- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
I think those radio promos from the last week have been the best so far of all. I especially like the Bob Rivers one. Just some down home guys. Did someone say Adam wasn’t really scheduled for this station but ran into him in the hall?
Thank you cwm for all the links for Portland interviews/performances.
I too wish you could have been there.
Did anyone catch which coat he was talking about when asked if he still had it, he said he wore it at burning man last year?
ceddies – I think you’re correct – I paid a deposit of 4.50 pounds as well as the final 13 pounds.
Nkd, someone may answer sooner but I was wondering which coat too. Am going to listen when I get home.
She asked him about “the beautiful long coat that you wore in the GNT” so she’s referring to the Sleepwalker GNT coat.
Which would indeed be a GREAT Burning Man coat. I loved that coat; man did he look awesome in it.
Yes, cwm – your interpretation of what I meant by “fearful” is correct. But there’s nothing right now that would validate that fear – all seems well.
Thank you cwm. I thought she said long coat, but I couldn’t hear from where.
I found pics with AI tour jacket, the poncho, red coat and tank top but none in the Sleepwalker coat.
“and i think the fans are gonna hear this album and they’re gonna go…” http://bit.ly/GUigCu [gif]
Found a few but there seem to not be many good front views
and cwm, I’ll respond to your question as best as I can later today.
Silly AL, I was meaning pics of him wearing the coat at Burning Man! Do ya think I don’t remember the Sleepwalker coat?!! I’m not that far gone yet! Love you!

I love the pic of the doll. Looks a little like the Count from Sesame Street!
My sister just sent me a CBS vid about Whole Foods and how some/much of its produce comes from China (in small print on back of bags). WF (not in vid) said that they have checks – but wouldn’t name all of them. Never go to WF – think there’s one in Annapolis, but that’s over thirty minutes away. If anyone goes to a WF, let me know about it. Thanks.
Good afternoon my friends.
Thank you all for my birthday wishes, Cher had to spill, didn’t she? LOL.
I wish I could thank you all personally, but I’m in bed and manuvering on laptop is rather hard (Usually I use my comfortable desktop with real MOUSE)
I enjoy every birthday regardless of number, cause you know, alternative sucks.
To tell you the truth, it’s Adam who keeps me in good spirit and entertain to no end.
And I will be his stan forever, however not a delusional one (Nele, I’m looking at you)
I ceased my posting on MJ (guess if she ever answered my e-mail? Yes, you guessed right, she didn’t) Her site is totally devoided of any sense of humour, and unfortunately I like being funny. She calls it SARCASM.
Whatever. *shrugs*
I’m so happy that we have this site and my grattitude for Eywflyer has no bounds.
Been meditating about NCOE’s being a Bruno song – was initially wary (wasn’t my fav, either), but, upon further reflection, think it might be the best way to go. What Adam needs is cred outside the fan base – the EMA’s gave him some, plus the two coming up. But Bruno’s such a big name and, in giving his imprimatur to Adam’s singing his song, feel it will give enhanced cred to Adam and the album outside his base.
Yes, Oksana – MJ strikes me as a bit of a dour type – humor in scarce supply. (See that in the thread about the kids singing their Idols this week – she had to give another plug to VOL – not a bad song, but all those “whoooasss” remind me of someone sitting on a horse. The falsetto is nothing to write home about either. But, if it does well, that’s fine. BJ has Zorro to feed.)
omg…I sent NCOE to five or six people. Already got responses from two of them. The first one is my drummer friend who didn’t like Adam from the beginning:
“This is Excellent! He sounds great, looks great and you can feel the personality here! He’s got a great laugh and I get the sense that he doesn’t take himself to seriously! He’s enjoying all this and he should! He does look like Elvis here—more then ever! Its amazing! You familiar with any interviews that has brought this subject of comparison up? He’s great!”
Then from my sister who thinks he’s just ok:
“I think this song is even better than the last one you sent. I’ve
always liked Bruno Mars’ work, so together it’s a great collaboration.
Also, Adam looks so much better without all the gunky makeup…more”real”.
So they love NCOE over Cuckoo & Trespassing. I’m thinking more & more this one might be the way to go.
eta: btw does anyone remember Elvis references in recent interviews?
Ultima,if BJ wants his song to succeed, he has to work as hard as Adam on promoting it.I wish him well, he is a nice guy with dry sense of humour that I like. Unfortunately, there is nothing outstanding about him, he won Idol, cause he was SAFE CHOICE. in that nice,bland way of his. I’ll die laughing if P2 will win Season 11, it will make 4 of WGWG in the row.
I think that we are sitting here impatiently waiting to hear about second single, which most likely will be sung on Idol in May.
I think that BTIKM is done. I was never crazy about it, but I love Cuckoo, Chokehold, and I enjoy Bruno’s baby – but only acoustic version.
So far I love every song that goes on album, and if B&N will send me a copy before Dec 2025, I’ll be a happy camper.
I might be a post ho today. There is nothing like being bored in bed.
For most of us it is beyond comprehension, why Adam had problems in his prior love life, but it seems to me that he was carrying on his shoulder that baggage of a ginger, overweight, not very popular kid. He changed his image, but his internal feeling of insecurity remained. It takes a time to get over it.
We are worrying what could happen if his relationship with Sauli might not work in a long term,but I think that once you experience truely loving relationship, you know that you are worth it.What I’m worrying is how long Sauli can stay in US. He has some working visa, but then? He can’t marry Adam and apply for a permanent visa. He can’t even have a fake marriage to get a greencard.
And this is where unequality is the most visible.
BTW,my niece promised me for my B’day a bootleg version of Hunger Games! I don’t have to wait for DVD or PPV! Yay!
For me, I can kind of understand. Cheeks said not long ago in an interview that he’d had a couple of long relationships but that the guys were more anxious to be in love and in a relationship than they actually were interested in building a solid relationship. I wondered of he was referring to Adam. Adam had often said how badly he wanted a relationship. I can remember watching all my friends get married and wishing I too could be in a relationship – not even thinking about finding the right person, just wanting to be part of a couple, having someone love me. So perhaps after Idol, when Adam realized that he could make his dreams come true, that he was worthy of love and admiration, he gained some inner peace that allowed him to relax and discover how to be in a mutually supportive relationship.
Interesting post luval. Maybe NCOE is the way to go to reach a larger audience.
I was hoping for Cuckoo or Trespassing because I want the full version of those asap!
I do remember someone referring to the Elvis resemblance recently. A radio interview in studio perhaps.
Yes, Oksana – that Aussie article I read (think at AQD) said after WWFM and IIHY, BTIKM hasn’t gelled and that’s why there’s this album delay from March to May. Don’t know how they came to that conclusion – maybe just guessing. Two other reasons may have been BFM and, as Adam said, found some other great songs he wanted to put on the album. Who knows. But agree, BTIKM era over.
ITA, ultimathule. On the one hand, I’m kind of annoyed because, to me, the song sounds remarkably like Bruno is singing along with Adam. It must just be that the style is so Brunoesque that I’m hearing his “voice” in every lyric. On the other, more optimistic, hand, though, I’m kind of digging that Bruno obviously felt secure enough in his own rep and respected Adam enough that he is so proudly and loudly, via his Tweeted link, announcing their collaboration. I’m kind of convinced that NCOE is gonna be his next single. It struck me when Adam was interviewed recently (don’t remember where), and he said that the fans’ favorite wasn’t necessarily going to be what the label decided to release. I just kind of thought he was trying to tell us something– not to mention the fact that Bruno is the IT boy right now. But, if working with Bruno will make more people listen to Adam, then I say, go for it. My frustration all along is that people pre-judge Adam without even listening to him. So, if he must establish an alliance with one more universally embraced, like Bruno, then go ahead…. Then hit us with what YOU can do, Adam, in your own goofy/cool, funky way, by releasing either “Trespassing” or “Cuckoo.”
Short Idolator article about NCOE and Trespassing.
Calgary – you make a valid point. Adam has said in an interview somewhere (I think a Finnish one) that he is intense and passionate in his relationships, and it’s quite possible that, when combined with insecurities and neediness he was feeling at the time, he was pushing for too much too soon in those prior relationships, and/or he was with guys who were not looking for the same things he was.
He even said (maybe in that same interview) that he was nervous for the first part of his relationship with Sauli because he so wanted it to work out and he wasn’t sure it was going to. And that when the relationship did gel, he relaxed and settled into it. He also said that Sauli is “intense” like him and was also looking to be in a committed relationship, so it sounds like they found what they were looking for in each other. Right person at the right time. Makes me so happy for them.
Hi, all! Just catching up on the day over here and reading backwards (as usual).
Teri63, these have been my thoughts exactly!! I feel strongly that Adam needs something universally big and accepted before he tackles the fun, goofy side of himself. Even though Adam has a Grammy nomination behind him, I feel the guy is still struggling for radio play and recognition. I have absolutely no problem with the Bruno Mars connection. As far as I’m concerned, it is a win-win situation for both of them. Bruno will bring more cred to Mr. Adam Lambert’s singing expertise, and Mr. Adam Lambert will bring more cred to Bruno’s songwriting abilities.
Perfect partnership!
I always think to myself…. Would Pink’s WWFM ever receive a Grammy nomination if it weren’t for Adam??? I think not. The bottom line is who makes the song a hit???
I love the man and want him to do whatever it takes!!!
And they both can really move on stage – a big plus in any performance. Loved Bruno at the Grammy’s – was the best thing there.
Oksana, Happy Birthday! You are right, the inequality in US policy is in full ugly display in the are of immigration. I have been wondering for a while now how long Sauli would be able to remain in the US. I would not be surprised to see Adam & Sauli either move to Finlabd or some other European country at some point where their relationship would receive appropriate legal recognition.
Cwm, I think the gay community can be a very tough and sometimes even brutal social environment. Of course everyone has their own perspective and I speak only for me, but I’ve certainly experienced difficulties in finding the right person, and I think there is an unfortunate tendency for honesty such as Adam displays do clearly to be taken advantage of rather than rewarded. I think Oksana has it right too saying that Adam likely struggled for a long time and still may at times with his self image. Adam is 10 years younger than me and apparently grew up in a fairly liberal and accepting environment, but growing up gay can be a very isolated and lonely feeling at times, and I think he experienced some of that.
On a lighter note, I personally find Adam extremely attractive, and if I saw him randomly in a club and didn’t know who he was, yea I would say hi!
A lot of my gay friends don’t find him attractive though, usually they say he wears too much makeup. Oh well…
It’s official: Adam will be performing at the Spring Ball.
Thanks for answering my question, eywflyer, and thanks for sharing. I really appreciate your perspective. Good insights! I had a sense that the social environment can get pretty brutal, and when you combine that with struggles with self-image, it’s easy to see how difficult it can get. Interesting what you say about honesty being punished rather than rewarded. Speaks even more to Adam’s courage in laying his vulnerabilities and insecurities out on the table for all the world to see.
And I’m glad to hear that you find Adam extremely attractive too and that it’s not just us women! I’m guessing that Adam’s more effeminate/androgynous vibe, especially when he wears makeup, is very attractive to some and a turn off to others – for gay men and straight women alike.
I only recognise Adam and The wanted on that Springball poster so far, who are all the others. I reckon the orange silhouette in the front could be Bruno Mars.
Another one falls victim to charmicide.
I clicked the picture next to the idolator article and saw Madonna’s new video. The song is very disco, the video is hot and I’m sure offensive to many with the Christian references, homoeroticism, heels, guns, smoking. Maybe Adam will tweet about it, Madonna is one of his favs growing up. I’m not even asking if Adam could get away with a video like this. http://idolator.com/6226302/madonna-girl-gone-wild-video
ultimathule I shop at Whole Foods sometimes. We call it whole “paycheck” because it is expensive. They have a great meat section(no animal byproducts or antibiotics in the animal’s feed or added hormones) and some wonderful store made sausage.
Produce section is very expansive and beautiful, you can find just about anything here. They source locally whenever possible.
Wonderful bakery, deli and prepared foods. Many many cheeses, with samples.
Their own 365 brand that is good.
Lots of vegan and gluten free items.
A big bulk section (nuts, grains flours, cereals …)
It is a wonderful place to shop but again very expensive as compared to other stores in the area.
I usually go there for items I can not find anywhere else around here, like Callebaut chocolate that I can buy in blocks there. Grind your own peanut or almond butter.
Coconut oil that I like, Steel cut oats in bulk, pastry flour…
Let me know if there is anything else you want to know.
Oh and if anyone is interested they do have a couple of different kinds of kale.
Woot! Adam is in Rolling Stone again!
glambotgram – the next time you go, could you look at the frozen bags of veggies and fruit to see if they say from China (in small print) on the back? That’s what the TV program mentioned. Thanks again.
I like a great deal of Madonna’s music, but this exploitation of Catholic imagery is old and tired.
He was wearing a hat today.
ETA Adam is slightly behind in the MTV March Madness http://www.mtv.com/content/news/2012/musical_march_madness_2012/
If you are so inclined, you might be wanna throw a few votes Adam’s way in the MTV March Madness poll. It’s all just a silly meaningless poll in the long run, but Adam and Panic! At The Disco are literally neck and neck, and some P!ATD fans have gotten ugly on twitter, slinging homophobic slurs around at Adam and his fans. Which of course, has energized Adam’s fans like nothing else.
Aside from the ugly slurs, the one “slur” that has us all laughing is referring to Adam and his fans as “unicorn wankers.” LMAO Unicorn Wankers unite! I’m sure there’s gonna be a Unicorn Wankers t-shirt showing up anytime now.
I love what chunkeymonkey tweeted out:
And Isla Sandz:
Voting on this round ends at midnight tonight (Eastern time I think).
Guess Adam’s not so much on promos as on a Charmicide Tour.
MTV March Madness — I just put in around 15 votes. He is now dead even at 50%.
Hi everyone. Just checking in, from the Portland radio promo’s.
Real life has hit hard, and I haven’t had a moment to read the blog or do a re-cap.
My dear friend ended up in the emergency room and it is not good.
Ok…cwm…You got your hug, and I told Adam how lucky I was to get to meet him. I had him blow you a kiss towards Eugene!!!
He was such a cutie pie, @ Z100 breakfast event.
This was a very intimate group, and you could actually imagine a campfire, and everyone sitting listening to him.
They didn’t screen the questions, and just let us go for it.
The video, is pretty much it.
I will have to write down the events, starting @ the Bing Lounge first, but I wanted cwm, to have some feed back, since she was unable to go.
I am quite busy, and have to take care of dealing, with some really heartfelt stuff, but I will be back!
I am one very lucky girl, who doesn’t usually win stuff.
I think Sauli will either be able to stay in the US, or they will be able to come up with some other arrangement, like living officially somewhere else but still spending the bulk of their time in LA.
Gays/lesbians without money or connections are much more affected. This immigration situation is unfair and unjustifiable. Maybe it would take some high-profile case to shed some light on this.
And yeah, speaking of voting…..
While you are at it, please cast your 20 votes for VH1:
March Madness poll: I just noticed that if Adam survives this round, he might be up against James Durbin in the next round (if Durbin can beat Green Day that is).
Awwww twilightmagic8 – you gave Adam an extra hug from me and had him blow me a kiss toward Eugene?? How sweet is that? Love it!! Thanks so much – that just made my day!!
On a more serious note, thank you for taking a moment to pop in to tell me this, even in the midst of dealing with a health crisis. I’m very sorry to hear that your dear friend is struggling in the emergency room. My best wishes to her and to you for health and strength.
Hi Ron,
Thanks for that info on the 102 Spring thing (?). I’m calculating now what it might cost if I were to go…hotel, gas (rental car if I fly), etc. hmmmm. IDK if it’s worth it, but I’m still figuring.
dcglam…I’m still voting…hoping it might pop back higher this week!
tuquoisewaters. I voted in that March Madness poll. I’ve been put in the “cooling off” period right now LOL! Voted too much!
Luval: Me too.
You gonna laugh.
Since I’m a little sick and cannot move around my apartament my friends and family are helping me with the stupidest of chores. So today is my older niece fiancee turn. I wanted to show him “Game of Thrones” vid, so I said to take out whatever is sitting in my BluRay player and replace with GoT. And you know, what has a permanent home in my Bluray player,right? Glamnation Tour DVD.
Shaun takes that disc out and says “Oh! Adam Lambert!” and starts singing WWFM. So I say “You know that he was a runner-up on Idol?”
Shaun says “Really? Who won?”. I said -Kris Allen.
And Shaun says “How do you spell his name?”
I can assure you that Shaun and my niece will get a really nice wedding gift from their Auntie Oksana.LOL.
You know what happened next,right? Shaun had to watch EMA’s, and he was in awe of Adam voice.My family has a good taste!
Hes ahead in the MTV poll, Durbin is behind. Lets hope it stays that way.
I cracked up when I read up top about BJ. I was wondering who int hell that was. And what the initials could be something else.