamour, I’m not surprised that the audience was not bigger. Definitely not Lambert territory.
Should NCOE be watched on VEVO or youtube? Or are they the same thing?
Yes – the problem is he’s gay. If he were straight and beating up women he’d be at the top of the chart.
Kradmour, I agree with your son, as much as I HATE it with a passion. That is the problem, and nothing but. And because he is such a force and power, the mainstream people are afraid of him, no matter how hard he works with the public.
And I BLAME the radio stations too, well along with the fact that the singles are nice, but he couldnt release a GOOD song, that many WOMEN singers would have no problem with. This whole things sucks big time. But his loyal fans will enjoy him, FWIW. He needs something big to happen, Queen will help, and a music nomination or 2 like the Grammys.
Off Soap Box.
glambotgram, my high school students are appallingly bigoted, but I think that might come with the territory. They are still speaking their parents’ minds and this is the bible belt. I think it gets better with college aged students.
luval, I am just sitting here shaking my head.

BUT isn’t this what we have done from the beginning? And Adam has overcome all of the naysayers and worked his ass off and made an album with GREAT reviews and talk of the Album of the Year! If he is a musician’s musician (as I have been thinking) it may well happen.
The fan base is no less loyal, even though apparently not a lot bigger. We can still crash a website lol…and Fantasy Springs has already had to shoot us down for a week!
No arenas yet – if ever – but Adam will always make a good living with his art and be loved by a small multitude, if not more.