
February went roaring out like a lion with Queen and Adam wrapping up their sold-out 26 city tour of Europe and UK. March is all Lambert as he heads home or to a possible vacation spot for a well-deserved rest. That will be short-lived though as the promo for The Original High picks up with the single release GHOST TOWN scheduled for April 21st.

This month’s main photo is from the BRITs red carpet. Adam attended the event with the head of the Warner Brothers label and just happened to be in the neighborhood.

Enjoy the chat!


2,744 Responses to March 2015 Chat

  1. ultimathule says:

    Always loved this outfit (striped top again and those pants) – and loved this concert as well – 4/8/10 – Red Robinson – B.C.
    This is FYE where he had to start three times to get the band right – the “Mama” crew here no doubt remembers this –

  2. ultimathule says:
  3. ultimathule says:

    Lou @lounieman
    Remember to put a # in front of #GhostTown plus no space in between on our BB voting. They’re making it difficult for us…

  4. ultimathule says:

    Rema Vineyard @remavineyard
    Moving up again!… @shoshannastone @adamlambert

    shoshanna stone @shoshannastone
    @remavineyard it only really means something on the first day or when there is a reason for it

  5. nkd says:

    SEF ‏@LMadaSkcor
    Gaww, Adam Lambert is added as one of the writer’s of his song #GhostTown

  6. cher says:

    Cait1602 says:
    03/29/2015 at 5:25 pm
    How do you guys stay sane? And awake? lol

    Definitely none of us are sane. Am tired as heck all the time. Grin But very happy to be a Glambert!! ROTFL

  7. nkd says:
  8. nkd says:

    Adam’s tweets

    ADAM LAMBERT‏@adamlambert
    @ShawnMendes nice to meet you tonight! Have an amazing tour!

    @rihanna performance was so fucking sexy.

    Charlie Wilson U sang your face off. Nice to meet you.

    .@Madonna’s performance of GHOSTTOWN: beautifully sung and super chic. Loved @taylorswift13 guitar. @Madonna: Ur snatched! Stunning. Glow.

    Get into it. shirt: Saint Laurent, Jacket: Mugler, Leather: Margiela

  9. nkd says:
  10. LadyNorth says:

    Access Hollywood interview. He looked so gorgeous again last night!

  11. luval says:

    @adamlambert: @rihanna performance was so fucking sexy.

  12. luval says:

    @adamlambert: Oh yeah! @jtimberlake gave such an inspiring speech. And funny as hell.

  13. rs says:

    He is always so generous in his praise for other artists. I wonder if they even notice. Whether or not it pays off in the end, he is being true to himself.

  14. Ron says:

    I wasn’t too far off the mark about the cost of last night’s shirt. 525 British Pounds = $775.00 U.S. Dollars

  15. luval says:

    According to Shoshanna it’s not necessary to keep voting on the Billboard ranking

    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone ·8 hrs8 hours ago
    @remavineyard it only really means something on the first day or when there is a reason for it

    GhostBert ‏@GlambertMadness ·7 hrs7 hours ago
    @shoshannastone We still like to do it , just let @adamlambert know we are here for him!! 1 More

    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone ·6 hrs6 hours ago
    @GlambertMadness I think it’s better if you guys help it get there when it means something

  16. luval says:
  17. sparkle says:

    the man’s beauty, charisma, and over the top talent will grab the US this time around and take the whole country for a ride!

    Keeping my fingers crossed for this to happen, adamized!

  18. sparkle says:

    LOVE the “I’m in it to win it” Quote! Hey Warner – Let’s get all the Idol peeps – Ryan, Randy, Paula, Simon, Michael Orland, etc. to say how excited they are about the single! Better yet, TSwift – she thanked Max Martin and Shelback in her speech last night!

  19. TLKC says:

    MJ has covered Adam’s appearance at the iHearts with two fine pics

    Scott Borchetta’s tweet of his red carpet pic with Adam has garnered him over 300 re-tweets and 200 favourites. Nothing else he tweeted got anywhere near that amount of attention. Here’s hoping that Scott has noted it and adjusted the AI14 schedule accordingly.

  20. TLKC says:

    Sean Mendes is with UMG and his cd is being released on April 14th. He’s from Toronto but I’ve never heard of him. (My nieces are too old for him.)

  21. rs says:

    cost of last night’s shirt. 525 British Pounds = $775.00 U.S. Dollars

    I bet it was very comfy against his skin. It is silk weave and we know how much Adam loves silk shirts. He can afford it now Clap

  22. luval says:

    @GayWeHo: Adam!? Where R U? @adamlambert Please Speak Out against @GovPenceIN for signing the Indiana #RFRA! #BoycottIndiana #AdamLambert

    They are lookin’ for him.

  23. luval says:

    Boy George is very insightful in that red carpet video I posted at 9:53.

    “It’s more than the music now”

    He is right. And Adam has it all.

  24. nkd says:

    Just watched that video luval. Taylor Swift was the first shown and I thought how cute she looked, then it dawned on me how my feelings about her have evolved over the years. When she first came on the scene, I was impressed with her song writing abilities as a teen, then the years passed and her songs were played relentlessly by radio which annoyed me because the songs annoyed me. Her live performances on TV were not always so great. But with this latest album I’ve gained a new appreciation for her. I like her as a person. I like her songs, even with the still so so voice, although it has improved.
    My point with this ramble is that I hope people that once were turned off by Adam can perhaps see him differently now. If the music is as good as we have been led to believe it is and he is seen on all the shows and is allowed to be his charming self, it can happen!

  25. Cait1602 says:

    I am totally worn out today. First summer time cost me an hour of sleep on saturday night, yesterday it was Adam.

    I stayed up till 2am, got into bed, couldnt sleep. Hadnt have much more than 4 hours of sleep….was a tough work day for me lol But I would do it again without thinking.

    He looked amazing. Pics are awesome, loved his outfit, I bet he really was happy being inside with AC in his leather pants Grin


    On another note: Sam Smith was today visiting a big radio station in Germany for a small 10ppl concert. The moderators were gushing about him afterwards. He lives for his music, he is so natural, he is so funny, how he wasnt cut out for casting shows because of his naturality and his life for music, he isnt an entertainer but a singer…etc etc etc

    I mean SS is ok, I like some of his lyrics. I just wish that in a few month the radio station will gush like that about Adam too. He deserves it, fights for it. Adam always praises singer after singer after singer but you never hear a word from them back. I hope that will change in a few weeks.

    I feel my mother-henning is coming back. Want to cuddle him up again Dazed Thinking

  26. ultimathule says:

    Warner Music Brasil @WarnerMusicBR
    . @ adamlambert releases new single, “Ghost Town” in April. The US still plays with the Queen in September now at Rock in Rio. Stay tuned!

  27. ultimathule says:

    Brad Nolan @BradNolan
    New music from @adamlambert is coming. My general stoke level is high.

    Media Personality. Relentless. 51% of ‘Brad & Heather’

  28. ultimathule says:
  29. ultimathule says:

    : D RT @MelonyTorres Wow! Just heard new @adamlambert. Max Martin is on some next level ish.

    Asst. Program Director/Music Director/On Air Personality @DCs1073

  30. Cait1602 says:

    ultis quote continued…

    Collen ‏@ChicagoCollen 13m13 minutes ago
    @MelonyTorres @adamlambert You heard #GhostTown ? Was it crazy ass ridiculously good?

    Melony Torres ‏@MelonyTorres 6m6 minutes ago
    @ChicagoCollen you have no idea! You’re gonna be obsessed Grin

    <—- YAY!!!!

  31. luval says:

    nkd, love your post from 11:56 this morning. I agree with you about Taylor Swift (except for the liking of her music). I just love her as a person. She seems kind, thoughtful, loves her fans. Just an all around great gal.

  32. ultimathule says:

    Is it April 21 yet? @sandyzzzen
    LOOOVE IT! :”) RT @Shining_Adam: Aww such a lovely comment

  33. ultimathule says:

    That is just such wonderful news, Cait – thrilled! – sent her a tweet back, thanking her –

  34. sparkle says:

    nkd – I agree with your feelings on Taylor Swift. She is close to being a hometown girl for me (she grew up less than an hour from where I live) and for that reason alone, I’d want her to succeed but my two girls have her songs on their ipods so I hear her songs from the new album quite a bit and I like most of them. She is an amazing songwriter and I like her new “pop” direction.

  35. luval says:

    Scroll down. New video from Brit awards.

    Collabs! Can’t wait to see with who.

  36. luval says:

    I love the secrecy of this album. Hope it stays that way.

  37. luval says:

    Agree here

    @14gelly: I mean he doesn’t say “NO” when he’s asked about if he has Queen collab at the album. And his face

  38. ultimathule says:
  39. luval says:

    Little snippet of Adam on the red carpet on E Entertainment. Nothing on Access Hollywood. I still feel he’s on the outside looking in. Fingers triple crossed for Era Three.

  40. ultimathule says:

    luval – LadyNorth posted something from Access at 4:20 a.m. above – something different from Access?

  41. ultimathule says:

    1 hour ago
    @adamlambert looking good on the #iHeartAwards #redcarpet last night!

  42. HK fan says:

    shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone ·8 hrs8 hours ago
    @remavineyard it only really means something on the first day or when there is a reason for it

    I don’t get this from Shoshanna… can someone checking this list at any time, and seeing Adams name and song title up there be a bad thing???

  43. luval says:

    Was this posted? Adam & ELvis Duran on the red carpet

  44. luval says:

    lol. Came across this from Grammy’s 2010 when adam was the fashion correspondent. Cute story how he & taylor Swift met each other.

  45. ultimathule says:

    Just want to say, AL has the patience of a saint – trying to show me for the last hour or so how the innards of this blog work – so, hats off to a true gentleman and scholar!

  46. luval says:

    ultimathule, I didn’t have that snippet from E Entertainment. And honestly I had the sound turned down but saw his face. Smile Only on for seconds.

  47. luval says:

    Was this “Bitch, I don’t know” vine from Elvis Duran interview?

    eta: I think this is the E news clip

  48. luval says:

    ultimathule, AL wouldn’t have any hair left from pulling it out in frustration if he had to show/teach me the innards of the blog I’m such a techno dunce.

  49. ultimathule says:

    lol, luval – I’m with you – learn just what I need to to keep up with the boy –

  50. ultimathule says:

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