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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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7h7 hours ago
Sarah’s instagram video
Adam left a comment https://www.instagram.com/p/BgmgX-xnVQn/
riskyladyYou took the words right out of my mouth about the crappy bio for Adam on PhilyMack site. Read all the others before getting to his and felt quite upbeat that this might be the good new place for him and then… What a letdown! It came across like he was the black sheep of the family. Even if they were in a hurry to get something out there, there’s surely plenty of riches to promote as you pointed out. Wouldn’t have taken any one of us more than 5 minutes. Even someone not quite as enthusiastic as we are could’ve created something exciting in a very short amount of time. These types of PR people are trained better than this bio shows. What gives?
rainbowgal, love your story. People like your friends are so important in this world.
And happy belated birthday, firsttimerob!
little dutchess, I know!!! Good grief. I’m going to try and compose a non-threatening email to them with no snark, but believe me it’s a monumental challenge in my case!
One of my favorite live performances. Sleepwalker on Leno. The closeups!!
3m3 minutes ago
✨ Terrance posted an ig story about #Coachella2018 Maybe Adam is going again. Dates are April 13-22.
✨ There was an event at Dream Hollywood for Zendaya last night. Maybe Adam went.
Go get ’em, riskylady !!! You are very articulate and write well so I have faith that you will convey to them what we are all feeling. It will be interesting to see if/what they respond and more interesting if they do a rewrite
Lol ok! Btw, nice to see you here!
Sent PhilyMack some polite suggestions yesterday – this is supposed to be a step up? Not impressed – at all –
ultimathule….for you (and me and probably many others). Over the top screaming!
And….you think I care???
Masterworks Broadway
Verified account @SonyBroadway
What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s happening! Okay, okay, if you haven’t already heard, @MasterworksBroadway is digitally releasing the cast album of @JCSTheMusical on April 6!!!
riskylady I have total faith in what ever you compose. You’re quite skilled as a writer. I wouldn’t be surprised if, your e-mail really would help, with Adam’s bio.
The neglect of not writing all of his accomplishments, is a travesty.
Hehe, thanks, well, I’ll try to join ultima and luval (Did you email too?) as politely as I can…..at least they’ll know we notice all things Adam.
I did not email them riskylady. Am not in a composing mood today. They’d probably drop him if they read an email from me!
2m2 minutes ago
Think he’s at a museum.
2 VIDEOS COMBINED from @adamlambert instagram stories ROTATED
All on youtube
44s45 seconds ago
From @adamlambert instagram “adamlambert Rainy Dayz” https://www.instagram.com/p/BgpJJCWB7sG/
So cute!! Hairrrrr! In love with the sweater!
INFO|The @EdgePublicity site updated @AdamLambert’s bio with some interesting infos:”Adam is spending 2018 recording his fourth album, exploring the world of film and TV, all in between touring the world with Queen. New music will be released later this year…”
OMG Adam’s Snapchat about Censorship is 100% true! Hits ARE purchased. Record labels decide which songs to push to radio, pay for play frequency, and program directors decide what to put on their playlist. Then almost all the stations follow along.
And it IS censorship. Of all the others without the capital to purchase play. Must have really hit a nerve for Adam. He’s been lucky with GT, WWFM and IIHY but the labels ignored other great songs for whatever reasons. Much luckier outside the US.
luval, my fear exactly. I’m too mad.
I like the last few words…
It emotes continued updates.
Still super pissed though, with the all injustice…
Maybe Adam needs to release music in the Uk And Europe. The Beatles & U2 both were major successes in the US first.
America fans, is what really made it for them.
Anyone know where this was?
#adamlambert igstory flipped
Someone mentioned Harry Potter –
freckles –
Funny – was thinking of this M&G yesterday – and it popped up today –
Just checking the Park theater’s availability. There is a gap between Jul. 22nd – August 17th. Seems highly unlikely QAL would be there then, too close to the EU/UK dates. The next gap is August 19-Oct.30th. Cher is back on Oct. 31st, for an extended run.
Rolling Stone
Verified account @RollingStone
Mar 20
Boy George and Culture Club, B-52s announce a massive summer tour http://rol.st/2FXzMIg
2h2 hours ago
Paulo Ramirez ig.
see you soon ☺️
So I met one of my idols and inspirations, I can’t believe I got to sing in front of @adamlambert !!! And backstage he said to me that NOBODY CAN SING AS HIGH AS WE CAN ?thank you for being so cool
Beautiful voice –
More than love – Paolo Ramirez
cocooyauAdam ?? https://instagram.com/p/BgpJJCWB7sG/ 3/22/18 #adamlambert #cute
2m2 minutes ago
It looks like @AdamLambert updated his @Spotify Bio! “2018 sees Adam continuing to tour arenas of the world with Queen, alongside recording his fourth album coming soon!”
Check it out here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6prmLEyn4LfHlD9NnXWlf7?si=NgDtlNxzQW-7oqHJ8cTb0w …
hint? Very random instagram
Adam’s IG https://instagram.com/p/BgrT2tDBM-C/
Adam would look fine in any one of these
Beautiful hair down Adam.
Nile Rodgers Talks Surviving Cancer Twice and Joining Abbey Road Studios | Good Morning Britain
2h2 hours ago
A bit late, but here is my Weekly update of @AdamLambert stats 18 March 2018! ? With 6⃣ milestones this week and 1⃣ anniversary! ? Some drops on both @Spotify and @YouTube. A big gain in followers on Spotify though! ? Check the link:
Pharaoh from Adam IG for National Puppy a Day
Vocal Coach Yazik reacts to Adam Lambert – The Show Must Go On, Singapore
He previously reviewed WWTLF –
lol –
Adam is serving next level beyond this planet my eyes have flown outta my head looks in 2018 & I’m totally here for this
VIDEO stylemelody instagram story “When @adamlambert shares you on his story ?♀️?”
Neil had a birthday
11h11 hours ago
Crystal Aguilar “Met @adamlambert and geeked out and had to take a picture with him. He was so sweet! I love him ?” https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10211600196386285&set=a.1767758199548.2091532.1406995124&type=3&theater …
12h12 hours ago
Adam’s IG story https://scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/662394fadd1f5bceaeb7bdc312118331/5AB83A75/t51.12442-15/e35/28766271_401679806973542_2419865431620714496_n.jpg …
scontent-vie1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/fd8e7b43ee8af6cc022e7719295fca6f/5AB82D4B/t50.12441-16/29429798_176849252949431_4900859187681314460_n.mp4 …
https://scontent-vie1-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/a0b5b0302fe4e08c139dfe03501bac3d/5AB76697/t50.12441-16/29001741_787151324805333_3259415850023936273_n.mp4 … ?
Brian May Guitars
14h14 hours ago
ATTENTION ticket holders for the recent @QueenWillRock+@AdamLambert 2018 New Zealand + Australia Tour… You STILL have a chance to register to BUY your very own BMG Special Guitar SIGNED by @DrBrianMay JUST 7 Days remaining… OFFER CLOSES March 31st!
☕ #TwoFux
4h4 hours ago
New digital painting @adamlambert
#AdamLambert #fanart #illustration
Instagram (❤) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bgr-0XClGtx
44m44 minutes ago
I Knew I had seen the same pose somewhere @adamlambert! Happy National Puppy day from Pharaoh! ❤️? ?
They’re all doing it. No one is selling albums anymore and residency is so much easier than touring.
Page Six
Verified account @PageSix
34s34 seconds ago
Blink-182 announce Las Vegas residency
For now…..
Whale Report
14h14 hours ago
Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello are currently the biggest solo male and female artists in the world on iTunes!
Tiesto agrees with you, luval –
“Why Tiesto thinks the album is dead”
Grayjoey’s dog Frank died recently. A beautiful tribute to him. If you scroll right on the IG, there’s a video of Joey singing You’re My Best Friend to his dog.
I think that’s when Adam invited him to Hawaii to help him grieve & try to get over his sadness.