- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
OMG! I just opened the March thread and those eyes were looking right at me! We are supposed to be calming down and collecting ourselves after the excitement of the tour, but that photo does anything but calm me down….Seriously, AL, thank you. The photo is magnificent.
eta. I just keep staring into those eyes and they look back! Can’t stop.
I’m ADAM!! And oh my, don’t I look fine! Put that pic under wiki for bedroom eyes! Now I KNOW that I’ll have sweet dreams! Good night rs and AL!!
Gorgeous hypnotic eyes!
And the suit looks black in that picture.
I think it depended on the lighting as it did take on a plum-ish hue in some photos. IMO, in the clearest lighting, it appears to be black.
But what do I know, I saw white and gold, and then blue and black!
D&G does sell a dark purple suit that looks almost black, although I didn’t find it in the same style.
Pretty! Nice way to start a new month! Thanks AL!
BTW, I have a metallic gray shirt that I bought in France many years ago that I still love and wear that looks a lot like the shirt that Adam’s wearing! First the matching zebra shirt now this! I also have a plum suit – it must be an Aquarian thing!!

Sweet dreams, cher and nkd! Two of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet!
luval, where would we have this album launch party, and how do we plan? So many secrets!
Sounds like a killer idea though!
ETA We sort of had an album launch party in Wilkes Barre for Trespassing. What a great and memorable show that was!
“We were number o-one!”
Sweet dreams dear sparkle!
So cher…Rio?
luval … Thank you very much for your recap of Wembley.
I enjoyed it and took it all in!!!
Your recap is calm and cool … well thought and organized.
I can’t write recaps because I will be rambling and going all over places .. jumping in here and there and full of emotions.
You are so calm and collect.
I’ve been to Adam’s and QAL concerts. But none of them I was close to them.
Never meet Adam or get near him … which I’m glad because I would be DED if I got to see him or touch him. Then I won’t be able to see him again.
Heh … sour grapes.
Welcome Home … Sweetie!
Adam arriving at LAX airport, LA, February 28 2015
AL … Great Job!!! … Gorgeous photo!!!
I’m skeerd to look at those hypnotic eyes!
Aw asif, You should write recaps! I love reading your posts and you have a writing style that is YOU! But don’t wait too long or to write or it will get lost in the shuffle. I couldn’t write mine till a week after my concert, and I think, from the responses, that 2 people read it.
nkd says:
03/01/2015 at 12:53 am
So cher…Rio?
Haha nekkid! maybe but only if there are other SA dates as well. Too far to fly for just one. Otherwise I believe they will tour again and will wait for that. More than likely UK again early next year. The demand is there.
BB looks tired. Needs a vacation…..and then right back to work plugging his new single and album. Somehow I think it will be more work and less pure joy and fun than the Queen concerts were, even though it is his own music. He is up against a lot more resistance at home
I get stuck on those eyes every time I open this page
Happy March, y’all. That is one gorgeous picture.
Album-launch party sounds like a fab idea. Wilkes-Barre was one of the happiest concerts I have been to.
For those in withdrawal: I just found these really clear close-up videos from Liverpool (hope they are not old news, I am sooo behind). Unfortunately they are just parts of songs.
Save Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjiuEM0mLNI
BORAP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPNNT7B3VXI
Now that is one very fine way to start the March! Holy cow I love that pic…his eyes his beautiful, soul-piercing eyes. Damn I loved the February thread but I think I am going to adore March…
So its March already. Cant believe I am already here for over a month! Time really flies fast when you have fun. So much happened.
And just a few short weeks till April. I do hope Adam can get some time with Family and Friends, maybe a vacation. He definitely deserves it.
I scroll up again and again just looking at this pic. Good thing bf is still sleeping *cough*
rs move over, it is my turn now to stare into his eyes !!! LOL… And I read your recap !!
Can’t wait till April, let’s hope it is not maypril…
Morning Axxxel
There is room for ALL of us to stare into his eyes. He can hypnotize the world through the internet
. And I know you read my recap. Thanks sweetie.
lol Cait, when we were waiting for Trespassing to be released, it kept being postponed. Adam couldn’t commit to the release date and “ish” was added. We didn’t know if it would be April or May. At one point Adam said “Maypril”.
Ahh lol thanks
What were the reasons for postponing the album? Dont think that is going to happen with this one. Sounds like there are pretty much finished with it
Cait, who knows what went on behind the scenes? First it was postponed because of the release of the album of studio songs that Adam had performed on. It was produced against his wishes and resulted in a court case. I don’t feel like getting into it again. And then, since Adam executive produced the album and he is such a perfectionist, he just kept tweeking it to make it perfect. But as I said, who knows what really went on behind the scenes?
Good morning! What a picture to open up the blog every day! PERFECT!!
Am up early to get ready for back to work tomorrow. 5;30am every workday. UGH!
Don’t forget to change your calendars. glambotgram, the March photo is incredible!!!! The one with Brian in the fog, arm up, gold cape….
Thanks for reading my London recaps everyone. Want to add in regards to the merchandise. Only one small booth that I noticed. Just tee’s, hats & tote bags. In winding down the tour they probably winded down the merch too. I bought a tee thinking it had the Europe dates on it but when I got it home it was blank on the back. Bought the wrong one. Will check e-bay now and then for the one I want.
asif, I found that you have to recap in the first couple of days being back from a trip or things become foggy. At least to me.
Adam usually has his black leather over the shoulder traveling bag. Wonder who’s carrying it?
He looks lovely. Wonder how he feels about the tour being over.
He must write a book someday.
A belated Welcome Home, luval! Couldn’t be happier for you! You did it!! Your trip to London sounded great. Wonderful recap!
good morning, Ron! Am anxious to hear about your “goings on”.
Eyes Baby Eyes. Wow Oh I hope he does Wilkes Barre again. That was so much fun.
Thanks luval I forgot to switch my calendar thus morning.
Maybe he will have a couple of days in Mexico with Sauli again
I think we will get some promo this month. So we may see him soon.
I couldn’t help thinking of the plum/grey/black suit discussion yesterday when the whole yellow versus blue dress debate was going on. It was certainly weird to scroll the dress pic and see it turn from black/blue to yellow/white. The angle of light in relation to your computer screen is certainly part of the equation. Maybe someone can ask Adam the colour of the suit in his next twitter party.
In the meantime we have ninja nkd to help us out.
How much do you want to bet that Adam sleeps 15 hours and then goes out to dinner with friends this evening? I hope he did get to keep the crown. One thing about the Sauli pic – it shows the crown in impressive detail. Most shots of Adam are taken at a distance and are quite blurry when enlarged. And, of course, his beauty overwhelms it’s splendour.
Does anyone know where Queen fits in the Rock in Rio line-up? Are they headlining?
Looks like they are opening the first day of the festival.
eta: I am a little clueless. When they open a show does this mean they are the headliners or is that when they close a show?
Good question. I just took a look at the Rock in Rio website. But didnt find anything else about it. Was a bit confusing for me. Clicked on language “english” but everything was still in portugese…
Found something. QAL are at least the headliners for the opening night. Another headliner is Metallica, doesnt play on Friday so one headliner each day
Headliner is the closing act. It’s the one everyone will stay for.
Welcome home luval! Pretty wonderful way to end the most depressing month of the year. Congrats to all the our travellers for making the most of the dead of winter.
Sheffield REVIEW – excellent (put on that thread, too)
Wembley pic – really great –
More –
TERRA @alternaterra
I made a page on Adamwiki for The Original High
Sauli’s tweet in Finnish magazine –
(Top pic – same “do” and hat as A)
Mike Bolger @Mlbolger
@adamlambert amazing show, best live show I have ever seen, can’t wait to see you tour your music
LOL, exactly. Only the beautiful face is different from the other beautiful face.
TLKC, Luval, Cait1602 In RIR there are usually 5 acts on the main stage that they call Palco Mundo (world stage), the first 4 shows last 1 hour each and the last one, the headliner, lasts at least 2 hours (Guns n´Roses played for almost 3h one time). Queen will be the headliner for the first day of the festival, that´s why they´re saying that they will be opening the festival. It´s the main show for the first night.
There are 2 more stages in the City of Rock with pretty good atractions too. The acts play when Palco Mundo is between shows. There is also a themed street that has bars and restaurantes with live performances. Last year´s theme was Bourbon Street
There are also some Tends with Dj´s provided by the sponsors of RIR. It´s a pretty good festival!
By the end of march they will have all line-ups confirmed.
Rant here.
Why are some people on twitter really nasty-ish just because some of us didn’t remember Sauli had met Brian & Roger before? “what’s wrong with you people?” is the way they put it. I’ll bet there are many new fans who didn’t know this either. Have to stay away from twitter a bit.
Thanks for that information renataademelo. Will be interesting to see who some of the other acts are.
Another great review (posted on Sheffield thread, too)
Get on your Bikes and RIIIIIDE….Sheffield…!!!!