- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
This photo is new to me.
Adam Lambert Returns to American Idol May 17 With New Single
MAY 1ST, 2012 AT 6:57 AM BY ANNE
Have you ever seen or read anything so sweet before?
The Love Story of Adam and Sauli!! O/ .. YAY ..
It’s mushy and sappy but I LOVE IT!!!
Both of them are meant for each other.
Tried to check out the shirt – but says Twitter over capacity.
Got the shirt pic – the store should have a pic of Adam in it.
This already posted? – his jacket a Juun J for $1,750 – AQD?
ulti Can you try the link above again? The photo is new to me. Is it from one of his radio promos?
And .. his jacket he wore at Jimmy Kimmel, a Juun J for $1,750 ?
Whew!! Relieve!!
When Adam went vinyl, I thought he couldn’t afford real leather anymore.
Got into all the pics! Thanks, everybody.
This video is where cwm’s Cuckoo GIF is from.
It’s worth to post it again. I’ve watched it many many times.
Love the man’s voice and the intro of vajayjay.
2012-04-26 Cuckoo (Jimmy Kimmel Live) *IMPROVED*
Good Night All.
Sweet Cuckoo Dreams.
Glambot, how about these?
Hello everyone, another de-lurker surfaces–so many good things happening in Adamland lately. I don’t post alot but I am here most every day in spirit, which is why I was so happy to see the site donation link. Thank you eywflyer for this site and all you do to keep us as one big happy glamily; I feel better now that I made a donation!
Just made sure my bold skills worked and it did, yay! Also I wanted to comment on the gorgeous May picture you used, could he get any more perfect?
I bought my copy of Instinct today and I was scrambling to find it amongst the “millions” of mags there and finally found it waaaay in the back, so like some others did I put the remaining two copies dead front and center of the rack and when the clerk asked if I wanted a bag I said no thanks, then to myself, I would never cover up this face with any bag, and proudly walked out.
I feel the need for an adamphernalia (sp?) box, have too much stuff now, am waiting for Fault mag also. I have nothing signed though (boo –hoo), never had a M&G yet. But I will patiently wait. Like you, Ellessay, I am waiting for him to come to FL. I am SW FL, west coast, but my son goes to college in Orlando. I am armed and ready when he comes!
nkd…if you are around…I’ve been trying to get a read on the boots he wore. Boy his feet look big!
They look like knee high combat boots.
Hi Missdfyed. I have an adamphernalia box and it’s too small. The bigger magazines just don’t fit so I’m on the hunt for some sort of chest or something fitting for the precious material!
Know MJ closed and then reopened the Adam/May 17 thread, but noticed she also got furious about 22 hours ago on the Elise/Kelly appearance thread about posters going off-topic. Anyone know what happened?
luval, I’ve looked for the boots with no luck so far. They almost look like creepers boots.
Of course he has big feet!
That’s exactly what I thought…creepers! Very odd looking. When he sang “walk that walk” in Cuckoo and walked that walk across the stage, it was very clunky or chunky or something like that! Made me LOL.
Ah…. Love your spirit, love the story, and love you, missdfyed!!
MTV Buzzworthy. Adam’s obsessions.
Can he be any cuter? So adorkable!
mils Perfect, bring em on
TONIGHT at 9:05p eastern @adamlambert fans will have 10 minutes to vote #NCOE onto @B104. Can you do it? http://B104.COM to vote at 9!
OMG!!! Thank goodness that I only have one obsession in my life. That happens to be you, Adam, and everything that relates to you — including Trespassing.
Thanks for posting this, nkd. I agree that it is truly adorkable!!
You’re welcome dcglam.
Photo from the video shoot.
Darn – why do vids like that keep popping up – isn’t my/our obsession bad enough – does he have to keep adding to it? Gone – just gone, babes.
I think they hired people with big eyes who can never close them. Botox helps.
On Adam’s obsession list I find the twitter one strange. He really doesn’t tweet all that much except for twitter parties unless I’m missing something.
luval he said he uses twitter for his information source, news, pop culture, etc. Doesn’t read newspapers or watch news programs.
glambotgram…oh yes, I heard him say all that but I guess I don’t use twitter for information (except about him! LOl). I use every form of media EXCEPT twitter for my information so I can’t relate.
anoth post from Nile Rodgers video and pictures. http://www.nilerodgers.com/blogs/planet-c-in-english/1700-last-minute-out-of-control
love this
That Adam’s Obsessions article http://buzzworthy.mtv.com/2012/05/01/adam-lambert-10-obsessions-kale/ had a great picture and a great opening sentence:
. Had me LOL. Off to a shady corner to read what the article/video actually says.
ETA: he did a great job with that. Was able to fold in both Queen and Trespassing. Came off very classy. Unlike me.
On AQD – ShoshannaStone tweeted that there are two extra songs on the UK album. Did we know this already? Can’t remember.
Home Planet is comparing the tweeted girl picture from the video to the big-eyed look from Gaga’s Bad Romance video. Lots of white costumes and big eyes there too.
Eywflyer, I’m still without buttons, but please don’t jump through hoops for me. I can live without bolding. I’ll have my eyeball roller teen teach me how to bold with keyboard strokes.
Two extra songs in UK. And two extra songs in Japan, right? Wonder if they are the same two songs?
How many versions of the CD will there be?
Or, better yet, how big of a hit will our budgets take?
Must. Have. All. Songs.
We knew there was a bonus track, but I don’t think we knew there were two! The Japan bonus track was By the Rules, I wonder if that will be one of the UK bonus songs. Kind of hoping yes so I only have to buy the UK version, but then am also hoping for more songs!
So, for Idol, does anyone else hope he goes without nail polish and gloves?
Oh, and those big flat boots have been worn before, I can’t remember when, maybe Europe, but I remember them as being loose and odd looking. Not sleek and sexy at all. But def. worn before.
For Idol I want him to look exactly like above. So I guess that means polish & gloves. But I’d rather the full gloves than the knuckle gloves. Should be interesting to see if he does another “WWFM extravaganza” or just sings it straight on like on Kimmel.
Hope he doesn’t wear those flat-footed boots – hard to be graceful in them, although he did a pretty good job.
Re extra songs on the UK album…I hate extra songs.
Wait! No! That’s not what I meant to say!
Let’s try again…
I hate extra songs that require another purchase of songs that I already have on another CD. Especially since I don’t particularly like the studio versions, so I don’t necessarily want duplicates of songs on multiple CDs of studio versions.
I like/love/adore Adam live!
Would like an auxiliary disc of all foreign/special edition songs compiled on one CD. Would happily buy that!
Who are we kidding?
We’re gonna end up buying it all eventually.
Then will come the concert DVD. And the 3D Imax. And the acoustic CD.
And the Grammy noms.
And world wide domination.
I think so too mils, but I can’t place them either. This may require some research!
nkd…you are so good at research. You deserve some kind of an honorary degree at Adam U.
haha Can you see Adam doing Strut with those big ole creeper boots on? I don’t think so.
Actually I don’t think Adam will duplicate Kimmel as far as clothes. He’ll change it up.
All I know is this:
If he walks onto that Idol stage looking like he did up top there will be a squeee unlike any ever heard anywhere before.
It will be all across America.
An audible hum. People looking out their doors and looking for the source of the squee sound.
Wives squeeing.
Teens flailing.
Fangirls sliding off their chairs.
Fanboys going berserk.
Grandmas looking at grandpas and saying ” Lawdy, who is that boy?”
Idol fans shaking their heads and longing for season 8.
MJ blog haters flocking to the blog to declare that once and for all, the Glamberts were RIGHT. Their Idol was the best after all.
Rolling Stone will put him on the cover again.
People will put him on the cover.
EW will say something nice.
Perez will be soooooo jealous. He’ll cover those tanned abs.
And then, he’ll start to sing.
“Cuz he does that too!!
I showed the pic from above to a doctor at work…the one who knows (and chuckles) about my Adam obsession. He had no words except “oh my god, look at his eyes”. This is a straight man talking. He then moved on to his work without saying another word. I know this doc is falling in love
. Resistance is futile.
mils….he sings? When did that start?
I had to take a “power nap” at 6:00 and … just woke up 5 minutes ago! I missed the 9:05 voting. Tch! (Tch? mils will know where that comes from)
Didn’t I read that there’s a white theme as well as ethereal looking people in the video? I think Adam should go with an all white suit for his Idol appearance. Be a nice change from all the dark clothes on red carpets, Leno, Ellen and Kimmel. He wore an all white outfit a couple of years back for some occasion. He looked great. Haven’t seen it since then and we know he still has it.
OOHH Mils I love it.
Ron keep up, would ya, it is a Disco nap.
I wonder if for Idol he’ll do a big production number related to the video that he may still be working on tonight.
He’ll probably be edgy mainstream. Gotta be strong sexy male to bring in the guys. Gals no problem – lol.
I love him in white. White pants to be specific. That gauzy white shirt from that outdoor GN short set. The white D&G suit from Idol Feelin’ Good. Oh honey, I felt pretty good that night.
That was one of my fave 3 Idol performances and the studio version was sublime. My friend the voice specialist said that that studio version was one of the best vocal performances she had ever heard by any artist ever.
24/7 had video from a couple days ago of Kurt Browning skating to it. I hadn’t listened to that in a long time. Still just knocks me flat. I remember Ricky Minor and the Idol music arranger, Michael Orland saying recently that Feeling Good was the best studio version by any Idol ever.
Anyway, white suit = yum.
nkd: whatever he does on Idol will be “big.”
( clearing my throat)
Kind of like this, Ron??
ETA: This was at a black tie event.
Post ho. Out. Off to Glee sans commercials.
Is anyone else watching Smash? Love it?
Oh, BTW, with Mother’s Day coming, had mine for dinner tonight, after dinner we had the TV on , chatting etc, and that hilarious new commercial came on with the mother and daughter buying new phones and sobbing so hard they used sub-titles, we laughed so hard!! So so real. Anyone else talking about a commercial? Like it’s a show or something…