- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom
#BRIsSOAPBOX: “Personal tribute to #StephenHawking written 4 days ago at request of Daily Mirror … still haven’t published it, so appropriate to put it where some people can see it. Bri” READ ON:
https://brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssbmar18b.html#12 …
Short link: http://bit.ly/2DCN7UB @DrBrianMay
many shades of green and Egyptian symbols
☘️??? Src @adamlambert IG https://www.instagram.com/p/BgfdlDHhlPC/ 3.18.18
1m1 minute ago
VIDEO from @adamlambert instagram story
Adam hiking ” Beautiful LA DAY”
Adam Lambert’s instagram story 19/3/18
Heavy breathing – running?
FINALLY @Spotify was launched in Romania ?
Now I can enjoy @adamlambert there, too ?❤️
I have a story for you. I’m on the board of QUEER South Dakota. We serve the LGBTQ+ community in South Dakota. Maxwell Poth contacted us to participate in his Project Contrast. He photographs, films and tells the stories of kids from the ages of 14 to 19. He has visited many larger cities and chose SD for a rural, small city. Jennie and I hosted him in our home. When he entered he saw my photo with Adam from the Des Moines concert on his first tour. He told me he had just been at Adams party before he left. That he got cold from being in the pool and “robbed” a poncho from his closet. I asked if it was the leather one and he laughed. He wanted to know how I knew about that one. Oh that poor guy has no idea what Glamberts are like. He took a photo of us and sent it to Adam who was in Australia. I asked if Adam had sold his house and he said he’s having a hard time. Max says it’s because of the pool. He put in a wading pool. LOL. Max asked him why he didn’t put in a regular pool. Adam only responded with I have no idea. Since Max left we have shared a number of emails about his project. His latest on Saturday includes this bit. “I went out with Adam last night. I told him all about you and Jen. He is so honored and happy to hear about you two and your story! ” So instead of six degrees of separation I feel like I have two degrees! LOL If Adam and Queen go to Vegas, Max will join us there. I hope that happens. Milws Daniel and I had so much fun with the crew in Minnesota. I do hope Vegas is a go. Maybe we can do it again.
What a great story! It’s a doozy, with the synchronicity factor. The ‘robbed poncho’ mention, made me choke on my coffee.

We all know about the black poncho.
It’s famous among us Glambert’s!!…
Thanks for sharing your encounter here.
rainbowgal That is amazing. I also cracked up when I read the bit about the poncho. Poor guy probably thought he couldn’t go wrong in Adam’s closet, and he grabs THE poncho.

Adam was just mentioned on American Idol by Seacrest. He was talking about careers that were launched by American Idol.
Great story, rainbowgal4. I figured that about the pool. I remember when he was having it put in I thought that in California everyone wants a real pool, especially those gorgeous infinity pools.
LJ Picasso
5m5 minutes ago
A contestant just said on American Idol that Adam Lambert was her heart and soul ?
I’m so honored rainbowgal!! That your encounter made you think of me!!
Lawd, we sure had a ball in St Paul!! Think of you and Daniel, and him in that tiara, with his ear to ear grin.
The poncho and the pool, and getting to know someone who knows our guy well enough to go back and tell him about YOU is absolutely amazing.
Butyou are amazing, and what you and Jen have done for LGBT rights is beyond amazing, and the work you and Daniel continue to do is so special. You are the real deal grass roots, and Daniel is the future. He’s so young and so important.
Loved your story.
And truly send you tons of love.
I’m truly hoping we see each other again for a show. Somewhere.
This is probably all we’ll get now…
5h5 hours ago
VIDEO from Adam’s snapchat. He’s watching tv Listen to him laughing continuously
5h5 hours ago
Adam changed his instagram avi to a gorgeous king. That smile!
Ricky Davila
12h12 hours ago
The Westboro Baptist “Church” specifically targeted a high school football player who decided to bravely come out to his peers and his entire community fought back in his defense. There are indeed good people all around us.
LOL – Pooh does Queen
17m17 minutes ago
VIDEO @billboardpride
“We’re coming out (on Instagram and Twitter). Give us a follow? ?” https://www.instagram.com/p/BgjYUVeH8Qq/
Featuring @adamlambert @troyesivan @ladygaga @ddlovato @britneyspears @scotthoying @mitchgrassi
Luke Easton
11h11 hours ago
My dad who grew up on all the legendary artists of the 70s, 80s. Grew up with Queen, Bowie, Beetles, Neil Diamond, Whitney, Madonna later on etc. Really believes @adamlambert is the best vocalist of all time. Adam is the sleeper of the music industry?. His genius we’ll come
HeavyMetalGirl? @UpTheIrons29
Replying to @BillboardPride
Couldnt Adam Lambert be on your header?
Of course not??
Pap pictures of Adam with Pharaoh hiking
Gelly @14gelly
NEW MANAGEMENT For @adamlambert
Signed to
Have to look that up, asif!
EXCLUSIVE: @adamlambert goes hiking with his adorable dog, Pharaoh
https://www.profimedia.cz/similar/366498535 …
ulti .. some of the roster is similar to his old management.
-Demi Lovato, Nick Jonas, and Joe Jonas/DNCE, Iggy Azalea.
The boy has sekrets – keeps it close to the vest –
Not holding my breath that PhillyMack is going to do anything. Looking at the artists they have signed, I’m not impressed with any of them. Couple of them are one hit wonders, others ????. Hope this management company realized what a jewel they have now and will do something for him.
“-the 5,200-seat theater at Monte Carlo is reportedly ready to stage Queen w/ Adam Lambert. The Queen-Park Theater engagement is reportedly a partnership between MGM Resorts International & Live Nation”
Here are some interesting extracts about new mgmt? Source: Variety http://variety.com/2018/music/news/phil-mcintyre-manager-demi-lovato-nick-jonas-american-idol-executive-producer-1202672012/ …
(he’s connected to American Idol)
Pharaoh has daggers in his eyes for the paparazzi.
Ok, I have to say it. I know Demi, Nick, Joe, are all over the place, and McIntyre is highly regarded, so I have hopes, but….this has to be the shittiest write-up about Adam ever written.
I almost want to email them about it. Grammy-nominated, worldwide star, multi-gold and platinum in many countries, Glee star, 3 top 3 albums in the US, first #1 album by openly gay artist, first on major label, 3 QAL world tours, 3 solo world tours, widely considered to be the best current male vocalist….WTF. Read the other ones.
Really disappointing write-up – is the guy just ignorant of Adam’s accomplishments? Hope Adam says something about it – plus the old pic – get with the 2018 program, Phil –
??♂️??♂️??♂️??♂️??♂️??♂️Hiking army. TY @14gelly ! twitter.com/14gelly/status… 20180319
Was gonna bring up that old picture too, ultimathule. That’s enough for me to email them!
I was not impressed and was disappointed with the outdated write up and old photo as well.

What makes me happy today is this video. I love it when a Queen fan gets Adam and speaks highly about him singing with Queen. I love it because this video is from a guy from my city and went to the same QAL at Sprint Center, KC as mine. It was his first QAL concert and he can’t stop praising Adam and wishes some new songs/studio recorded QAL.
This video is new just posted on March 14th.
If you like it please comment and share. There are only a few viewers now.
Favorite Moment From My First Queen + Adam Lambert Concert
Others not liking the bio either
8h8 hours ago
Playingwithu Retweeted Gelly
Great find @14gelly – thanks! I hope someone at Philymack revises this bio though. Why would you highlight his ancient work on Ten Commandments but leave out completely that he was on Glee, RHPS, and a winning judge on X Factor in Australia? And Trespassing at #1?
Very nice video, asifclueless.
Thanks … luval.
How many inches of snow have you got so far?
Take care.
None…not one flake, asif, It’s all along the East Coast and I’m way inland.
Hiking army
Great story rainbowgal!!!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
It’s funny …
By now Max must have known how many Glamberts have thanked him for the “robbed poncho.”
We are missing you here … rainbowgal.
But it’s good to know that you’ve been busy doing some honorable good cause for the LGBTQ+ community.

Upper Marlboro, Maryland – it’s Alaska outside – first day of spring – lol –
Hey firstimerob, somehow your birthday slipped by yesterday
without a wisper,but you know, the weather and all . So I hope that a day late doesn’t make it any less sincere.

my So Cal Glam BUDDY
Alaska here too Ulti
Thankyou Retjenny So happy you remembered had a grate day
Have seen this – but so many great pics here – love the one in the doorway –
Adam Lambert i-Heart Radio Live TOH Release Party – NYC 16.06.15
i luv that ADAM LAMBERT is always at the TOP of every @AmericanIdol ‘best of’ list! ???❤ #AmericanIdol #AdamBrokeIdol #adamlambert ? #gfg