- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
riskylady, I just watched that longer video of Broken English, and it doesn’t look to me like he’s mad, it looks like he is so into himself and the song, that it takes him a second to ‘come back’ to reality, its like he blinks,and you can visible see him change ‘faces’. Does that make sense?
luval, ultima, everybody, here is the Sirius radio concert on Larry Flick:
HK fan, yep, in the end I think you guys must be right. Fabulous performance, anyway. I love love that song and Chokehold, so I was in nirvana over these videos!
Just love reading recaps like mmm222’s. It makes me happy to hear fans’ reactions to Adam’s performances and to know how much we share in our admiration of this man.
Thank you, riskylady – has anyone heard that “special song” Flick was talking about?
Guess it was Purple Haze.
There was a beautiful BTIKM – sounded as though someone was singing with him.
Thanks mmm222 for the recap. I put a copy of it in the Wilkes-Barre thread so it will be easy to find later. Little duchess just posted her recap there as well.
Looking forward to other recaps from those who attended and will attend these radio concerts. Don’t worry about where you post them, we just want to read them!
Hi everyone – This is a cross-post from the Six Flags thread, since I’m not sure which thread people are hanging out on.
I’m here at the National Harbor now (flew in today) and did some reconnaissance work to check out the venue for tomorrow. This place is a trip! The Gaylord Hotel is HUGE and its lobby is like Disneyland (except that it’s sponsored by Dreamworks – seriously!).
The concert will be outside looking over the Potomac – there’s a grassy amphitheater that faces toward the stage, with the water behind it. Really pretty. And not particularly big, so it will be one of those more intimate shows. It will be very interesting to see what the crowd is like – how many are Adam fans and how many are otherwise just guests of the hotel for the weekend. And given that it’s on hotel grounds and hotel guests will be able to hear it, I wonder how Adam will comport himself. teehee. Should be interesting and fun!
Can’t wait to meet everyone from ALL who’s coming, and can’t wait for the show!!! If the weather is anything like it was this evening, it will be beautiful. Hot and humid during the day, but beautiful by evening.
Bring it on! It’s been two long years since I’ve seen Adam live onstage and I’m ready!!
I only listened to that Sirius show after posting it. Must say, Adam sounds good, and it gives a perspective of how much influence he has over his accompaniment when he sings. These are studio musicians hired by Sirius, quite a different sound from the usual, but he is so flexible and I remember from the previous show, Larry said each song was done in one take (unlike many others they have had). I thought BTIKM, OOL and Fever were nice.
Adam Lambert Rocks The Boardwalk In New Jersey
Responded to your post on the Spring Fling thread, cwm!
luval, I wasn’t questioning your impression that Tommy looks sad, he may very well be. I was just saying that I wouldn’t speculate why or what is going on with him, and that he is in the best place for him to be in if he is going through something, surrounded by the people who he loves and who can support him.
I just listened to the Serius show and I loved it, both the interview and the music! Adam has such a great relationship with Larry Flick, their interviews are always special. So how do I keep it?
Still waiting to hear Underneath live. This would have been a good oportunity, but OOL was one of the best and most emotional versions I have heard. It had me in tears.
ETA. I was doing this week’s crossword puzzle while I was listening, so even though I have said it privately in emails, I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank AL for them, of course in addition to all your work on the concert threads. Thank you so very much.
Sorry, bold fail while adding to comments
Hi rs! Sitting in my car waiting to go to work and reading the posts. I thought OOL was spectacular on the Larry Flick sound cloud. Like it better than the album version. Have to listen again later. Sound quality just isn’t good on my phone.
Am working 6 days in a row. The only way I could get yesterday off. One more concert tonight. Tomorrow Toronto signing with Ron, TLKC, maybe turquoisewaters and Nicky. Can’t wait to read those recaps!
hi luval, (waves). I was just about to get up from the computer when I saw your post. Have a nice day at work. I can’t wait to see the recaps, either, and to see which outfit ron decides on in the end for his Adam meeting.
So Madonna is here and the whole country is going nuts (except fot the ultra Orthodox sector, of course). Her tour begins this Friday but she came early so that she could study at the Kabbala center in Tel Aviv this week.
Obligatory Adam content: The rift with Adam let Monte off the hook and he didn’t have to decide betwen Adam and Madonna. In the end Adam has a much better musical director in Brian, especially for his current sound.
Does anyone have quick access to Adam’s walk on water photo? This doctor here at work made a remark to me “what is it about him? Does he walk on water?” haha I’ll show him!
Hi luval!!
Here it is:
I’ll phone you later on …
This is from Home Planet. So funny. Down Under review of TSP:
I’m still grinning.
To the treadmill I must go. Last night’s activities distracted me…..
rs, I so agree about Brian London. He is just fantastic, and he is adding vocals and effects. Excellent choice. I wonder if the new arrangement of WWFM is his. I just love it.
And, to clarify: I wear capris and clamdiggers. In fact I wore them for both of my M&G’s with Adam. I just think they were odd on him!! LOL!!
And, I think Tommy adds a lot of spice to Adam’s band. I just want to hear him wail on a solo, that’s all!! He’s a very chill dude.
And, rs: I bet Madonna is getting a lot of press in Israel. i remember the last time I was there she was either there or planning to be there and there was a protest! If she shows up at the Kotel ( Wall), it will be interesting to say the least!
Thanks Ron..,.can’t wait. I have new thoughts on outfit. Well, sorta new.
Hi mils!
Why did you mention “Nirvana” in the context of the M&G/autograph session? He’s performing “Nirvana” tomorrow in Toronto?
Thanks for the kind words rs!
mils, loved that youtube video review! And agree that Brian is just who Adam needed for this tour. I believe it was more important for Adam to have someone with Brian’s set of skills versus a majorly talented guitarist. Adam choose his band well. They are all perfectly suited for their roles in this Trespassing stage of Adam’s career. Music is not always about being the best musician. It’ about fit and the band is a good fit. IMHO.
Thanks for posting that aely!
Wow! Top 5 album worldwide in sales!
THIS MORNING, Trespassing still holding on at #21 OVERALL iTUNES, holding at #9 iTunes POP.
MOVED UP on Amazon Best Sellers to #11, still green arrow UP, 82 days in top 100! Carrie is at #12, red arrow down, only 75 days in the top 100.
#5 Best Seller at Barnes & Noble.
#5 Best Seller at Target.
Put info and question on Summer Concert page for those going to Gaylord today.
Took a potty break after 1.5 miles, and of course popped in here.
Ron, I mentioned Nirvana because at the end of the livestream several tweeters said Nirvana, I thought maybe he sang Nirvana to end the show, since the stream, seemed to end before he did.
Guess he didn’t sing it. Sorry to have mislead you!
Wow. #5 in the World!!!!
International Superstar Grammy Nominated Fabulous Adam Freaking Lambert!!
Please don’t be sorry, mils! You didn’t mislead me. It did seem that there was going to be more to the show last night at the end of dinner and I thought that’s what you probably meant.
Let’s see …
Check List for Tomorrow:
Hair cut ……………Check!
Hair color ………….Check!
Tinted lashes………..Check!
Tinted eyebrows………Check! (that’s a first!!)
Teeth whitener strips…Check! (that’s a first too!!)
Okay, I’m ready for my close up!
All THIS for 7 seconds with Adam!
Just returned from the beer store because I’m sure I’ll
needwantseveralone or two when I get home.A last thought purchase on my way in was … breath spray … for our inevitable full lip-lock
LOL – that’s so funny, Ron –
That’s got to feel good!! Feel’s great to me! Can you imagine how it feels to Adam?!??
That’s what everyone is going to be able to write next February!

I can see it now…Ron meeting Adam in smileys

but so worth it
mils, I had to read that a few times because when you wrote “popped” I was thinking that it had more to do with your potty break!
2012 – Summer Blast Off – Adam Lambert Songs
Complete show for WPLJTV
Posted videos that I could find for Spring Fling. So far only found 4. Most videographers were headed to National Harbor so I expect more videos tomorrow.
I also posted more videos taken from the balcony at Wilkes-Barre in that thread. Love the view for Kickin’ In from there!
And the thread for today’s concert is up. Twitter has been active so might as well get that one going too! See you on the lawn amphitheater over there!
Naughty Naughty AL!!!
Well, after 4 miles, I’m POOPED!!
(As in tired!! TSK TSK!!!)
Nice review of Trespassing, I believe this is from Malaysia.
Also, review of the Scissor Sisters, but with a really nice paragraph about Trespassing. All mentions are good! Spread the word!!!
AL, you’re always so clever! That’s funny! Pictures say it all, don’t they. I noticed the handcuffs –
Yes, I may be doing a recap from jail.
If I was to stop midway as I approach him and do the “Adrien Brody at the Oscar’s” Binaca breath spray bit, I wonder if Adam would “get it”. Probably not. Better not chance it. Security might tackle me (“What’s up with this nut?!”) and show me the door!
On second thought maybe I should have put the handcuffs before you attempted to kiss him. No way to escape now!
WOW…Al…I just listened to Summer Blast videos at the Jersey Shore that you just posted. 7:30am in the morning and he sounds unbelievable!!! The DJ’s could not stop raving about him and said things like “what happened to singing?” and Train…who would be on next, they said “Train will have to work hard after that”! haha
Almost my favorite radio promo except it was short and WB was my favorite.
Hi Ulti!!
So far, my free autograph has cost me $158.93 …

Ron, look at it this way, M&G during GN was 175 bucks. So, you’re way ahead of the game!
AL, I just posted a Kickin In for Six Flags. Video is shaky but sound is OK – damn, he had those girls SCREAMIN”!!!
Thanks riskylady! Added it to that thread. Maybe “Shaky” could become the new “Shady”?!
“‘cuz I’m feelin’ so shaky latelaaayy”!
Hello All!!! It’s been awhile!! Been going crazy over the new music and traveling all over to see Adam! Just finished posting my recap of the Fantabuloso show on that chat thread. Also went to SpringleBall with a few of my friends! It’s been amazing and hearing him sing the new stuff live O_O!!!! Can’t wait for the tour to start and for July to come for the QUEEN SHOW!!!!!
glamberthaf28, so glad to hear from you. We’ve been wondering how you’re doing and if you were getting into the new music (AS IF lol). So happy you’re lovin it and getting to see Adam with your friends. I’ll go over and read your post.
Thanks Ceddies Been pretty hectic over my way with the concerts, work, getting ready for London and everything. But I AM IN LOVE WITH TRESPASSING!!! Underneath just hits home for me! I love it!!! just the whole album <3<3<3
And here are some links to see my make up that Adam commented on and the outfit that I made to wear for the concerts that I went to!
my pic with Adam
my hug from Adam (the back of my shirt has all the songs on the album listed…wrote them all free hand O_O)
and the make up Adam loved!
Thought I would share with you guys
Glambertha, your pics are awesome- thanks for sharing with us! I love your outfit and makeup.
Adam surely must get a kick out of the fun his fans are having with Trespassing!
I just posted Juneau’s review on the 6 Flags show on the thread. She had been to the Kiss concert in Boston and talked about how he didn’t connect as well as he could with the audience, so it is nice to hear her rave “the difference a week makes”. It is worth going back to read.