- Velvet
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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Love the pic – that color combo suits him so well –
Elton John’s Oscar Party raises $7 million, Adam Lambert says “We need to…stay strong”
WOWZA! Love the boots!
I can see those on stage. I hope I see those on stage!
Although they look really uncomfortable and not so stable, they would be killer!
Love the pic AL! Thanks for all you do!
There’s more! Hover on the photo and click on the arrows for a slide show of other Adam goodies! Something new I found on Getty images.
Nice, AL! For all that you do for us ALL,we love you!
Good day March!
Wonderful photo up top and to be able to see the other winners is perfect!!!
Gelly @14gelly 3h3 hours ago
What If Ellen Page’s ‘Gaycation’ Took A Roadtrip Around Australia?
http://junkee.com/ellen-pages-gaycation-took-roadtrip-australia/97087 …
Adam Lambert mention
He went out last night
Gelly @14gelly 4h4 hours ago
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/ugLKG7higKA?a Adam Lambert ig story, The Ceremonies, February 28 2017
Gelly @14gelly 6h6 hours ago
Elton John raised a record breaking $7 mil Sunday night
Adam Lambert,Ciara Wilson were among the celebrity pledgers
What is wrong with Matt Giraud
Gelly Retweeted
Matt GiraudVerified account @ImMattGiraud 8h8 hours ago
@adamlambert hi. I’m just going to troll you until you finally respond. Lol.
. @adamlambert How ya been bud! I hope you’re well. Good to see you taking over the world and all! Proud of ya. Welp! good talk! ? #trollin
OT but interesting
Gelly @14gelly 57s58 seconds ago
N ancy Hunt is president of WAF (We Are Family)
https://www.facebook.com/nancyhunt?fref=ufi …
“Shady” and a new tune coming soon!
https://twitter.com/14gelly/status/836835843721547776 …
Don’t get it. Re-releasing Shady?? (plus a new tune)
Nancy Hunt is Nile’s wife
I don’t believe this stuff but I’ll post it…..
luval I take that to mean in his recent contact with Nile that Adam said he would perform at their gala again and Shady plus a new song. But if the new one is for his album, she may be mistaken…..
Last year it was April 29th.
RCA never released Shady as a single, don’t think they’re planning on any new release.
Thanks, riskylady. Makes sense.
Bringing over those fabulous sparkly YSL boots Adam likes
Gelly @14gelly 2m2 minutes ago
Awwww! From @adamlambert ig story VIDEO
https://instagram.fath4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t50.9793-16/17095940_609500989240594_5533956204302172160_n.mp4 …
Pharaoh sleeping
Could this be photo shopped? Don’t ever remember Adam with a cat.
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q
Today’s #stupidfact – Two-thirds of the people in the world have never seen snow.
MoChuisle @mmochroi 3m3 minutes ago
?Sweet Pharaoh ? @adamlambert ♥️ (edit Adam’s IG Story http://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/t50.9793-16/17095940_609500989240594_5533956204302172160_n.mp4 …) #AdamLambert #Pharaoh #PharaohPhox
Adam has a new banner on twitter
Gelly @14gelly
It’s new . He changed it
D/L https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/46576295/1488404279/1500×500 …
https://twitter.com/PattiHum/status/837056076981809152 …
luval, I think I remember that picture of Adam with the cat, only it wasn’t a cat it was baby Riff.
Found it!
Thanks AL for the slideshow. That’s AWESOME!!
And up to nov last year my daughter was one of them….but she saw some snow on a school trip to Mongolia!!!
I enjoy reading these stupid facts you post luval..
My favorite gal Idol – and the one I always wished Adam would collab with – such a GREAT pic of my beautiful Jordin –
Aw thanks, Hk fan
lol, nkd…glad you found that pic with Riff. I knew he’d never hold a cat!
Jordan Sparks has always been one classy gal. One of my favorite Idols.
That cat picture is really strange. His hand is really off. Definitely a shopped pic.
Thanks AL for the pics up top and for all your hard work.
Love the pics up top, AL! Thanks so much!!!
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert
Ooooh @WhenWeRiseABC !!!! @DLanceBlack is a badass! ?
Profile perfection…….?
Dustin Lance Black @DLanceBlack
Thank you, but you my dear friend are the king of badass. I’m a bookworm.
Never saw this pic before
Petra @teacher_01_ 21h21 hours ago
Yes! it is Adam!
This is nice & normally I don’t like re-mixes
‘ADAM LAMBERT GHOST TOWN REMIX Mr.MANGA’ by @Mr.Manga on #SoundCloud? #np
shoshanna stone @shoshannastone 21m21 minutes ago
Glambert Central
Gelly @14gelly 5m5 minutes ago
Something is cookin yay
Cannot stop watching this!!! That lip lick gets me every time!
Way above my security clearance level!
I don’t think so.
@BoothVerified account @Booth 7m7 minutes ago
Sleeves gone wild @RICKOWENSONLINE show #PFW
Elvis, like Adam, looks maahvalous in beige.
Although is that pic up top beige, taupe or pinky?
“Good Morning….Zen”
eta: Pharaoh looks so tiny next to Adam’s hand
Matt GiraudVerified account @ImMattGiraud 10h10 hours ago
@RozaLui had a GREAT conversation. This was it LOL ?
Rick RobertsVerified account @Rick93Q 11m11 minutes ago
Today’s #stupidfact – Within 10 minutes of waking up, you will have forgotten 90% of your dreams.
BrianMayCom @brianmaycom 13m13 minutes ago
EXCITING NEWS !! @DrBrianMay has some very exciting new to share with you all tomorrow morning. Stay tuned! http://www.brianmay.com
It’s March already!

AL came through as always, with great top photo & etc. Love the the puzzle page, which is always a fun challenge. Thanks AL, for all you do & create here for us all.
This is my happy place, even if I just pop in & lurk.
Hmmmm…Wonder what this is?
This might be Brian’s news
Dr. Brian MayVerified account @DrBrianMay 13m13 minutes ago
Announcing ! @kerryjaneeellis1 and I release our brand new album “Golden Days” on 7th April. Pre-order now ! http://smarturl.it/GoldenDays_amz – Bri
Good morning Pharaoh on a loop