- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
5m5 minutes ago
There’s nowhere safe on our stage. Bloody cyclists !!! Ha ha ! Thanks you guys in Melbourne for… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf3lF2gDJ55/
Squidward Tortellini
Mar 2
Adam Lambert is easily the most beautiful man in existence.
Annie B
2h2 hours ago
@Adam_Tickets Selling 2 tickets QAL O2 Monday 2 July GA (standing) Cost including all fees £82 each
“Adam Lambert signing autographs in Adelaide, 28/02/18”
15h15 hours ago
I think every concert should be recorded sold on the official fanclub!
Gives fans the opportunity to buy their chosen venue dvd and re-live absolutely magical moments over and over and over again!
What ye reckon Mr @Adamlambert
@adamlambert are you proud of my friends? ?❤️
5m5 minutes ago
? ironpeeeach “Someone out there maybe thinking to yourselves…” “I want to steal your shoes.” Yeah that’s what in my mind???@Iron_peach @adamlambert #queenandadamlambert
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/8b6d4b3d8e34ebc0bdfe12fd855ece1c/5A9DB569/t50.2886-16/28389543_2024239121183295_3535142527762308494_n.mp4 …
This is sooo delicious! Continuous edit of Adam coaching the queens!
Just posted this nice Periscope I believe Melbourne 1, starts at WWFM to the very end with GSTQ.
Trixie Mattel Talks ‘Drag Race’ Shocker & Humiliating Encounter With Adam Lambert
4h4 hours ago
Just a shot in the dark here, but anybody hear Adam Lambert sing with Queen? Such an underrated vocal talent, completely under the radar
3h3 hours ago
???????? Retweeted Obaby
He followed Trixie. He invented world peace.
A few others from the show too.
30m30 minutes ago
? ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Sets New Franchise Ratings Records #AllStars3 https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/pride/8225839/rupauls-drag-race-sets-franchise-ratings-records … via @billboard
Grrrr. Why the F would they make JCS without Adam. I’ve been stewing about their decision and this makes me even madder. Glad RuPaul was such a success.
@olliereading @deanchunko
I hear ya, adamized. I’m still
. May be the only chance he had to appear in JCS unless he decides to produce it himself. Although I remember one of the producers saying they were thinking of putting it “on the road”. Doubt if Adam would ever do this, though. And if the ratings are really bad it will never happen anyway.
.@adamlambert @QueenWillRock @DrBrianMay @OfficialRMT #QALMelbourne #adamdolls ??
New review from one of the Adelaide concerts. First one I think. Pretty good one.
Good one, luval
Just posted 5 YouTubes on Melbourne 2, including this AMAZING
UP https://youtu.be/qA_mR1olLmg WOW!!! And sooo close!!!
In honor of tonight’s episode of #RuPaulsDragRaceAllStars3 @adamlambert & I back in the day! ?☺️ #303 #MileHighCity
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Really enjoyed our two shows in Melbourne ! thank you all who attended!!
tweets from “converts”
12h12 hours ago
I knew Adam Lambert could sing but like, he can fucking SING. He was incredible. I’ve never been so shook by live vocals. Everyone in the crowd was hyping him the fuck up and I wouldn’t of wanted anyone else performing Freddie’s songs. Pls contact me if you find my wig
3h3 hours ago
Great to catch up with the awesome @adamlambert in #Melbourne ?
So great to log on, luval, and see those great comments –
Phillip Lee Curtis.
6h6 hours ago
Phillip Lee Curtis. Retweeted ADAM LAMBERT
Adam, babes, I need more than this. You touched me in nooks and unexplored crannies I didn’t know I had. I need you to be more excited about how amazing last night was. #WifeMeLambo
(this guy is referring to Adam’s tweet thanking Melbourne)
Phillip’s original tweet
Phillip Lee Curtis.
7h7 hours ago
Went to Queen last night and lord Jesus I need to be sedated. I didn’t know what to do with myself, it was that good. @adamlambert’s voice tore through my soul which is incredible as I didn’t think I had one. I just cannot describe it. CANNOT.
Adam mentoring on RuPaul
Judging critiques
From one of the lighting guys
15m15 minutes ago
The Lucky Shag Waterfront Bar edwhitelighting: In Perth, with the Ed Sheehan, Robbie Williams, Paramore, Fall Out Boy and Queen Crew. What can possibly go wrong? Day off tomorrow then last show of the run. I love these people, I love this job.
Logan Robot Gladden
1h1 hour ago
@The_MPT a dream come true meeting one of my biggest influences last year! @OfficialRMT #callingallgirlsandboys #rogertaylor #queen4ever
? tyler_fn_warren: @neilmfairclough : “Straighten your back up, Tyler!” @tyler_fn_warren: “…derrrrr…” #QAL #NOTW40 #Australia #Victoria #Melbourne Photo by @magdadphotog https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf5w-SzHanD/
#QALMelbourne2 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf4O9__BaDU/ the.running.barista: I’m officially a #lambertconvert This guy was utterly amazing. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf4cM-xlkJ7/
julia buszac
12h12 hours ago
adam lambert lost american idol when i was in 5th grade and i missed 2 days of school and had to go to the counselors office because i couldn’t stop crying over it and i still don’t think i was overreacting
hy Katz
The definition of Jesus Christ Super Star #QALMelbourne1
https://scontent-sit4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/28423522_10215859823315097_2591806200341659535_o.jpg?oh=e5a9809eb88f3a9e9b98b7f865074a43&oe=5B47A0AA …
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10215859823315097&set=a.10211733450678360.1073741831.1431003537&type=3 …
15m15 minutes ago
SloMo sponge bath ? ? #RuPaulsDragRaceAllStars3 @adamlambert ‘s part 3.1.18
With exception of SCC, whole Melbourne 2 show – posted there, too –
2h2 hours ago
My Weekly update of @AdamLambert stats 4 March 2018! ? With 3⃣ milestones this week! ? Kinda mixed updates on @Spotify and little drops on @YouTube. His followers are gaining nicely though on both platforms! ? Check the link:
Adam addressing the Trixie thing
Sue Miller
2m2 minutes ago
Adsm Lambert’s artwork being auctioned tonight at Elton John’s Oscars party to benefit AIDS. @adamlambert. #Glamberts #QAL
Great review for Melbourne One – posted there, also
Adam Lambert was THE CHAMPION of MELBOURNE! 17 concerts across three continents, what a ride – over and out!
Adam Lambert is the inspiration ….thanks for keeping Queen alive! #QALmelbourne #QALMelbourne2 #AdamLambert #talent #vocals#
I don’t know who took this picture but bless your soul, it’s so beautiful ?
Arriving in Perth , March 5
? @2wofux ig story @adamlambert #Allstars3
Gelly @14gelly
A++++ Adam for all your responses hahhhh
Gelly @14gelly
lol srsly Trixie was trying to milk that “Feud” with that billboard article about Adam being so hot etc . and that’s why she talked to him like that. So passive agressive. I didn’t tweet that article. This wasn’t humor no matter what Trixie says. Adam was trying to help everyone
Gelly @14gelly
I mean I’m trying to get Trixie’s fans, but if they look carefully, Adam made constructive criticism and more harsh to the other queens. And when Trixie was on the mic, you see that Leland and the other guy that were producing the song were rolling their eyes with her “jokes” lol
Gelly @14gelly
She’s causing DRAMA. for tv hahh
Stunned by this magnificent view of the city of Perth. Wow ! Well, here we are ! Last QAL show of this tour. Ready ! Bri
Adam’s IG story #2 scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/58417afe841
Adam’s IG story scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/21eab3519cd…
bendelacreme left a comment under Adam’s ig
I am so happy I got to meet you before I flew the coup! Thanks for being an inspiration!”