After what has seemed like an eternally long wait since Adam’s Glam Nation/FYE era ended, we have finally arrived at May 2012 – the month that Adam’s new album “Trespassing” will be released! The album will drop in the U.S. & Canada on May 15th. Lucky fans in New Zealand & Japan will get the album a few days earlier on May 11th, Australia & Germany a few days later on May 18th, while some other European countries (U.K., Ireland, France) will have to wait until July. In addition to the album release, we can look forward to three concerts with Adam headlining this month, the KRZ Summer Bash in Wilkes-Barre PA on May 25th, at Six Flags New England on May 26th, and the Freshtival in National Harbor MD on May 27th. We will also see Adam perform on American Idol May 17th, will have the official push of “Never Close Our Eyes” to pop radio beginning on May 29, and may see the music video for NCOE later this month as well!

Our featured photo for this month’s chat comes from Adam’s mini-concert of April 26th on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

It’s going to be an exciting month as we begin the Trespassing era, enjoy the chat!


4,012 Responses to May 2012 Chat

  1. rs says:

    I just posted a lot of vids from last night that I found through Juneauxena’s daily post. They are very clear and from very close. Enjoy

    The camera work sometimes goes off, but we will forgive her.

    And finally we hear Tommy’s solo on Broken English! YAY!

  2. HK fan says:

    well, I have been introducing my 10yo to Trespassing……last week heard her singing Trespassing in the shower, and whenever she’s in charge of the ipod at the the moment you can guarantee she’ll play RITD and Turning Tables by Adele, jar of hearts by Christina Perry, and Underneath, Chokehold, Pop that Lock and Trespassing by Adam…..must say for a 10 yo she has pretty good taste!

  3. nkd says:

    Ron, I left you a post, but in the concert thread. Ive not been good at keeping up!
    Anyway, have a great day today. We’ll be thinking of you.

  4. Ron says:

    Dear nkd!

    You’re so sweet to be thinking of me. I’m think of YOU and wishing you a comfortable and safe trip home! See you on this thread later tonight? Maybe Skype and show you the autograph?

    Woke up at 6:30am, had coffee, showered, shaved and I’m ready to go. Smile I’ll just sit here for the next 9 hours until it’s time to leave. Laugh

    Actually, I’m meeting with TLKC and Northern Spirit around 3:45pm for the 4:00pm line up. Not sure that we’ll get in line right away, though. We’ll see what it’s like once we’re there.

    Temperature this morning is now forecast to be 36C/102F this afternoon. Eek!

    You know what though? It’s not going to matter. I’m not going to feel anything today except really good! Jump

  5. milwlovesadam says:

    Ron, thinking of you and your exciting day today!!

    Hope it all goes well.

    Three pieces of unsolicited advice:

    1) Look in the eyes

    2) Ask for a hug

    3) Bring one of those little portable fans to keep cool and sip water.

    Oh, and lastly, hug the stuffing out of him!!

  6. rs says:

    ron, as nervewracking as it is, the anticipation is part of the process. Remember the part in The Little Prince when he talks about waiting to see his friend, the fox, I think it was. I loved that part.
    Anyway, have a wonderful day, including the anticipation, meeting TLKC and Northern Spirit beforehand, THE ACTUAL ADAM EXPERIENCE, and then the rehashing later.

    And be sure to send us pics of the outfit you chose, and if someone can take a photo of the historic meeting itself, that would be the best!

  7. Miss Chaos says:

    I have been away all weekend, and slow service, but read everything from the concerts. They were great, and got to watch some videos this morning. Adam in those shorts, too much, of course he gets hot, all that moving around singing, poor thing, but he put on a great show otherwise. I think he really cant deal with the heat Sweat Razz . Is it gonna be hot today for this next one?

    Ron, been reading about your up and coming experience to meet and greet Adam. So happy for you, and I hope you have a GREAT time, and enjoy the concert, and lots of reports. Please memorize your 7 seconds with Adam Clap , they will go by fast, but we want to hear every second of it. So excited for you, dont over dress, so you can stay cool and comfortable, we dont want you passing out. Is anyone else coming to day that you will be meeting Meeting up with Ron??

    And so happy Dance for all the rest of you that got to see Adam and that you all had a great time. Jump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. riskylady says:

    Mils, I love your advice to Ron. Ron, you’re tall – make your best effort to look in his eyes. I tried, was successful from about 5 feet away, but up close, I felt like I was looking into the sun LOL. Those eyes are powerful – they penetrate your soul.

    Moving on, iTunes Overall this morning #26, #11 Pop. Amazon #14 Best Seller. Still not bad, still selling.

    If I remember correctly, debut chart positions so far:
    US & Canada, #1
    New Zealand #4
    Australia #10
    Finland #2
    Sweden #20
    ETA: #1 in Hungary
    That we know of.

  9. milwlovesadam says:

    My local paper lists top albums each week, with local vs. national rankings. Trespassing #1 Local and National for this past week.

    I added that page to my collection of Adamphernelia.

    GTG, but, Ron, have a wonderful and memorable day. Make the most of your 7 seconds!! ( Hint, if you “take charge” it’ll feel better afterwards. Go in with your hand out, he’ll take it! I know, because that’s what I did!!))

  10. riskylady says:

    Really outstanding article about Adam from Australia, with – SHOCK – great pictures, and album stream!

  11. rs says:
  12. Nicky says:

    Hi Ron:

    Guess what, I should be good to get down to the m & g also today. Am looking forward to see adam, though the seconds will just fly by. Also looking forward to meet you and anyone else from here that is going. Did you say you will be at hmv at 3:45? If you decide not to stay in the line and I am not there by that time, can you maybe post here to let me know where you guys are going to hang out and wait?

    Thanks Smile

  13. luval says:

    I just realized why I cannot get the “out at the buses in WB Adam” out of my head. IMO he looked exactly like the picture at the top of this thread. Stunning. It was not the baseball cap, tee shirt, jeans guy but the can’t take your eyes off, movie star, international, drop dead gorgeous Adam.

  14. Ron says:

    Hi Nicky!!

    Good to hear from you!

    The session has been changed from 6:30 to 7:00pm. My group is going to be hanging out at MuchMusic where Adam is co-hosting a show from 5:00 to 6:00. Across the street is a pub with a patio and we’re going to try and get a table there to keep our eyes on things or just be near and around MuchMusic on the street. We won’t be in line at 3:45 or anytime soon afterwards.

    The long white tail shirt won out and I’m wearing the boots with it. You shouldn’t have trouble spotting me. Laugh

    I’m meeting Northern Spirit at 3:00 at the Starbuck’s across from MuchMusic or across the street at the pub.


  15. milwlovesadam says:

    luval, you’ve been infected by Adamitis again!!

    I’m swooning with you!!

  16. luval says:

    Mils….and I don’t want to be cured!!!! Honestly I don’t know what I’ll do when we switch to June! Already have it as my screen saver.

    Great outfit combo, Ron! I wanted the boots to be in there somewhere.

    Have a great time and follow mils’s suggestions… Especially about the eyes!

  17. Nicky says:

    Thanks Ron!! Getting excited!!

    Is the much music just down the street from hmv? Close enough to walk there?

    What are u taking to get signed? I kinda want the vinyl signed, but that is much bigger to carry, while the cd can just go in my purse. The girl at hmv didn’t know if we were allowed only the cd, or could bring 1 (any)thing.

  18. Ron says:

    Hi Nicky

    HMV is half a block west of MuchMusic. I don’t know what I was thinking when I said it was directly across the street in other posts. It’s a minute walk from one place to the other.

    I know several people who are bringing the vinyl. It specifies that he’ll sign “one item. Suggests that it could be anything but we’re all bringing the CD in case that’s all he’ll sign.

    I have soft black contact lenses. Not solid black to look like a zombie(!) but they just make my blues eye black and, if I say so, it’s a rather striking effect. They are soft lenses but I somehow scratched the white of my left eye and it’s blood red!! I guess I won’t be taking my sunglasses off at all today. Damn! Ah, well …

    Last post because I’m going to walk over (25 minutes for me) in a few minutes. I’m so looking forward to seeing you!

    Wasn’t able to reach turquoisewaters. Frown

  19. AL says:

    I guess all our weekend concert goers are slowly crawling back home after a great weekend experience.

    Concert videos have been added for Spring Fling at Six Flags. I found videos for all songs but some are only partials. So keep looking and if any better ones pop up let me know.
    I added some photos to the FRESHtival thread. There were so many twitterers taking photos, it was hard to keep up. I posting a few links but there are way more out there. Again, if you find any stunning photos, please post them in the appropriate thread.

    To those in the US, enjoy your holiday Monday!
    And to Ron and entourage Wink , enjoy your time with Adam!

  20. luval says:

    Ron….I suggested you wear the sunglasses! Sunglasses, boots, flowing white top, classy jewelry … Perfect for your 3 seconds!

  21. mmm222 says:

    luval– You are absolutely right about Adam being breathtakingly, movie star gorgeous out at the bus after the show in Wilkes-Barre. I just could not take my eyes off him. At some point I had the presence of mind to take 4 pictures of him. Two of them turned out really well. A lengthy close examination of the photos on my computer screen(!) confirmed that he really is that gorgeous and still looked fabulous even after putting on that incredible show.

    I’m going over to the Freshtival thread now to post a recap of the show, although I know some of our group were diligent about giving you some up to the minute updates while we were there.

  22. luval says:

    Hi mmm222!! Would you be willing to part with (send me) the 2 photos that you took that turned out well? If you are on the fansite I am “lola” and I can give you my e-mail address.

  23. apal123 says:

    I guess it was on twitter that the video for NCOE will debut on VEVO tonight very late. Maybe someone on twitter could check out if this is indeed true. Thanks

  24. AL says:
  25. AL says:

    Here’s what I found on twitter.
    Seems like it debuts at midnight tonight PST.

    NCOE video premiere world clock

  26. cgesq says:

    I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for hosting these threads, and for diligently looking for and posting all the great vids and pics. Having hosted a few threads during GN for the site that must not be named, I know how time consuming this can be. I’m sure its a labor of love, and you are doing a fantastic job!!

    SO,,,,,to make a long story short, KUDOS and THANKS!!!!! Kiss

  27. mmm222 says:

    luval– I have your email address from the Wilkes Barre list and will send you the photos now.

  28. AL says:

    Thanks cgesq!
    I was a little hesitant at first to offer to help eywflyer out but don’t regret it at all. I’ve learned some things while indulging my/our Adam obsession so it’s all good!

  29. cwm says:

    I just posted a recap of last night’s FRESHtival show on that thread. Smile

    I too want to thank you AL for hosting the concert threads. You did a bang-up job!

  30. luval says:

    cwm…read your recap! great. Hope you and I can hook up at an Adam event some day!

    And AL, if I haven’t said so already, thank you thank you for helping out Eywflyer. And for the crossword puzzles too!!!

  31. AL says:

    Coming up in a few…

    Hopefully all countries can view it online!?!??

    ETA He’s on now.

  32. AL says:

    cwm and luval, it’s my pleasure!

    I look forward to one day meeting everyone and being able to share a concert, apres concert and Adam-weekend with you ALL. Going directly home after a concert just does not seem like the perfect ending to an Adam concert experience.

  33. luval says:

    AL…are we supposed to be able to hear this live? When I click on that first link I really don’t see anything like an audio livestream.

  34. rs says:

    AL, There are stunning pics on the AdamBertDaily Blog. Here is the site for today’s blog. I don’t know how to bring over individual photos.

  35. AL says:

    AL…are we supposed to be able to hear this live? When I click on that first link I really don’t see anything like an audio livestream.

    He’s on now. Can you see him?

  36. cwm says:

    luval – yeah I’m sorry that I missed you and others who couldn’t make it to the DC show! Well, someday!

    Did the “review” of Trespassing by the puritanical Focus on the Family folks ever get posted here? They painstakingly comb the album for any “objectionable” content so that they can revel in writing about all of the sex. It’s so ridiculous that it’s laughable.

    Anyway, here is a rejoinder to that piece, by a writer at the Huffington Post. It is FANTASTIC:

  37. luval says:

    No I don’t AL. It says “oops problem loading this video”

  38. luval says:

    Comments say it’s not working too.

  39. AL says:

    No I don’t AL. It says “oops problem loading this video”

    Guess they are blocking the airing. I’m sure someone will put it up on Youtube soon.

  40. luval says:

    AL, can you see it from your side of the country? If so, what is he wearing or I should say…what are the Toronto peeps going to the signing going to see?

  41. cher says:

    My sister in Toronto who’s watching him live said NCOE vid is gonna be out tonight according to Adam!! yay!

  42. cwm says:

    Frown Can’t view the MuchMusic thing. Must be Canada only. Hope someone is ripping it!

    More treats: Smile

    A great review:

    Hilarious Byron Cooke interview with Adam (SOOOO awkward but Adam’s giggle is absolutely adorable):

    Another radio interview out of NZ:

    Great interview write up (out of OZ or NZ):

  43. cwm says:

    This I absolutely LOVE. It makes me very happy.

  44. AL says:

    If so, what is he wearing or I should say…what are the Toronto peeps going to the signing going to see?

    High hair, boots, suit with patterned shirt (colorful but not animal print).

  45. cwm says:

    The source of the studded shorts revealed! Haha I love him.

    OG Glambert ‏@lambertfever111
    @adamlambert can you sell those spiky shorts on EBay Smile

    Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
    @lambertfever111 haha NO! I just got them and they’re so comfy. Pat Feilds in NYC! Fun store.

    ETA: A close-up of the shorts:

  46. AL says:

    They are wrapping him in Trespassing tape – and will post a twitvid later “We love Trespassing!”!/MUCHMUSIC

  47. AL says:

    Adam’s done and probably after signing autographs is heading to HMV to meet Ron, TLKC, Nicky and Northern Spirit.

  48. Nicky says:

    Hey Ron
    Are u in line?

  49. cher says:

    Adam said he’s done with the glitter for now, yellow and black theme this year

    OH dear. We’ll be yellowjacket bees for the rest of the year! Grin

  50. dcglam says:

    cwm says:
    05/28/2012 at 6:29 pm
    This I absolutely LOVE. It makes me very happy.

    Me too, cwm! This is awesome!!

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