
February went roaring out like a lion with Queen and Adam wrapping up their sold-out 26 city tour of Europe and UK. March is all Lambert as he heads home or to a possible vacation spot for a well-deserved rest. That will be short-lived though as the promo for The Original High picks up with the single release GHOST TOWN scheduled for April 21st.

This month’s main photo is from the BRITs red carpet. Adam attended the event with the head of the Warner Brothers label and just happened to be in the neighborhood.

Enjoy the chat!


2,744 Responses to March 2015 Chat

  1. luval says:

    omg. Even country groups are getting their songs pulled from radio because of a so-called gay agenda. This country is getting worse and worse.

  2. luval says:

    And while country music is seen as more progressive now — with explicit lyrics about sex and casual marijuana use — significant portions of the traditional audience will not tolerate a song that they even wrongly assume is about a same-sex relationship.

    A quote from that article I just posted.

  3. milwlovesadam says:

    Does anybody have a watchable link in the USA of the video from the article that I can see?? PLease???????

  4. luval says:

    Well he kinda looks like he’s kissing the dog Stewie here but I don’t think it connects. lol

    mils I’m searching for a video that hasn’t been taken down.

  5. ultimathule says:
  6. Cait1602 says:

    GirlOnStuff retweeted
    Mattias Wachtmeister ‏@mattiaswac Mar 27

    Don’t blame Radio 1: How an obsession with stats is damaging the UK #MusicBusiness

    Really informative – another perspective on all that we are talking about.

  7. ultimathule says:

    One viewpoint –

    um, fans waited forever to hear about your music, maybe you and your publicist should talk about that and not who your gay crushes are, lol

    SEF @LMadaSkcor
    I mean, post gay aint happening if all we talk about is ur sexuality, u like sam so act like him, brag about urslef& your voice like he does

    DuckBert @TheRealDuckBert
    @mickivick @ScorpioBert a vid is on YT w/title “AL Can’t Help Gushing About SS in ‘Attitude’ & vid has nothing 2 do w/AL.#just4hits

  8. twilightmagic8 says:

    Maybe the US will come around to Adam once he becomes a star in the UK. Stranger things have happened.

    This is what happened when the Beatles invaded the USA. They made it bigger here, that in England. I was in the 6th grade, & remember all the pandemonium!

    Also U2, was totally embraced by their concert’s here in America, and not in Europe in the early days. They did a lot of concert’s here in America.
    I have an original U2 poster from the concert held at,
    “The Paramount Theater”
    FRI. MAY 27th 1983
    8 P.M.
    Portland, Oregon Clover

    Tickets $11.00 or $12.00 Advanced (Reserved Seating)
    The ticket prices are a hoot! ROTFL

    This was way before “Joshua Tree”, when they really took off big time worldwide.

    GaGa became bigger in Europe first, because of the big Festivals held there. She didn’t become a overnight star here in the America.

    Adam’s journey seems to be taking the same road. I feel in my bones that he will rise above, with a new birth like the majestic Phoenix, in the Queen logo.Fingers Crossed Victory Rainbow Clover

  9. ultimathule says:

    Magazine Cafe @magazinecafe
    @IvaaLambert He is our idol too!

    IWONA @IvaaLambert
    @magazinecafe Yay that’s amazing ! DId you hear the snippet of ucpcoming single Ghost Town ; ) ? If not here it is ->

    @IvaaLambert Did not hear that before but loved it! Cannot wait for 21st April! Grin

  10. turquoisewaters says:

    To me a good song is a good song. It defies genres.
    I can’t stand country in general, but I do like some Johnny Cash songs. For me they are just good songs. Country does not mean you have to sing about family values in the good old days on the farm (even though the article luval referenced suggests that many people think just that).

  11. glambotgram says:

    He leaned down like he was going to kiss the dog’s head and then he stopped, like he thought betterof it, at the last minute. Smile

  12. ultimathule says:

    Brady lea @bradyleahair
    @FoxVegas @adamlambert thanks guys . Adam was an absolute pleasure to work with

  13. turquoisewaters says:

    mils, maybe this can tie you over. It’s the closest I could find about the attitude photo shoot.

  14. luval says:

    Right, glambotgram! That’s what I saw too.

  15. ultimathule says:
  16. milwlovesadam says:

    Thanks turquoise!! That helped me a lot!!

  17. luval says:

    That 16seconds is great, turquoisewaters. It really covers everything. The original video wasn’t that long anyway. Only a bit over a minute.

  18. luval says:

    Adam with Drake & a couple of other guys last night?

  19. Cait1602 says:

    Drake ex-boyfriend? Question

  20. milwlovesadam says:

    Wow, Adam’s face can be interpreted so many ways next to Drake. I kinda think he’s thinking, ” Oh. Fans are gonna be speculating about this…”

    On another note, Drake looks so much better. Healthier, more filled out.

  21. twilightmagic8 says:

    Wow, Adam’s face can be interpreted so many ways next to Drake. I kinda think he’s thinking, ” Oh. Fans are gonna be speculating about this…”

    On another note, Drake looks so much better. Healthier, more filled out.

    Yep, Adam is stone faced, and shows no light.
    On the other hand Drake face made be laugh out loud. He’s looks like he is all ready to snuggle. Bunny Question
    I agree, Drake does look healthier though.

  22. TLKC says:

    Yes, Drake is an ex-boyfriend. Adam dedicated his first cd to Drake and his second to Sauli. I wonder who he will dedicate the 3rd cd to. Maybe his mother?

  23. TLKC says:

    OMG smitten. He did lean in to kiss Stewie. Wish they had connected.

  24. Kiwi says:

    Wasn’t Drake shown in a few of the AI performances? Sitting in the audience? He is looking much better.

  25. milwlovesadam says:

    Because I have had such a hard time opening anything today, it all seems blocked, did people see the whole 11 page spread or not? Were there more photos? Was it a long interview?

  26. luval says:

    Someone may have to correct me but the video was only about a minute and 16 seconds long. And I don’t think we’ve seen all the pictures..

    Mils, are you talking about the print interview?

  27. milwlovesadam says:

    Yes, the print interview.

  28. glambotgram says:

    Yes saw the print interview and yes there are more pictures. I couldn’t read the print interview because it got too distorted when enlarged. But I did get to read the explanation of The Original High that was posted and I loved that.

    I don’t care for the plastic in the pictures but otherwise love his look. I especially love the shirt that looks like it has words written all over it. And the hair has never been better.

  29. luval says:

    Can’t really find the whole interview but here is the explanation of TOH. Loved it too.


  30. ultimathule says:

    mmadamimadamm @mmadamimadamm
    Interesting new follow on IG Adam

    Photog and music videos LDR, Lenny Kr , NM etc

  31. ultimathule says:
  32. glambotgram says:

    LOL ultimathule The Orange High from that article.

  33. ultimathule says:

    Yeah – peeps were laffin’ about that –

  34. ultimathule says:
  35. firstimerob says:

    Some one posted a while back the writing credits for Adams single Ghost Town. According to that post Adam’s name wasn’t listed. For the first single out reminds me of when Trespassing first single selection was something Adam did not co write and were crap songs. Is this the past repeating itself I hope not. Does anyone have more info I might of missed. I just want it out and to stop thinking negative stuff Help

  36. glambotgram says:

    firstimerob he did not have a writing credit for Ghost Town. But he said he co-wrote the whole album so there was some speculation that his name has been left off the songs for now just to keep Glambert ninjas from finding them all before he wants us to.

    Not sure about that though, just an idea.

  37. firstimerob says:

    glambotgram Thanks for responding I feel a

    little better must have missed our discussion on this.

  38. ultimathule says:

    BorneoBert @BorneoBert
    Fascinating Max Martin story incl @adamlambert WWFM and new album #TheOriginalHigh

  39. nkd says:

    To me a good song is a good song. It defies genres.

    Yes. Exactly.

  40. nkd says:

    I like that “Girl Crush” song, and if you listen to the lyrics for even a few seconds, it’s so obviously about jealousy.
    (from luval‘s post at 3:17pm, I’m just really late to the party)

    Instead of calling radio stations and complaining about “agendas” in songs, in the guise of protecting the kids, these parents should be teaching their children to be accepting and loving individuals.
    I’m way more offended by the denigration of women in various types of music and in music videos, than I am of anyone singing about love.

  41. ultimathule says:
  42. Soccermom says:

    The folks over atadamtopia have noted that one of the names credited for Ghost Town is repeated and the publisher is listed as unknown. They speculate the publisher is unknown to block the ninjas and the double name is a placeholder for Adam once single drops

  43. sparkle says:

    Interesting, Soccermom!

  44. sparkle says:

    Okay, is it just me or does anyone think that Adam is transforming into Lord Madonna? I mean first he is adopted by the UK, his body has been toned to the max, his single is “Ghost Town” and on his third album he feels “like a Virgin”! If his new beau is named Guy and he starts speaking with a british accent and wearing riding boots, I’m not sure what I’ll do! ROTFL ROTFL

  45. sparkle says:

    Sweet Adopted Adam with Attitude Dreams, ALL!!

  46. ultimathule says:

    lol – so funny, sparkle – thanks for the laugh –

  47. sparkle says:

    Thanks, ulti! And thank you for always providing great pics and interviews and other stuff for us ALL to comment on!

  48. ultimathule says:

    Hey – one more pic –

    Gawd – love that man –

  49. Cait1602 says:

    Ulti thank you for posting that article about Max Martin. After reading it I feel the upcoming ablum will be a hit alright.

    And with Warner bringing him out more and more – its going to be good!

  50. cher says:

    TLKC says:
    03/28/2015 at 9:05 am
    Hi cher, you should check on that. My provider upgraded my recorder here and put in a new unit and the shows were still there (because I still had the same provider). If you are still on TIVO then upgrading the box won’t necessarily mean losing the saved shows, will it?

    I’ll ask but my son and brother say I’m gonna lose it. Let’s hope they are wrong!!

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