- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
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- AL’s Games
Please don’t tell what is happening on American Idol. West coast has not seen it yet.
sorry….will delete my posts.
Enjoyed watching the fan vids a page or two ago. Here’s one of my top three – yawl have probably seen it, but, as always, worth watching again.
Testing, testing – – – — – –
Okay, that showed up. And what happened to the rest of the world?
Just watched yesterday’s Idol. (The West coast has already seen it.) I don’t understand why these contestants sing the songs that Adam made history with. Didn’t they ever watch Idol? Do they think that they can compete with his performances? Even if I used to sort of like this guy, his TOMT was just terrible in comparison, and the judges loved it! Nobody who remembers Adam on the show is going to vote for him, and it will be the surest way to get him off the show.
ETA, both Slezack and Lyndsey mentioned Adam in their reviews, and I would imagine that many others will, too.
Happy BirthdAy Sauli!
Tattoo spew definitely looks lighter but Adam has been on the road so much that it doesn’t seem likely that he’s had time to contract for that. It’s a multi-treatment process. Wouldn’t it be better to contract with the same person for treatments? We will see.
Guess I should mosey on over to the other place to find out what happened on Idol last night.
Interesting that Adam is giving an unsolicited endorsement to Tom Ford. Ford is a connoisseur of the “finished” look. He has said that chipped nail polish and bad manicures drive him up the wall. His favourite men are very masculine, perfectly groomed, not a hair out-of-place Don Drapers. Adam is a master of the raffish and ruffled. Adam can pull off that look but it would be a very intersting photo session.
Adam Lambert@adamlambert 2h
#HappyBirthdaySauli @saulikoskinen1 28 today!! Everyone celebrate!!! Big year for Sauli!
Just saw that next week on Idol the theme is Roock (no ballads). This could be fun or painful. I think I’ll try to catch it.
And yes, Happy Birthday to Sauli! I really hope for him that his TV Show will be a success and that he can develop his career in that direction. Maybe one day he can interview Adam
So excited
The turtle made it to Jerusalem and I found a wonderful gift in my mailbox this morning! His shell was a little battered and bruised from the long journey, but it was just cosmetic and his “insides” were well protected. With a little TLC and R&R he will be back in perfect shape in no time at all.
Seriously, jlurks, I don’t know how to thank you for your generosity. Hmmm…I will have to think about that before July
jlurk, turtle made it here too. Thank you so much!
This is amazing, something comes every week, almost
I just watched St. Agathe show while cleaning my house for riskies. OMG, what a wonderful video! I wish I knew how to make one of the WAG tour…
My guests are going to arrive soon, I can’t believe, someone from ALL actually here, at my place!!
I saw some mentions about deleted tweets re future concerts on Twitter. Time will tell what was it about or was it anything… I haven’t seen anything, just seen people talking about it and DM each other.
LadyNorth, Enjoy your company and give them hugs for me……and plenty of hot tea if riskylady is still sick.
I think that the deleted posts were about last night’s American Idol show. They had been posted before the show had been aired on the West Coast and were deleted in order not to spoil the show for those who hadn’t seen it yet.
Have seen this 4 times today so maybe it is real. Hopefully the northern folks will get a show!
Whooo – Pittsburgh! Close enough for me. Thanks, aely.
Info I can find.
Davidson/Valentini award
from -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLAAD_Davidson/Valentini_Award
Adam is also nominated in the “Outstanding Music Artist” category.
So now he has appearances in April, May, June, and July.
Yes! Promo
Signed up, aely!
MJ has a thread up for GLAAD.
So has everyone made it to the new server? I believe the copy of the site on the old server has been deleted so hopefully everyone is here. If you guys know of someone who can’t access us here send me an email via the site admin link. I have everyone’s emails in the user list and can contact individuals to help them clear their DNS cache and get here to the new server.
I ask because traffic is down quite a bit in recent days. This may be due to the expected effect of the end of the WAG tour with no particular Adam news currently (other than the glaad thing which just happened today).
rs, thanks I did
Enjoyed my company. And they enjoyed my Finnish tastings
Who’s next guest?
I saw this about Pittsburgh pride
And so happy for glaad award
I’m so excited about the GLAAD award. Adam deserves this so much! I imagine that recognition from his own brothers and sisters means a lot to him.
Eywflyer : No connection problems for me. I’m just bogged down by RL demands.
This is true…
Am not sure about the Pittsburgh pride thing. I might wait to see how Miami goes. IDK..Need more details.
Hmmmm. Pittsburgh is only a 5 hour car trip from here. Maybe folks in the PA area might want to hitch a ride??? Sparkle, haven’t heard from you in awhile?
I am so happy about the GLAAD award as well as Adam being invited to perform at the Gay Pride events.I remember in the beginning he and his music seemed to be spurned by so many in the Gay community. I know that it hurt him. He has worked very hard and shown the world what an amazing human being and wonderful ambassador and spokesperson for his community he is. This recognition is so very much deserved.
It looks like the WAGT to me… In Pittsburgh, from aely‘s link.
Good night, half asleep typing here…
Love your post, rs – so true.
Went to Erie GNT (daughter lives there) – may be heading to Pittsburgh now.
OThanks for bringing up aely’s link, Lady North. I skipped right over the 90 minute show part. Now the wheels are turning in my head. San Diego is 2 weeks later. What to do? I’ll be needing my Adam fix by then.
Pittsburgh will surely be GA with maybe a VIP area like most of these shows.
Adam just retweeted this:
article from Gaystarnews
was just about to post the gazette article…Adam beat me to it
Jlurks, the turtle made it to my house yesterday, thank you so, so much, you’re a wonderful man doing this for us all.
So, any guesses on who will present Adam’s award? Madonna presented Anderson Cooper with his. I hope they get Ellen or Cyndi or Paula or Kathy Griffin, or …. and not some GLAAD executive.
I see that Glaad livestream thing is only for the red carpet. Would love to see what goes on inside live. Calgary, any of those you mentioned would be fine with me. I would actual love it if Adam’s mom or dad or even bro could present the award.
a couple of other sites beginning to pick it up
Attention Glamberts!!!!
We will be having a Fan Club presale for Adam’s June 15th performance at the Pittsburgh Pride Festival!
The presale will be Tuesday, April 2nd at 10:00am EST (local venue time)
How do you gain access to the presale? Very simple. Simply login to your AdamLambertFans.com account and tickets will automatically be available for purchase here.
Don’t have a Fan Club membership? No problem! Click Here to buy one and you will automatically have access to the presale.
Unfortunately, due to the size of the festival, VIP packages will not be available for this date.
Some Helpful Presale Tips
• Login to your account before the presale begins to ensure that everything is working properly. If you are experiencing issues, please send an email to our support team at support.groundctrl.com and they will be able to assist you.
• ‘Sold Out’ does not necessarily mean sold out. When a user adds a ticket to their cart, the ticket is held for 12 minutes while the checkout process is completed, temporarily removing it from inventory. In that time, their session could time out, their card could be declined, they might change their mind, etc. If any of that happens, the items that were reserved in their cart get put BACK into inventory for another user.
• Refresh your page if you see “sold out” and don’t give up!
Good Luck Everyone!
& we’ll see you in Pittsburgh!
Hi everyone. I haven’t posted for quite some time now as I’ve just had a “down” time. I had no problem with the transition to the updated site.
jlurk, the surprise DVD arrived at my place over the weekend. Thank you so much for thinking of me (us) again. I thought I sent an email to thank you but can find no trace of it. I really gotta get my brain back on track. Hope it happens soon.

ultimathule, thanks for posting the info about Pittsburgh. It had just been posted to a group on my Facebook acct as well. This is very enticing. I’m gonna think about it as a possibility for me to attend. My birthday is June 30, so this would be a good early birthday present from myself–kind of like Ste. Agathe was a late birthday present for myself. Well, so was Winstar. I’m gonna think about it and get myself in line to purchase a ticket at the least. Then I can decide for sure and will be armed with the ticket.
Eywflyer, if it’s like here, traffic is down because of family visits, Easter preparations and spring break travel/activities!
In Pittsburgh – are there no VIP tickets at all – or just not available through the Fan Club? Not quite sure.
Finally figured out the hotel’s wifi this a.m. Just in time to see that the person who sang “Tracks of My Tears” was eliminated from Idol. Will they never learn?
Just a quick note to say that we had the most DELIGHTFUL candlelit Finnish dinner with lovely hostess NorthernLady last night. Must tell you, she is a WONDERFUL photographer, a natural talent! Some of the most gorgeous landscape pics I have ever seen. rs, I hope you could show her a good place to safely put them online for sharing if she wishes. I would happily purchase and frame a few. (rs is also very accomplished photog – her pics of birds, nature and especially Venice Carnival are amazing). And I haven’t even gone into detail about our feast last night, especially the apple dessert from her own backyard tree, made before our eyes.
I am just over the moon about Adam’s award and coming events! Pretty sure he will win the China award too. Did you notice no mention of Idol in the Glaad announcement? Heheheheheheh…..
Hi riskylady (waves). Glad you had a good visit with NorthernLady. I was sure you would. And thanks for the compliment re photography. I will email her about the possibilities.
Hope that you are feeling better.
WOW to Pittsburgh Pride. I know it’s not Milwaukee, mils but a return flight between the two cities are shwoing as $219 (I checked!) IMHO, this means that Adam’s managment is open to offers so lets be hopeful for more.
Traffic is down due to post-WAG, Passover, Easter. It will be up shortly
Adam-related traffic on twitter was very high yesterday. To start, his early morning hastag happy birthday tweet trended #HappyBirthdaySauli in Finland at least. This was a bit weird for Gaga’s monsters who were trying to trend her birthday. AdbertDaily posted a tweet from one of her monsters asking “Who is Sauli?”
The Eber got into the mix, wishing Sauli a happy birthday in Finnish using Google Translate, which turned out to be very funny if you are a Finn. I will try to find it so that LadyNorth can advise on the meaning.
Lastly, part of the David Arquette lap dance made it to twitter and here is the link.
David Arquette@davidarquette 27 Mar
I can’t show the whole thing because @adamlambert hasn’t approved and maybe that is for the best but here is after http://yfrog.us/0bwz3ecfkxctiffbspginkcjz …
Good grief!