
Photo of Adam at the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy party by Joe Pugliese.

March comes in like a Lamb(ert) and will go out like a Lamb(ert) too! So that means pleasant times ahead for many old and new Adam fans as he winds his The Original High Tour across the U.S. And with a short break around March 15th perhaps that could mean an Idol appearance or some filming for the RHPS. Adam always keeps us guessing but we’ll find out soon enough!

Enjoy the chat!

And don’t forget to check out the puzzle page for a new jigsaw puzzle, crossword, word search and Adamoku (Sudoku)!

Another Lonely Night Video (10/08/15)
Ghost Town Video (4/28/15)

For those of you going to any shows, check out this spreadsheet from cwm to see who you can hook up with from ALL – and let us know which concerts you are attending too!


1,538 Responses to March 2016 Chat

  1. leoblueeys says:

    Regarding The Demi Lovato and JJ tour! Karma’s a bitch! Adam probably could have saved her barely talented ass! At the very least the audiance would have had someone REALLY talented and HANDSOME to look at!!!! I saw a story, I forget which magazine that I saw it in, but it was about celebs that were extremely rude to their fans. Demi was listed in that group. The article stated that a woman and her child were in someplace like a fast food place and her 10 year old daughter who was a huge fan saw DL at the counter and wanted an autograph and the mother approached DL and told Demi what a huge fan her daughter was and could she please sign something for her. Demi reportedly turned around and stated: Can’t you see I’m fucking busy!!! Needless to say she lost a young fan! After I read that about her, I turn her off every time I hear her on the radio!

  2. Cait1602 says:

    FRIDAY!!!!!! Cant Go Home will be officially released on FRIDAY!! Clap Clap

  3. Cait1602 says:

    I dont know what to feel anymore. The last weeks were already so crazy in Germany and Europe. And yesterday in Brussels…its tearing my heart out. And we all know its going to happen again…The question is not if but when and where.

    I am so glad I have found my way into the Glambert-world. It helps getting away from everything wrong in the world right now.

  4. luval says:

    cait1602…I am a news junkie and obsessed with everything going on right now. So worried for all the people in harms way. No way to really stop it. Guess we just have to “live”and hope that all is being done to at least curb the madness.

  5. luval says:
  6. ultimathule says:

    Crowd going nuts to the drop in #cantgohome! Can’t wait until Friday so it’s all yours! @FelixJaehn @adamlambert

  7. ultimathule says:

    Those comments on ONTD are really funny, luval – enjoyed them probably more than I should – lol

  8. twilightmagic8 says:
  9. ultimathule says:

    Just got an email Ticketmaster offer for the Honda Civic Demi/Nick Tour –

    “You can Buy 2 Tickets and Get 2 – getting 50% off a purchase of four tickets!”

  10. luval says:

    Just saw Adam on Extra. Was only about one quarter of the links that were posted. He looked good, though. Smile

  11. ultimathule says:

    First Person: My ‘American Idol’ Experience, by Allison Iraheta

  12. ultimathule says:
  13. ultimathule says:

    Power 99.1-Annapolis @power991live
    #annapolispower991 #nowplaying Steve Aoki & Felix Jaehn Ft. Adam Lambert – Can’t Go Home Like This ♫♪

  14. ultimathule says:

    When you attend a wedding and Adam Lambert is the best man #elisseandneilsealthedeal

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. ultimathule says:

    lol –

    The face that launched a thousand road trips

  17. ultimathule says:
  18. luval says:

    @14gelly: allyquadrosWhen you attend a wedding & Adam Lambert is the best man

  19. luval says:

    Not sure what they are saying (am at work) but some people aren’t happy. An example I guess… “tasty luck ‏@vegas1024 · 5m5 minutes ago
    Gay men’s usage of misogynistic terms like its fucking cute is beyond frustrating.”

    eta: he uses the “C” word for a woman. Of course he’s always said in interviews that’s his favorite word.

  20. luval says:

    Adam Lambert Pics ‏@adamlambert_pic · 56m56 minutes ago

    brenc1980: … an amazing night of tequila shots! @adamlambert DL

  21. luval says:
  22. luval says:

    Gelly ‏@14gelly · 1m1 minute ago

    Adam Lambert Reminisces About His First Post-‘Idol’ Single (and Why He’s Happy Pink Rejected It) … via @billboard

  23. luval says:

    Gelly Retweeted

    Lawson ‏@LawsonOfficial · 10m10 minutes ago

    We thrilled to announce that we’re joining @adamlambert at both of his UK shows on #theOriginalHighTour!

  24. luval says:

    @OutlandoGirl: If anyone is looking for tickets for the Adam LA shows and just wants to be “in the building” there are lots of super cheap tix on stubhub

  25. ultimathule says:

    March 24
    1,006,000 streams?

    Adam Lambert
    Please keep streaming here:

  26. luval says:

    Remember this incident a few years ago? Great interviewer who interviewed Adam a few times.

    Hollywood Reporter ‏@THR · 12s12 seconds ago

    Jian Ghomeshi, former CBC broadcaster, found not guilty of sexual assault

  27. ultimathule says:

    Apparently one woman lied under oath and they found a conspiracy between two of them –

  28. ultimathule says:

    “FIRST LISTEN: Steve Aoki Teams Up with Adam Lambert and Felix Jaehn on New Track ‘Can’t Go Home'”

  29. ultimathule says:

    Point of view –

    Ste @_TIDS_
    @LoveMrSpencer next time that someone famous like adam is drunk, maybe don’t post the video on snapchat, you are not doing him any favors

    They All Experts @Run4u_AML
    @_TIDS_ THIS!!! WTF was he thinking posting a video of a big artist’s private life, he is the one being scrutinized not you> @LoveMrSpencer

    Ste @_TIDS_
    @Run4u_AML @LoveMrSpencer he can post what he wants….but since adam is saying a world that for a lot of people is offensive maybe….

    @ Run4u_AML
    @_TIDS_ I don’t care what he posts, it’s adam who gets crucified because it’s adam who is the celebrity, plain & simple. @LoveMrSpencer

    Ste @_TIDS_
    @Run4u_AML @LoveMrSpencer totally agree!

  30. ultimathule says:

    Hollywood//24 @xHollyGlambertx

  31. ultimathule says:

    Alive Inside @SlipOutOfSight
    Adam’s Finnish radio interview isn’t happening today but the station will keep trying Big Smile)

  32. rs says:

    First Person: My ‘American Idol’ Experience, by Allison Iraheta

    I loved Allison’s essay! I always loved her performances on Idol and her friendship with Adam, but this piece is very well written, in depth, and honest. It is like a “coming of age” story. And of course all the lovely things she says about Adam warm my heart.

  33. riskylady says:

    That CGH in the People article is EXACTLY what I was hoping for, the real version and soooooo much better than the leak. I imagine this is what will go on the album. And kudos to Steve for naming and promoting Adam. A lot of people still think Adam is covering LMD Frown .
    ETA: Adam’s gorgeous voice sounds gorgeous!

  34. riskylady says:

    GT vid passed 64 million, ALN in final stretch to 5 million, Adam’s GT on Ellen is just under 3MM, WTTS Idol 495k.

  35. luval says:

    Is this Terrance’s apology? Apparently peeps have been tweeting Terrance saying he never should have posted that snapchat.

  36. ultimathule says:

    @ Flyteness1
    Ignoring the ‘granny’ drama & some apparent hyperventilating over a swear word. Who can be bothered with this shit?

    Sounds about right –

  37. ultimathule says:

    Adam Pitts @LawsonAdam
    … Our Tour Manager is also called Adam Lambert… Needless to say this is going to be a fun couple of days!

    I play drums in the band Lawson. New single ‘Money’ out now

  38. riskylady says:
  39. twilightmagic8 says:

    Is this Terrance’s apology? Apparently peeps have been tweeting Terrance saying he never should have posted that snapchat.


  40. riskylady says:
  41. rs says:

    Love CGH! Is it available for buying and downloading anywhere?

  42. luval says:

    @Wonderstruck01: Response to why Adam lambert isn’t more famous


  43. asifclueless says:

    Is CGH available on iTunes yet?

    Love it more than WTTS!!! Grin

    Duck! Duck Duck Duck

  44. leoblueeys says:

    I like CGH. I love the lyrics, I’m just not crazy about the Mucic! I like WTTS better, I think it is more dramatic. But with this being said, I think that radio is more likely to play CGH. I hope a least 1 of these songs get played. Both of them are much better than most of what you hear on the radio today!!!

  45. twilightmagic8 says:

    Not sure what they are saying (am at work) but some people aren’t happy. An example I guess… “tasty luck ‏@vegas1024 · 5m5 minutes ago
    Gay men’s usage of misogynistic terms like its fucking cute is beyond frustrating.”

    eta: he uses the “C” word for a woman. Of course he’s always said in interviews that’s his favorite word.

    This video has been removed. Big Smile
    Adam does’t need any random controversy. Peace

  46. milwlovesadam says:

    Hi guys!!


    Back from our escapades. Two shows in two nights. Have a party to go to, will recap when able.

    So fracking great. I’m absolutely gobsmacked.

  47. ultimathule says:

    “Steve Aoki & Felix Jaehn “Can’t Go Home” (featuring Adam Lambert) [Official Single Cover]”

  48. asifclueless says:

    My other snowflake ….
    He’s always with beautiful girls. Heart

    I’m glad he’s out with gorgeous guys. Grin

  49. luval says:

    I like CGH. I love the lyrics, I’m just not crazy about the Mucic! I like WTTS bette

    I kinda feel like this. Great vocals but then the music starts and I don’t feel it. To me the music is almost like filler. Hoping this will change for me. Will still purchase to support Adam, though.

    Am trying really really hard to love it!!!!!!

  50. ultimathule says:

    There are some things the boy can spell –

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