- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
Tiesto and I are of like minds, ultimathule

I do think albums and the traditional methods of release may be dead for certain market segments, BUT I also think Adam is an “album” type of artist, and I think many Glamberts (being his fanbase mostly composed of older teens through 20’s, 30s and beyond i.e. mostly adults) want albums. But there are many more creative ways of releasing music now, not necessarily JUST in an album, as well as some artists are putting albums in tour ticket prices as that is now allowed by BB. So who knows what he’ll do……

Also, have to consider the kind of “throwaway” music many are putting out, so yeah, an album of that is hardly worth keeping.
Don’t remember this 10-second with fan in Sydney –
Rolling Stone
Verified account @RollingStone
19m19 minutes ago
How today’s blockbuster soundtracks are launching new artists to stardom
Mr. Perfect –
wow, that is a stunning photo….not so keen on the ones from Fashion week.
Agree with you, HKfan. It was really a “more is more” situation there!
Kinda tired of posting Adam’s nights out but this is all we have.
6h6 hours ago
Adam’s IG story #2 https://scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/f5dac7b450591dd152a51928e6bd0af9/5ABA2721/t50.12441-16/29435278_562270537483778_5073247503790125575_n.mp4 …
16h16 hours ago
Beat 4 Feet Productions (Producers/writers along with Adam of Love Wins Over Glamour) posted a great throwback photo of @adamlambert performing Love Wins Over Glamour at Life Ball 2013
https://www.facebook.com/beat4feet/photos/a.449055478465593.93810.235865473117929/1620518337985962/?type=3&theater …
Sia with Adam Lambert
I hope that’s a recent picture of Sia and Adam. I’ve never liked collabs but she is the ONLY one I could see him singing with. Not sure why but I love her voice and her persona.
Adam’s IG. It’s Elton’s birthday today
“robertvogu @AdamLambert You got it! . . . . . #Hollywood #losangeles #la #fashion
Found this shout out at atop.
Lilybop lilybop2010
? Some gossip
http://www.adamlambertlive.org/march-2018-chat/comment-page-11/#comment-200617 …
Bonni Moschetti
11m11 minutes ago
I walk past Phil y Mac nearly everyday Adam’s new mgmt– it’s in a beautiful bldg but couldn’t get a good pic…sun in my eyes…but here’s a little shot of the inside–very classy!
Whenever I see PhilyMack written, all I can think about is Philadelphia cream cheese or Macaroni and cheese. I can’t erase this from my brain.
#4 @adamlambert (at 5:45) “Top 10 Sexiest Men of ALL TIME”, LGBT TOP List
Watching March Madness now. My alma mater is playing. Hope to go to Final 4.
8m8 minutes ago
ADAM last night at Hotel Cafe , March 24 via bodaciousthang instagram story
“#Postshow #Superhotfaces @adamlambert
We won!!! But O-MY-GOSH … I almost had a heart attack. Over time won … that close!
Sorry for off topic.
20s20 seconds ago
? Pharaoh! Benedict Cork ig story
https://instagram.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/9bdcd66dc51ac52edc7a6e024fc12ea8/5ABACC9C/t50.12441-16/29295583_217730488808754_6166127625333331916_n.mp4 …
Adam & Benedict Cork at Hotel Cafe last night – bodaciousthang ig story edits https://www.instagram.com/bodaciousthang/
Who are some of your favorite LGBTQ role models?
Replying to @BillboardPride
Adam Lambert is a fantastic role model! For some reason he’s overlooked & mostly ignored by the music industry (radio) & media. I’d like to know why. He stepped into an almost impossible situation w/#Queen & to his credit they’ve been wildly successful! Who else could do THAT? ❤
Issa lazy sunday with bae/béy ?✨
13h13 hours ago
??? Benedict Cork is Adam’s house guest. His new ig stories.
(Adam’s always taking care of people who need financial help with things. I remember this IG of Cork…he was broke…https://www.instagram.com/p/BgO3sGdHmOC/?taken-by=benedictcork)
Anton Brown
Mar 24
Bumped into a drumming legend @HeathrowAirport today. Who knew we share the same birthday! Pleasure meeting you @OfficialRMT (even if our bags were 1 hour delayed!) #WeWillRockYou ?
Dr. Brian May
Verified account @DrBrianMay
1m1 minute ago
Dr. Brian May Retweeted Brian May Guitars
This edition is actually much closer to the colouring of my original Red Special as it is now. Just a few left. I want one !!! Bri
On a personal note: Brian’s “Brian May’s Red Special” book is great reading.
Does anyone want me to post bits and pieces or posts for JCS? I won’t unless someone says “yes”. There’s a clip of the Judas guy singing JCS. Actually it’s shouting and screeching and straining. yikes is all I can say.
Not I.
I foresee it as the John Legend Show, who has no vocal range.
Don’t get me wrong, because I like some of his songs, but that’s about it.
ETA: Some of my friends asked, if I would be watching JCS on Sunday? They were excited and wanted my opinion. I was nice about it and said, “I was disappointed in the weak cast and production so far. I mentioned the costuming, and they went, “Eweee!”
Never mentioned Adam at all.
Ditto, twilight! I saw a clip and it looked more like West Side Story lol. Pretty horrible.
omg….remember this?
Can’t believe this is Xtina
“Didn’t Like That New Album? Another One Is Coming Before You Know It”
“The sea of music that the industry is producing has both artists and fans feeling submerged”
IIHY is a gay love song??
Adam Lambert is ♔
23m23 minutes ago
30 Gay Love Songs: Frank Ocean, Troye Sivan, Kele Okereke & More
While trailblazers like Adam Lambert, Troye Sivan and Frank Ocean have each made inroads for other queer male artists after them…
https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/pride/8013830/gay-love-songs-best-playlist …
A Golden Oldie –
WELL WELL WELL! Philymack updated Adam’s bio!
Was just reading that, riskylady – terrific – now an updated photo would be great, too
And no Ten Commandments –
Yep, ulti and surely we were joined by others in bringing that about! I hope they are realizing that Glamberts may not be the largest fan group, but I think we’re the most proactive and dedicated. Just all the concert and music data keeping, the collection of fan art, the great ninjas who collect and propagate info, converting snaps to YT, I could go on and on. And the many countries! Estonia, Iran, Dubai, Bulgaria, countries where many other artists aren’t even known!
Love your post, riskylady – and agree completely – it’s almost as though we’re part of a net of information that surrounds the globe – I sometimes wonder if he realizes the extent of it –
??️ WORKOUT BUDDY ???? Benedict Cork’s ig story 48 min ago #Pharaoh
Adam, Holly & Brook left messages on Terrance’s IG
5h5 hours ago
4 MORE VIDEOS COMBINED From Adam’s instagram stories
8 total, now he deleted 4 of them. Is he trying to tell us something about twitter or say it to himself lol
Verified account @Variety
5h5 hours ago
Fox Moves Up ‘Bohemian Rhapsody,’ Delays ‘X-Men’ Spinoffs
Ollie Stevens
9h9 hours ago
Saw @adamlambert and Queen live on 3rd March this year, will never forget. Been a Glambert since 2010 and I knew he had talent but his lives are just mind-blowing ??
27m27 minutes ago
From @adamlambert snapchat rotated, Pharaoh. Regal pose!
Adam Lambert Finland
3h3 hours ago
Love seeing that @novasuomi our biggest radio station has taken #AdamLambert #GhostTown on playlist again while we wait new solo music?❤️✌???
21m21 minutes ago
Terrance’s IG story: “Nephew ☀️ bathing” https://instagram.fhel5-1.fna.fbcdn.net/vp/bbf95e5031eb7ce7ae77f5af514064ce/5ABD6C02/t58.9793-16/27151368_1598715086865047_8502152323007595509_n.mp4 … ?
2m2 minutes ago
? Happy Birthday, Sauli !!! @saulikoskinen1
Music Feeds
Verified account @musicfeeds
36m36 minutes ago
WE KNEW IT: Going to gigs on the regular can help you live longer, a new study has found ? http://musicfeeds.com.au/news/going-gigs-can-actually-help-live-longer-new-study-finds/#/slide/1 …