- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Now for my honest feelings about the NCOE video…..
Adam looks stunningly gorgeous! However out of all of Adam’s videos, this is definitely not my favorite. I am one of those fans who totally gets into the visual/spectacle aspect of a video. I also love LOTS of dancing. This is probably the main reason that I totally get into and love most of Lady Gaga’s videos. I have to admit that FYE and IIHY were my favorite videos from GN. Yep, lots of spectacle and dancing!!
I feel that this video does not highlight Adam’s attributes and strengths as a musician and performer. It could possibly serve as a decent trailer for a movie. Regardless, you guys can be assured that I will be first in line to vote for this video on VH1!!
Adam Lambert on etalk (very cute)…
Hi turquoisewaters!! Hard to believe that only yesterday you were here and now you’re back home on the west coast! It was wonderful meeting you yesterday! I’m so glad you found me! I had a great time being with you!
After I left MuchMusic for HMV, as it happened with you, I heard another voice ask, “Are you Ron?” and it was Nicky!!
I was so glad we were able to spend so much time together Nicky! It was a pleasure to (officially) meet you and talk with you! Please keep in touch. I’d love to get together with you again.
Instead of posting a recap … I made a video! I’ve uploaded a 5 and-a-half-minute video on YouTube where I show the photo that Adam signed. You can clearly see his signature. I also tell you about a tiny “glitch” that happened as I was approaching Adam.
I will say that Adam was SO enthusiastic when he saw me!! He was grinning from ear to ear. Now, mind you, I’m SURE it was because he saw a guy. It could have been ANY guy, but it just happened to be me.
I would guess that out of 200 people maybe there were 30 guys there. Maybe.
In the video, I segue way into talking about someone else “that we all know and love”.
If you’d like to watch:
Please forgive a very annoying habit that I have when I talk and never realized I had before I listened to myself!! How many times do I say, “And, UH …”, “But, UH…” “UH”, “UH”. I’m going to be very mindful of that now that I know about it!
Last part, I try on a hat. I’ve had this hat for about 5 years and I’ve only worn it once. Wore it out one day and a gust of wind not only blew it off my head but it kept rolling down the sidewalk. I kept running after this thing and just as I’d get near, it would blow further away! So … I never wore it again. I don’t think hats suit me anyway.
Wow, Ron….

Thank you for sharing your incredible experience with Adam. I know for a fact that this is a lifetime event that you will treasure and remember forever. I can also tell that your relationship with luval is way beyond special. You have totally captured my heart as well as many others…. I am sure!
Awesome Ron I left you a comment on the video. Loved all the gifts, so thoughtful of luval
So glad you got to see turquoisewaters too, I told her to give you a hug from all of us in WB before she left that morning.
Love your video, Ron, and I didn’t notice “uh’s” – was just paying attention to what you were saying and showing us. Love luval‘s very sweet mementos to you.
As for the hat, well, I don’t like that one, but would love to see you in your white suit, black shirt, and a nice Panama hat with black band. That would be suuaaaave!
Watched the new NCOE video and had many mixed reactions–I really feel that Adam is aiming toward a different demographic, the younger generation…my granddaughter saw it and reacted to it as she did to Hunger Games, she loved it!!!

I honestly can,t say I did—I could look at him all day, but I didn’t care for this video,,,,,but I will support him always and accept the fact that he is moving in a different direction!!!! and a new fandom—-
They are saying the same thing on Twitter, that it mostly appeals to the younger set because of the Hunger Games connection. I still love the song, and watching Adam is just eye candy, so it’s fine with me. It’s getting tons and tons of favorable press in the US, Canada and the UK! So, win-win for Adam.
This is the important part, so I am very happy to hear this!
ETA: I do agree, riskylady, that I love hearing the song and watching Adam.
Just speaking personally as I could watch Adam on a stool singing all night long but just don,t FEEL the connection,,,but all’s good!!!!!LOVE the man—-

Ron: I LOVE the hat on you! Very rakish and debonair! I hope with all my heart that you will wear it the next time I have the good fortune to meet up with you again! and that you will give me the opportunity to tip the brim here and there to achieve the best effect!
Thank you so very much for making that video as a gift for us. (I totally share your affection for our caring and generous luval!)
I do feel that the links between so many of us are becoming stronger and stronger, and I will repeat that it was you who first put your photo out there bravely so that we could break the “wall” between the blog and our various humanity. I thought of you often this weekend, as so many of us had the joy of sharing our mutual obsession.
So very many times one of us would say “I just cannot understand my obsession!”, and always with the additional comment that it does not fit the speaker’s personality or past. (nods in understanding)

But I am so very grateful that we share the obsession, or I would never have met these wonderful peeps – in person and here on the blog. I am mindful that for many reasons there are peeps here who I will likely never meet in person, and I so wish that this was not so…how I would love to meet my special sistasif!…but each person on this blog has shared their personalities through their posts and it is easy to tell that I would enjoy knowing every one of you.
And the same “something” that led each of us to Adam is the “something” that joins us in other ways as well. I am struck by how often meeting another fan results in a friendship – and I do not use that term loosely in my life. There is a clear line for me between acquaintance and friend, and that line is jumped so quickly and easily by so many of the fans I have met, and most especially by the fans I have met from this warm and loving blog. There is a worldview that so many of us share. I can’t really explain it, but it is what led us to Adam and to each other.
Love and Light.
May it be always so.
Beautiful post, Kradamour!
Re the video – Nekkid and I watched it here this morning on my son’s larger computer screen – and I left the tab open while I took her to the airport (I miss you already, nekkid!) and my son watched the video before I got home.
He is 19 and way too cool to admit to an Adam Lambert fandom, but he generally likes him even though he hasn’t liked much of his music. Told me he listened to the CD and liked it but today admitted that he hadn’t listened to it yet, he only told me that to make me happy.
BUT he LOVED the NCOE video, watched it several times, and I noticed that the tab is still open on his browser tonight – and as a result he listened to the CD and really likes it.
So that vid – and the new less polished on-stage look – may be accomplishing what all our stanning couldn’t: a connection to a younger demographic. My son, by the way, didn’t like any of the other vids except FYE, and even that one didn’t appeal to him very much.
But the clean, architectural look to the NCOE vid seemed very modern and fresh to him, and a perfect foil for the music.
ETA: blowing kisses back atcha, dcglam!
Kradamour, your posts are just wonderful, and so heartfelt, and so true. You have put into words what, I think, so many of us feel.
When I have told people about my adventures during GN, traveling, rooming with “strangers” I met on the internet, they would just gawk at me, consider me nuts, putting myself in “dangerous” situations with people I didn’t know, etc.
They didn’t understand, and for the most part, still don’t understand what this fan-dom is like. Aside from a few of those who will not be mentioned, virtually every Adam fan is just pleasant company. We seem to be open-minded people who like good music and have similar interests, and senses of humor, outside of Adam.
I always felt “safe” and warm with my new fan friends. I wouldn’t hesitate to travel again and be with more of you guys.
If you’d have me!!
Ron, I absolutely adored your video. You are so brave to do this and share yourself with us. Luval’s generosity has reached my house and Adamphernelia collection too. She is just wonderful.
I so look forward to meeting both of you someday!!
Ron So glad that you had an amazing time meeting Adam yesterday! I got on here a couple of days ago and saw your post about meeting him and I was literally was like “yay, Ron gets to meet him!” So happy for you and for all of those who got to meet him yesterday! I got to meet him in Chicago twice…once in March and then a couple of weeks ago at Fantabuloso! He is so sweet isn’t he!?!
Mils I have to laugh at your post about traveling with strangers you’ve met on the Internet. I was catching lots of flack when I was going on the Labor Day 3 concert tour with Goatie back in GN days. I shut everyone up with, “I’m not young, I’m not rich, and I don’t have any body parts that are saleable, so whats to worry about.” I agree most of those I met were nice and of course those I traveled with and spent time with were people I still like and would like to meet up with again. Not sure if I’ll meet any of the regulars here, but one can only hope. Until then it’s fun to share our Adam admiration. P.S. Ron your a star.
Jojosie, right back atcha.
Gotta go. Need to spend time with my award winning son #2.
I need to brag. He probably has sore legs from all the awards he won at his Senior Awards tonight, all that getting up and walking to accept his honors. I am so very proud and honored tonight. The funny part was my mom sitting next to me, and grabbing my arm and crying ( can you say ferklempt?) while I’m crying and trying to take pictures!! Oy Vey!!
I don’t know where he gets it from. I ain’t dat smart!!
Pffft…don’t sell yourself short, Mils. Apples don’t fall that far from trees!
Congratulations to your son and to you for raising such a fine young man … they don’t get there by themselves!
Texas, just went back to catch up and saw the post about your husband…heatstroke is not something to mess with, he was very fortunate in spite of himself. Keeping you both in thought.

Okay, peeps, back to RL tomorrow. It was so nice to have nekkid here today! But tomorrow is on the horizon. Off for a final viewing of the video and then a good night to all peeps – sweet Adam dreams!

OK, sticking my neck out here, but…….{{very small voice}} I think the video may be going viral. It had 73,146 views when I went out to the living room to find it on my Blueray wifi dvd player & see on the large screen TV with hubby. One hour later, came back to laptop to find…141,197 views, and over 12,000 likes. Can’t wait to see the morning numbers.
ETA: That’s just the YouTube posted number. Here are the updated stats:
*updated …So NCOE was posted 21hrs ago … it’s had 292,727 views, 12,303 Likes, 186 Dislikes (0.0006% LOL) and 3350 comments
riskylady, I watched it 200, 000 times today.
Who watched it the other 100,000X?
PS. Thanks Kradamour.
Thank you! So happy for you too. I saw the wonderful photo of you and Adam hugging! I know how much that must have meant to you.
Very happy too that some of you have enjoyed the video. I said in the beginning that I was being creative with the background and that I’d show you what it was … but I didn’t. I don’t own an aquarium. I’m sitting in front of my TV with it tuned to the Aquarium channel.
To be low enough to fit myself into the picture, I was sitting on one cheek on an overturned flower pot!
Not the most comfortable thing I’ve ever done!
How was Adam signing the photo if I was bending over picking up the pen and hadn’t reached him yet? A staff member brought whatever each of us wanted him to sign to his table ahead of our turn. Of course, HMV has had many autograph sessions before so it was very well organized.
TLKC watched the video and emailed to say she took note when I said that Adam was a “big guy with large features”. I in no way meant that in any kind of negative way nor did she take it that way. His appearance is striking to the point of being startling! She has met Adam twice before and said that she agrees with me and never saw Adam look the way he did yesterday. She thinks it’s the weight loss that has made his full lips a bit fuller, his nose more perfectly shaped and his eyes even more prominent than ever.
I forgot to mention too … the photo that Adam signed for me? Maybe now it should go without saying but it was luval who had it printed and then mailed it to me as a surprise. She has a very generous and a very big heart.
Thanks again for all the well wishes! They’re working – he’s feeling better and actually ate (and kept down) a fairly respectable dinner. Already have the cooler loaded and ready for his short day of doctor’s appointment/work (I know, I know… told you he’s a Tpe A
). I’m behind on my cleaning/shopping/cooking, but mom’s arriving tomorrow and she’ll “make it all better”!
riskylady, thank you for all the updates you provide – your enthusiasm is contagious and I hope your “viral” projection is accurate!
Bragging is your privilege and reward as a parent, mils. Congrats to your son on his fine accomplishments! Hope you managed some good photos in between all the tears of joy.
Good to hear, Texas! I’m glad your hubby is doing nicely and that your mom will be available to help out with your other responsibilities. It will all work out, and this distressing situation will soon be a distant memory.
Is the video available on itunes yet? and if not, why not? I want to pay for it – and apparently a few hundred thousand other peeps might also have bought it.

I totally, totally do not get the marketing.
ETA: I tried to go to bed but needed to watch the video a few more times…so I pulled a Kradamour. (And who better to do that than me?)

G’nite for realz!
Texas I’m glad to hear he’s on the mend.
I had a case of heatstroke myself a few summers ago while camping. What misery. We had to leave our campsite and check into an air conditioned motel. The owners wouldn’t let me take a dip in the pool to cool down. It was closing as we checked in at 10 PM. Very small motel in a very small town. They said they had a lot of campers fleeing the heat that week. I ended up drinking tons of water and taking a very long cool shower, hanging on the walls for dear life. I laid down with cool compresses under the AC, nauseous and shaking. Didn’t sleep a wink. Awful. Got some Gatorade from a vending machine, which helped a lot.
My heart goes out to your husband. He had it worse than me. I didn’t faint. Close, but no actual fainting.
Does anybody wanna buy some camping gear? After years of camping and being a scout leader, that trip ended camping for us.
So, after we got home, I figured the whole thing out.
New medication + 104 degrees + too much caffeine + swimming in hot sun + putting up 2 tents and an enclosed “dining room” tent + high humidity + cooking over a campfire = Heat Stroke.
At this point in my life, traveling to see Adam is enough adventure for me!!
Thanks DCglam!! I got a few shots that weren’t shaky.
Must go to sleep. Just watched the video again. I truly like it a lot. My only complaint is that I would have loved to have seen more choreography, more time dancing at the end.
I’m home. I’m exhausted and trying to catch up.
Congrats to mils son no.2! Yes, you have every right to brag!
Texas, what a scary ordeal. I’m so glad that your hubby is getting better.
I’m sure I missed something but my eyes are closing.
Good night!
Ron, I haven’t been able to watch your video yet, so don’t take it down, I will watch it tomorrow!
My thoughts exactly!
mils, your timeline prior to your heatstroke is impressive – I can’t believe you got by without an IV! Now that he’s been through this and we’ve been to the ER, talked to family doctor (and my favorite, WebMD
), we now understand why this happened to him: Son’s double-header on Saturday (temperature upper 90’s), 2:00 Texas Rangers game on Sunday with “several” alcoholic beverages, and he drank iced tea yesterday instead of water ( now know that tea is a diurecitic). So, he was probably dehydrated before he even started working in the yard yesterday morning. We’ve always reminded our boys to start hydrating the day before an outdoor athletic event in the heat… We need to start practicing what we preach!
Congrats on your son’s awards, mils – I know you’re so proud of him!
Ron–congratulations on meeting Adam, I loved watching your video. I opened it full screen and it felt like you were talking personally to me. I lOVE the hat. I wish I could wear hats, but I look too strange in one. And the aquarium background made me smile, even though it wasn’t real. We had a gay couple among our family friends when I was growing up, and that was one of the things I loved about their house–there was a large aquarium built into one of the walls and I’ve always thought I’d love something like that. I remember my sister and I would go to their place to watch “Laugh-In” if that gives you a time frame. My parents explained to us about Jack and Gene, that they were like a married couple and loved each other, even though they were two men. They were a lot of fun to be around. BTW–I hate stereotypes. My parents were very conservative politically, as am I. Not sure I’d call the current climate “progress” from those days. Although I remember them talking with my parents about how they had to hide their relationship from their business clients. I never quite understood that back then.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you all posting videos, links, and recaps. This is such a great distraction from real life. I’m way behind from this weekend though. Had to take my husband to the hospital with chest pains on Saturday morning. He’s got an extensive cardiac history, so I was quite worried about him.
He almost had a heart attack during the stress test. That night he had another episode that landed him in Intensive Care. Today he had the heart cath procedure, and there was bad news. One of his prior bypasses, (which also had been stented) had completely deteriorated and they didn’t want to open him up to do another bypass. There wasn’t anyplace to stent that would help.
Family and friends have held him up in prayer–and thank God for it. Tonight, while his cardiologist and heart surgeon were OUTSIDE his room, he started a full blown heart attack. They rushed him down to the Heart Center, which at that time of night was empty, so there was no waiting for availability, and they were able to attend him right away. Bottom line is that they got oxygen to the part of the heart that was affected right away. They don’t believe there is any damage. I was warned he might not survive, but he’s back in his room, and pain free. I’m trying to wind down so I can sleep.
I did get to see the video once so far. I’ll need to see it a few more times. I couldn’t believe my granddaughter hadn’t bought Adam’s album yet, so I sacrificed my copy. Now I’ll have to buy another one. I’m waiting to see which songs are her favorites. She’s the one who’s 19.
I just have a couple of minutes and can’t write everything I want to say, but I had to chime in and say that ron, I loved your video and you said just the perfect thing to Adam. I hope to meet you next time I get to Toronto. My mother’s whole family is there, so I go every time I am on your side of the pond. You realise, don’t you, that you are the only person on the blog who uses their real name.
ITA everything Kradamour wrote. The true friends I have made in the last three years through being an Adam fan are so very dear to me. I am on my way to meet my cousin today and I am debating whether to tell her about my Adam obsession. I never told her. She has had too many things on her plate the past few years, but we are very close. We’ll see how it plays out today.
About the video. It isn’t my favorite either, but I love the dancing at the end. I also think it is geared toward the young crowd who is just getting interested in the ideas of rebellion, 1984, etc. It might be rehashing old stuff for us 29 year olds, but for them it is new and exciting.
Ellessay, gosh, what a scary ordeal for you and your husband, thank goodness he was able to get treatment so quickly. Sending posititve thoughts your way.
Ron, great video
Such good news about the adds today, hope it continues.
I love the video. Don’t know if its my favourite, then I don’t really have a favourite, I honestly love all his videos for different reasons. He justs looks so good on the screen, I love the vibrant colours and the dancing at the end, I too would also have liked that bit longer, and for the camera to linger longer on that last look….
Ellessay, I hadn’t yet read your post when I posted mine, and just before leaving for the day I checked back. I am so glad your husband is OK now. Heart problems are familiar to my family and I know how scary it is. Thinking of you, Ciao, bella
Ellessay I am so glad things are better with your husband. What a scary ordeal for you and your familly.
Mils congrats to you and your son. We as mothers know you had a big part in all his accomplishments. Sounds like a wonderful evening.
Here are a couple of vids of Adam signing at HMV in Toronto.
Good morning! Ellesay, you and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers – it sounds like he’s receiving excellent medical care. I’m sure that his team of physicians will come up with the best course of treatment. Please know that your ALL friends care and are sending good thoughts and hugs your way.
Ron, thanks for sharing your video with us – loved your stories AND the hat!
So Beiber has a new single out, Die in your Arms. The title is a yellow tape across the bottom with the words in black. Does that sound familiar? Hair do up on top and a little spiky. Does that sound familiar? Things that make you go hummmm

Ron I asked luval to send you three of my pictures from the Freshtival that I thought were a little different than most I have seen. Would you mind posting them here. I don’t have another way of posting them. Thank You in Advance.
Hi glambotgram!!
Yes, luval did send me your photos yesterday. Thank you for reminding me! I’ll look after that now and be happy to post the Links here.
I’ll save the originals and leave them intact but I’ll also do a “save as” second version because I may need to re-size them as they are very large.
I’ll see what I can come up with for you.
Ellessay, your husband, you and your family are in my prayers. Lots of love to you. Hugs.
CANADA ALERT! ADAM LAMBERT ON Q, CBC radio this morning!
Im in Calgary and the show has just started. I’m guessing he might be on towards the end. Im sooo excited!
As I was driving home just now the host of Q was doing his intro, which often mentions stuff that’s coming up on the show. It was a lot about hockey, and I’m thinking, time to write to them again and tell them it’s time for another AL interview when, woohoo, he announces that AL is coming up!
For all you non-Canucks, you should be able to find it on the CBC Radio One website under “Q”. Maybe even live!
Dear Ellessay,
All good thoughts and best wishes to you and your husband during this time! I hope that each day will find him getting better and growing stronger.
Please take care of yourself! We’re all here for you.
Okay, now that’s done, I can breathe. Ron, so happy for you and your chance to talk to Adam. I loved your video; thanks for trusting in us!
ellessay, so sorry for your hubby’s tribulations. Here’s hoping it’s a story with a happy ending.
He’s on now!
Here is the link to the CBC interview. WOW great interview. He quotes the EW interview and asks Adam about it. Our boy is so gracious.
Thanks Ron
ETA That is one of the best interviews I have heard. Loved it.