After a very busy and promo-filled month of February (during which Adam also took time out to attend the Elton John pre-Oscar party pictured above), March figures to be busy as well for Adam and his fans, as he should continue promo efforts for the lead single “Better Than I know Myself” and his upcoming album “Trespassing”. Adam may take some time to put last minute touches on some of the late addition album tracks as well. The album release date, which was previously set for March 20th, has been pushed back to an undetermined time later this spring. I’m guessing sometime in April or early May, but we will see.

Update – on March 23rd, Adam confirmed that the release date for Trespassing will be May 15th!

Enjoy the chat!


3,662 Responses to March 2012 Chat

  1. dcglam says:

    cwm says:
    03/26/2012 at 8:11 pm
    Very cool – Bruno Mars just tweeted out the video of Adam singing NCOE last night! He’s got 7,875,000 followers.

    Wow, I am loving this! Thanks for posting, cwm…. Kiss

  2. ultimathule says:

    ceddies Think I paid $21.18 for FAULT.

  3. cwm says:

    Wow, I am loving this!

    Yep, and apparently, according to twitter reports, Bruno’s fans are being very complimentary. Smile

    For example, this Bruno Mars fan club twitter account has 85,000 followers:

    your bruno mars fix ‏ @brunomarsfans
    @BrunoMars @adamlambert damn, love it!

  4. luval says:

    hmmmmm so maybe NCOE is the song to be the next single! I’m going back and forth on this with all the songs. How in heck is it going to be chosen? Wonder if Mr. Executive Producer will have the final say. It’s got to be sleepless nights for someone.

    That menu looks scrumptious, cwm. I was waiting for Adam to say “I’m eating healthy now” or something like that but he didn’t.

  5. nkd says:

    ultimathule says:
    03/26/2012 at 8:40 pm
    ceddies Think I paid $21.18 for FAULT.

    ultimathule, was that including the deposit of 4.50 pounds?
    My total for 2 copies with shipping including the deposit came to $54.09.

  6. ultimathule says:

    nkd – I’ll go back and look. Maybe I didn’t include the deposit.

  7. ultimathule says:

    Well, if Bruno sent that video out to his millions of followers – dadgum – that’s terrific. Adam looked so beautiful – oh, those profile shots – there couldn’t have been a better introduction to Bruno’s fans. Very happy here.

    Hey, Oksana – get your card from MJ yet? Well, in case she forgot, let me just say I wish you a long, healthy, happy adventurous life with Adam and all your friends here. Raising a glass to you!

  8. cwm says:

    Adam’s performance of Cuckoo at the Z100 gig this morning was really great. Gawd – I love all of these songs and the way he performs them is just awesome!

    Starts at 10:15:

  9. cwm says:

    Hey Oksana — Happy happy happy birthday to you! May you have a wonderful year of love, laughter, joy, fun, and music with family and friends!

  10. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    nothing controversial, no fucks that need bleeping, no naked love images, no asses….

    awww, hk fan, is there anything left to love?? Laugh

    Happy, happy birthday Oksana! Hope your day was fabulous!!! Kiss

  11. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    cwm says:
    03/26/2012 at 8:11 pm
    Very cool – Bruno Mars just tweeted out the video of Adam singing NCOE last night! He’s got 7,875,000 followers.

    and … I think I have a new favorite!!! How great is it that Bruno did this? I’m very grateful (and it’s about time another celeb jumped on Adam’s “crazy train”, lol).

  12. luval says:

    Cuckoo, I mean TexasWannaHoldEm…what is happening to us? I thought we were on the Cuckoo train? I am so confused. Does that mean you’ll change your avatar again? Maybe a big eyeball that will never close? Big Smile

  13. dcglam says:

    Maybe a big eyeball that will never close?

    LOL…. You guys are so funny! ROTFL

  14. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Does that mean you’ll change your avatar again? Maybe a big eyeball that will never close?

    luval, I’m staying with Cuckoo until the next single is chosen. If it’s not Cuckoo, I will definitely have to support it with a new gravatar!

  15. nkd says:

    I just want all the songs!
    How much longer?

    If NCOE gets him played and recognition, I say go for it!
    I want that opportunity for the others to get to shine also.

    Just a thought, what happens when we don’t have to fight for Adam so hard. The fandom grows, but will the core group disperse into the masses?

  16. luval says:

    Not for me nkd. I will never be part of the masses and neither will you!! I think there will always be something in Adam’s journey that we will have to “have his back” for. It’s crazy when you think back the last couple of years and what he’s gone through. And I know I will always be there!! I think Adam will always need his “army”. So onward Sgt.NKD (or is it Major NKD)?.

  17. AL says:

    luval, I’m staying with Cuckoo until the next single is chosen. If it’s not Cuckoo, I will definitely have to support it with a new gravatar!

    How about a naked lovable cuckoo bird with big eyes who is trespassing across the road…?? Wink

  18. cwm says:

    OMG AL you are hilarious!! You never fail to find just right image to capture the moment. Huzzah to you!!

  19. ultimathule says:

    Love that “army” idea – and, yes, I think he loves knowing we “have his back” – must make him feel a little bit more secure.

  20. AL says:

    The fandom grows, but will the core group disperse into the masses?

    Nope, didn’t Adam say that we are the OGG’s! Original Gangsta’ Glamberts?! There from the start and beyond!

  21. AL says:

    OMG AL you are hilarious!! You never fail to find just right image to capture the moment. Huzzah to you!!

    cwm, you would not believe what images came up when I searched for “naked bird” on google. I need to add parental controls because even I was blushing!! Eek!

  22. luval says:

    Here’s Juneau & Xena’s take on what should be the next single:

  23. nkd says:

    AL says:
    cwm, you would not believe what images came up when I searched for “naked bird” on google. I need to add parental controls because even I was blushing!

    OK, now I’m curious! BRB

  24. cwm says:

    Examples of nice comments from Bruno fans about NCOE: Smile

    BrunosGirl__ @adamlambert I TOTALLY LOVE NEVER CLOSE OUR EYES! :’D You are a great singer and I love the lyrics @BrunoMars

    Bruno’s Pony. ‏ @KelKelMars_
    @adamlambert singing Never Close Our Eyes write by @BrunoMars its the perfect voice singing that perfect song. That’s all! Congrats :’) <333

  25. cwm says:

    Hahaha AL and nkd. Too funny!!

  26. nkd says:

    Video from the Bob Rivers show, where he came in the room with that BFM song playing. Seattle

  27. JOJOSIE says:

    Happy birthday Oksana! It’s Aries time now. Riskylady your views on song writing are the same as mine. I grew up in an era where writing your own songs was hardly ever mentioned or done and we had great music and playing a musical instrument wasn’t required to be a real musician. A term I hear frequently. I’m still voting for Trespassing for the next single. I also just got my magazine payment notice and paid the balance. I don’t think I’ll mention to hubby how much it cost, he’s pretty good about my Adam spending, but that might cause him to mutter, it’s only a magazine o#)O#l#.

  28. Kradamour says:

    Happy Birthday, Oksana! Wishing you many long and happy years of Adam-stanning! and to address another point above, that you will be still among the OGGs as those years unfold.

    And a couple of random thoughts:

    Has anyone made the point that there is ironic goodness in an Adam/Bruno coupling? Bruno won the grammy that Adam was nominated for.

    And did anyone else think, when that wonderful photo of Adam with Elton John was posted, from his dinner, that it had the feel of a torch being passed? From one glam gay superstar to another across a generation. I just loved the symbolism of Adam sitting at Sir Elton’s table. When Adam said today that Elton J had sent him a nice message after Idol, I just nodded my head. Sir Elton had found his heir apparent.

    Okay, peeps, off to bed. RL is huge this week.
    Sweet Adam dreams!

  29. Teri63 says:

    Happy Birthday, Oksana!

    Thanks for posting that Bob Rivers Show video, nkd. I was hoping we’d get to see the look on Adam’s face when he walked into the room with the BFM song playing. I loved that interview. I love the interviews by the talk radio stations because they’re so in-depth in their questioning. My favorite of the serious interviews is the one Adam did in Canada with CBC radio Q right after FYE was released. I’ve been on a little road trip over the past couple days, and I actually just listened to the podcast of that interview tonight. Good stuff! I particularly loved the part where Adam was discussing meeting Justin Timberlake and how he suggested to Adam that he do a recording of Queen songs done his way, and the interviewer said something like, “You’re one of the few people in the world who could.” Considering that Adam’s gone on to do the EMA’s and to schedule Sonisphere with Queen since then, it kind of gave me chills to hear that.

    Wow, I was away just two days, and there’s so much going on! Liked the acoustic Bruno song. I still prefer Trespassing and Cuckoo, but I think all the choices we’ve heard so far are strong and could do well as singles.

  30. Ellessay says:

    JOJOSIE says:
    03/26/2012 at 11:20 pm
    Happy birthday Oksana! It’s Aries time now.

    I’ll add my happy birthday too! Hope you’ve had a great day.

    Riskylady your views on song writing are the same as mine. I grew up in an era where writing your own songs was hardly ever mentioned or done and we had great music and playing a musical instrument wasn’t required to be a real musician. A term I hear frequently.

    I’ve never been concerned about whether or not singers have written their own songs. I think the first time it was a big deal was with the Beatles–but they were breaking new ground. The Monkees were a great group that sang Boyce and Hart, and even Neil Diamond songs, and they weren’t allowed to play their own instruments when they started out as a tv show group.

    Yes, it can be great when an artist can write, sing, and play their own music, but it’s not the high bar to use to judge other artists.

  31. asifclueless says:

    Oksana Baby,

    All is forgiven!!! Please come home soon.

    Asifmj Razz

    HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY!!!


  32. Ellessay says:

    It’s nice of Bruno Mars to tweet out Adam singing his song. But I’m sure he’d love for Adam to hit big–Bruno gets more cred and the royalties as the song writer. He might just be a nice guy, but he gets something out of it too.

  33. riskylady says:

    Oksana, a very Happy Birthday to you!
    Here’s an oldie but goodie:

  34. ultimathule says:

    Sometimes I get the feeling that there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes with Adam’s promo than we realize.

  35. apal123 says:

    Happy Birthday Oksana!!! Hope you had a great day with family and friends and enjoyed yourself to the utmost. Never change as I totally love your humor and your obvious adoration of Adam and his music. You’re an OGG for sure.

  36. nkd says:

    riskylady, I love that happy birthday song! I’m so glad when it’s someone’s birthday and we all get to bask in that beauty!

    Just think, Sauli may get to hear that in a couple of days! He may be the only one that gets that special treat anymore! Wink

    asif you’re a hoot! Big Smile

  37. ultimathule says:

    I was reading Durb’s touring schedule, and one stop is in Lubbock, Texas. That, of course, immediately brought back the infamous abattoir (8/4/10) concert on the GNT. If you’re interested, above is WLL from that crazy place. Brought back memories of that year so well.

  38. riskylady says:

    I was just checking the snippet stats. Trespassing has almost THREE TIMES the number of views (119k), and the largest number of favoritings. The other three have in the 42-43k views. But, NCOE is getting a lot of buzz today, so who knows what the numbers will be tomorrow, although I think most of the views will be of the acoustic video.
    In a way, I would like for Trespassing to be first. Adam had his main (second) single from FYE written by someone very well known, Pink. I love NCOE and like Bruno, but it would be nice for Adam’s sake to have Trespassing be next, something he co-created. If RCA looks at the numbers, that could happen (depending what happens in th next couple of days). Oh, well – que sera, sera!

  39. riskylady says:

    LOL, ultima, did you notice how packed together the dates are? Wow, that’s really gonna be pressure on Durbin. He complained about the Idol tour and he only did a very few songs.

  40. nkd says:

    A different edit on the MIX 101.9 Chicago interview with Cara.
    Some we’ve seen, some bits are new to me.

  41. ultimathule says:

    I think, riskylady that Durb is in for a real learning experience. Being a performer is not just running around on a big stage, jumping on pianos – it’s hard, slogging work – better he learn it now.

  42. ultimathule says:

    Was just over at AQD and there are 60 pics of Adam smiling with people from the Bing concert. Don’t know how he does it – get that halo. He has no hips left.

  43. nkd says:
  44. ultimathule says:

    Adam says in that article, nkd – “I looked for love, and the right kind of a connection to another person, for a long time – I never managed to find it.”
    “I tried to get close to many people, and I’ve gone through a lot of heartache and rejection. I’ve been involved with people who didn’t return my love. It happened to me way too many times.”

    So difficult to believe he tried to get close to many people and gotten rejection – those who didn’t return his love – and it happened many times. Yes – looking at him I say – who could not love him?

    But this is not uncommon, I guess, in today’s difficult social world – but he’s so special to us – boggles the mind. Are things even more difficult in the gay world where relationships are concerned?

    What I get when Adam and Sauli are together is Adam’s pride that someone like Sauli loves him. Almost makes me a tiny bit fearful.

  45. cwm says:

    OMG ultimahule – I was coming here to post those exact same thoughts! Who could not love him back? I/we find Adam so incredibly attractive and easy to love on so many levels, it’s boggling to me that he has had so much trouble finding someone to love who loved him back. (No wonder he sings Sleepwalker with such intensity – sounds like he has lived that song repeatedly.)

    It is indeed a complicated social world out there, and perhaps it is even more difficult in the gay community. I don’t know. I look to our resident experts for insight on that – AL, jlurksacto, eywflyer,Ron, rainbowgal14, etc. – what is your perspective on this?

    I have another question for AL, jlurksacto, eywflyer,and Ron while we’re on the subject. We know that Adam struggled quite a bit with feeling good about his looks earlier in his 20s. Are Adam’s looks considered attractive to gay men? Obviously, I know there is great variability in the gay community and all gay men aren’t attracted to the same thing. But Adam has said that women come on to him much more than men do, and that not that many men try (or have tried) to pick him up. And when I go to places like After Elton and other gay sites and look at their polls of men they find most attractive, the top vote-getters are often men who are much more classically masculine looking than Adam is. Adam has an essential androgynous beauty to him that makes him stand apart and look quite different than most men. Is this quality attractive to other gay men, or is it just us women that are crazy over it?

    I hope this question isn’t offensive to our gay friends here somehow; I certainly don’t intend it to be, nor do I mean to put you on the spot. I just find myself wondering sometimes if it’s primarily women who find him so incredibly attractive, and maybe gay men not so much. I just can’t tell, and I’d be interested in hearing perspectives from those of you who are actually in the gay community. Thanks. I value that this is a place where I can ask this question honestly.

    In any case, it breaks my heart to hear what he says about his many heartaches and unrequited loves, and then my fills my heart to bursting when he talks about the love and happiness he has (finally) found with Sauli.

  46. cwm says:

    ultimahule – when I first read the last line of your post, I thought you said that it almost made you a tiny bit tearful. But now I see that you said fearful, not tearful.

    What is it you are a tiny bit fearful about – what might happen to Adam’s heart and self-esteem if things don’t work out in the long run with Sauli?

    If so, I know what you mean. Adam is very passionate and he has obviously fallen hard for Sauli. My first hope is obviously that they continue to make the relationship work and be happy in love together for a long long time. Sauli seems every bit as smitten with Adam as Adam is with him. And ironically, even the “Helsinki incident” seems to have strengthened their bond. But if things don’t work out in the long run for them, my hope is that they will have given each other enough love, strength, and happiness during their time together that Adam would come out of the relationship stronger and more self-confident for having been in it.

  47. cwm says:

    The Z100 Portland interview with Brett Andrews is up. Great interview. They also had a great interview last time Adam was in Portland for the GNT. Brett’s a cool guy, asks cool questions, and interacts well with Adam.

  48. cwm says:

    Absolutely fantastic performance of Cuckoo from the 105.1 The Buzz appearance in Portland today! Love this!

    And did this get posted here yet? This is the performances and Q&A at Z100. Great performance of Trespassing here:

    I love how he did all 3 new songs in Portland: NCOE at 95.5, Trespassing at Z100, and Cuckoo at 105.1. Damn, how I wish I coulda been there for one of them!!

  49. rs says:

    ultimathule says:

    03/27/2012 at 12:22 am

    Sometimes I get the feeling that there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes with Adam’s promo than we realize.

    That has to be the understatement of the year Confused

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