
Photo of Adam at the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy party by Joe Pugliese.

March comes in like a Lamb(ert) and will go out like a Lamb(ert) too! So that means pleasant times ahead for many old and new Adam fans as he winds his The Original High Tour across the U.S. And with a short break around March 15th perhaps that could mean an Idol appearance or some filming for the RHPS. Adam always keeps us guessing but we’ll find out soon enough!

Enjoy the chat!

And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

For those of you going to any shows, check out this spreadsheet from cwm to see who you can hook up with from ALL – and let us know which concerts you are attending too!


1,538 Responses to March 2016 Chat

  1. riskylady says:

    Mothers’ Day of last year. Big whoop. No

  2. ultimathule says:
  3. luval says:

    @ChadTaylorRadio: The #Glamberts have spoken! @adamlambert you have to be proud! Watch

  4. ultimathule says:
  5. ultimathule says:
  6. luval says:

    ” Lambert still might be the purest showman Idol has ever produced, a shape-shifting human glitterbomb who lives and breathes glam rock. ”

  7. Tothebeat says:

    Kinda like the “purest showman” phrase in the Tampa Bay article: so true, and not really showcased as one of Adam’s biggest assets Devil other places. Uhmm, “human glitterbomb” not so much, as he goes so many more places than this in his art. Props for a slightly different take on him as a performer and successful alum of AI, though.

  8. ultimathule says:
  9. ultimathule says:

    @adamlambert thanks for the follow mate
    Would love to come see you play soon x

  10. ultimathule says:

    DILAMBERT @dianik_bg
    VOTE:Who Is The Hottest? Adam Lambert

  11. luval says:
  12. luval says:

    @14gelly: Big this week ” Steve Aoki at Hakkasan Between studio time with Adam Lambert and rave-rallying for Bernie Sanders,”

  13. luval says:

    @OIQFC: There are rumors that @OfficialRMT has shaved the beard off !

    (Roger Taylor )

  14. ultimathule says:

    “PopUps: Sam Smith & Adam Lambert Seen Partying, Rumor Mill Freaks Out”

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. luval says:

    Looks like everything is “bold” except the links on my iPhone. I like it.

  17. ultimathule says:

    “Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen says he quit Freddie Mercury biopic after dispute with members of Queen”

  18. riskylady says:

    I don’t believe Baron Cohen. He left the project 3 years ago, and never once said this crap in an interview. Since then no one gave a s**t what he was up to, so now he’s using this b.s. to make waves? And the movie is prob crappy too.

  19. luval says:
  20. milwlovesadam says:

    I personally volunteer to be Adam’s

    “Oh, honey, let’s be on time” person.

    I’ll have like 17 clocks and keep him on task. I wouldnt let him be distracted by thingzez. Keep him focused.

    Like, no sweetie, no Instagram now, oh honey, no selfie right now, oh, we’re late already, no checking out new music and posting it.

    And, omg, those are fabulous already, you’ve already tried on at least 10 pairs of creepers already, they all were great. Just pick one and let’s go.

    What’s that you say? Kelly O wants to meet up with you? We’re already meeting Terrance and Ty and Sauli. Gotta keep Sauli hidden in a back corner. No rumour mill today. We’re already battling the Sam Smith thing. One guy at a time.

    Speaking of time, sheesh.

    Dang it.

    We’re late.

    Can I keep my job?

  21. ultimathule says:

    I tend to think his brain is so active – so much going on in that head – that he simply gets distracted – and, of course, right now it’s crazy busy anyhow –

  22. ultimathule says:
  23. ultimathule says:
  24. luval says:

    Under Pressure in a new Coke commercial

  25. ultimathule says:

    Lynneville @Lynneville

  26. milwlovesadam says:

    Adam on Idol next thursday!!!!!

  27. luval says:

    Michael Slezak Verified account

    And now I know my heart is a ghost town… #IdolResults

  28. asifclueless says:

    IslandGirl ‏@islandgirljams

    I should have said here’s the video of Ryan saying ADAM ON IDOL NEXT WEEK WOOHOOO @adamlambert ?

  29. MrsGIMO says:

    I was THRILLED to hear that Adam will be on Idol next Thursday! Ryan Seacrest announced it so quickly at the very end of the show. I played it back to make sure I heard him correctly. Only TWO more weeks until I get to see Adam live (for the 6th time) in Detroit!

  30. sparkle says:

    Adam on Idol Adam on Idol Adam on Idol!!!

  31. asifclueless says:

    Adam Lambert Fans ‏@adam_lambert_ok

    BREAKING NEWS!! Adam Lambert Will Perform On American Idol Next Week (Thursday, 3-17-16)!!!

  32. ultimathule says:
  33. asifclueless says:

    mjsbigblog ‏@mjsbigblog

    .@AdamLambert is Set to Perform on American Idol next week

  34. HK fan says:

    Can’t wait to see Adam on Idol next week….would love for some judging too like Kelly, but will take just a performance. And its probably better next week than on the finals, he’ll have the spotlight to himself rather than having to share the stage with so many other past idols.

  35. luval says:

    Agree with your post, HK fan.

  36. Cait1602 says:

    milwlovesadam says:
    03/10/2016 at 4:47 pm
    I personally volunteer to be Adam’s

    “Oh, honey, let’s be on time” person.

    I’ll have like 17 clocks and keep him on task. I wouldnt let him be distracted by thingzez. Keep him focused.

    Like, no sweetie, no Instagram now, oh honey, no selfie right now, oh, we’re late already, no checking out new music and posting it.

    And, omg, those are fabulous already, you’ve already tried on at least 10 pairs of creepers already, they all were great. Just pick one and let’s go.

    What’s that you say? Kelly O wants to meet up with you? We’re already meeting Terrance and Ty and Sauli. Gotta keep Sauli hidden in a back corner. No rumour mill today. We’re already battling the Sam Smith thing. One guy at a time.

    Speaking of time, sheesh.

    Dang it.

    We’re late.

    Can I keep my job?

    I love your posts ROTFL

  37. luval says:

    I have a feeling the new single will be Rumors, not TOH. JMO of course. Frown

  38. riskylady says:

    OOOOO.MMMMM.GGGGG!!!!! I think this is the top of the rumour mountain (or the bottom, I guess). Shocking!!! And what on earth was SS thinking to do these pics anyway???

  39. riskylady says:

    luval, you could be right. Rumours seems to appeal to the younger set. Or even The Light, often mentioned by DJs and radio people.

  40. luval says:

    Oh I forgot about The Light! Hope it’s that if not TOH.

    SS….I have no words

  41. luval says:

    @KennyOrtegaBlog: A little #rockyhorrorpictureshow Soup. Last day of rehearsals and prep. We’re loving Toronto,…

  42. luval says:

    I haven’t watched this yet. A little girl singing BoRap

  43. luval says:

    @grrrr_unt: Hmm okay for all we know he could just be doing GT…

  44. luval says:

    @RyanSeacrest: “Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life.” #QOTD

  45. ultimathule says:

    Interview – Backstage Terminal 5 –

    “Adam Lambert on dream guy and original high tattoo”

  46. ultimathule says:
  47. ultimathule says:

    RETWEET if you’re counting the minutes until @adamlambert returns to the #Idol stage on March 17!

  48. glambotgram says:

    Well here is the picture I wanted but Kesha doesn’t look quite as needy as SS.

    Catching up w @KeshaRose last night backstage after my show in Nashville. I missed you doll! #TheOriginalHighTour

  49. ultimathule says:

    warnerbrospromo#Repost @adamlambert
    Caught up w #KESHA @iiswhoiis last night #backstage after my show in Nashville. I missed u darlin! #theOriginalHighTour

  50. ultimathule says:

    DOUBLE TAP if you’re excited to see @adamlambert perform on #Idol next week. ?

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