- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
@washingtonpost: Twitter heard you: the 140-character limit is here to stay
@14gelly: ‘American Idol’: Jennifer Lopez Tears Up Over Emotional Performances, Praises Adam Lambert Return https://t.co/w78YaU9mhx via @etnow
Bringing over the two performances
Christian Johnson @CNJDirect
But among all the new single releases this week, Adam Lambert takes the cake- “Welcome to the Show” is fucking brilliant!
Don’t think I mentioned what I thought about Laleh. Loved her! She’s so gorgeous, her voice fit so well with Adam’s and what an amazing dress!
@dilok: @chunkeymonkey81 ha! I played the song for my sister and she already thought it was RiRi doing the female vocals.
I just learned this new meaning a couple days ago & now here it is already. I wouldn’t have known the urban slang term if it wasn’t for Adam.
It’s amazing how much I’ve learned from Adam throughout the years, and also his work ethic has effected my real life.
@Geli: Maybe if #WelcomeToTheShow feat @Laleh goes #1 on @iTunes @JLo would let us c this selfie I wanna see! #adamlambert https://t.co/P7rmOBnyMm
I am obsessed, addicted, totally gone on that song. Really its getting ridiculous, cant even listen to other songs atm without switching back to WTTS after a minute. When I cant listen to it, I hear it in my head, dancing, humming, singing to the tune.
I think I need help
cait1620 I Know, I’m right there with you. Just can’t get his vocals out of my head.
Will be thrilled for some radio play. If I heard it on the radio, I’m a gonner!
Right there with you too Cait!
Love this song!
I didn’t on first listen. I think I was expecting something else to happen with it after the teaser we had, but it’s sooo good!
She was/is adorable! I love her voice with his except for that one yell she did in the performance but I’ll overlook that!
Lol you’re right,Nkd about that little pipsqueak yell.
@LittleMsBig: Dear @foxtv when the American idol show shuts down can we please have the Adam Lambert Show! #buildittheywillcome
@adamlambert: #WelcomeToTheShow feat @Laleh
Listen now on @Apple Music
@coptoit: #29 on US ITunes. It’s dropping. Has everyone bought #WelcomeToTheShow ?
Why cant Adam put out a masterpiece and then it drops, all the articles about it forever, plays in Finland, Germany, and where else, not picked up and played here, there is a prejudice on these radio stations in this country, agree?
“Adam Lambert’s Final Idol Performance Makes Us Wish It Was Still 2009”
Lots of Adam love in my paper today, as the featured show for the week . This means our main music critic and writer will be there.
Great pic from tour with the black shoulder pieces too.
Mickaël Lyard @Divinidoles
A new favorite : Welcome To The Show Feat. Laleh by @adamlambert
“Video: Adam Lambert talks American Idol and music”
They All Experts @Run4u_AML
ET – Adam Lambert youtu.be/NOJJMCtxnqk via @YouTube JLo berting over Adam at the end and rightly so, lol
“Adam Lambert Welcome to the Show – 9:06 PM 03.18.16”
#1 Finland
#4 Jordan
#8 Sweden
#11 Czech Republic
#17 Philippines
#24 Malaysia
#30 Belarus
#30 South Africa
#31 United States
#35 Singapore
#36 New Zealand
#41 India
#42 Denmark
#50 Canada
Can’t stop watching this video of, “Welcome To The Show” on
American Idol.
It’s shows the intro,& performance, & after.
“Adam Lambert and Laleh Slay “Welcome To The Show” on Idol”
Read more at ONTD: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/100845288.html#ixzz43Jp2IAzy
This is what I see when I woke up. @adamlambert #WelcomeToTheShow at overall #20 and pop #19 on Malaysia iTunes! YAY
Adam Lambert Fan club
Adam Lambert’s SHAZAM site!
He has 6,908,676 Followers
He just commented:
Like looking into the sun.
ET Canada – Adam Lambert
“‘American Idol’ Tristan McIntosh Talks ‘Idol’ Journey, Country Plans and Adam Lambert”
Tristan McIntosh @tristanmcintosh
We met Adam for about 3 mins, and he was a GREAT person. Very kind and helpful
“‘Welcome To The Show’ is honestly a beautiful addition to his catalogue of music and I for one cannot wait to see just where his career will be headed next.”
Read more: http://www.femalefirst.co.uk/music/reviews/single/adam-lambert-review-welcome-the-the-show-featuring-laleh-930195.html#ixzz43KN5auSx
*Yeah Titties* @tattoojo
so Neil get’s married tomorrow
grant @grrrr_unt
Dash Berlin played his Ghost Town remix at Ultra Music Festival! Check out raving crowd at 28-minute mark:
“Dash Berlin Live Ultra Music Festival Miami 2016”
28:20 GT
I think @adamlambert *might* have been wearing the ring I gave him last week in Atlanta (for MY birthday! ?), during Mad World on Idol tonight! Is that it, Adam? #thankyouadam #happybirthdaytome #lifemade
He replied –
Gelly @14gelly
Good lord he sees everything and he replied . Twice! <3
“American Idol Season 15 Episode 19 Review & After Show | AfterBuzz TV”
Starts off with WTTS and then great Adam discussion at 18:00 –
Awww he was watching Adam before he came out of the closet but had no one to tell <3
“Can We Talk About Adam Lambert’s EXCITEMENT When Debuting New Song on Idol?”
“FirstLook added 5 new photos.”
“Adam Lambert YouTube Statistics”
Jennifer ♕ @iMenageTrois
I didn’t like welcome to the show at all at first & now I’m obsessed lmao
I loved Adam on Idol this week
. He looked and sounded perfect. And his pure joy was infectious. I have a question for my American peeps…….Has WTTS gotten ANY radio play in the States? I just don’t get it. It is as if the on line writers use him to get hits, but it doesn’t translate to radio play. Would anyone who isn’t following AI or ADAM specifically even know about the new song?
Over 133,00 views on the official video
IMO here in lies the problem. If peeps don’t care for the song on first listen, most will just move on and not give it a second chance. I did, of course, but only because it was Adam. Now I am obsessed too. Radio just has to give it a chance!!!!
Miachihu @Miachihu 4h4 hours ago
Holly unbraided her hair? It will be interesting to see how that works onstage.
It might just be to give her hair a “rest”
Kim @Glambert620 13m13 minutes ago
Comprehensive list of ways to support Adam Lambert. http://forum.adamofficial.com/index.php?/topic/24081-%E2%98%86-votesupport-adam-links-%E2%98%86-the-starlighters-your-one-stop-support-adam-shop-%E2%98%86-werk-for-adam-%E2%98%86/ …
That After buzz video had me laughing and smiling. That gal is Berting soooo hard, she’s so much one of us it cracks me up.
Love me some Afterbuzz.Discovered it during the first season of Fargo, and checked into it often during AHS. They add delicious insight into those shows.
Lol. She actually said what we’ve been saying for years, that his voice does something to her brain…
Heard a radio ad for the Milw. show on my I heart station whilst commuting home yesterday. Prime time .
Still plenty of nosebleed seats left. Main floor has 6-8 open. The theater is grand, he’ll see a full house. Hope to hell we get Runnin.
My BERTING brain needs it. BADLY.
There were a lot of seats sold after Idol, hopefully the newspaper feature yesterday will sell more seats. But, like I said, they are back of balcony seats. You have to really want to see him to buy a seat way up there. It was a sell out on GN , and very fast sell out.
Miles Tougeaux @milestougeaux
# ElisseAndNeilSealTheDeal