- Velvet
- Vegas
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 06/28/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Pittsburgh, PA) 11/22/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Worcester, MA) 12/12/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Mashantucket, CT) 12/15/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (New York, NY) 12/16/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Indio, CA) 12/20/19
- LIVE: Adam Lambert (Los Angeles, CA) 12/21/19
- Original High
- Queen+AL
- Trespassing
- Chat
- AL’s Games
@cwm… just want to say sorry that you didn’t win the tickets to see Adam…You are such a great fan of his, I was really rooting for you….
First of all, I am very sorry to hear about your mom being back in the hospital. I am hoping that this is just a temporary setback, and that she will very soon return on that road of recovery. I know this is tough for you, Kradamour, so please also know that my heart and best wishes are right there with you.
And about that novel…..
You’ve got the talent, you’ve got the motivation, you’ve got the skilz, go for it!!! However, being that I am part of your motivating factor here, I totally expect to have your very first blockbuster novel inscribed to me.
This makes me so incredibly happy.
Thank you, my dear!!
cwm, where do I even begin???
In my eyes, you are the fan who deserved to be there.
Having made that comment, I am sure that something else bigger and better will be right around the corner for you. You are most worthy! I love your very positive post about the fact that things look good for Adam in Oregon. That is the bottom line for all of us. Hey, keep peeking around that corner….
This is important, so I brought it over from the previous page…
Speaking of voting…..
I voted, dcglam!!!
Don’t want to brag but I called it! Sauli would meet Adam this weekend & they’d go see The Hunger Games!!! (well, I guess anyone could have figured this out but it’s all about me!)
Awww, you all are so sweet. All of your kind and thoughtful comments are bringing tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. Really truly. Thank you for being such a loving group of people.
*wiping tears* Now waiting with bated breath for the live stream and subsequent videos, and I’ll just pretend I’m there in person.
twilightmagic8 – have a blast and represent us proudly!
Had a mini Adam moment at work today. This one doctor who knows my obsession mentioned his house was wild today with his new dog, kids running around, etc. Of course I said “you mean Cuckoo?”. Told him it’s a song on Adam’s new album coming out in a few weeks. So now whenever I see him he shouts out “Cuckoo”. I think he likes saying the word.
Chance to attend a Adam gig:
cwm, I share your pain. I couldn’t see Adam in Chicago, I tried, but, no luck.
Kradamour, sorry to hear about your mom, hoping she is on the mend soon.
And, kradamour,, wow, a novel. You can do it. You definitely have a way with words.
nkd, I am juicing every day, not fasting. I just can’t do it. But, juice is part of my plan, approved by my WW counselor. And, honey, kale is no longer on my ingredient list. It is awful. Makes everything taste BAD. And wastes good fruit and veggies.
My favorites are made with apples, carrots, pears, cucumbers, celery, ginger, beets, sweet potatoes, spinach, and romaine lettuce. Not all together, in combos.
And, I have broken up with bread and cheese. Not forever, but for now. Lean protein and big salads. ( Haha, yes, like Elaine, but George doesn’t buy mine for me!!)Five more pounds gone last week.
nkd, you can write me on the fansite for recipes. I’m no expert, but, it is working for me, and I really need something to work for me !!
Good morning all.. I’m back!
Bloody knackered, but a great weekend…
I’ve managed to keep up with the comments but I have so many links to watch.
luval, that story brought a really big smile!
Thank you all for the encouragement! I have always believed that I write well for expository writing, statements, explanations of things…but fiction??? quite the leap for me. I don’t consider myself at all creative. But I have seen the amazing things that Adam’s fans have been creating, many of them for the first time, and … well, decided to give it a try. Over the years, I have even bought books about writing (and haven’t read them lol) but never really felt that I could do it, and that it would be a lot of time wasted by the time that I realized it wasn’t going anywhere.
But that time is going to be spent doing something. It may as well be spent trying to accomplish a dream!
(And yes, nkd, I promise that there are sections that you will enjoy very much in the corner!)
(and no, btw, it isn’t fanfic!)
Oh and as far as MJ’s goes, I find it less and less pleasant. I have mixed feelings, it still is a good place for pop culture news about subjects and people I like, but, it is so snarky and immature. And it is tolerated.
I would never lower myself to post negatively about someone i don’t like in their dedicated thread. It is rude. To me, if I don’t like a certain Idol or celebrity, I don’t even go to their thread. It’s like sticking your head in a neighbor’s house and yelling out bad things!! What good does it serve?
It’s a sad commentary about some people that they feel that that kind of behavior is acceptable. And it is, because MJ allows it.
It’s like the bully getting away with it. So the victim goes to another school. And the bully wins.
At least our new school is warm and friendly. But, I find myself not liking MJ’s more and more. I do feel bad for you Oksana, you didn’t deserve it.
haha Kradamour…you took the words right out of my fingers!….fan fic???
The stream at the Bing has gone live. Just background sounds at this point. Adam is supposed to come on at 6:00 (30 mins from now).
Thank you,cwm. I’m on it while watching The Amazing Race waiting for The Amazing Adam!
Can hear Adam talking, although there’s no visual yet. He’s in the control room.
but you know, luval, that is what got me thinking this time. Someone said (in jest) that a line or two in my recap was verging on fanfic. The comment made me smile, that is pretty much what jogged me to think…fanfic? Or fiction of another genre? Well, maybe I can!
mils, the web is a bad place because it is so often anonymous. If peeps had to post under their real names, we would see a lot less bullying behaviour. Our newspaper here did just that – all comments posted to articles or letters must be posted under the real name of the poster. All of a sudden, civility (more or less) reigns!
That is NOT to say that I want to require real name posts; I would just as soon not be ‘outed’ as an Adam-tard in my real life. And luckily we have this nice and cozy place to share, where we play nicely even though we post under pseudonyms. But MJ’s is the equivalent of a masked ball…lots of things happen that an unmasked partier would never be seen doing. (or saying)
Like most of us, I came here from MJs. Until I found her site, I was totally alone in my fandom. I will always be grateful that her site led me to so many of the wonderful peeps here.
Adam said he had a great day today! Wonder if Sauli is still with him?
Can hear him sound checking now. This is fun to listen to.
Ooh – Never Close Our Eyes!! OMG it’s beautiful!
omg he sounds great!!!!!!!!!!!! Never Close Our Eyes!!!!on now!!!!live!!!!!!!!
Still hope it’s not the next single…too much Bruno Mars.
omg omg again…he sounds soooooo great!!!!!! oops sound off now
Probably turned off on purpose. Too much before the actual show. Do we have to refresh in a bit, cwm?
OMG his voice on NCOE soundcheck was out of this world!! Damn that they turned it off!
Well, I hope this means that it’s on the list to be performed tonight.
God, wouldn’t that be great if he performs BTIKM, Cuckoo, Trespassing, NCOE, and Naked Love tonight? Is that too much to ask??
Here’s a pic from soundcheck. Blue shirt, black vest.
@cwm…I’m wishing for the same thing as you…
ha that shirt with the black vest. He loves them! I would love to hear Naked Love. Then if he does all of them he can hand out a survey so people can check which one they like the best! Continuing his market research!
Here’s the soundcheck of NCOE – already on Soundcloud!
Well 24 hours later, it now has ~803,000 views = 7,000 views!! A few more than 3,000!!
For those who enjoyed the Amazon Trespassing, here’s the trimmed MP3.
Was waitin’ to hear from ya, AL!!! You were correct!!!!
Well, it’s 9pm edt…where’s the livestream?
Adam is late as usual LOL
IKR? The comments on the right side scrolling bar are hilarious — keeping me entertained for sure!
Adam will be late as usual…wrrrrr
cwm…ditto!!! So far looks like it will be a great picture.
Sound and video are on now. They’re seating people. Looks like a great view, fantastic sound.
There is a radio station on for the audio … any idea how I shut that down?
Standing room only!
If they are just getting seated now, it will be 10 PM EST when Adam comes on.
Krad, I’m using this link and don’t have any radio or twitter comments.
Kradamour I don’t hear the radio except very softly in the background. Did you use cwm’s link above?
use her link at 8:28
Looks as if they are having issues seating people.
NVM it is good now. Just like old times…waiting, hoping it will be a good stream…(eye roll)…looks like lots of logistical issues…wonder how many peeps are there?
Peeps standing in the stairwell….
Sounds like the GNT in DC!!
Hi, dcglam! So happy to share another promo with you!
Krad….This one seems to be off to a crazy start — so many peeps. Ours was so perfect and EASY!!
I’m here and watching!
It looks like a big deal promo show.
http://www.alphabroadcasting.com/02/16/11/What-Is-The-Bing-Lounge/lounge_landing.html?blockID=411950&feedID=8848 view from stage
Seems like it seats about 90 people and it’s standing room only!
Hi, nkd!
Such a nice little smile from Tommy.
WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! — Absolutely LOVING NCOE!! Adamazing!!

What is wrong with these peeps??? WWFM and not one of the new ones??????
LOL! My thoughts as well…..