- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
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- AL’s Games
I see you S hosh retweeting that Buzz B ites tweet about Adam and SS ICU
@_auroora: Sh o sh: “The longer set is wayyyyy longer than ticket price. So they’re lucky” https://t.co/VfpwPEWCYF
I don’t care for this attitude displayed by shoshona. If I ever had the money and could Afford a ticket I would expect the same show as someone who paid more. I always thought if you paid for a more expensive ticket, you got a closer seat and better view. Also, Adam is an entertainer who always expresses how lucky he is and grateful for his fans. I find her attitude very demeaning and entitled and it irritates the heck out of me. My rant for the tour is done.
As much as I love Adam, I would have been very disappointed in the length of last night’s show, and would have complained about it. To me a tour, is a tour and if I was checking out the beginning of the tour and what songs were sung before buying a ticket, I would have felt like I had been gypped. Shosh is wrong about this one.
That being said I apologize, I know the words “disappointed in length” should never be used in a sentence about Adam.

Luv ya glambot!!!
All of that being said, there is never enough time , never enough songs, love him so much.
I personally made the choice to buy VIP tix. I spent a lot. My choice.
I just want all the bang for my buck.
I want Runnin.
Glad some of you have gotten it. I really am.
I just want it too. If that qualifies me as entitled, then so be it.
Said with a combination of snerk and reality
I couldn’t believe Shoshanna’s tweet. I thought I read it wrong but apparently not. Not much talk on twitter about it, though.
@PinkNews: Sam Smith celebrated Oscars win by getting humped by drag queen, cuddling with Adam Lambert https://t.co/8loDOrarQm https://t.co/1d4bOpWn2W
“Adam Lambert and Sam Smith hang in NYC”
Read more at ONTD: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/100640075.html?page=2#ixzz42EngXM1L
Adam Lambert Dating: ‘Idol’ Alum Linked To Sam Smith
Read more at http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2016/03/07/adam-lambert-dating-idol-alum-linked-t#AXUWYwX2qp80WFE2.99
Gelly @14gelly
Adam will wait a couple of day, then he will tweet we’re just friends. New media cycle
Feral @feraltwirler
OH YAY GUYS!!! Knocked that other Adam out of the picture!!! Now to take care of Nick No-ass
“Could Adam Lambert and Sam Smith be music’s next big power couple?”
“Sam Smith and Adam Lambert get close while out clubbing as they continue to text”
Sam Smith gets cosy with singer Adam Lambert as it’s revealed they’re TEXTING!
Read more at http://www.celebsnow.co.uk/celebrity-news/sam-smith-adam-lambert-out-338420#xA1MVfJDWsxglrUU.99
? –
“The DJ, one DJ Dawson, shared a pic of himself with the stars on his Instagram account. Adam MASSIVELY pied him off by cropping the DJ out of the picture, only leaving the flirtatious duo.”
“Sam Smith gets cosy with Adam Lambert at after-show party”
If I’m honest I really can’t stand reading about SS.
“Sam and Adam … and DJ Dawson!”
Your MCMs for the week. #friends #glambert #ghosttown #mcm #flavors #cuteguys
Sounds about right – lol
MardiBlitz @mardiblitz
@14gelly good press… Exposure… I ll deal with my feeling later ??
“Sam Smith and Adam Lambert arouse rumors of affair” (Tr.)
“Headlines wave Show: Sam Smith pictured with Adam Lambert in NYC club” (Tr.)
Big german radio station already writing about the new song collab Aoki/Lambert/Jaehn and tweeting about it
“We see you getting cozy Adam Lambert and SAM SMITH.”
Lotsa comments –
“Adam Lambert hangs out with Sam Smith after his sold-out New York show”
A number of these sites say SS was at Adam’s show –
Really impressive –
“Sam Smith and Adam Lambert get close while out clubbing as they continue to text”
“Adam Lambert & Sam Smith Party Together in NYC: See the Pic”
lol –
“Lambert flashing a conspiratorial smile.”
“PHOTO: Adam Lambert Gets Cozy With Sam Smith During Night Out In NYC”
Read more: http://www.onairwithryan.com/articles/trending-104650/photo-adam-lambert-gets-cozy-with-14457646/#ixzz42FHpLryZ
My mommy and my ♠️ ••• She had such a great time and it made me so happy! She got to cook for us and all. Best mom ever! ❤️✨ #MyFam #DC #TheOriginalHighTour
I know my opinion doesnt mean much, and certainly not to Adam, but I hate this talk about Adam and SS, so much, I cant even bring myself to read any of those articles anymore. How is Adam lowering himself to that piece of ____, I do not like him, and all the attention he is getting and awards, where as Adam has worked his butt off, and still cant get what SS has gotten especially here in the states, where people should be behind Adam, instead of someone that isnt even from here, I just dont understand this, Adam is a better singer, we all know that, better looking, lots better looking, and better personality, Gheesh, I need to quit fretting over this, it just pisses me off so bad, I cant run Adams life, I wish he would not be such a nice person, and get away from that scumbag, it just makes him look like he is riding on SS’s coatails. Sorry for the rant, BYE.
No more Smithbert, Sambert, Sadam, Lambsmith, or whatever pls…its everywhere
Definitely a mixed bag, Miss Chaos – especially since Adam is complicit in the publicity – hope he knows what he’s doing – am sure it’ll blow over quickly –
Beautiful crop – the expression –
Already posted –
Gosh @adamlambert isn’t even halfway thru #TheOriginalHighTour. What a schedule! Congrats Adam on your success!
At least Pink News called Adam “the Queen singer” and in the last line “music icon.”
The fact that Shoshanna RT’d one makes me think they mutually agreed to ride the wave and that saying in journalism, “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” This is all free, and most comments I’ve seen are nice for Adam, even most articles. It helps that he looks stunning, sexy in that foto!
Believe me, I hate it too, but just being pragmatic.
Cracks me up …… How they assume stuff lol.
Adam’s already 3 tour stops away from NYC and they act like it’s still happening.
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
WC ALEX http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=TOHT+-+Atlanta%2C+GA+-+Alex+Newell&iso=20160308T20&p1=25&am=30
WC ADAM http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=TOHT+-+Atlanta%2C+GA+-+Adam&iso=20160308T21&p1=25&ah=1&am=30
STREAM http://mixlr.com/msquisty/
P’SCOPE https://www.periscope.tv/Highland3dog/1kvJpgraoXkGE
Amen to this!!!!!!
I’m obsessed with Shosh’s tweet. Can someone explain to me what they think she is saying?
Is it the cost of the tickets or the NOT sold out shows that determine whether he sings every song?
BTW, I thought Adam looked “spent” at last night’s show although is voice seemed ok. After the DC show & spending time with Terrance’s family, I’ll bet he didn’t get much rest.
The big plus of the SS pics is that so many people who don’t follow Adam, and have old preconceptions of what he is like, have now been heartily disabused of those notions. Can see that in so many of the comments on the articles –
Variation on a theme –
The latest press cycle, otherwise known as How Adam’s Hotness Helped SS Recover From His Series of Media Blunders
Interesting – different opinions all over twitterdom –
Ste @_TIDS_
this is SO much fun more pics please
Obsessed too XD some tweets were a bit odd. What I got is:
– Venues do have a say in length of setlists
– normal length of setlist is the shorter setlist
– concerts with long setlists are just lucky
– Adam isnt ill
So that means the “normal” time is aroung 75min, anthing longer is a treat? All this setlist-drama is giving me a headache. Really I am so thrilled and happy to see him in a few month…and the discussion, the anger, entitlement and rudness towards Adam is killing my buzz XD
Playingwithu @playingwithu
OMG @TreyAndGhia just said everyone should check out all the “talent and beauty” in the pic of @samsmithworld & @adamlambert @Fresh1027NY
Maybe longer shows where they have friends/family – NY/DC?
Genie Adam
Great pic –