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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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Gale Derosia @GDerosia
@JazzRocks3 whoohoo! Terminal was sold out!
That part WAS true!
Chi Chi @ChiChiFrita
@GDerosia @JazzRocks3 awesome! Is there a list somewhere showing which venues were sellouts?
Gale Derosia @GDerosia
@ChiChiFrita @JazzRocks3 spreadsheet of entire tour updated periodically( & automatically)
PattiHume @PattiHum
@GDerosia @ChiChiFrita @JazzRocks3 Those are excellent estimates, but only the Billboard column is official numbers!
TravelBert @JazzRocks3
@PattiHum Do we have BB numbers for US? If not I’ll go with the estimate. @GDerosia @ChiChiFrita
PattiHume @PattiHum
@JazzRocks3 @GDerosia @ChiChiFrita Nope! The only BB are the OZ ones!
TravelBert @JazzRocks3
@PattiHum How long do u think it will take to get them? @GDerosia @ChiChiFrita
PattiHume @PattiHum
@JazzRocks3 @GDerosia @ChiChiFrita Sometimes never! We never got all the QAL US numbers!
@PattiHum LOL We’ll at least know if they’re sold out. @GDerosia @ChiChiFrita
PattiHume @PattiHum
@JazzRocks3 Not really!
(What are the “official” BB numbers used for – just its own reporting or other entities, as well? Any answers – thank you.)
Teheehee Adam on my news paper.
Just in case you missed this – lol
wow, that Adam and SS pic is really doing the rounds…..I hope they’re nothing more than friends….SS doesn’t match Adams previous ‘type’…
No, ‘elfin feature’s’ at all!
SS looks so much older than Adam.
It’s all rumors & innuendos, which of course is fodder for the bottom dwellers.
But that photo, is just all kinds of mischief in Adam’s face. He can’t help himself, because it’s not his fault that he is so SEXY!
Such a ‘Pied Piper’, because you would follow him anywhere.
“pretty, androgynous, elf” twilightmagic8
Turned the live snippet vid of #cantgohome w/ @adamlambert & @FelixJaehn Src: @steveaoki ?
Yes, that’s it!
Where would you find those?
yep SS is definitely not pretty, androgynous or twink like…although he does look much better than he did a couple of years ago….
I really dislike SS’ sort of possessive hands-on thing in one pic here with the other guy. And the grab/hug. And in the bottom right hand pic you can see Adam dancing, arms in the air.
luval, he could have spent time before the DC concert with Terrence’s family – they had a day off between NY and DC.
I thought he looked OK in NC. Pretty loosey goosey too, he was havin’ fun and throwin’ out glory notes galore.
We have 3 in a row down here, so my prediction is:
Hard Rock – 6000 seat venue – day off before – long show
Universal (standing only, open field) short
Clearwater – 50/50 either way because 3rd night. Venue just over 2100.
Not guessing because of venue size or anything, just gut feeling.
I don’t follow any other artists’ tours, so no knowledge of varying set lists to compare. But do remember reading on one Queen fan site how they loved the abundance of videos cause glamberts record everything. And we watch everything. And compare.
I’m just happy to see happy audiences at the shows regardless. Possibly only the most dedicated glamberts notice differences, and we are seeming to be a smaller part of these crowds. Seems like there are a lot of casual Adam fans/newbies showing up and they appear to be very appreciative of their concert, so that matters a lot to me.
Haven’t heard any boos – that would really hurt, that he would be up there singing and dancing his face off as he does even at the shorter shows and getting booed.
And still more are clamouring for the tour – more USA, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, South Africa.
Didn’t he say in an interview he hoped for some rest after the QAL gigs? Dream on…..
Think it was a poster on the DDD site that mentioned how glamberts record just about everything, riskylady – so easy to find his performances – lol – ain’t that the truth –
Atlanta…boys nite out!
Oh right ulti, think I did see it there, but have seen Queen fans say it too.
I agree with all those above that dislike the Adam/Sam connection. There is just something about him…
Also, since the first concert I saw Adam at Fantasy Springs, and all of the ones since, other than Queenbert, I have felt that they were too short in comparison to the many concerts I have seen over my many years. I love Adam but just saying, less than 90 minutes is just too short! I always want more of him.
Riskylady… Seems spot on your thoughts about long/short shows. 6000 seats for Hard Rock? That’s huge. Hope he gets close to a sell out.
There is absolutely nothing going on in the entertainment world right now that any outlets are reporting. I think that’s why the SS thing keeps going and going. I know…I watch all the gossip shows and read the rags.
. Something’s gotta break soon.
New QAL logo.
Well, kim k did just post a nude selfie.
Like I care the least….heard about it on the radio. Even Radio was boring this morning.
Switched over to a certain CD instead.
Not even remotely sick of it yet.
I saw that nude selfie. I gagged.
Adam mention (nice) in Slezak’s review of the Voice last night. #4 Kristen Marie sang Mad World. I personally did not like her voice.
Slezak is still such a fanboy.
Is he still doing those video talk backs with Melinda Doolittle?
Love those. Forgot about ’em until you posted his name luval. Thanks.
Lol about the selfie, not gonna peep at it. Yuck with a capital yuck.
Slezak still does the Idol feedbacks with Melinda. I don’t post them unless Adam’s name is mentioned.
Read a funny remark re KK – “she’d have to swallow a camera to show us anything new” –
“Adam Lambert and Queen debut brand new logo”
Aleks @aleks_kv 36m36 minutes ago
You have to visit them, @adamlambert <333 #LittleKidsRock http://www.83degreesmedia.com/features/musicfestival030816.aspx …
Why of the millions of pics of Adam do they print the AMA’s one? It will never be forgotten! They hate him. Sheesh!
I officially hate People Magazine now. Way to bring up the moment that practical ruined Adam’s career. Talk about a slap in the face.
Tis is Pure Classic. Flying necklace, hand posit’n, body line. @adamlambert src: Shelley Rocks UTube TY @14gelly ?
What is so disheartening is that the image that People Magazine are providing, is all old news & not relevant now. They could have at least done a ‘then & now’ article.
This kind of journalism is misleading in every way. They are in it for the shock value. They don’t care that it is unfair after all this time, to shed light on a past debacle.
More relevant would have been to show his growth since then, and include current photo’s and accomplishments.
Can’t Warner Brothers do something?
Probably not realistic in the real world, and the ‘naughty stuff’ sells!
We should bombard the rag with new pics –
Adam’s hands – that curly thumb – lol
“The UK’s No. 1 Hit Music Station”
WTF People Magazine???????
Are all the profiles just rehashing OLD shit?????
I’d like to see what they have in there.
Okay, the Queen pic is great…would have liked that there were two number three albums and the first openly gay number one. And a current hawt pic showing tats and no eye makeup.
Why oh why the AMA pic and Gokey.
People, EW and NBC have some sort of grudge or something against Adam. It seemed to start shortly after he was in that Most Beautiful issue. I think there was a shake up in EW, when a lot of people left. NBC I heard is headed by some gay guy, maybe one of those who doesn’t like Adam’s ways.
I hate the three, cancelled the mags and no longer watch the morning show for over 3 years now.
They avoid Adam almost 100%. Let him sing on Fallon, but no interview, the same on Today. Maybe Warner or his management shamed them into it somehow.
Back when he and Sauli went to Elton’s Oscar party and sat at his table with Katy, EW ran pics and literally cropped Adam out, leaving Katy and Elton. Same with a pic of Kelly Osborne.
I wish someone would call them out and demand an explanation.
Grrrrr. A$$holes.
Have a feeling that People is gonna get lots of feedback. Too late because the issue will be out, though. But there are many Glamberts that will give them hell. Probably on twitter.
Who reads “People” or “EW” outside of the dentist’s office – the younger contingent doesn’t subscribe to those parasitic rags – only good use is to line the parrot’s cage –
I’m only 29!!!
And I have subscribed to People for , ahem, 29 years!!!
I pay a ridiculously low rate, as I was a student at the time and they are too dumb to raise the rate on me ! What am I gonna do? Call them and ask them to raise my rate?
Anywho, I love People. And don’t forget that they just featured him on Mother’s Day. Just in time for the release of TOH.
That being said. This new batch of pics sucks so hard I’m nearly speechless.
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
Off topic, watching Finding Your Roots on PBS, loooerving this series, crying, real tears over Dustin Hoffman’s story.
Anybody else watching ?
“Adam Lambert And Sam Smith Send Dating Rumor Mill Into Overdrive”
Adam Unofficial
Who will join us at a pre-show dinner for @adamlambert in LA? RSVP by March 19 to adamunofficial@gmail.com
Trent Vierra @trentvierra
You know what, @adamlambert is so underrated. Re-listening to “The Original High” & it really has some great tracks. I’ve always enjoyed him
Morning everyone. Got up early to start my taxes and have already used an hour catching up on the blog, etc. The concert last night sounded spectacular. Next time I will make sure to go to an Atlanta show. Adam seems to love the Tabernacle. Remember the reggae send off for Longinue?
Wish I had the time and the means to go to every concert. Would especially like to go to the last one in LA. Those heading to Nashville, my thoughts are with you.
I think the entire SS media cycle has been great. Sexy, beautiful picture of our guy being hugged by a very famous singer who looks like he is hanging on for his dear life. Adam posting the pic on his Instagram account was done intentionally. Love the articles that mention the sold out show and the TOH tour. Pretty positive all in all but I don’t dislike SS or blame him for his success. I can understand feeling creeped out by seeing the pictures over and over again if you have negative feelings about Sam. I’m sure it is almost over. How long can you milk that particular cow?
Nicely said adamized.
Good luck getting yer taxes done with there is to ogle!!#
Watched Lynneville’s stream last night, great audio/video, then rewatched the excellent Periscope!! YUM! GREAT concert, my God his voice, those glory notes….Lynneville said one was so high the system didn’t get it (I thought I heard them all though, even the extra high one in TOH). And that audience! So much love! Shows what a day of rest between gigs can do.
In his review Rodney Ho said show was sold out. Looked pretty full.