After a very busy and promo-filled month of February (during which Adam also took time out to attend the Elton John pre-Oscar party pictured above), March figures to be busy as well for Adam and his fans, as he should continue promo efforts for the lead single “Better Than I know Myself” and his upcoming album “Trespassing”. Adam may take some time to put last minute touches on some of the late addition album tracks as well. The album release date, which was previously set for March 20th, has been pushed back to an undetermined time later this spring. I’m guessing sometime in April or early May, but we will see.

Update – on March 23rd, Adam confirmed that the release date for Trespassing will be May 15th!

Enjoy the chat!


3,662 Responses to March 2012 Chat

  1. loveroftalent says:

    I agree dcglam…WOW!!!is so so right….He killed it….

  2. glambotgram says:

    Adam sounds amazing whatever he sings but I still do not like NCOE.

    And really? They wanted WWFM instead of Cuckoo or Trespassing?

  3. loveroftalent says:

    I hope Adam wasn’t disappointed that they didn’t pick a new song…

  4. Kradamour says:

    “No autographs unless maybe you show some cleavage???” WTF? What planet does this DJ live on?

  5. luval says:

    Geez…Adam probably never thought the crowd would pick WWFM. He’s shouldn’t have given that as one of the options. What the heck is wrong with that crowd?

    I think he was disappointed but kept that smile on his face. Betcha he would have still done WWFM after one of the new ones.

  6. TexasWannaHoldEm says:

    Just caught the end, but he was adorbs and pitch perfect, as always! Smile

  7. Oksana2000 says:

    Someone on Twitter said that the place packed 160 people.
    Packed like in sardines.

  8. Oksana2000 says:

    Count yourself lucky that crowd didn’t ask for Mad World…

  9. glambotgram says:

    No Boxers, but is it briefs or commando?

  10. nkd says:

    Same thoughts, what is wrong with these people?! Why would any Adam fans pick WWFM over the new ones?
    We’ve heard that one thousands of times by now!!!

    NCOE was so good! I had chills! His voice is the best!

  11. luval says:

    glamsardines, Oksana LOL. I’m still not loving NCOE all that much. I mean I like it, but I would get sick of it pretty quickly. And I can’t get Bruno Mars out of my mind.

  12. Oksana2000 says:

    Adam always sings one old song. So it was WWFM this time.

  13. Ellessay says:

    Couldn’t believe they picked WWFM. I’m disappointed. For all the hype over the live performance, I’m surprised at the lame crowd & dj. They wasted a good opportunity to ask interesting questions and hear some new music with people all over the world listening. Frown

  14. Ellessay says:

    Oksana2000, I think I would rather have heard Mad World. WWFM is the only AL song I’m hearing on the radio around here.

  15. Kradamour says:

    I’m still not loving NCOE all that much. I mean I like it, but I would get sick of it pretty quickly. And I can’t get Bruno Mars out of my mind.

    Luval, that is pretty much my take on it, too. I thought it went on for a very long time…

    (nkd, cherie, you always love everything! You are such a wonderful fan!)

  16. luval says:

    Maybe most of the crowd haven’t heard of the new songs. It’s really only the true fans that post on blogs that keep up with what’s new. The casual fan may only know WWFM and there were probably many of them there. Just a guess. I’m trying to give a possible reason why they didn’t pick the new ones!!!!!

    eta…didn’t like that dj much. Awkward moments of silence where he didn’t know what to say (the dj). Well, about the new music…I’m thinking when I’ve been to concerts and the entertainer says “ok, now a new song off my next album”. I’m usually disappointed because I want what I’m familiar with. Just giving another excuse for that crowd! Smile

  17. cwm says:

    Holy crap Adam sounded amazing tonight! That venue really allowed him to open up and belt it out. (Capacity of the Bing Lounge is 164.)

    His vocals on Never Close Our Eyes were frikken awesome. Man, I loved that – jaw was dropped throughout. And his rendition of KP’s Part of Me? Wow!

    I’m disappointed that they asked for WWFM over TP or Cuckoo, but like Oksana said, he always does one older one, so it’s not that big a deal. Remember that some of those people probably aren’t following his every move over the last month and they wanted to hear the big hit that they know so well, rather than only new songs. (ETA: what luval said!)

    He was of course, funny and charming in the Q&A. Dark Chocolates Anonymous. Maybe he could join us here for DCA?? I’m sure we’d all be happy to sponsor him! Except that I honestly think we’d just be enablers… Smile

  18. ultimathule says:

    He sounded phenomenal and he looked beautiful. I’ll be glad when he doesn’t have to deal with these promos anymore – even though some of them have been entertaining and given us great performances.

    And – sorry – but TJ yawned just before Adam started singing – could have cracked him over the head with his damned guitar.

    There – got that out of my system.

  19. Ellessay says:

    So I’m sitting here with my headphones on watching the beautiful Ustream of tonight’s appearance, thinking about the old days of the AI tour, when we’d be gathered at our computers speculating on how he’d wear his hair, whether or not he’d sing “Woman” or “Baby.” Then we’d get a blurry cellcast that sounded underwater, and if we were lucky our ninja wouldn’t get caught and we could hear the whole performance. What a contrast to tonight!

  20. dcglam says:

    I’m still not loving NCOE all that much. I mean I like it, but I would get sick of it pretty quickly. And I can’t get Bruno Mars out of my mind.

    luval, this must be the first and only time you and I have disagreed evah!
    I totally hear Adam, and not Bruno at all. I feel that Adam has put his stamp on this song, at least from what I just heard. I was pleasantly surprised and very happy. Big Smile

    ETA: I do agree with you about the DJ — could have been better.

  21. luval says:

    haha I was going to mention the Tommy yawn too! And he said “shit”. Guess that was ok.

  22. Ellessay says:

    ultimathule says:
    03/25/2012 at 10:09 pm

    And – sorry – but TJ yawned just before Adam started singing – could have cracked him over the head with his damned guitar.

    I thought TJ did a great job on the guitar. He does look tired.

  23. nkd says:

    Except that I honestly think we’d just be enablers…

    I think you may be right cwm!
    However, I think he may be falling into our little ice cream, chocolate and wine party! Throw in some tequila, and I think we’ve got his faves!

  24. ultimathule says:

    Never heard “shit.” But that’s probably what I said when he did his yawning act.

  25. luval says:

    Kradamour…yes NCOE did go on for too long. Just like BTIKM, at least 30 seconds or more could be taken out and it would be better for my ears.

    eta…funny, ultimathule! I am really sorta sick of seeing him yawn. I think it’s embarrassing to Adam and doesn’t look professional. TJ is a 30yr old baby and I don’t think it’s cute anymore. Sorry I’m being harsh to Tommy lovers. I love him too but……………

  26. JOJOSIE says:

    I actually thought Adam wanted to sing WWFM or he wouldn’t have mentioned it. He could have said either of the other ones won and no one would have minded. Maybe it was easier to sing. I love what he said about how he handles negativity. Words of wisdom for all. I would assume Sauli is still traveling with him as they are now heading back to California and eventually home.

  27. nkd says:

    nkd, cherie, you always love everything!

    I think this describes me. In Love

  28. Kradamour says:

    Ellessay, IKR? good times, good times…loved this ustream, but gotta say the old days had a certain amount of charm, especially since they were shared with friends!

    Okay, I am still really offended by the cleavage comment…and Adam being gay made it uniquely offensive to him, as well as to the women in the audience…still ahsking my head. WTF WTF WTF

  29. dcglam says:

    I think he was kind of a jerk, Kradamour.
    He most likely thought he was being funny, but it didn’t work.

  30. nkd says:

    Scorpiobert’s mp3 download of NCOE.
    Scorpiobert’s soundcloud of NCOE at 320kbps

  31. ultimathule says:

    Tired, Ellessay ? – he always looks tired. He was fine during GNT moving around the stage, but on these promos he just comes across as bored, slumped over in his chair, whether he is or not. And you can control yawns if you have to – at least you don’t have to put your hand up to your mouth and make a big deal out of it. We’ve all stifled yawns when we’ve had to. TJ should too – it looks ridiculous.

    Kevin added so much more enjoyment to these performances.

    If Adam likes TJ as his accompanist – fine – I don’t have to like him.

  32. glambotgram says:

    I guess I am one of the few that is not bothered by Tommy yawning every once in a while. He loves his job, or he would not be there, but this has to be pretty boring at times for him. He is there to play guitar, has heard all the questions before. We think Adam must be tired of all the same questions, I imagine for Tommy it is worse. I think he is doing a great job playing, getting better all the time.

  33. Ellessay says:

    Kradamour says:
    03/25/2012 at 10:18 pm

    Okay, I am still really offended by the cleavage comment…and Adam being gay made it uniquely offensive to him, as well as to the women in the audience…still ahsking my head. WTF WTF WTF

    I was too, but wondered if he referred to the video of Adam signing someone’s “cleavage.” It was still pretty offensive, as you say.

  34. Ellessay says:

    ultimathule says:
    03/25/2012 at 10:20 pm
    Tired, Ellessay ? – he always looks tired. He was fine during GNT moving around the stage, but on these promos he just comes across as bored, slumped over in his chair, whether he is or not. And you can control yawns if you have to – at least you don’t have to put your hand up to your mouth and make a big deal out of it. We’ve all stifled yawns when we’ve had to. TJ should too – it looks ridiculous.

    Kevin added so much more enjoyment to these performances.

    If Adam likes TJ as his accompanist – fine – I don’t have to like him.

    I prefer Kevin for these promos. And I suppose TJ could be bored as well as tired. He doesn’t hide it well.

    I’m not a big TJ fan and was a bit disappointed that he wasn’t replaced for this era, but as you say, it’s up to Adam.

  35. nkd says:
  36. luval says:

    dcglam…it wasn’t necessarily that I heard Bruno, but in the back of my mind I can’t help but think this is a Bruno Mars song…which it is…and he’ll be asked about this collaboration all the frickin time.

  37. ultimathule says:

    If TJ’s bored, then he should get another job. All he has to do is show up and play the guitar. It’s Adam who has to sing, answer the questions, meet and greet, have his picture taken with hundreds of people, and be unfailingly pleasant. If anyone’s should be tired, it’s he.

    But that’s life – Adam wants him – he’s loyal – comfortable with TJ – thinks of him as a good friend undoubtedly.

    That’s it with me and any more about TJ – he’s annoyed me enough. All I care about is Adam – and as long as he’s OK with the situation, it’s OK with me. TJ can yawn his way through an entire performance now for all I care. Over.

  38. glambotgram says:

    luval I worry about him bringing it out for a promo now when it has been Cuckoo and Trespassing all along. I am afraid it is a sign it is going to be chosen next, and I really think it is the weakest of the 4 snippets.

  39. ultimathule says:

    That DJ was not impressive. He needed his eyebrows plucked – lol.

  40. cwm says:

    Here is a Soundcloud recording of Adam’s impromptu run at Katy Perry’s Part of Me.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the Bing Lounge will be posting the video recording of the livestream. The quality of that livestream was fantastic.

  41. nkd says:

    I like NCOE, but I would rather one of the other 3 be the next single. I don’t know which one, I can’t decide! I really do love everything I have heard from the album so far.

    To put my two cents in, I happen to like the sound of TJ’s guitar playing. Monte always seemed a little harsh, and I got sort of the same from Kevin, even though I think he is a superb musician.

  42. dcglam says:

    I can’t help but think this is a Bruno Mars song…which it is…and he’ll be asked about this collaboration all the frickin time.

    Bruno seems to be respected in the music industry for his talent, from what I’ve read and heard. I suppose I don’t see how this at all could be anything other than a positive situation for Adam. Yes, he will be asked about it, just like he was asked about working with Lady Gaga on Fever. I feel that was never an issue that was looked at negatively either. Of course, there is no way we can predict all of this now. Hoping for the best for Adam and Trespassing! Wink

  43. glambotgram says:

    I think if it is the next single it is just another sign that the record execs don’t trust his music to stand on it’s own, like he needs that other artist link, as a crutch.

  44. cwm says:

    I’m happy with whatever single they choose. I want them to pick the one they think will do best on the radio, which may or may not be the fan favorite.

  45. luval says:

    Glambotgram… Yes, on all the polls NCOE was always the lowest vote getter. Maybe he’s testing the waters once again to see if people will respond to it. Maybe RCA wanted him to do this too. After all it is a Bruno Mars song and would surely sell…hmmpf. I really hope it’s not the next single. But if it is, I want it to sell a million copies…for Adam.

  46. ultimathule says:

    NCOE is my least favorite. Like the album version better than this acoustic one even though Adam sang superbly.

    Wondering about the Bruno connection – good or bad? Tend to lean towards “bad.”

    My pic is Naked Love, but Adam can’t sing sex like a straight guy is allowed to do. Radio probably wouldn’t play him.

  47. cwm says:

    Keep in mind that Bruno Mars has written many songs that other artists sing. It’s not that unusual. He started out as a songwriter. For example, he wrote CeeLo’s F*ck You. I doubt that media people would make that big a deal out of it.

    And Adam didn’t write Naked Love either. He said that was written by Benny Blanco and the “Moves Like Jagger” team.

    I really think they should pick whatever they think will do best on the radio.

  48. luval says:

    Well we should know in the next few weeks what the next single is! Wouldn’t want to be the one making that choice. Good luck to whoever (or is it whomever) it may be. And good nite peeps!

    Whatever I may feel, Adam was amazing tonight!

  49. ultimathule says:

    Who does the picking, I wonder, and how do they decide? That’s the interesting part. Would love to be a fly on the wall on that decision – lol.

  50. cwm says:

    Awww, yay! Sauli was there!

    Arachnidkid: Omg. 4th row. Sauli. Hug. Amazing.

    Arachnidkid soooooo cute!! He was just watching him from behind the soundbooth

    Morgan_Dancer: I know he was smiling the whole time!!

    @Squirrely007: Aww. Now he knows Adam would save him over his boots.


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