After a very busy and promo-filled month of February (during which Adam also took time out to attend the Elton John pre-Oscar party pictured above), March figures to be busy as well for Adam and his fans, as he should continue promo efforts for the lead single “Better Than I know Myself” and his upcoming album “Trespassing”. Adam may take some time to put last minute touches on some of the late addition album tracks as well. The album release date, which was previously set for March 20th, has been pushed back to an undetermined time later this spring. I’m guessing sometime in April or early May, but we will see.

Update – on March 23rd, Adam confirmed that the release date for Trespassing will be May 15th!

Enjoy the chat!


3,662 Responses to March 2012 Chat

  1. cwm says:
  2. cwm says:

    This gal has some fun deets to share:

    Gray ‏ @GrayBooWho
    Btw, I gave Adam a sign that said “BEWARE OF ATTACK SQUIRREL” to protect their backyard Smile He said “Aww, I think he’ll love this”

    Gray ‏ @GrayBooWho

    Gray ‏ @GrayBooWho
    THEN WE HUGGED. AND I CRIED INTO HIS SHIRT AND I’M PRETTY SURE I GOT HIS SHIRT WET.!/GrayBooWho/status/184121744162955265/photo/1/large

  3. Miss Chaos says:

    My darn feed keep going in and out on the Bruno song, thats what it is to me. What I heard, Adam sang it beautiful, to quote Steven Tyler, lol. As far as TJs yawning, ya know I train dogs and horses, and they yawn when they are a little stressed. Also as Apolo Ono said, he yawns right before he skates, to put air in his system. Also my 14 year old granddaughter yawns, to clear her head. So what the hell do I know, lol. Yawn Yawn Yawn

  4. Miss Chaos says:

    Well there you have it. MJ posted Baby Jesus new single, Vision’s of Love and she said it is her very favorite Idol release ever, and it has a great hook. Thats her option. Puts things in perspective. We all need to not post in any Adams threads and let the other people fight it out in the Kris thread, it will be a fun read!!!

  5. cwm says:

    Miss Chaos – NCOE is up on youtube now. I posted the link on the previous page. It’s complete and doesn’t cut out or anything. Check it out!

    By the way, there is sad news. Sutan’s father died. Frown

    SutanlovesRaja ‏ @sutanamrull
    RIP my beautiful and amazing Daddy. Thank you for showing me the perfect template of love and how to love.

  6. ultimathule says:

    Thanks for the NCOE, cwm – dl’d it, not only for the music, but for the closeups of his beautiful face. Really nice.

  7. ultimathule says:

    Don’t dislike Kris’s song – it’s OK – and since he’s straight and religious may get more play on radio (know Toby in D.C. is hot for it).

  8. Kradamour says:

    Sad for Sutan. How wonderful that he had a loving and accepting father.

    Not loving the Bruno connection but whatever. Agree with ultimathule that it would be cool to be a fly on the decisional wall! Also agree that I don’t have a dog in the fight…whatever will be the biggest success and get the most radio time is what I hope for!

    G’nite peeps – sweet Adam dreams!

  9. cwm says:

    Haha uh oh Oksana – you’ve been warned!!

    From MJs:

    By the way. If I ban you? And you come back with a different name? And you don’t change your behavior? You’ll be banned again. And pretty quickly. I notice when that happens…and put people who try to return on a very very very short leash.

    Just so you know.

  10. ultimathule says:

    Are you “skeered,” Oksana? lol

  11. cwm says:

    Ok, this is just too cute. This is the series of tweets tweeted by the “crier” – the red-headed girl who couldn’t stop crying. You gotta read this – such a crack up. Read from the bottom up.

  12. ultimathule says:

    Think we can pretty much sympathize with the red-head, cwm.

  13. adamized says:

    Morning Peep! I missed listening to the live stream last night because surprisingly my son wanted to go the see The Hunger Games with me. We haven’t had a “date” in ages and I couldn’t pass it up. Loved the books and was prepared to be disappointed in the movie. Was pleasantly surprised that they did such a good job at capturing much of the spirit of the book. The one gaping whole for me was the almost non-existent focus on food. Both lack of in the districts and overwhelming gluttony in the capital. My son who hadn’t read the books really really loved the movie and kept saying how great it was that there was such a strong female lead. Good for him!

    Now onto the good stuff:

    cwm: You will get your chance someday! Truly believe it.
    krad: I can’t wait to say “I knew her when”. You will be my first author friend other than boring text books.
    mls: Wow, good for you! I bet you feel years younger and jam packed full of energy.

    BTW, I loved the acoustic version of NCOE. Adam’s voice really shown. I could so easily see this on some movie sound track. Hope it isn’t the next single though. Want it to be Cuckoo!

    Tommy’s yawning needs to stop. For some reason he isn’t getting that he is being filmed. His musical skills are really improving and Adam obviously loves having him there next to him BUT it is distracting when TJ looks so bored. Adam even said recently when someone called TJ out for it that he was just tired and he was excited to be there. Well, act excited honey. You are on stage!

  14. cwm says:

    The 95.5 station that hosted the Bing gig posted on their Facebook page asking for comments about what people thought of Adam’s performance at the Bing. Lots of great comments from fans of course, but one of the DJs also posted a comment:

    He is obviously a great singer! But he is also a super cool guy! To take the time to meet everyone tells you what kind of person he is… – Jeff Allen

    I thought that was nice. One DJ/station at a time.

  15. cwm says:

    HQ videos are up on the Bing site:

    And here are download links for everything from tonight, courtesy of @dawnmyst:

  16. cwm says:

    This is a very pretty instrumental piano version of NCOE. This person does a lot of instrumental piano versions of Adam’s music so you can probably find more on her channel.

    What I like about these (aside from the fact that they are really pretty) is that they show the bones of the song, so that you can really get a sense of the melody and structure of the song.

  17. mieps says:

    Gorgeous singing!
    I like their little write-up:
    Adam Lambert is a Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter.

    Hopefully we’re gonna see more of that!

  18. luval says:

    Good morning…Hi Adamized! Great your “date” went well! LOL

    Listened again to NCOE. His voice is stunning. I sent it to at least 5 or 6 different people of course mentioning that Bruno Mars wrote it. And boy to me he looked like Elvis at times with that slightly curled lip. Another listed to BTIKM. Honestly I loved it when the audience was screaming during parts. Damn it, I want it played on the radio!!!

    Loved the red headed girl’s account. She said “he is real”. And that is so true. Seeing him close, touching him, patting his tummy (adamized and others)…is a dream come true. He’s really real! But again, just a gorgeous nice guy with an amazing talent. And of course she says “he’s so tall”. haha He’s really getting a lot of mileage from those YSL boots/shoes!

    This is funny. I got a message from Barnes & Nobles about the delay of Trespassing. Look at the expected ship date:

    Expected Ship Date: December 31, 2025

  19. glambotgram says:

    Expected Ship Date: December 31, 2025

    luval honey, I’ll send you one of the extra’s I bought. Grin

  20. glambotgram says:

    adamized I am sorry to hear that they downplayed the “hunger” issue in the movie. It is the whole premise behind the books and how they control people. I could tell Adam was a little disappointed too, but didn’t really want to criticize.
    Sounds like it was good otherwise though.

  21. luval says:

    Thanks, glambotgram. Smile

    cwm, thanks for the HQ links. I’ll give them a couple of hits.

    I’m liking NCOE a little better. It’s just because of Adam’s voice, though. The song is a bit monotonous. IDK, it reminds me of Don’t You Want me by the Human League combined with What is Love from the movie Night at the Roxy! Yes, I know there’s something wrong with me. Grin

    Just wish it would be Cuckoo. We’ll see!!!!

  22. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Trying to change my avatar … did it work?

    ETA: No! What am I doing wrong??
    ETA Again: Now read that it takes a few minutes … fingers crossed! It worked!!! Anyone guess what it is?? Smile

  23. glambotgram says:

    Texas if you are going for a little birdie it worked.

    ETA. A Cuckoo?

  24. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    A Cuckoo?

    Yep – pulling all the stops for the next single! Fingers Crossed

  25. luval says:


  26. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Changed it – decided to go “big”, lol! The other one looked like a road runner
    *beep beep*!

  27. glambotgram says:

    LOL Texas We must be on the same wavelength. I finally relented last night and set up a twitter account, mostly so I could vote on VH1.
    I have Cuckoo in my twitter name.

    ETA Ohh love the new one.

  28. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    glambotgram, we all know the power of positive thinking!!

  29. luval says:

    Texas…the new one definitely looks like a Cuckoo bird!

  30. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Thanks glambotgram and luval – so many great cuckoos to choose from!

  31. rs says:

    I guess living so far away and not being plugged into the whole pop music scene, except for Adam, I don’t get the big problem with the Bruno Mars connection. Isn’t he a respected songwriter? Or do people think that being connected with him will take away from the respect that Adam will get? Will he be valued only if he writes ALL his own songs? Maybe people who are fans of Bruno Mars but who wrote Adam off as a reality show contestant will give him a listen and like what they hear. He was asked about the Gaga, Muse, etc. connections on FYE and I don’t think that it hurt him. I really am at a loss here, so help me out, please.

    I just know that I heard the acoustic version of Never Close Our Eyes from yesterday and I adored it. It showcased Adam’s magnificent vocals, and I thought that it has good lyrics and a tune that I could remember (not an easy thing for me). How can anybody hearing that voice sing that song think that it is a bad thing?

    eta. This doesn’t mean that I want this to be Adam’s next single. I don’t know how they decide that, and what song is more likely to be a hit and get radio play. But Trespassing is still my favorite, no question. It is so ADAM! Nobody else could sing that song and mean the lyrics in the same way.

  32. luval says:

    Hi rs…IMO Adam so wanted this second album to be his…his writing, his music. Of course he wrote most of the songs with other people but I really think that delay from March 20th was due to RCA wanting a Bruno Mars song on this album. Bruno is hot right now and anyone singing his songs is a plus for him & the singer. But I don’t really think it’s that great a song, yet I can hear it on the radio. All the polls (unscientific LOL), rated NCOE the very lowest by a rather large margin. And I don’t think it was anything to do with Bruno Mars. I’ve always wondered if it was a “throw-away” song that Bruno didn’t put on his own album. Or did someone say it was written for Adam? Didn’t hear that.

    But like I said, this is just my opinion. Many people like yourself love it. After Adam sang it acoustic last night, I’m starting to like it a bit better.

    I know others here could explain their own thinking better than I did on this song. In the end, whatever Adam & the label want is fine with me. I want him to have a hit!!!!

    (confession…fever & soaked were not my favorites on FYE….)

  33. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    luval, I wasn’t a fan of Soaked either, but I loved Fever. I’m really hoping for Cuckoo – so much fun and seems like a perfect summer song!!

  34. rs says:

    Thanks luval. I guess the label is doing everything it can to get Adam more widespread popularity and radio play. But Adam has mentioned many times that he really lkes Bruno Mars, and I don’t think that he would say it so often if he didn’t mean it. As for the song… I love anything that is a good vehicle for his VOICE, especially the acoustic versions, and this just got to me when I heard it this morning.

    It is hard to talk about favorites from FYE because there were the original versions and the live or acoustic versions. I didn’t love Soaked on the album either, but I did love the GNT version. And my favorite song from the album, the only one that I still listen to in its original form, he never sang live (PUU) (also listen to CLYG which he never sang live either)

  35. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Just listened to all four snippets on rotation again – the good news is that they’re all wonderful; the bad news is that they’re all wonderful! I really love all four – sure, some are safer than others… just glad I don’t have to make the decision. Eek!

  36. sparkle says:

    Hi all!!! I’ve missed being here but rl has been pretty hectic. I’ve missed about 6 pages of comments, but maybe I bring “fresh ears” to the next single discussion. I just watched the Bing performances and it seemed telling that Adam made the audience choose between WWFM, Trespassing and Cuckoo, with WWFM winning (and, therefore, the other two losing) and then performed NCOE for the first time acoustically. I think the PTB may be leaning toward NCOE as a better bridge from AL’s 1st album to his 2nd, another “safe” pick to add to the impact of BTIKM, but a song that maybe highlights his beautiful voice more. And I could so see Adam performing this on Idol – it has a bit of the drama of “Mad World” and of course he’d sing the heck out of it and Seacrest would talk up the Bruno connection. I’m with luval – just want him to have a hit!!!

  37. luval says:

    Hi Sparkle…I have a feeling the majority of the crowd never heard of Trespassing or Cuckoo. They went with what was familiar…WWFM. It’s really only us here in this bubble that hear snippets of his new music. They didn’t know what they were missing!!

  38. Oksana2000 says:

    Good afternoon everyone.
    I went to MJs and read all the comments on Adam’s therad and Kris thread and I have to congratulate all of you on doing an excellent job! You know who you are.. Smile
    I might post again on MJs, but frankly , don’t see why. She banned me for nothing, she will ban me again for whatever, so unless there is Adam’s thread that I can express my admiration for him, I’m done.
    I still didn’t hear anything from Fault magazine, should I be worried?

  39. sparkle says:

    Hi luval – I agree with what you’re saying but I guess my point was that perhaps the PTB told him to set up the three choices that way to see if they can generate more interest in NCOE. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting really cynical in my old age!

  40. nkd says:

    Oksana,this was at the bottom of my email from Fault. Maybe you can contact them here.

    Orders Help Desk
    Books, Magazines etc

  41. nkd says:

    I really like NCOE, but of the 4 snippets, it was my number 4.
    I can’t decide between the other 3!
    Is NCOE too similar to BTIKM? That’s my problem with it being the next single. However it does show his voice and he could kill it on AI.

  42. Ceddies says:

    I still didn’t hear anything from Fault magazine, should I be worried?

    I got an email from Fault, but it was showed something like” from: and to:” (or some such title). I could never get it opened last night. Same thing this morning, still wouldn’t open. Don’t know how to contact them.

  43. nkd says:

    Cort Webber @CortWebber
    Working in a building with a pop radio station in it provides surreal experiences like walking into the bathroom to find Adam Lambert

    Well now that would be an experience!

    I remember he said in Houston that he had never met a fan at the urinal!

  44. cwm says:

    sparkle – Adam’s set happened in a different order than you’re describing. He sang BTIKM first, then sang NCOE. After that, he expressed interest in singing a third song – and mentioned how much fun he and Tommy are having performing the new songs – and asked the audience to choose between Trespassing and Cuckoo. He couldn’t discern which one won, so threw WWFM in there and decided that it had the loudest votes. I’m just pointing this out because it was clearly Adam’s intent to play NCOE, but giving the audience the choice for the 3rd song was done on the fly and had no impact on whether or not he performed NCOE.

  45. Ceddies says:

    Oh, thanks, nkd. Just saw your post to Oksana. I will try that a little later today. Gotta run now.

  46. cwm says:

    Love that report from the men’s room, nekkid! I too was reminded of Adam’s recent comment about not ever having a met a fan at the urinal. Smile

  47. Ceddies says:

    Oh, I did want to say this before I go. I’ve been thinking about this and wondering if anyone else has this mindset. (Probably not, I’m usually out of kilter). Do all the artists release this many snippets or sing so many of the songs, whatever? I’m not sure it is a good idea to put so many of the songs from his new album “out there” for peeps to possibly get tired of before the album is released. We’ve heard about a third/half of the songs now haven’t we? I, personally, am not crazy about Cuckoo or Trespassing. NCOE with the right music could get to me. So far, the only ones of the new album songs that I LOVE are OOL and Chokehold. I realize that they will all take on a new flavor when the album version is released; and, who knows, I may LOVE the remainder that we haven’t heard yet. And, I am one who would buy multiple copies anyway to support Adam and just to have in my Adam collection. I have three on order now from B&N.

  48. glambotgram says:

    Ok I have a question to pose.

    Would you be happy with NCOE if it is the only other single released off of this album?

    That is my fear, that they release it and it does not do well like BTIKM, and there won’t be another single, and the others will never get a chance.

    I am just really against the Bruno song. So much so that I listened to the snippet and watched last night, but have no interest in watching/listening again. But I will shut up about it, I don’t usually worry too much where Adam is concerned, but don’t like this choice.

    And as far as trusting execs, umm no, they did not release Sleepwalker, or Fever, they chose BTIKM. Not trusting the execs too much right now.

    I think I’ll go to the corner and watch PH/WLL from one of the european cities, ya know, a really raunchy one. lol

  49. cwm says:

    Adam was at Z100 (CHR) in Portland this morning, and will be at 105.5 The Buzz (HAC) at noontime. Wonder when we’ll see something pop up from the Z100 visit. That is the station that twilightmagic8 got tickets to get into, in addition to last night at the Bing.

    Looking forward to your recaps twilightmagic8!

  50. nkd says:

    Interesting post and comments on thehomeplanet if anyone is interested in venturing there.

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