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- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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I love your other little snowflake too, asif!
Adam Lambert
Can’t Go Home http://peoplem.ag/OWlh2PC
Ryan Fletcher
Mega excited to be doing some shows with @adamlambert on the 14th at Hammersmith Apollo London and 16th at Manchester academy ??
Bass player in Lawson
I know you do … luval.
Always happy when you post about him.
I was sad when Saulicorner site was closed.
I didn’t know saulicorner closed.
I like WTTS too. It took me a few listens to like it and when Adam sang live on Idol with Laleh … I LOVED IT!
I bought WTTS from iTunes, put it on my iPod and fell asleep while listening to it.
A couple days ago I stumbled to get the whole thing of “Can’t Go Home” … both long 4 min+ and short 3 min+ versions. I loved it at first listen. I got it late late night and I kept listening to it until wee hours. Not falling asleep at all. Didn’t record it, didn’t put it out … for the respect of Adam and Aoki.
The next day … those CGH versions were gone … taken down. Good for them!
I’ll wait for Friday.
What do I know? I love songs that other fans don’t care much about them. BTIKM, A LOADED SMILE, BOUNDARIES for a few examples.
Thank you @albertinodj @radiodeejay @albaeveryday for premiering my track CAN’T GO HOME w/ @FelixJaehn + @adamlambert!! Nothing but lovee!
You’re not on your own asif…I love BTIKM and a Loaded Smile too….I never could understand why people kept complaining about BTIKM, I really loved it, and the video. And A loaded smile was my favourite on the album at one point.
I’m glad that video was taken down, I only watched it once, once was enough, just because that I hate that word, in any context, its the one word I don’t like hearing from anybody.
Looking forward to Lawson, don’t know much about them, will have to look up some of their stuff, but love their song Juliet.
Really like Can’t go Home on first listen, will need to listen some more though. I still need to buy WTTS too.
Don’t think I’ve ever seen this picture
Glamberts beat Beyonce’s Bees or whatever they are called. Even though they called us Glamturds and said they’d slay the Glamberts.
I love his jacket! I want one.
Posted this on Chicago thread, but, in case anyone missed it –
OMFG @adamlambert is at @rihanna ??
From Adam’s snap chat?Rihanna concert?
From Adam’s ‘Fault’ magazine shoot. Giuliano Bekor, is the photographer.
Bought it!
For Canada …
Love it when Aoki promotes it and shouts out for Adam.
So completely different from Avicii.
YAY … HK fan!

Here is an important job for you … mils!
https://amp.twimg.com/v/b3e8e40a-2639-459d-90d3-1a73a7473daa …
Nice vid clip: Grammy nominated DJ Producer Steve Aoki on Can’t Go Home with Adam Lambert and Felix Jaehn
[CLIPS] Steve Aoki on working with @adamlambert #cantgohome
Bought it! Love it!
@14gelly: Rihanna played for a full house that included pop star Adam Lambert in town for his Friday show at the Fillmore https://t.co/J9Icwe91LV
@14gelly: A whopping 1000 glam points go to the Season 8 runner-up for welcoming us back to the grand stage that is his life” https://t.co/XDZLLPzOsE
@14gelly: This pic is from Elixir Lounge they just created account and posted it , 3rd club he went https://t.co/0rjcN6YoGF https://t.co/GnxEji38qO
Just bought CGH and it is #11 on i-tunes dance chart!
CGH #10 on iTunes dance chart
Very cute article you posted luval about judging the Idol judges, and giving Adam 1000 pts for WTTS and another 2000 for MW, awarding him the Idol win. Written by Annie Barrett, who used to write for EW before they became SOB’s. Sad for her, because most of the commenters (Yahoo has some of the worst completely misunderstood the humor. Not their strong point.
I think he’s answering Adam’s tweet
Nick Jonas @nickjonas · 13m13 minutes ago
Nick Jonas Retweeted ADAM LAMBERT
As usual nothing in return about Adam’s music.
Probably was posted already
Retweeted Cali2KC
DL https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/10818007_494907277360723_1700159170_n.jpg …
#WelcomeToTheShow @ALAlwayz
.@adamlambert #WelcomeToTheShow #164 Overall & #cantgohome #177 Overall U.S. iTunes!!!
Electric Zoo NY
Once we start partying, we just Can’t Go Home. Tunes like @steveaoki & @FelixJaehn are the reason why. Turn it up!
I don’t think WTTS has been sent to radio as a single. Adam would have said something.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. IMHO while intentions are good, some fans seem to think it is their job to micromanage A’s career and his management and staff (not to mention his personal life, i.e. a couple of the young ones yesterday assured that he was doing drugs, “shouldn’t drink in public,” and of course his language). Maybe they aren’t ready for a 34 year old adult gay man who hates being told what to do! J/s…..
Another good review of WTTS!
I think this is new
Gelly @14gelly · 28m28 minutes ago
Eeeee Aoki tweeted a video w 2 new pics from studio
https://amp.twimg.com/v/009c4860-96b2-43d5-8101-591e3bf40aa3 …
D/L https://amp.twimg.com/prod/multibr_v_1/video/2016/03/25/17/713411924764057600-libx264-main-2028k.mp4?sdKLeDf9Ns6XBxtXuszOWY5WOsZWLhxXYrYgtxT9pKg%3D …
So many links. New?
Gelly @14gelly · 2m2 minutes ago
New Song Debut: Steve Aoki x Felix Jaehn feat. Adam Lambert “Can’t Go Home” http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/100945657.html #adamlambert
“Adam Lambert Team Ups With Steve Aoki And Felix Jaehn For New Song, “Can’t Go Home”