- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
OMG,…He looks so gorgeous!!!????? #Glamberts
Can someone PLEASE enlighten me? I thought that unless one was a professional photographer hired to shoot Adam at his show, fotos of Adam basically belong to him. Fans are lucky that he is allowing vids and fotos, when he could be outlawing them like many do. But I see no reason why he has to credit anyone for unlicensed pics of himself! Or am I wrong???
Cait…..just 2 I saw recently, Ed Sheeran (one man show), did almost 2 hours, Elton John did 2hrs 20 mins.
Where did Sheeran and Elton perform? That might make a difference –
In fairness, Sheeran’s and Elton’s songs don’t have the range or difficulty of Adam’s, and not sure about Sheeran but we saw Elton and he either sits at his piano or stands, but no dancing or moving around. And there’s some filler too with talking and band solos. Can’t imagine Sheeran dancing though. Adam moves a lot!!
Elton has 21 dates lined up this whole year, all but one before end of April and all US. Adam has many many more, 57 total of his own worldwide Jan thru May, plus 15 of QAL thru June 25 and many involve foreign travel. Plus, Elton and Sheeran play lots of very large venues. Sheeran’s WGWG music shouldn’t be very taxing IMHO.
But then, we also don’t have curfew info on the casinos/smaller theatres, so there’s that.
I noticed Adam sticking to lower notes last night, maybe saving for NY…..
Brian May #1 …. smartest celebrity. There’s a youtube here but for some reason I couldn’t get it to play
riskylady> Photos generally belong to the photographer. A celebrity who offers themselves in a public performance is tacitly agreeing that they can be photographed, by virtue of the newsworthiness of the event. An amateur photographer does not necessarily deserve to be credited for their phot – I think that guy was kind of joking – and besides, I remember one instance when Adam had his peeps searching for the young woman to took one shot, so that he could credit her and ?maybe? use it. The laws in this area are both complicated and vague!
Our pick for #1 Washington’s concert this week? @adamlambert @ Lincoln Theatre, Mar 5.
小伙伴发我的,果然脑残粉出名了??? Adam in That’s Shanghai mag, don’t know which issue
Oops, sorry ALL for the bold fail!
mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
HKfan Hm ok but i think we have to look at the venues and ticket prices to compare them to Adams gigs. I wanted to go to Adele (now I am glad I didnt after hearing her recent live performances ^^) and the tickets were over 100€. QAL costs over 100€ each seat…but i know I get a two hour concert for these prices. Adam costs around 40€ and i dont know if we can expect always a 90+ min concert for that… And I still think there are other reasons we dont know about
I read that the CDs at the merch table sold out immediately.
Guess more should be on hand.
@VAlilac: Adam Lambert’s March 5 concert @TheLincolnDC is Sold Out. Tickets might be available from @mix1073DC. https://t.co/pEPxx9rzKN
@VAlilac: Adam Lambert’s March 5 concert @TheLincolnDC is Sold Out. Tickets might be available from @mix1073DC. https://t.co/pEPxx9rzKN
Hi, Jlurk! Thanks for that info on the cd’s. The merch tables were 2-3 times more packed after the show. They could have made a killing selling them. You’d think peeps would have it by now but fans seeing Adam for the first time since Idol may have bought. That thought of purchasing something generally goes away when you leave the building.
Lovely photo at the top!
So sad about not being able to attend any concerts on this tour that I can’t get into the “only 60 minutes” complaints but a 90 minute set would be hoped for, outside of casinos. Maybe Adam is under the weather. Also, he may be under the weather and, with his current workload, needs to pace himself.
Nice to know that the cd’s are selling. Not enamoured of the tour product selection. More jewellery please. I will buy a T-shirt and a key chain/dogtag.
Any word on an Idol performance?
Calgary’s view on photos makes the most sense. We all own the photo’s we take but publication of performance photo’s for profit is another thing.
Shame on her –
– sobs not so quietly.
Is this true or is it part of that weird Glambert phenomenon known as “every Adam concert you will ever see is TEN TIMES better that every other one you have seen in the past”?
I hope so, ‘cos that means a bigger and better concert is always on the way.
Is anyone else getting a really weird layout of the site?????
No matter how long Adam performs, it’s never ever enough.
Personally, I just hope and pray for the Runnin Chokehold Sleepwalker in Milw and or chicago.
I really think changing things up is Adam’s wishes and venue times.
Sometimes he does different songs for vocal preservation. He did talk about this with Queen.
Touring is gruelling, as we all can appreciate. Weather and airplanes and time zones wreak havoc on your health.
And, our guy often talks about his attention span ,lol, and needing variety.he often talks about not wanting musical theater anymore because it’s the same thing every night.
That being said, I truly want a longer show. I’ve never seen him solo do show longer than 50 minutes. Hmmm…how long was Boo Bash? I might be wrong .
It’s never enough….
Thanks, Calgary for the explanation. I forgot about the celebrity/public performance aspect (big DUH, me). And jlurks about the CDs. Does he get credit for concert sales?
I’m hoping too for the full Monty (concert, that is) at the Hard Rock. 6000 seat venue. Now the 3 main Top40 stations are running ticket contests down here.
Here’s my two cents on the set list… As much as I loved the Glamnation shows which I saw four times, they were highly scripted and were essentially musical theater. The only real variation was the choice of the song for the encore. And no, sadly, I never did get to see the steamy WLL encore. But I did see Wicked Game live last fall, so it all balances out in the end. One of the many things I love about the TOH tour is that it is unscripted and Adam will keep surprising us with the order and choice of his songs. The Atlantic City show, which I saw, lasted a good 75 minutes. Adam sang his ass off, and even though I would have loved to have seen Lay Me Down and the Runnin medley, I did not leave feeling at all short changed. It’s Adam’s choice what he sings on a given night and he has to appeal to a diverse demographic. I feel privileged to be able to see him perform live and hate to think of him reading whiny tweets from entitled fans. I also agree with Cait that the venues may well be imposing time limits on the sets. I hope that’s the case because I would love to see the return of the 90 minute set. I can never get enough of him.
Totally agree with both of you.
I saw 5 GN shows and loved them all. I also never saw a wild WLL, although the milw show came close. It was early in the tour, so it got wilder as the tour progressed. Hehee. We did get the stairs.
All of this being said, I am truly trying not to feel entitled.
I would never get on twitter and complain. No complaints here.
I just want a day long private concert.
That’s all.
My 2 cents. I think if Adam played for 90+ minutes overseas, we here in his home country at least deserve the same. I want Runnin so bad but if he wants to change it up, the songs he takes out need to be replaced with others.
If he takes out songs for smaller venues I am wondering if we will even get an hour in DC. Very small venue.
glambotgram– I don’t think the size of the venue is dictating the length of the show. I think, or at least hope, that it has more to do with the requirements of the venue itself. The Atlantic City venue has only 1600 seats which is not much larger than the Lincoln Theater in DC with 1225 seats. I would expect the DC show to last a minimum of 75 minutes on Saturday. But I do agree that as long as the venue allows it, a return to a 90 minute show for the US fans would be appropriate and very much appreciated.
ADAM LAMBERT retweeted
Terminal 5 @Terminal5NYC
We’ll have some tickets (cash only) available at the door for tonight’s @adamlambert show
Just to clarify my two cents above…. Griping here is always fine. Asking Adam politely if certain songs will reappear in the set list is okay too. But berating him on twitter for things he may not be able to control is another story all together.
Hm still thinking about the short setlists…Yes of course tweeting him is more than alright but i just hate these entitled whiney fans. They dont ask, they just jump on him, berating him…and thats what makes me sad and angry.
Argh….Yes I am still angry about that grrrrr
They All Experts @Run4u_AML
u want an example of dishonest journalism just look at Peoplemag’s edition of idol how they totally disregarded any accomplishments of Adam.
Coptoit @coptoit
@Run4u_AML Did they leave a bunch of stuff out?
They All Experts @Run4u_AML
@coptoit did they put anything in? oh, except a pic of AMAs.
What’s with this rag?
OMG Adam got dropped off right in front of us
Jono and Ben
Just casually talking pornstar names with Adam Lambert.
Interview with Rodney Ho of Atlanta, pre Tabernacle performance coming up
yay….my layout has come back to normal.
agree glambotgram.
Love that porn star name chat..he looks gorgeous.
inglamwetrust @inglamwetrust
@gradam1 he showed a special edition mag cover with Adam on it & spoke about the past idol stars performing on finale
American Idol
“The three-night grand finale will kick off April 5 ”
Don’t think it’s 100% on finale according to twitter.
Glad the tour with Demi Lovato isn’t happening. I did not enjoy her performance on Idol tonight.
Re: Short set lists and using a lower key, the first thing I thought was that he may be fighting a cold. He won’t cancel unless he’s REALLY sick.
It really grieves me that Adam is finally coming to Orlando and I won’t be able to go because of health issues.
Ha … Ellessay … ditto!
I was in the kitchen having Idol in the background then hearing something bad. It turned out to be Demi Lovato.
Can’t think of any reason why he wouldn’t. Digging deep here,
but vaguely remember something about the CDs being considered sold when they leave the distributor.
That DL performance was a pitchy screechfest – an off night?
I think an off night for DL. It was not good. Maybe it’s nerves for all these peeps (Adele, SS & now DL). Things happen in 3’s.
lol – Harry’s performance –
Answering People Magazine using old photo of Adam on the cover.